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Sweet and innocence
Filled with hidden rage
Going swimming with her
Will be the you're life's last stage
Little girl from a past life
Was bullied and harmed door mean girls
Drowning and returning was the beginning of her strife
Poor little girl door the pond and flowers
Wanted a friend so badly
But she sits alone of swims for hours.
Her deepest darkest secrets
Revealed in the end
Oh why and why
Does she kill her new friends?
Her horrid rage and attitude
Left alone in a sloth
Within deep sleep and solitude
Her life didn't end like a fairytale
But it ended in the bottom of a lake
This tale of this little girl
Will end in heartbreak.
posted by arcticflake
When does it stop hurting,
The pain leave,
the hate die?

When will I love u again,
of u love me?

Life isn't "if",
it's "when"
When will I...
When will you...
When will we...

And what if "When" never comes?
When will when come?

And one meer thing, when will u realise
That I'm not a toy?

When will u see,
That my hart-, hart is broken, bleeding over you?

But for now,Before "When" comes,
I must forget, if not forgive.

I'm sorry,
That our "When" never came
That u shattered my heart,
That I wasted my time on you!

And now, I'm left sking,
When will my prince, my knight, come?
posted by chelo_monster
I remember the first time we fall in love;
How thankful I am to our God above.
Baby, u are my everything;
And without you, I am nothing.

You told me that I am your heart;
And u asked me not to break u apart.
You said, “My love, don’t ever leave me.”
And I swear, “Forever, it’s u and me.”

I am yours and u are mine;
We know, our love can stand the test of time.
True love is such a wonderful creation;
How I wish this feeling is not just a sudden reaction.

Together, we share our smiles;
Though for real, there are tears in my eyes.
Trying my best to feel happy;
Do u even notice I’m in...
continue reading...
posted by Vampiyaa
The lovesick boy and girl will meet.
Faster will both of their hearts beat.
Amidst the crowd they'll walk with pride.
With their hands intwined, they stride.
They'll target their goals and never miss.
And they'll take it further and have the first kiss.
They'll talk and laugh and cuddle and dream
They'll fall and cry and run and scream.
All the problems start from here.
They won't be easy, they wont be mere.
He'll want to kiss, she'll push away.
She'll want him near, he will not stay.
They'll break apart and will never mend.
This short-lived love is at it's end.
posted by chelo_monster
u started as my obsession;
Then u turned out to be depression.
All my hopes and dreams are gone;
door the moment u told me that we are done.

My whole life changed when I met you;
u turn it all around, happy to blue.
I hate u so much that I want to kill you;
But I can’t, ‘cause the love that I feel for u is true.

And then u came back, giving me your apology;
But I am hurt, sad, I feel the agony.
Tell me! Why are u doing this to me?
Why don’t u just leave, and set my hart-, hart free?

Finally, I made my best decision;
I will never believe in u of to your fad illusion.
I will try my best to overcome this heartache;
Even though I have to lie to myself and pretend that all my love for u is fake.
posted by Cries_Bloodlova
i will die

its what i live for

f*** my life


and F*** my will to live

i give u hope

i give u love

but pain is all u give

a hart-, hart so big

it could save the world

pain so bad

it killed this little girl

so i say goodbye

to u

to you

my love will go on

and thro
and thro

dont be mad

dont be sad

live on

without me

for i will no longer suffer

this soul is now free

as free as she could be

no one owns me now

Of all the brave and all the bold.
The race of blood had stories told.
About their barren fortress of red.
About the fact that they were dead.
Close the ruby studded door.
Of your black coffin on the marble floor.
Etched in stone were all their names.
And from their wrists to hell are chains.
In their palms lie burning coals.
Frozen solid is their souls.
From your veins, u blood now pours.
Stand door that vampire of yours.

Poem door Mimiii the Vampiyaa taco :3 of Vampiyaa <3 whichever one u prefer ;P
posted by Vampiyaa
The King's song is quite a lonely thing
Behind his horse travels a tattered string.
It's only mean is to toon him the way.
Far from his silent abode he must stay.
That lonely King is the one who I miss.
Away from me he does not insist,
But life is merely a ribbon of red.
To those who abuse it will be cursed door the dead.
Shoot your piercing arrow of hate.
It will hit your hart-, hart and bestow your fate.
From your mare onto gras you'll fall,
Knowing u did not cherish all.
Love and laughter in our kingdom will soar,
Once he returns from his sad, bloody war.
Behind his horse travels a tattered string.
The King's song is quite a lonely thing.
posted by Vampiyaa
I am naught but a lonely angel cursed door the shadows,
Covered in them like a cold blanket of evil.
My wings are broken and invisible, but my hart-, hart is black as ash.
This is me.
I am naught but a single dying flower, blackened door hate,
Like a fontein pen on paper.
I speak no words but use my flowing movement to toon you.
This is me.
I am naught but a sorrowful discarded gem,
Proven to be nothing but a fake.
I may sparkle, but not in a way to bring joy.
This is me.
I am naught but dust in the wind.
Blowing ever so elegantly
To the rhythm of where the world will take me.
This is me.
posted by Vampiyaa
One million times my hart-, hart will pound.
Against the blazing winds, we're bound
door thread woven from the petals of a rose
Out of the evils and goods, it was u that I chose.
Imprints of our steps on soft sand we make
And forever on your hand I'll hold, for our sake.
Our love has no price, it is naught but true.
You'll belong to me, and I'll belong to you.
What will become of us, we can only take a guess
Of course, sighs will be emitted nonetheless.
I'll smile when u smile and feel the pain u do
And if u cry a single tear I promise I'll cry too.
posted by Vampiyaa
Two separate beings we once were,
But together forever we'll be, I was sure.
It seems we only met door chance.
You merely spared me a single glance.
You tapped my shoulder, u hugged my waist.
You held my hand, u cupped my face.
We hit off from the very start,
And now it's hard to be apart.
You told me your secrets, your dreams and your lies.
You cried before my astonished eyes.
I felt like nothing in front of your tears.
My comfort was cold, it brought no cheers.
As lightly as the painter's brush,
You kissed my lips, I felt the rush.
All of your pain had just begun.
You wished u were happy, u wished...
continue reading...
I look at you. u look away.
I talk to you. You've got nothing to say.
I pass door you. u avoid my eye.
When I think of u I want to die.
Every time I make a mistake.
My whole body begins to shake.
u are my world, u are my friend.
u will be until the very end.
But it was something that I said.
Our friendship shaped into something dead.
u wish I was gone, you're full of despise.
And from your lips tumble hurtful lies.
To speak, I no longer see the reason
It's as if I have been accused of treason.
I've betrayed my country, my world, my love.
My god, my spirit, my angel from above.
You'll live your life, I'll hate my own.
My darker personality has shown.
What's become of us is truly sad.
Whatever happened to what we had?
posted by WildCherryWolf
u sometimes say too much,
And embarrass me.
You make me feel worthless,
Like our conversations were nothing.

Will u hurt me like u hurt me?
Will u avoid me for months?
Will u act like I don't exist?
Will u ever miss me?

That look u gave me in class,
Tore my hart-, hart away,
Then, only yesterday,
I took it back instantly.
You and your friends,
Oh so popular.
Oh so intimidating,
Oh so handsome.

You think that u have power over me,
But in reality it is the other way.
I have a powerful family, and u have nothing.
The principal's son likes me.
No one likes you.
I can never go out with anyone though.
continue reading...
posted by Vampiyaa
Fear is kept at the bottom of your soul.
u have been broken; you're no longer whole.
She was your killer, she was your hell.
Her icy words were as clear as a bell.
Her icy words cut through your heart.
She ripped it to pieces; she tore it apart.
Her hate and torture will be your demise.
But above her position u must rise.
Your life is endless, it looks so black.
It seems like there's no going back.
Your soul is stained door abuse and hate.
u are to die, it is your fate.
But perhaps u still can find the light.
There still could be some hope in sight.
Find the one that lights your way.
Through storms of death of hell they'll stay.
They'll hold your hand, they'll help u through
Whatever perils come anew.
They'll be your candle in the night
And bring the dawn back into sight.
So listen carefully to their song.
u will die happy, u will die strong
Don't be afraid, u are loved door all.
Find that person and you'll never fall.
posted by WildCherryWolf
Here sat a girl
Who asked him why
And here sat a boy
Who made a girl cry
Here sat a teacher
Who asked them both, What?
And here sat the friend
Who explained the lot
Here sat the best friend
Who comforted the girl
And here sat the older boys,
Who laughed at the boy.
Here sat the older girls
Telling the older boys off
And here sat the little girls
Cuddling everyone but the weeping angel.
Here lies a story that was never said.
Here lies love and betrayal.
Here sat a girl,
Who loved a boy,
And here sat a boy
Who loved a girl but was too afraid of ruining his reputation door saying so.
posted by WildCherryWolf
u make me so mad,
I just wanna be bad
For a moment,
Throw a lamp at your head.
u would catch it,
And tell me I'm stupid,
Like I didn't know that,
Like your words don't hurt enough.
Once upon a time,
u thought I was good enough,
To be the one
u held in arms
Defended with all might
Sending me sweet nothingness
Morning and night.
But now it's her
The girl that doesn't care,
No love your way
Don't u understand?

u try
And tell me
That she loves u too
How do u know
She's not cheating behind your back?
u must know u made me cry
At night..
Do u really not understand
Did u never want to hold my hand?
u asshole.
And yet, even though I hate you,
If u jumped off a cliff,
I would jump after you.
posted by WildCherryWolf
I'm not like all the other girls
I'm not tall, no boyfriend, no curls
Just deep brown eyes that hide the lies
The strong person in me cries
I used to be amazing
So fearless, so brave
Not at all shy, not at all so grave
Bt since they're here,
They torment me,
Bringing up my past,
They make me feel,
Like I have nothing to reveal
No secrets under my sleeve
No hidden lies,
No bird that flies
My vrienden are all pretty, all gorgeous, all cute
And I have nothing left to shoot,
Just the ugly can and such,
In school I'm not very much
The ladder of society
Forgets always little old me
And here I lie
And here I cry
To u my tortured soul.

A poem about the torment I go though on the bus, the elder boys bring up my former love life. Just saying what I feel like, and the strong person inside of me wanting to break out of the thin shell. commentaren are welcome!!
posted by StarGirl1721
Fear is emotion,
When u fear,
You intend to let yourself cry,
Sometimes u don’t even bother to try,
You can’t seem to keep yourself serene,

You want to cry your hart-, hart out,
You intend to shout,
Yet u can’t always seem to do so,
There seems to be nowhere left to hide,
You desperately want someone door your side,

You don’t want let people know your fears,
So u let them go in tears,
When you’re afraid,
You don’t want to be left alone,
You want someone there,
Someone to be there for you,
You want to be kept calm,

Sometimes we’re afraid to even fear,
You begin to hate being alone,...
continue reading...
posted by StarGirl1721
When u hope,
u expect and wish,
u have a feeling for wanting,
Your desires to be filled,
u don’t want them killed,
Hope makes u stronger,

We live to hope,
Hope is what keeps us going,

Keep it sealed,
Let it be healed,
Like it’s your shield,
Sometimes it’s your battle field,

Keep hope close to u in life,
Sometimes u need to rethink twice,
For hope is unstable,
It comes and goes,

Hope is a special gift,
Not everyone knows,
If they do, they don’t bother to show,

Some of us want to lose hope,
Some of us want to regain hope,

Some think it’s a useless tool,
Yet they’re the ones blind,
Who won’t come to mind?

u and I, we all need hope,
No matter how far we seem from it,
It will find us one day,
For hope will come to us,

Wish and desire u hart-, hart out,
Keep in mind,
Don’t back away;
u know what u want,

Keep hoping till the END……
posted by r260897
i'll be with u as smile in joy and in tears in gloom
i'll be in your sun in morning and in night i'll be in moon
your pain your sorrows i want u to lend
..till the ver end....

i'll stand besides u in spring and also in fall
i'll never leave u alone coz my hart-, hart is not so small
in your world that is crystal clear
i'll not let fate bring any salty tear

for u all pain i'll beer
so that u stay near and be my dear
in ll situations i'll tend to bend
..till the very end....
posted by sawfan13
The cake says "Eat me"
The bottle says "Drink me"
When I eat, I'm tall and high
When I drink, I'm small and low

The doorknob speaking
As I get the key
Leading to my refuge

Timeless clocks
The madness in the tall hat knows all

The smiling purple cat
Confusing me
Am I tall
Or am I small
I don't know

"Off with her head!"
"Off with her head!"
The queen screams at them

The doorknob says to keep my head
I do so
I listen

It's raining numbers
Raining letters
This world's knowledge
Falling down

No proportion
Multiplying is gone
Where is my knowledge?
It goes down the river of tears

I'm tall
I'm high
I'm no longer low...
continue reading...