Naruto Fanfiction Club
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Years geleden in the land of the Exorsists the Trinikage was thinking to himself about the current war between his own village and The Village hidden in the shadows the land he had once ruled. Yes, Amora Akku had once ruled this land as the Shinikage because the temptation to conquer became to much for him to take making him responsible for the scars of his family as well as scars from villages he had conquered while in this leadership. His wife Chizaru and his daughter princess Amora Ming hadn't been aware of what was to come that night at the summer festival...not a clue. In fact and attack couldn't be further from their minds.

Akku stared out the window with a strange feeling deep in his heart...the feeling of power...but also of evil...he felt so tempted to just let this power take a hold of him...and be the Shinikage...a conqueror again....until his wife Amora Chizaru entered the office/throne room.

"Yes Chizaru what is it?" Akku asked in a miserable tone.

"Ming wanted to toon u her new yukata for tonight's festivities." Chizaru zei with her beautiful long brown hair slightly blowing from the open window pushing wind into the room.

"Ah yes, lets see!" Akku zei trying to find excitement.

Akku and his daughter Ming had a very close and special bond and it seemed like she was one of the only joys in his so called "miserable life" Ming could always get a laugh out of her father.

A teenager about 13 years of age with medium length dark brown hair and bright brown eyes walked through the doors wearing a black yukata with roze flowers and a red obi.

"Just beautiful." Akku zei in a calm but pleased tone.

A woman with long blond hair opens a door.
"Your highness Im ready when u are."
zei this woman named Lotus bowing to Ming.

"That sounds lovely." Ming zei with a smile.

"Have fun and be veilig darling." Akku zei still wondering what was out there making his hart-, hart so heavy.

Ming was shown around the fair door her adviser Lotus and Chizaru was tending to some fair mishaps, This left Akku alone with his thoughts. His room slowly grew darker as the sun set and lanterns lit up in the streets Akku sat at his bureau all this time motionless staring at the carpet until flashes of light were seen and thunder was heard. Akku whipped his head to the window and it had been just what he feared...Kagayaku ame Justu (Glowing Rain Style) The sky rained glowing red rain. The people rushed around in a panic. Shadows covered once glowing lanterns. Other than the glowing rain it was pitch black. Meanwhile where Lotus and Ming were Ming was confused but at the same time in a trance.

[i]"Where have I seen this before?"[i] Ming thought.

"Whats going on?" She asked looking up slightly at Lotus who seemed just as panicked as the rushing villagers.

"This is a Justu that can only be preformed door the ancient clan found in the hidden land of the Shadows." Lotus zei covering Ming. so she wouldn't get hit door the rain drops.

"What does it do?!" Ming asked.

"If u get to wet of don't dry off u lose your sight for 24 hours unless your from the ancient clan." Lotus zei running into a building while still carrying Ming. Meanwhile Akku could hear footsteps on his roof and he could see the footprints glow.He jumped out of his window and climbed his way to the top, boven of the roof where an old man with a long green jas was.

"Akku."He announced.

"Chichi(father)." He answered coldly.

"You know tomorrow is the pheonix sunset may be one of the last...."He grinned.

"If this is another try to get me to rule Kage (the shadows) I do not accept." Akku answered.

"Akku u must do your old Chichi a favor...I am old and the kingdom must have a are the only one with Pheonix blood...thus I believe it should be you."

"The Pheonix clan is a forbidden clan under ground and I wish you'd keep it that way...besides I cannot be the only Pheonix left."

"Of course there is the possibility of your daughter being the sixth Pheonix...just imagine the three of us as conquerors....we could have whatever we want and be happy."

"...I have everything I need..."

"You say that Akku but u are a miserable greed controlled soul just as I am...just as a Pheonix should be....come...." Akku's father zei reaching his hand forward.

"Rule with me my son."

Akku's eyes widened when he did something he shouldn't have...he let this evil, this soul poisoning into his train of thought....and thats when his mind grew dark and he accepted his Chichi's gesture door taking his hand.

The old Chichi grinned and responded. "I knew you'd see things my way." he laughed as the rain picked up and the two made their escape through the shadows.

In the morning Ming awoke wet and cold, covered with dirt under a paper fan stand's tattered straw roof which was nearly half way unhatched from the stand. Her head was in pain and her arm was cut from Lotus trying to get her to safety last night but not seeing and knocking into a few things. This innocent girl was about ready to burst into tears seeing the mess the storm had caused but, something caught her eye right before she could think. All of the villagers were crowded around the Trinikage tower where her mother, just as battered as she was stood waiting for everyone to arrive. Ming didn't really think before she stood up and ran as fast as she could to the crowds of people over 5,000 trying to figure out what to do.

"People of Kansha. It is duty to-" Chizaru couldn't finish her sentence all at once because she was in tears. She cleared her throat and tried to forget about what she was saying. "Inform you..that our Trinikage...has..once again... betrayed us." Chizaru spoke on the verge of an outburst. The villagers gasped in awe and Ming kept repeating this last two words in her head. "Betrayed us?" Ming asked herself out loud. "As u all are aware..we are at war with the village hidden under us the Kage village for land rights and authority as also.s-sure u are aware of the mishaps of last night's summer festivities...when our own Trinikage..turned h-his back on us and a-accepted the k-k-kingship." Chizaru zei letting her tears out streaming clean paths down her dirty cheeks. "W-what?!" Ming shouted in shock. Nobody heard her accept a few people because most people were hissing to each other about how badly they hope the Ex-Trinikage would be punished. Chizaru took a few moments and then collected herself. "As u know...when the running came for the fourth Trinikage the seconde place in the running was myself...thus door law I will be taking over as Trinikage once again." Chizaru zei again trying to burst out.

"What does she mean again?" Ming asked herself.

Chizaru collected herself once again and spoke. "We have already decided the best thing to do would be to begin cleaning up the village at once and rebuilding otherwise our village has a huge weak spot for the shadows to break right through." She ended and walked into her battered home pagina almost as if she were a ghost...floating in sorrow. When the crowd died down Ming stood on the bare wet ground first glance u wouldn't be able to tell her from a poor village farmer's daughter Ming however couldn't care less about how she looked at the moment...she ran up to the Trinikage tower and to her once was father's bureau were her mother hung her head in pain and sorrow. "What do u mean again?" Ming asked her mother who lifted her head when she heard her voice. "Ming...your father has betrayed us twice before..." She answered trying not to cry. Ming however, saw the tears welling in her eyes. "He left?" Ming zei nodding her head in disbelief. Chizaru was silent. "No...please God no...not again..." Ming cried and shouted as if her father were right in front of her. Ming remember her father leaving only once for about a jaar when she was a child but that was it...otherwise Ming was grateful that her family was sane but apparently not for, her father had just turned his back on everything...everything that Ming forbade herself from questioning...her She really thought she saw true love in her parents...and that is most surely something she questioned...did true love exist? Ming didn't think so...not romantic love anyway...obviously her mother couldn't say anything about that...Ming sighed at the thought and began comforting her mother.

About a week passed since everything had happened and the village had looked a lot better than it had...Ming's mother was now capable of speech as long as Ming's father hadn't been brought up in a conversation which believe me that was a hard topic to avoid. Ming could tell her mother was holding a lot in and didn't like it. Ming entered her mother's office. "Yes Ming what is it?" She asked in a very monotone way. "Mom...I want to be a ninja." Ming said. Her mother's eyes widened. "Ming...a ninja? Why would u ever want to do something like that?" Chizaru asked in a shock. "I would like to train to be stronger than Chichi and turn his face away from evil and back to the side of good." Ming zei in a serious tone that Chizaru had never heard from her before. " Ming, that is very noble of u but..." Chizaru scrambled for an excuse afraid that her father would want her Pheonix ninja combination if she had it. "There are no ninja's needed in our village." Chizaru answered. "Thats why I would like to study at Konoha." Ming answered having been prepared for her mother not wanting her baby to leave. "The village hidden in the Leaves?" Chizaru asked in calm disbelief nodding her head back and forth. "Please, I know im not strong of fast but I can be trained and I have jutsus but I have no idea how to use them! Please, give me a chance to try!" Ming cried out. "....okay...I will contact Tsunade the Leaf village Hokage and see what I can do..." Chizaru said. Chizaru was impressed door Ming's spirit and would do anything for her dear daughter...even let her become a leaf ninja.

Three years passed...
Today was 16 jaar old Amora Ming's first dag on team 14 with her new sensei Akolora Shynoku and her new team mates Kohan and Juko Hanji. Ming felt very uncomfortable around this team. First off instead of what sensei's normally do on the first dag (Ask the team's names and motives.) Shynoku checked them off a list...Second All of the team mates were very quiet and cold not having very much personality and not even a speck of joy. Lastly, Shynoku was a sensei who wasn't a very encouraging it wasn't the kind of '[i] Im tough on u because I want to push u further [i] thing. It was the '[i] Your pathetic and I wish I weren't your sensei [i]' thing...but anything to get her father back..."Anything." She would say in her head...It was a simple genin sitting for a member of the leaf village guard...well it would have been simple if Ming hadn't lost the lijst of things they needed to do. "Ming,.."Shynoku began in the tone that made Ming scared. "You worthless idiot! How are u ever going to be a ninja if your always being such a little brat! Ninja's weren't made to help anyone...they were made to follow orders...GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!" Shynoku zei yelling the last words as Ming scattered to fill out the progress report. The woman taking the reports listed off each name allowed and Ming was shocked at Shynokus reaction to her name. "Amora?...the pheonix?" He asked in disbelief to Ming. " summoning animal would be the third pheonix...why?" Ming zei shaking. "Hn." Shynoku huffed as he headed home pagina Hanji and Kohan snickering about Ming following him having been invited over for avondeten, diner for there good work. Ming ran out the doors and into the woods there she cried...loudly...almost as loudly as when her father had left and she shouted in anger and unimaginable sorrow. Ming's head was down but a shot was sounded like a bird of a bullet rather had just whipped past her head blowing her hair to the side. Ming lifted her head realizing it was dark now and turning to see a poison filled kunai mes sticking into a tree. "This would have put me out for over three weeks..."Ming zei remembering have seen Shynoku carry one. Ming looked vooruit, voorwaarts and stood on her guard ready to jump up if another kunai was fired...little did Ming know her predators had moved to a new spot..behind her. A kunai mes was thrown from behind and Ming heard the leaves russel as it was thrown.."To late." was her spleet, split seconde thought. Her eyes were closed tight and she couldn't think about anything. But at that very moment when she thought she would feel cold sharp metal inject poison into her back she if she were being carried...she could feel the wind whip her hair around..when she opened her eyes a black haired boy about 17
with serious eyes and very bushy eyebrows was the one who had just rescued her and was now carrying her as he boom jumped. He wore what looked like green spandex and a jounin coat. Ming wanted to say 'thank you' but what came out was "Who are you?" "I am Konoha's Green beast...Rock Lee." He answered still boom jumping Ming around before landing on a cobblestone straat in konoha. "Now u must tell me who u are." He zei breathing a bit heavily. "Amora Ming..." '[i] idiot of konoha[i]' a voice whispered inside her head. "Well, It's very nice to meet u Ming...may I ask one meer question?" He asked very careful in choosing his words. "Of course." Ming replied grateful to still be conscious. "Why were u crying?" He asked. Ming's eyes widened. "You were watching me?" Ming asked. "Not exactly.. I was sent along with my team to find a few rogue ninja and thats when I found you." Lee answered with seriousness to him. "What is the matter?" He asked in a voice that sounded a bit concerned. He blushed after finishing the sentence getting a full view of Ming and thinking she was beautiful. "I was crying" Ming answered embarrassed. Lee flashed back to his own past for a moment the words "Im just a loser..." echoed in his memory like microphone feedback...loud and painful. "Why would u say that?" Lee asked not knowing what else to say. Ming explained her situation to Lee...not everything...not where she was from of who she was...and certainly nothing much about her father...all she really talked about was team 14. "That sounds awful." Lee said. Ming was silent not knowing how to respond. "If my sensei were like that I would be exactly where u are now....I don't blame u for being so depressed." He zei trying to toon concern in his voice. This is the most respect Ming had been gegeven when spoken to since she come to the leaf. "I find that hard to believe...your a very skilled ninja." Ming zei pointing to his jounin vest. "True I am a very skilled taijutsu fighter....who..can't use ninjutsu." He spoke in a convincing voice. " W-What?!" Ming asked. "It's true...the right sensei can make all the difference."Lee grinned. Ming blushed at this grin for reasons she didn't know. "Thats incredible."Ming zei in amazement. Ming was very happy to meet Lee...he was like a straal, ray of sunshine right now...and he didn't think she was incapable...this was Ming's first friend in Konoha. Lee soon left after telling Ming a few stories of his past and they agreed to be friends.

To be continued
added by misalka66
posted by lightingjolt1
sonic vrienden well they was shock to see there hero
after a week no word from him
sonic add ice blue in his quills like lighting
ice blue round his smaragd, emerald green eyes
sonic arms chest tummy chest vacht, bont like silver
ice blue wind marks on his arms legs
ice white smaragd, emerald red inhibitor rings
silver wind marks on them
emerald red ice white hover shoes
silver wind marks on them
shoes like both shadow and singe zero mix together
sonic age 15/in HIGHT 5.o/hermaphrodite
wow sonic u look different what happen ask tails
just then shadow come over with young hedgehogs
shadow black hot red in...
continue reading...
 "Im telling u Tsunade we need at very least a temporary subordinate on this team!"
"Im telling you Tsunade we need at very least a temporary subordinate on this team!"

Guy Sensei slammed his hand against the surface of Tsunade's desk. "Im telling u Tsunade we need at very least a temporary subordinate on this team!" He yelled in furry. The lack of Neji after his death was a huge gap to surely be noticed, it was also a large weak spot for us as well. "And IM TELLING u Guy there are no suitable subordinates currently!" Tsunade boomed louder than Guy. "I don't care how suited they are...we have a huge weak spot right now!" Guy sighed after that shout. Tsunade calmed down and rolled her eyes. "Fine Guy but this one is meer trouble than he's worth...
continue reading...
The volgende dag Ming ran up the heuvel to see Tenten, Neji, and Lee sparing against eachother while Guy watched. Ming watched them all land on the dirt breathing heavily as if they'd all been at it for hours. "Okay break." Guy said. "Ming!" Lee waved beckoning her. Ming shyly stepped across the ground leading to her friend. "Let me introduce u to my team." He grinned. "This is Tenten, Neji, and Guy sensei." He pointed to each person as he spoke. "Ming?" Tenten pondered in a loud shock. "Tenten?" Ming zei slowly realizing who this was. "You two know eachother?" Lee asked confused. "Ming is my...
continue reading...
Synopsis : this is a fanfiction that I will be producing about three characters that I have created from there acdeamy days up to Jouin years. The story reovles around Shinko Uzumaki, Mizurai Sarutobi and Rei Uchiha. It takes place after the events of Naruto shippudien. And will be foucusing on the characters I've made old characters from the seris may appear but I do not retain rights / Owner ship of any of the following characters produced door Masashi Kishimotto. also please support the official release =)

Sasuke Uchiha

Naruto Uzumaki

Bouruto Uzumaki

Sarada Uchiha

Sakura Haruno

Hinata Huyuga