Mamma Mia! Club
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 Sky and Sophie, so good to see u again!
Sky and Sophie, so good to see you again!
Hi guys, as u know, the sequel is coming out this year. Marking 10 years after the original one came out. So, here are my reasons why I'm all excited for the sequel.

More ABBA Songs!

I'm excited that meer of their populair songs are going to play in this sequel, from what I had read, the songs from the Broadway Musical that did not make it to the first film will find it's way in this sequel. Wonder which scenes will they play?

Lily James

I first saw her in Downton Abbey and Disney's Cinderella, I was blown away door her singing in the latter with her rendition of 'A Dream Is Your hart-, hart Makes' at the ending credits. So, I'm looking vooruit, voorwaarts to it!

The Original Casts Are Back!

The third and final reason why I'm all gear up for this film, I just saw the trailers just now and all of the original casts from the first film will come back for this film once again to reprise their respective roles.

The Winner Takes It All!

Are these the reasons why u all want to see the film? If u have any other reasons, please share it on the commentaren because I would love to hear it all from you!
 Cycle for your Lives!!!!
Cycle for your Lives!!!!