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Last week was the Twilight Convention!!!!! It was truely AMAZING! Seriously it was just so awesome! My mom got so mad at Isabel(my sister) and me because we wouldn't let her take us out of the hotel to eat of visit the Balitimore harbor all weekend! We had such a packed schedual! It was crazy! Everyday we ended up eating lunch some time between 1:30p.m. and some time after 2:30p.m. here is our schedual u can look at it if u want it's too long to type: link .

On Saturday morning we woke up at 4 and we got to Baltimore at like 9:30 a.m. so we had a few hours before the actual convention started. We just looked around the hotel to see where all our events were going to be. We ended up eating at Orlies all weekend for breafast, lunch and dinner. It was so funny because when we went to eat avondeten, diner on Saturday (after the costume contest and before the Volturi ball)Booboo's(seth) family was eating avondeten, diner two tabels over from us! Anyway getting back to the order of events... We went to the Vender rooms not too long after we got the hotel. (We were staying at the Sheriton Hotel on the harbor.) Our first offical event was to get our "Gold Weekend" ID lanyards and wristbands and then to go to the Theater room to see Tyson Houseman's(Quil) Q&A. So we entered our vragen for the "Special Guests" in the little boxes. We had really great seats in the theater! We were in the 3rd row and we were right in the middle. My vraag was the 2nd vraag to be picked and I was shocked and so was Isabel. She screamed and pionted shes like "Oh My God THATS YOU!" haha she was so excited (more excited than I was). Tyson laughed and then he waved and zei "Hey, Julia" I replied "Hi, Tyson" and I laughed. Then he asked if we were twins and when I zei yes he zei he thought he was seeing double.:) volgende we participated in a Twilight "Yes of No" game. Isabel and I got out on the same question. The statement was "Emmett's favoriete hunting season is winter; Yes of No?" we both zei yes but the answer was no. We came in 4th place which was cool. The volgende few events have stories but not like really important stories to me and I dont want to make this emai really long(though it already is).

Oh volgende were autographs!!!!!So awesome! This story leads up to something later...

Well, Isabel told me that I should ask Tyson to dance with me that night at the ball a few days before the convention. To be honest I wasn't going to. I wanted to but I was too nervous and I kept looking on the situation in a negative side. We got in line for autographs and since we were "Gold Weekend" partons we got to be some of the first people to get in line for autographs. Autographs were fun! The whole process was about a half uur of meer long because we were called up door rows. Isabel made Tyson(Quil), Tinsel(Emily), Kiowa(Embry), and Chaske(Sam) a string bracelet. They all loved them and zei "Thank You" Tinsel zei "Thats so gangster!". When I got to Tinsel's autograph she told me that I looked like Julia Jones (who plays Leah). When I got up to Tyson when he was finished signing my Twilight book he looked up at me and I zei "Will u dance with me tonight at the ball?" I wasn't even going to ask but I thought Isabel would be mad at me and I'd be mad at my self. So I was coaxing myself in my head I was like (in my head)"I can do this!" haha so I did. He zei "sure...(I smiled) I have to warn u though...I'm not a good dancer..." I zei "It's ok(I laughed/smiled) I'm not either." I was like "Mission accomplished":) The rest of the night went pretty smoothly. Isabel and I won 2nd place in the costume contest and we each got gift certificates for $10 at the summit merch tables.

Isabel and I left avondeten, diner early to go to our room to get changed into our dresses for the ball. It was cool we were allowed to go a lot of places door ourselves as long as my mom knew where we were going. (All of our events and stuff were in the same building.) Anyway at the ball that night we were right infront of the door all the "Stars" were going to come out of and it was Awesome! Isabel gave Tinsel a note and when Tinsel came out Isabel screamed "I love u Tinsel!" and she looked at Isabel and sreamed back "Oh my God, I love you, too!" then Isabel gave her the note. So time passes and we are having a great time! We talked to Tinsel for a while and she learned to tell Isabel and I apart. I told her about how Tyson promised me a dance and she zei that that was cute. Then Tyson came over and joined out conversation. Tinsel mentioned the dance and he zei he restated that he would dance with me. I didnt ask him to dance yet because I didn't like the song that was playing. Then we talked a little longer and they played the "Cupid shuffle" which is a great song to dance to so Tinsel asked us to go dance with her and she taught Isabel how to dance to it. She gave us both hugs and then we zei that we'd talk to each other later while we went to go sit down. Time passes and we have about an uur left at the dance. My mom was saying "You know if u don't go up to Tyson he's not going to dance with you?" I didn't know where he was sitting, which was part of the problem but also I didn't want to disrupt any conversations he was having with other people.

A few minuten pass and I'm like oh I have to do this I got this far. But I checkened out in a sense because I went up to Tinsel to help me find Tyson. Tinsel noticed me walking up to her and she zei "Hi Buddy!" I zei "Hi" and I then I asked "Can u help me find Tyson so that we can dance? I don't want to interrupt him if he's talking." she zei "Sure!" and smiled. Then she grabbed my wrist and started pulling me too where Tyson was sitting. In the position Tyson was sitting in his back was to us and Tinsel and I were standing a few feet behind him. The other people at his tafel, tabel looked at us and I don't know If they zei anything but they were looking at us like what theheck are they doing? Tinsel looked at me and I told her I didnt know what to say to him. She then zei "Oh, I got you" then she smiled. door now Tyson had turned around and Tinsel told him something but I coundn't hear over the music. She turned to me and zei "You have to wait a minute." I didn't kno what this ment but I took it as it wasn't going to happen. I was really sad but I didn't cry because I knew all along that the chances of it actually happening were slim to none. I started back for our tafel, tabel on the other side of the ball room. As I got to the tafel, tabel I zei Thanks to Tinsel and went to my seat. My mom was smiling and everyone had this undescribable look on their face that made me so confused like I had done something wrong. The look was like "what are u doing" of "Whats going on". I'm not sure who was meer confused and u are probably confused just reading this. So I'm just like whatever and I started pulling out my chair and I feel a tap on my shoulder as my mom says "What are u doing he's right behind you?!" I turned around and Iaughed but I was also embarrassed because he had been there the whole time! Then he zei "I called your name." I replied "Sorry I didn't hear you!" my voice sounded apologegetic. He just laughed and zei "Lets go dance!" I was wonderstruck! I couldn't believe what was happening! I smiled and I started for the dance floor. This was a big dance floor it was about 24ft door 24ft of probably bigger(my sense in measurment isn't good just like my spelling so please excuse my errors). Tyson put his hand on my back as he guided me to the dance floor. I felt like every one was looking at me but at this point I didnt mind.:) We started to dance to an up-beat song. Tyson was talking to me, but it was a little hard to hear him because we were a few feet away from a speaker; I some what managed. It was so much fun we were both smiling and ocassionally we talked. Then he looked up at me and I made a side commentaar "I'm really not a good dancer." He laughed and then looked around(while still dancing) (we were really cramed btw.Everyone was dancing and there were so many people which made it harder to dance.) Then Tyson zei as if still thinking about what he was about to say "Lets make a dance circle:)" in my head I'm just like what the heck is a dance circle? At this piont in the night it was 11 something and I had lost any touch I had with realitly. I wasn't using my head to think logicly to actually think about a dance circle- a cirkel of people dancing. I told Tyson that I didn't know what it was and I guess he wanted to use that as an advantage. He started screaming "Dance circle!" "Dance Circle!" I started forming the cirkel along with everyone else and everyone was around the rim of the dance floor and so was I. Tyson looked around as if satisfied then he came up to me and wrapped his arm around my back to pull me into the middle of the dance cirkel along side him! I was again WONDERSTRUCK! It was AMAZING! We danced for about 10 minutes. We got tired shortly after and when the song was over he pulled me off to the side again as our spots on the dance floor where people were screaming and watching us dance moments before filled up with lots of people. I looked up at him and he smiled. I zei "Thank u so much!!!" and he zei "No Problem" in a voice that truly ment it. Then he hugged me. The rest of the night was cool. The people at our tafel, tabel clapped and wooted as I sat down and they congradulated me. Our night ended at 11:30pm . Isabel and I went to go say bye to Tinsel and Tyson. I made sure I zei thank u to Tyson again and he gave me another hug. When I zei good night to Tinsel she gave me a hug as well and I told her "Thank u so much!"

That was a night I will never foreget! It was AMAZING!

On Sunday we got our foto op and we got to meet Booboo and Peter. I'll tell u those stories another time because this is wayyy to long!

This was first an emai to my teacher I didn't pas aan completely so yeah there may be silly mistakes and stuff but...