Michael Jackson Club
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Have u seen the recording of the live performance of u Are Not Alone door Michael Jackson during the HIStory Tour in Munich 1997? If u care for Michael Jackson u probably have. (Otherwise, u can find it on YouTube.) There is this girl with the Teddy beer who’s screaming her lungs out when the song starts. Suddenly, a man pulls her out of the crowd and they both run up to the stage. And there she literally jumps at Michael. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him close. She’s crying, screaming (we can’t hear her because it’s a playback). Then she falls to her knees and hugs...
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posted by Whisperoflove7
It was nearly 1am on a cold November night and the startbaan, start-en landingsbaan at Luton airport was deserted. A private Jet just landed and taxied to a secluded spot near the perimeter fence. Two rented minibuses, their windows blocked out with white sheets, drove to the tail section where a narrow stairway was being lowered. Driving the first busje, van was bodygaurd Steve Tarling with one thing on his mind- to get Michael Jackson off the jet as quickly and as secretly as possible. Custom and Immigration officers boared the plane to check documents and Steve moved in. Nothing could have prepared him for the shock of...
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posted by mj_yana_girl
The simple answer:
The trademark armband that Michael Jackson wears is a symbol of the suffering of children around the world.

Most of his outfits over the past 20 years have featured an armband tied around his right around halfway between the shoulder and the elbow.

1) Most online dictionaries define an armband as: A band worn around the upper arm, often as identification of as a symbol of mourning of protest. A subset of this symbolism is often an element of memorializing innocent victims.

2) Armbands are recognized around the world as a sign of safety and help. they’re commonly worn...
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 Nefertiti's sparing outfit
Nefertiti's sparing outfit
The volgende early morning,in the kingdom of Kush,Nefertiti was sparing with her friend,Meret while talking about last night ''How was it?'' Meret zei while blocked Nefertiti's hit with her sheild as she thrust her sword vooruit, voorwaarts ''Was what?'' Nefertiti wanted to know as she dodged Meret's sword as she lunged her sword back at Meret ''The ball.'' Meret answered as she spun back and blocked Nefertiti's hit with her sword as they both forced eachother's sword against eachother ''Oh,great'' Nefertiti grunted as she tried to take Meret sword out her hands with her sword ''Was he gorgeous? The pharaoh?''...
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Diane then did as told and made her way slowly but surely onset. Once she got there she once again got nothing but mean looks from everyone, all except michael. Diane ignored the dirty looks and went on about her business. Diane was just about finsihed fixing the camera when she felt a light tape on her shoulder. "Hey....can we talk?" the voice asked. Diane turned around to see michael. She couldnt believe after all thats happened that he actually wanted to talk to her. "Um..yea sure...just let me finish with this camera im almost done." Diane said. "Okay well when your done meet me in the...
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Joe Jackson is now revealing why he put a $500 million price tag on his wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray. His theory -- "The meer u go, the less u get ... so I went high."

During Joe's interview with GOOM Radio -- in which sported some severely oversized MJ bling -- he zei Dr. Murray was just "the fall guy" ... and that a lot of other people were to blame for his son's death.

Joe also took issue with our story that he was following Oprah Winfrey around like a puppy dog during her sit-down interview with the Jackson family earlier this maand ... but you'll have to watch the video for the lowdown.
posted by thriller4ever
Hello everybody!!

you all guys must be aware that some Michael fans are giving bribes to the security guards to have a glimpse of Micheal's tomb. As a die hard and a helpless fan of mj maybe me too would have gone to any extent for Michael. there are some lucky people who have been able to attend his concerts and the most fortunate people have met him face to face.
but for the others, all they can do is just dream about him of visit his tomb! But what bothers me when i heard this news is that it is written that fans were posing for inappropriate and even disrespectful foto's AND the tomb was...
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posted by Eternalmike
The Jackson 5 are on tour and are traveling to their first stop.'' And this is the beginning of the madness'' Jackie zei sighing.'' Yeah but it will stop'' Jermaine zei trying to be positive.''Yeah and this is the start of being trapped in hotels because of crazy girl fans!'' Michael said.''Yeah and it also is the beginning of fun!'' Marlon zei grinning.The boys nodded in agreement.
The boys made it to their first stop.''Finally!'' Marlon zei in relief.''Wow,Marlon must've thought it took really long to get...
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Rose finally got to her 1st home...She looked for the key well hidden in the usual place,although nobody was in that house since they moved.'Why didn't we sell it?',she asked herself but she couldn't remember.She opened the door and got inside.It was all as she remembered it,only with mountains of dust covering everything.She let her bag fall on the floor causing lots and lots of dust flying all around her.She coughed a few times and then looked around.She went upstairs and opened the door that kept closed all of her happy times...She saw a pic of her in the kindergarten while playing with...
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posted by Waterwhip
We all remember the dag we dread most. For me and many others, that June 25th, 2009 which door the way if getting closer door the second. I dont know if I'm ready for all of it. Living in the area I do, the hate people have for Michael is already unbelieved. I'm not ready for the sighns around town saying "Happy 25th of June! Little boys can sleep veilig once more!". I'm not ready for the greiving of my vrienden and partys around town with people wearing anti-mj shirts. I'm just not ready. I do hope I am not the only one. We need to be there for eachother on the days we dread most.
the king of the popWhether u are a Michael Jackson fan of not, it is undeniable that he changed the muziek industry (for the better) and made pop sensations what they are today. It's hard not to mourn the death of such an icon, but celebrating his life through his muziek may ease the grief. The "Michael Jackson: History The King of Pop 1958" DVD provides lovers and skeptics alike with a view into the mysterious musician's life. This official documentary gives us unique insight to a man who was simultaneously reclusive and adored as a global showman. Despite record sales of over 750 million...
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 I have never heared of this song untill I actually looked at the HIStory album.
I have never heared of this song untill I actually looked at the HIStory album.

This song is just spining around my head.repeating like 10 time per dag since 2 weeks ago. for me this song has "something' on it. its like classic hymns. First time i heard the begining of this song is kindda creepey but when he start to sing,oh my its so beautiful. His magical voice WAS all out.

I got some information,the story that inspired him to write this song:

based on a true story...
In 1972, a little girl who was called Susie was murdered. Michael Jackson composed a song for her and published it in 1995.

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Susie. She was like...
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posted by cherl12345
 Ebony Eyes
Ebony Eyes
While Michael was kissing her neck, Maris could feel his hand going up and her down her left thigh in a sensual seductive motion as she placed his right hand on stomach. "Why u want u want to make feel so good", she asked, "I've met a man who make feel like a woman like u to me". "Oh, really", he replied, "you're my lady and there's nothing I wouldn't for u if I have to swim through haai infested waters just toon how much I love you". "You really love me that much", she asked, "of course", he also replied, "after all, you're a "Whole Lotta Woman" to satisfy my soul". "Now where were...
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posted by cherl12345
After talking with Gladys, Michael went back upstairs to check on Maris; in addition, to making sure she had enough covers on her, so she stay warm, and he left room. Since Hannah, was gone for the day, Michael cleaned up the living room, took glasses and the tray back into the keuken-, keuken so he can wash them. He picked his blazer and Maris' shoes and jewelry off the the living room floor and took them upstairs to his bedroom. Michael went into the keuken-, keuken and washed the glasses and the serving tray, which the champagne and snacks were served. While washing the dishes, Michael was contemplating...
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posted by mjpeterpan7
Rumors are that Jermaine and Janet have teamed up to prove that Michael’s will is invalid. They reportedly assert that the fact that they don’t get any money – has nothing to do with their fight.

“We just want Michael’s wishes to be granted in full. He would want his siblings to have a good portion of his estate. We were always a close-knit family. It’s what he wanted.”

“No way, they don’t get anything,” zei an attorney for Michael’s kids. ”The kids get 40% of Michael’s money, 20% goes to charity and 40% goes to Katherine – until she passes, then that money goes to...
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 Michael and hulst, holly on their honeymoon
Michael and Holly on their honeymoon
The volgende morning hulst, holly wakes up and sees Michael looking at her. "Hey" she says groggy. Michael kisses her "Morning baby, how did u sleep?" "Really good! But i'm sorry about last night u must have been disapointed." "No I knew u were tired so I just let u sleep." "And another question, how long have u been staring at me?" Michael chuckles "Oh for about an hour." "I don't know if I should be touched of grossed out right now!" "Oh stop it u know u like it!" They start to kiss. hulst, holly says between kisses "What time is it?" Michael looks at the clock "It's six. u know we could stay...
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The first time my husband Akio saw Michael was at Yokohama Stadium in 1987. We traveled from our house in Tokyo to Yokohama and were going on to our villa in Hakone for the weekend. We were simply enthralled door his muziek and incredible dancing.

Unlike today, there were no cell phones and the road conditions were bad, so it was very late when we arrived at the villa. On arrival we received a call from the house in Tokyo saying that Michael’s manager had been calling again and again because Michael was anxious to meet with Mr. Morita, so Akio hurriedly called his hotel.

Michael thanked Akio for...
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posted by pinkpin
Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, dancer and entertainer. Referred to as the King of Pop, he is the most commercially successful entertainer of all time, and one of the most influential. His contributions to music, dance and fashion,[1] along with a much publicized personal life, made him a global figure in populair culture for over four decades.

Alongside his brothers, he made his debut as lead singer and youngest member of The Jackson 5 in 1964. He began his solo career in 1971. His 1982 album Thriller remains the best-selling album ever, with...
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posted by MJBabbies1958
July 3, 1982

As soon as went outside I locked the door behind me. When I turned around I looked at Michael dressed "casual" in white pants, a black belt, black shirt, and a white tuxedo jacket. I almost fainted, he looked so good.
Michael~ Are u coming?
Khloeii~ Oh of Course
Michael~ Khloeii, u look really nice tonight. He zei while biting and licking his lips.
Khloeii~ Thanks, u don't look to bad yourself Mr. Dress Casual. I rolled my eyes jokingly.
Michael~ If u don't think this is casual then wait until u see me dressed up.
Khloeii~ So where are we going??
Michael~ We're going to a restaurant...
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So they went out of the strip club."So, how are we going to get to New York?" Other Michael asked."That bus over there" Michael replied pointing to a bus that takes people to the Apollo."The perfect transportation" Other Michael said."Never knew it was that easy!" Michael joked. They went to the bus and got on.Once a lady got on the bus, the bus doors closed.The bus driver was in a happy mood and announced "We're going to New York!" A little kid mocked him and the bus driver zei "Im gonna pretend I didn't hear that!" The little kids older sister said" Shut up David, don't ruin my ride!" David...
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