Lt.Horatio Caine Club
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Ten
After getting in the car with the cop, it was clear that we were not going back to the orphanage. We were headed somewhere else. Some part of town that was probably not a good place to be in. I looked over at Lola who was still sulking in her spot. She had not even noticed where we were headed.
"Lola," I whispered, "where are we going?"
"What in the world," she zei as she looked out the window, "where are we going?"
"Ahh, now u too speak up," the 'cop' laughed, "the where abouts is a secret but we are meeting some people that u will know, Lola!"
"Who," she asked confused.
"Some guys that are on the inside because of your friend Horatio," the guy said.
"Well, what does that have to do with her," I asked confused, "I know they are friends; but what does that matter?"
"We will hurt him where it hurts him the most," the guy zei serious.
I looked over at Lola frighten. She glanced at me and then started throwing punched and kicking the plexiglas that was separating us from this so-called cop.
"Kick and scream as long as u want! This side of town is practically deserted," he laughed.
"Why are u doing this," I asked curiously, "you are going lose everything!"
"I do not care," he stated, "Horatio has some of my best vrienden and even one of my brothers!"
"Uh oh," Lola mumbled under her breath.
"What," I whispered.
"I sort of, kind of, had helped with that one," she whispered back.
"Oh," I zei completely shocked, "this is not good!"
"Our ankle bracelets," she mumbled to herself, "that will allow Horatio track us! He should be here soon!"
"Are u sure," I asked.
"Positive; we have to run when we get the chance, she whispered almost to low for me to hear, "this is going to he ugly!"
I could almost hear and see the fear that she had. But she quickly covered it up.
"No joke," I said.
"If only one if us makes it out, we have to go straight to Horatio! No matter what," Lola zei seriously.
"Hey, u two need to stop whispering," the so-called cop demanded.
"Make us," Lola whispered to him in laughter.
I do not know what it was about Lola but every time something like this happened, she would all way turn sarcastic. I guess it was her way of trying to toon no fear.
"Can it, u little brat," he said.
"That is the best u could do," I asked laughing, "so she is a brat?"
"You two do realize that I am a cop and that means I have a gun," he said, "I can easily shoot u two and make it look as if u two were running away!"
Well, that shut us up quickly.
How did I get into all this trouble? I mean before I can to that orphanage I was not in that much trouble but ever since I met Lola, I have been in a heap of trouble. It is like I cannot get away from it. Every where I turn, it is right in front of me.
The guy had stopped the cop car in a dark ally and there were several men standing around the car. I look over at Lola who was staring straight at each of them.
"What are u doing," I asked curiously.
"It is nothing, I will tell u later," she mumbled.
"Umm, hopefully," I said.
"Get out," a guy demanded.
"It is Jeremy, right," Lola zei as she stepped out.
"Ahh, so u do remember me," he zei a little in disbelief, "you were so u young and look at u now. Almost a women."
"Am not," she spat out as someone started binding her hands behind her back.
This whole running back to Horatio plan was working out well.
"Boy, get out that car," the Jeremy guy demanded as I did as he said, "is this your boyfriend?"
"No," we both zei quickly, "best friends!"
"Sure, I getcha'! vrienden with benefits," someone zei as he hit me on the back, "lucky boy!"
"Ewe, it is nothing like that," Lola spat out in disgust.
Someone grabbed me and started tying my hands behind my back. I noticed that one of the guys had opened some kind of underground tunnel. One guy jumped down in there and they pushed Lola down in there. I really did not want to be pushed in. To be honest, I did not want to go down in there at all. But I had to, they had pointed a gun at my head. So I started walking. I jumped down in there and two of men caught me. Lola was no where in sight. This really worried me. Had she run off? What happened if she got lost? Would I ever see her again after this?
Someone pulled me out of my thoughts as they pushed me through the unfamiliar tunnels. We went down a lot; we took turn after turn in these tunnels. I was confused at where I was at. Someone had taken duct tape and stuck it across my mouth! Then a dark hoofdkussen, kussen case came over my head. It felt as if someone start tying something of was duct taping the thing around my neck. It was an odd feeling. I felt as if I was choking a little bit.
So this was it. This was my life was going to end. I was going to die in these underground tunnels. No one would ever find me. I had hoped that Lola escaped and had made it away from here. I really hoped that she was safe; safer than me at least!

I was dozing in and out of sleep. I was pretty tired. All this drama that has been happening these past couple of days is starting to catch up to me. I was hungry and it was getting really cold down here. I was guessing it was getting close to dark outside. But it does not really matter if I get cold. Maybe it I will make me numb where I cannot feel anything.
I was so worried about Lola. She can get herself into a heap of trouble and I am not there to help her get out of it. Hopefully, if she is down here, that she is a lot better than me.
I heard footsteps coming towards me. It was probably one of those guys coming to check to see if I had escaped yet.
"Kyle, are u okay," a familiar voice said.
I looked to where the sounds were coming from but it did not do any good because of this dark sack over my head.
"It is Horatio," he zei as I felt him untying me, "where is Lola?"
I just shrugged my shoulders since I was unable to speak. He pulled the sack off my head and ripped the tape off my face.
"Man, am I glad to see you," I sighed in relief, "I have no idea where Lola is at down here! They took her somewhere before I got down here.
"Okay, we need to find her quickly; it is no telling what is going to happen to her," he stated.
Horatio finished untying my arms and we started walling throughout the tunnels, in zoek of Lola.
"What happen," He asked as he broke the silence.
"This so-called cop took us to an ally above these tunnels on this sketchy side of town and then they shoved us in these tunnels," I said, "they took Lola off before I even got down in here!"
"We will find her," Horatio said, "if they left your ankle bracelet on then they meer than likely left hers on too!"
"That is good," I stated.
We walked meer in silence, listening to see if we could hear those men of Lola. I and surprised that we have not heard any screaming echoing through these tunnels.
As we rounded one of the corners someone was hanging from the top, boven of the tunnel ceilings door their neck. It was an old and rusty chain that was around their neck. They were barely touching the ground. It was Lola, it was her clothing! Lola looked as if she was drifting in and out of consciousness. Her air flow was probably being cut off. She was on her tiptoes; every time she was unconscious she would go limp, and then jerk back up to her tiptoes. I acted quickly as I went over there and started held her up so she could try and breathe a little bit better. She started squirming as Horatio and I tried to help her.
"Lola, u are okay," I said, "it is Horatio and I!"
Horatio had ripped the bag off her face and she looked bad. Next, we tried to get the chain off of her neck. Thankfully, they had not been to smart and had just looped it around! So it was a little bit easier to get her down. I laid Lola on the ground as Horatio called in for backup and for an ambulance. I kept her neck straight. She was all here which worried me a lot. I would give anything right now for this not to be her! Why could this have not happened to me?!
added by JonTogoGirl87
csi miami
horatio caine
added by JonTogoGirl87
csi miami
horatio caine
added by blackparade
csi miami
horatio caine
A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Ten
After getting in the car with the cop, it was clear that we were not going back to the orphanage. We were headed somewhere else. Some part of town that was probably not a good place to be in. I looked over at Lola who was still sulking in her spot. She had not even noticed where we were headed.
"Lola," I whispered, "where are we going?"
"What in the world," she zei as she looked out the window, "where are we going?"
"Ahh, now u too speak up," the 'cop' laughed, "the where abouts is a secret but we are meeting some people that u will know, Lola!"
continue reading...
A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Nine
Juvenile detention was so boring. I had nothing to with Lola being gone. I mean usually we would just sit and hang out. But now that she was at hospital there was not much to do. I did not know any of the other kids around here. Most of them looked like freaks anyways.
After the incident I came back here to the juvenile detention. But I stayed over night then I had to go talk to Horatio.
I sat in one of the glass rooms in Horatio's building. Did he have bad news about Lola? Was Lola getting out and was I going to have to stay in longer? of would it be...
continue reading...
Horatio wanted to talk to Lola and I at the same time.
"What' up," I asked curiously.
"We want to catch the rest of the men who were on that bus," he stated.
"You wants to use us as bait," Lola zei is disbelief.
"Of course u Lola. u know where they are at and what they have been up to," Horatio said, "Besides, u are getting time off from juvenile detention. And Kyle, if u help out; I am all most certain I can get some time taken' off of your sentence."
"But why me, sir," I asked confused.
"Because Lola will go out of her way to make sure those men get caught and get a lot meer time,"...
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I sat here in one of the glass the rooms with a cop. We were just sitting here silently. Horatio was off to do something. Why on earth would that guy take Lola. I mean she is probably annoying the heck out of them!
"Kyle, come with me," Horatio zei as he stuck his head into the room.
I got up and followed him to his hummer.
"Get in," he demanded as I got in quickly.
He opened his door and noticed a piece of paper sitting in his seat.
"What's that," I asked curiously.
"I have no idea," he zei as he got out and looked around, "it's a note... from Lola!"
"What," I asked shocked.
"Yeah, but here...
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Kyle's POV
I did not understand why I was being sent away from my mom. She was the only family I have and will ever have. All I knew is that I was being sent to some foster care place. I was going to live with other kids; but some how that did not help the situation. It all sounded dumb to me anyways. I did not want to be here. Not at all.
"Hi Kyle," someone zei as they came up to me, "I am taking u to your foster home. Everything is going to be fine, there is nothing to worry about."
I gave him the dumbest look and followed him. I had already tried getting out of this but they have seen...
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