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Quinton was a teen who lived in the mountains of Tennessee. He was not like his schoolmates who liked country music. He was into rock and roll, especially grunge. Quinton was into grunge bands and grunge fashion. He wore flannel shirts, unless it was warm outside. He also wore grunge band shirts, mainly for Alice in Chains and Soundgarden, his two favoriete grunge bands. He had light brown hair flowing down to his shoulders. One day, he was listening to Dirt, his favoriete Alice in Chains album on his iPod. Suddenly, a group of bullies surrounded him. The ring leader was called T-Rex. Nobody knew his real name. He just went door T-Rex. "Listening to that Satanic muziek again, Quinton?" T-Rex remarked. Quinton said, "I hardly think it's Satanic when it saved my life." One of T-Rex's followers said, "Music can't save your life. It's impossible!" Quinton said, "Anything is possible." T-Rex then asked Quinton, "Why do u listen to that stuff?" Quinton shrugged. "Why not?" T-Rex said, "You know it's old and stupid." Quinton remarked, "So are TV evangelists, but u still listen to them." T-Rex punched Quinton in the stomach, nearly knocking him out. The rest of T-Rex's gang beat on Quinton a while and left. Quinton got up and began to walk away. His only friend, Sasha, saw the whole thing. She ran up to him and asked, "Are u okay?" He said, "Yeah, I think so." She insisted on taking him to the school nurse. The school nurse zei that Quinton was fine, just bruised. Sasha and Quinton walked home pagina from school together. As they were walking the neighborhood, they saw some of the neighborhood kids throwing rocks and other objects at a young dog. The dog had rust red and tan colored fur. She appeared to be about three months old, so she was just a puppy. Quinton couldn't stand to watch the innocent pup get abused like that. He said, "Hey! Leave the poor puppy alone! What business do u have throwing shit at her?!" The neighborhood kids told him, "She has weird looking eyes." He said, "That's no reason to be so mean. Now, scram!" They fled the scene. Sasha said, "Quinton, that was cool, what u did." He said, "Thanks." She was about to approach the puppy, but he held her back and said, "No, Sasha. u should never just walk up to a dog u don't know. If she's hurt, she'll be scared. We have to get on her level and let her know we're not going to hurt her." Sasha asked, "What do u suggest?" Quinton got down on his knees and said, "I'll toon you."

posted by Peaceandlove67
What a Way to Spend Christmas
It was Christmas Day. It had snowed, and the ground was covered in snow. After Christmas dinner, John decided to take his dog for a walk. Along the way, he encountered Pastor Thomas. John knew that Pastor Thomas saw him and politely said, "Hello." Pastor Thomas said, "Hello, John." John continued walking. Pastor Thomas asked, "What are u doing door yourself at this hour? Aren't u afraid someone will try to punish u for your sin?" John said, "No." Pastor Thomas said, "Well, u should be afraid, very afraid." John looked confused. Pastor Thomas reached in his...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Go Cut Your Hair!
One day, John decided to go to the park to spark change in Devil's Garden. He thought that maybe his plan would work in the park. It obviously wasn't going to work at the church. With his mother's permission, he went to the park with his guitar. He stood near the statue of the town's founder and sang a song that he wrote called "Brainwashed door Corruption." Unfortunately, the song did not get any praise. His school mates, save for Randall, began throwing rocks at him. They even shouted, "Go cut your hair!" John begged them to stop. He cried out, "This is not a message of hatred!...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
What Do I Do When I'm Having a Bad Day?
On their way to one of their classes, Randall asked John how his plan worked out. John said, "Things didn't go very well." Randall noticed John's black eye. "Holy smokes!" He cried. "What happened to your eye?" John said, "Promise me that you'll keep this between us." Randall said, "I promise." John said, "My mom hit me with her purse." Randall said, "That's terrible. Does it hurt?" John said, "Yeah, it hurts." Randall said, "You really need to consider getting away from your mother." John said, "I don't really have anywhere else to go." Randall asked,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
I'm Going to Change the Attitude of This Town
After school, John talked with his friend, Randall. John said, "Man, I had an interesting dream last night." Randall asked, "What was it?" John said, "John Lennon came to me and told me that I could change the world. I told him that I would start door changing the mentality of this town." Randall looked confused. "What are u going to do?" He asked. John said, "I'm going to change the attitude of this town. I'm going to toon them that rock and roll isn't so bad. I'll also promote peace and love." Randall's eyes got big. "Are u crazy?!" He cried....
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posted by Peaceandlove67
John's Dream
One night, John had a dream. He was sitting in his bedroom, all alone. He heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. He said, "Hi. Can I help you?" The man standing at the door said, "Hello, there. I'm John Lennon." Teenaged John laughed and said, "Yeah right!" Lennon stood firm. He said, "What u are seeing here is my spirit." John said, "If you're truly John Lennon, come in here and prove it." Lennon played the gitaar and sang "Imagine." John said, "Okay, works for me." Lennon asked the boy his name. "John," he replied. After chatting for a few minutes, John said, "I knew...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Outcast of Devils Garden
During the popularity of Christian rock in the 1980's, in a small town ironically called Devils Garden, lived a teen door the name of John Wilde. He was only sixteen, and he was totally into rock and roll. He was often shunned for his taste in music, for he was not into the muziek of the citizens of Devils Garden. The citizens of Devils Garden considered rock muziek "music for Satanists." John begged to differ, but he couldn't change their minds. His family was no help, either. He was a boy without a father, as his father had died in a car accident jaar earlier. John was...
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