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I feel like everyone has those manga that u wish were anime as well so u could enjoy it in another format. I'm no different so here are some manga that I love and would love if they were gegeven an anime adaptation (even though I know it's basically most likely that it won't... ever....happen.......)

warning:mostly me rambling

kasteel of dreams

The manga is meer of a collection of short stories and I feel like this could be an episodic OVA series. The actual book starts of with three stories about a magician who will grant any wish, "be it for evil of good" and allows people to see their wish all the way through before seeing if their problem couldn't be solved another way (MR I'M NEUTRAL BUT IF u WANT u CAN TAKE YOUR WISH BACK XD). The stories are sweet and I think that making it longer would be fun. Of the other stories I only really want the last one adapted into an OVA, it's a really romantic story about two children trying to survive in the era of coal and steam.

Utahime: the songstress

This manga could be a movie. It's a completed story that fits into a mega volume about a land protected door songstresses whose 24 uur singing keeps away danger. One things that has always been true is that the ones with the songstresses voice is female. Then twins are born and the one who got the voice was the male twin. There's also this really cool short story at the end of the manga about experimental deities that would make a lovely OVA.

V.B rose

A shoujo manga about some quietly eccentric characters who live in the wonderful world of wedding dresses with absolutely beautiful drawings which I really want to see animated. I don't really know how well the beautiful designs would translate but I'd sure love to see someone try. Also one of my favoriete manga characters needs to be on the screen :D

Tears of a lamb

This is a meer earthy story door the same auteur of VB but about a girl looking for a ring in the apartment of a boy who just doesn't understand why it matters so much. it's a bittersweet little calm series. and i LOVE the art and need to see it in anime format. I am also ready with tissues.

Alive: the final evolution

This actually WAS going to be an anime but for some reason never got past the storyboard point of the test. One dag there were mass suicides in the world due to a call awoken in people to die for some reason. Those who resisted this urge found out they now had super powers. The main character was affected as well as his best vrienden who used the power to kill the bullies who were always bothering him and later escapes custody of the police with the help of other powered people who want to use their newfound powers to change the world. Time to go after him I guess.


Arisa is a compilation of all those stories about creepy AF classrooms with a mystery that is actually nice to try and solve. Centered around the relationship of twins who don't see each other often due to their parents being divorced they think at least their relationship is secure... until Arisa decides to attempt suicide. Confused her twin goes undercover to see what exactly was wrong with what she had assumed was her sister's happy perfect life.

Oresama teacher

Did u like Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki kun? Well the auteur has two other series that are also amazing! One being Oresama teacher....
It has all of the author's amazing humor and odd characters while being having meer of a plot to follow and actually tonen the author's ability to make drama. Featuring a former gang boss trying to verplaats on and make normal vrienden at her new school but turns out her teacher has meer of a nose for trouble than she does. I love this series and hope it gets the attention it deserves

Dawn of arcana

Them red haired princesses huh? Yona and Snow white? Why not add the red haired princess dealing with discrimination due to a hair colored privileged society and outcasting a group of people who are part animal? The world never has enough power anime and the story deals so well with the heartbreak of her loyalties being shifted. Why not see an anime about a girl using her powers to change this world she lives in? Just why not? Bring in the red haired princess named Nakaba.

Alice in the country of hearts

This is a reverese harem based on *drum roll* alice in wonderland >:D didn't see that coming did you? One that me and my brother were shocked to learn was a RH (though to be fair we're really dense), the characters have a lot of charm and there's something genuinely fascinating about how their wonderland is set up and affects them, and we were on the edge of our seats wondering about the mystery about why Alice was chosen.... only to get no answer !!! oh well! Maybe an anime adaptation to bring the series to a satisfactory conclusion? (I know this has an anime film adaptation but that isn't what i mean when i want the manga adapted)

Karakuri Odette

From the same auteur of Kamisama kiss i confess i enjoyed this series much more. I just have a hart-, hart for small stories (not too small i've seen slice of life that bore the living daylights out of me). The story of the robot learning to be human isn't a new concept but I love how Juliet straddles the perfect line of stupidly selfish and naively kind as she learns new things. i find the series really calming in its simplicity.

Narration of love at 17

This series is a basic love story. Girl falls for best friend but never ends up telling him and seeing him instead fall for someone else. The draw however comes from how the manga is almost an analysis on emotion. How this manga (or mahnwa idk) approaches the turmoil the main is going through is so methodical and relatable. There's a such a difference between how she can logically think out how she obviously feels and how it comes out so emotionally disconnected from all the variables she had already considered. It's just such clear and relatable emotion that i love reading this series and would love to see an anime with a similar feel. of heck ADAPT THIS ONE.

Sakura Hime: Legend of the princess sakura

Arina Tenamura is always on the spectrum for me but this one seems the most well balanced. In terms of conceptual world building to backstory/emotional build up to pay off of characters personal arcs. Historical magical warrior and all the drama and action and emotion. The end is still a touch rushed but the meer focused of all her series. And for once I'd like to see a series of hers that's a little meer faithful to the bron material while only touching here and there to fix things that need fixing (cough cough Full moon).

Moon boy

This manwa is one of the best things I've seen in juggling motivations, both the opposing faction, the people the narrative follows and even the feelings of characters who usually don't get a say of agency on what is happening around them, characters like Yuu da who live in a world of vos, fox eats rabbit while being the most valuable rabbit around having two sides war over him while also having his own agenda in an attempt to actually have some control over his life, Yuu da isn't the main character per se but the fact that the auteur fleshed him out impressed me since he's essentially a character who really wouldn't get development. But he does and it's interesting to bounce around from character to character to see they each have an independent desire and focus other than to verplaats the plot forward.

Genjuu no seiza

This series is kind of a mess and i say that with affection. A kid who discovers he's actually the heir of some shut off country but really doesn't want anything to do with it. Too bad his psychic powers and guardians keep getting in the way of him living a normal life! I have a lot of love for this series with it's cranky main and royalty and slice of lifish and humor.

Kitchen princess

I just have a soft spot for this manga. cooking, some classic shoujo tropes on romance, and a bright and positive spirit. A very sweet romance manga that happens to have easy to follow recipes on the back pages :P

Magic touch

Also from the auteur of Gekkan shoujo nozaki kun, the first work to be exact on a really out there subject, the glamour of the world of !!!! MASSAGE!!! the first volume is kinda thick with old school drama (and i mean woah) building but as it goes on incorporates a lot of the humor that makes the auteur a little meer recognizable while still featuring a couple who loves each other and get together fairly early in the series. The drama may seem heavy handed at first but then really easily melts into the rest of the feel of the series and makes for some touching moments. IDK i just really want it on my screen.


A girl being haunted/protected door a guardian spirit of the same name. i like it, kinda old school love driehoek but is kinda fresh in the dark atmosphere and a bittersweet ending.

Tokyo mew mew a la mode

I think that an anime adaptation would help smooth out the problems with the manga and I would just really like to see Mew Berry and Tasuku's romance (I think they're cute). i'm also a huge mew mew fan so bwahahaha i'm stuck wanting more.


I feel like the first volume is so blunt in the message it's going for, total honesty isn't the best policy and lies aren't always bad, which worried me at first because i didn't really want to hear another manga ragging on honest people, something that has become a bit too popular, but as it goes on it actually has some in depth vragen about the nature of honesty and is an amazing shounen. In some ways that makes me understand a pilot/first book. While it might feel a bit on the nose with what it's going to be about they don't keep it that simple constantly throwing in variables and people who either have opposite beliefs of only accept part of a motto. Without entirely condemning of compromising the entire team we follow doesn't have matching belief systems when it comes to the nature of honesty. which is interesting. (to be fair i haven't been able to read this one to the end due to le sigh lacking funds but 1-6 is really good)

Musashi #9

Super spies!!! honestly i need meer spy anime and i adore this one so why noooooot? and it's a lady spy? who goes out and takes names and is generally awesome. love the art style and would love to see it animated.


Solid shounen with concept involving time issues and psychic powers, and an amazing cast, including one of my favoriete female leads in shounen manga. Also something that has a focus from beginning to end and don't need your fillers (i look at my fave shounens with love but absolute strictness)


Otomen follows a Azusa, a boy who is the epitome of manliness to everyone who knows him, but that just means they don't really know him for u see he is someone who loves traditionally "girly" things. cooking, sewing, stuffed animals, cute beads and sweets, flowers, everything traditionally feminine has been forbidden to him door his mother who fears he'll turn out his father who left them to have an operation to become a woman. But when he gets a crush on a girl named Ryo he finds it harder to hide who he really is.

Naoki Urusawa's x Tezuka's Pluto

From the mastermind behind Monster comes a new look at Astro boy seen though an investigation door a robot cop that seems shrouded door one word "PLUTO". The manga has such interesting conversation and is dripping with the same smart writing and suspense that monster did while still exploring something different. Seems like a crime not to animate it.

Nightmare Inspector

It's one of my favoriete manga so yes it stands to reason I would love to see this animated, the dark tone, the snarky main character, the haunting dreams, I feel that seeing the nightmares and adding sound would be amazing. I feel like the pacing for the ending could be fixed and far would it be for me to complain if there were meer nightmares to eat >:D.

and there u have it!

Any manga your dying to see animated?
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Source: Drawn door Yuto Suzuki
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Source: Drawn door Yuto Suzuki
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