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Log Horizon Vraag

How did u discover "Log Horizon"?

 Gwiazdeczka posted een jaar geleden
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Log Horizon Antwoorden

Mangagirl123 said:
i watch pretty much all my anime on so if something is marked with episode 1, i look it up and if it seems interesting i watch it. which is y i watch log horizon
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panisepic said:
crunchyroll zei it was streaming it, looked interesting and the rest is history.
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Kickernyc said:
My friend kept pestering me to watch it, so I did.
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MegamiChan said:
my auntie told me that it's awesome ..
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AngelOfAnime13 said:
I was waiting for the new Naruto Shippuden episode and while I did that I saw on Crunchyroll a new anime that was called, of course, Log Horizon :D
And I thought, Why not? looks nice :3
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ZombieKitten22 said:
I have this habit of checking out new animes and makes this possible because they are well organized. I clicked on the titel read its beschrijving watched the first episode and liked it enough to keep going and then I just got really into it.
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