Once Upon A Time Club
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added by magichand
added by magichand
posted by minervadawn
Many people (including the writers) seem to overlook the Blue Fairy but the truth is that she is one of the three most powerful people in Storybrook both because of her magic and because of the persuasive power she has over people. This artikel is meant to take a closer look at her involvement in the story and the effect her actions and prejudice has had on the lives of the main characters.

So there is no confusion the regular font is fact (taken mostly from OUATwiki) and italicized is my opinion.

The Blue Fairy and her dealings with Rumplestiltskin

"The Return"

Baelfire in an attempt to save...
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added by LLheart
added by tanyya
Source: jell-obeans.tumblr.com
added by Princess-Yvonne
Source: http://komrad-teyli.tumblr.com/post/34995264693
added by Princess-Yvonne
Source: http://midstorm.tumblr.com/post/43689219557/rumbelle-au-what-if-belle-was-rumples
added by CelestialDream
Source: tumblr: agentdunham
added by TangoThang
Source: http://a-valuable-chess-piece.tumblr.com/
I know this is late but I've been really busy this week and I wanted to get it in before the new episode.

Before I start I'm going to make a perdition. I predict that the first part of this artikel will be very populair the seconde part not so much.

Part One: Arielle

I love Belle and Ariel together! Now I wasn't as in to Arial when she was first introduced as everybody else seemed to be. All the talk about how funny and gorgeous and perfect she was just didn't make any sense to me. She was cute but not all that exceptionally pretty and not all that exceptionally funny (and this coming from...
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added by Kaidi
Source: SpoilerTV/Jack Rowand/ABC
added by LLheart
added by nermai
Source: farfarawaysite
added by nermai
Source: farfarawaysite
 gif door newton-scarmander
gif by newton-scarmander
I think with the latest episode, Page 23, we've finally completed an important arc. Over the summer I made an artikel about my speculations as to weather of not Regina hates herself as well as her ability to forgive herself (link). Now I finally get to type one to sort of inpakken, wrap it up.

Since that last artikel it has been confirmed that Regina really did hate herself with a degree of intensity. That moment when the arrow leads the Queen to a mirror was so emotional. How she stares at herself in the mirror, crying and saying no. And then her father softly saying, "oh, Regina." That had to be one...
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added by LLheart
added by LLheart