Master tijgerin, die tigerin Club
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1.In the secrets of the furious five :

As a child, tijgerin, die tigerin was an orphan living in the Bao Gu Orphanage, presumably located in the Valley of Peace. Currently, no one knows about her biological parents of how she ended up in the Bao Gu Orphanage. The residents of the orphanage lived in fear of her due to her violent temper and frightening strength. Unsure of what could be done with the tiger cub, the caretakers of the orphanage put tijgerin, die tigerin in a separate room from the other children, and summoned the aid of Master Shifu.

Hearing about the trouble at the orphanage, Shifu came to help Tigress. He introduced her to a game of dominoes, which required a still and disciplined hand to master. At first, tijgerin, die tigerin couldn't place the dominoes correctly, often breaking the fragile wooden tiles in her grip, which frustrated her. But Shifu was a calm and patient teacher, and instructed her for several months to control her temper and her strength, teaching her the importance of discipline.

Finally, after months of training, tijgerin, die tigerin presented her hard work to the adults and other children of the orphanage door skillfully placing the dominoes correctly with precision and agility; when she finished, she tipped the placed dominoes to form the symbol of Yin and Yang, earning the trust and friendship of the caretakers and other orphans.

Sadly, even then, the adults who came periodically to adopt new children were still afraid of her, and she was still left at the orphanage. So Shifu took her in as a daughter, giving tijgerin, die tigerin a new home pagina and a family.

2.In Kung Fu Panda

Even in her new home, however, tijgerin, die tigerin still felt unaccepted due to Master Shifu's closed and often stern personality, caused when his former student Tai Lung went on a violent rampage himself after being denied the titel of Dragon Warrior. Striving to gain his approval and love, she bettered herself at Kung Fu and became a strong and dedicated student. One of the many ways of training she endured was punching the Iron-wood trees outside the Jade Palace, thus allowing her to feel no pain.

Over time, she was joined door four other students: Monkey, Mantis, Crane, and Viper, and the group collectively became known as the Furious Five. tijgerin, die tigerin became a Master in the Tiger style of Hung Ga Kung Fu, and as the unofficial leader of the Furious Five, she and her comrades gained great fame across China with their many accomplishments in battle.


Master tijgerin, die tigerin is the strongest and boldest of the Furious Five. She is noted to have the typical qualities of a hero: overachieving, brave, fearless, and willing to do anything to save the day. The one exception to her willingness, however, was believe in Po, whom she thought was a joke. But even the strongest can be wrong, and tijgerin, die tigerin learned that destiny sometimes arrives in unexpected ways. Since the events of the first film, she has been unwaveringly loyal to Po and what he represents as the Dragon Warrior. But underneath her stoic, iron-jawed exterior is a warm compassion that others seldom see.

She is generally friendly, but the least sociable of the Five. In many scenes of the first film in which the other four of the Furious Five and/or Po were joking of having fun, tijgerin, die tigerin would often remain quiet and withdrawn. At the time, it was strongly believed, door Shifu and herself, that Oogway was about to choose her as the Dragon Warrior before Po's entrance, despite Oogway's statements. As a result, tijgerin, die tigerin bitterly resented Po for thwarting her dream, and was the most vocal of the Five in her contempt for the panda and his perceived lack of respect for Kung Fu, even while her comrades grew to respect him, perhaps still believing she was the Dragon Warrior.

hen she was a young cub, tijgerin, die tigerin had trouble controlling her violent temper. Master Shifu had helped teach her how to control this temper since then, but she still occasionally loses control. This is shown during the first film while she was telling Po about Shifu's past with Tai Lung and herself. She had mistaken Po's sudden facial expression into thinking that he was making fun of her. She reacted door pulling back her paw, having every intention on scratching him. Mantis stopped her before she could do so, confessing that he accidentally hit his facial Nerf with acupuncture needles

However, despite all natural sides of Tigress, she does possess a "soft side", particularly towards children in some instances. This is shown near the end of the first film where she politely helped some young villagers evacuate the Valley, and in Kung Fu Panda Holiday, where tijgerin, die tigerin playfully helped to feed a young toddler piglet during the Winter Feast. tijgerin, die tigerin appears to have sustained a meer calm and content attitude since the events of the first film, and in the holiday special she is seen to behave in a kinder and friendlier way, as demonstrated when she and rest of the Five help Po with his difficulties in preparing for the Winter Feast.

4.Fighting Style

The traditional Tiger fighting style is powerful, strong, firm, and aggressive — and adding a bit of Wushu-like acrobatic flair to the mix, tijgerin, die tigerin is a warrior to be feared and admired. She strikes directly without hesitation, utilizing speed, agility and power to shatter opponents' defenses. Like the traditional tiger fighter, tijgerin, die tigerin stays close to the ground; she is agile, acrobatic and elegant, fighting honorably and never using her claws, unlike Tai Lung.[5] She occasionally may toon them to intimidate foes, but never uses them lethally.

In her past twenty years of dedicated training, tijgerin, die tigerin has enhanced these skills enough to enable herself into learning new techniques and abilities. One of Tigress' famous moves, for example, is the "Tahlia Leap", which she uses against Tai Lung in the first film and in Kung Fu Panda Holiday to help Po with place settings for the formal Winter Feast dinner. Similarly, she is also able to accurately catch brand arrows and hold them without burning herself. She also continues to build her strength, possessing enough at one point to be able to catch and hold Po in midair with ease, despite the panda's weight.


Master Tigress' outfit consists of basic clothing most students would wear to practice the art of Kung Fu in. Unlike the other Furious Five, however, tijgerin, die tigerin is the only member to wear a shirt: a traditional red Chinese vest with goud bamboo patterns held together with small metal chains that look like tiny nunchucks. She also wears black sweatpants as well as open-toed shoes.

added by dar145
Source: master tijgerin, die tigerin
added by Tigressfan10689
added by Tigressfan10689
added by dar145
Source: tijgerin, die tigerin
added by dar145
Source: master tijgerin, die tigerin
added by dar145
Source: master tijgerin, die tigerin
added by Tigressfan10689
added by Tigressfan10689
added by Tigressfan10689
added by dar145
Source: master tijgerin, die tigerin
added by Tigressfan10689
tijgerin, die tigerin
kung fu panda
adder, viper
legends of awesomeness
tijgerin, die tigerin
kung fu panda
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