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posted by LoveDraco123
I have the goofiest, craziest vrienden in the world. The kind who make u laugh until your stomach hurts. I have vrienden who just make me laugh to cheer me up without asking about what's wrong. They understand that sometimes, I don't need to talk about it. I have vrienden who listen to me patiently, share my sorrow so I feel lighter. And there's that friend who would do ANYTHING at all to cheer me up- whether it's dressing up as a clown in front of everyone in the school. That friend who figures out that something's wrong within a minuut and keeps asking me until I tell him.

Yo, F, listen man... I know sometimes I'm a teef to you. I got so caught up in my boyfriend that I forgot about you. I grew distant and only talked to u when I had a problem and needed u to cheer me up. I know I've been a heartless, disgusting friend to you, but I swear that I love you. u are like a brother to be. You're practically family. I can't see u upset, to be perfectly honest. I look at u in school and like it when you're laughing. When u have a sad look on your face, I just have this urge to hug u and say that everything's going to be okay. When your other vrienden treat u like crap, I feel like kicking their asses because how can anyone treat someone as sweet and pure as u like garbage? We have such crazy moments. xD Making fun of our teachers all dag on MSN, and sneaking into class when the teacher's not looking. Writing rap together and arguing, "No, mine is better." It's rare that a boy and a girl can be this close and be just vrienden and nothing else. You're really special to me. When I'm upset, u don't take a seconde to hesitate in asking me what's wrong. I find it pretty amazing that u can tell how I'm upset door my "Hello." And you'd do anything to cheer me up. u spend hours and hours and hours and u don't give up until u are SURE that there is a smile on my face. I love u for being there for me when no one else was. u really are one of a kind. And trust me, if someone doesn't see that- to hell with them. You're amazing.

S, you've been my friend for almost six years now. When I moved here, u were the first girl who was genuinely nice to me. And since then, we've hardly ever had a fight with each other. We get along so well... u know everything about me, and I know almost everything about you. We can share anything with each other without being shy. u are there for me when I'm upset and broken. u give me sisterly advice and try to make things right... we laugh with each other all the time. It seems like u really understand me. You're never selfish of greedy, to be honest... you're always there to listen to me. Always there to share my sorrows. I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, but... you're one of the most important people in my life. :)

Q, sometimes you're a bitch, but I love you. u care meer about looks than studies and anything else, and sometimes u can be shallow but u are one of the most compassionate, sincere and loving people I know. u make jokes about everything. When I'm feeling upset, u make fun of the other person so I smile. When u get angry at me, u walk away and when I crack a joke, u can't help but smile. We hug and make up within two minutes! On the outside, our friendship might not look close and ever-lasting, but inside, both of us know that we love the other. :)

I don't know what I'd do without u guys. u make life fun and interesting. u bring out the true colors of me. :)
added by chawrash
added by melikhan
posted by milorox18
A True Boyfriend:

When she walks away from u mad, follow her

When she stare's at your mouth, Kiss her

When she pushes u of hit's you, Grab her and dont let go

When she start's cussing at you, Kiss her and tell her u love her

When she's quiet, Ask her what's wrong

When she ignore's you, Give her your attention

When she pull's away, Pull her back

When u see her at her worst, Tell her she's beautiful

When u see her start crying, Just hold her and dont say a word

When u see her walking, Sneak up and hug her waist from behind

When she's scared, Protect her

When she lay's her head on your shoulder,...
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added by sunrise_90
added by karlyluvsam
door Mmazrocks13
added by elisa25
added by Tamar20
added by kuuipo_0116
added by melikhan
1. Arabic: Ana Behibak (To A Male)
Ana Behibek (To A Female)
2. Bolivian: Quechua Qanta Munani
3. Bulgarian: Obicham Te
4. Burmese: Chit Pa De
5. Cambodian: Bon Sro Lanh Oon
6. Croatian: Ljubim Te
7. Czech: Miluji Te
8. Danish: Jeg Elsker Dig
9. Dutch: Ik Hou busje, van Jou
10. Ecuador: Quechua Canda Munani
11. Estonian: Mina Armastan Sind
12. Filipino: Mahal Ka Ta
13. Finnish: Mina Rakastan Sinua
14. French: Je T’aime
15. German: Ich Liebe Dich
16. Greek: S’ Agapo
17. Hawaiian: Aloha
18. Hebrew: Ani Ohev Otach (to Female)
Anh Ye’U Em (to Woman)
19. Hindi: Mai tumse Pyar karta hoon (to Female)
Mai tumse Pyar...
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added by Andressa_Weld
added by tanyya
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: tumblr
added by r-pattz
Source: tumblr, where else?