Poetry Club
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posted by Lovetreehill

So sweet the hour, so calm the time,
I feel it meer than half a crime,
When Nature sleeps and stars are mute,
To mar the silence ev'n with lute.
At rest on ocean's brilliant dyes
An image of Elysium lies
Seven Pleiades entranced in Heaven,
Form in the deep another seven:
Endymion nodding from above
Sees in the sea a seconde love.
Within the valleys dim and brown,
And on the spectral mountain's crown,
The wearied light is dying down,
And earth, and stars, and sea, and sky
Are redolent of sleep, as I
Am redolent of thee and thine
Enthralling love, my Adeline.
But list, O list, so soft and low
Thy lover's voice tonight shall flow,
That, scarce awake, thy soul shall deem
My words the muziek of a dream.
Thus, while no single sound too rude
Upon thy slumber shall intrude,
Our thoughts, our souls O God above!
In every deed shall mingle, love.
posted by KorIMoriTsuki
Of the other normality’s that some of the lives conjure to desiccate the willing structure of the lives of such persons as is yourself. The centrality of the lying cumulative strength forwarding itself to prostrate before the world of the flames. However, of all the rest, the starting to the beginning of this goring demise, a nervous call to humane deficiencies. The calling representative of this plight and error. Something known to bleed treacherous pallor, the grieving influence, something to follow up the remainder of your life, your family’s life, and all the other lives on this planet....
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posted by bookworm103

Our world is broken,
It has been darkened
driven into shadow and uncertainty

we live in fear that disasters will come to us,
arrive on our doorsteps on take what we love most.

that the light of dag will never come out of of night that even the stars and moon shall fade away.

Will we be blinded door hate and evil forever?


We will overcome this shadow of fear,
we will renew our world and
find our way back to light and goodness.

and when we learn to forgive and love,
the moon and the stars will shine brighter than ever,
and the darkness will be flooded with light.

This is my Hope for our broken world.
posted by Cherry9090
I crave love.
Not worth it.
I crave family.
Not worth it.
I crave freinds.
Not worth it.
I crave freedom.
Not worth it.
I crave to be desired.
Not worth it.
I crave a loving touch.
Not woth it.
I want my mom.
Not worth it.
I want to live.
Not worth it.
I want to be saved.
Not worth it.
A warm smile.
I am still not worth it.
A loving word.
I am still not worth it.
A gental love.
A warn voise.
I am still not worth it.
A light peeking thro the dark.
I am still not worth it.
I am still not worth it.
I hang my head because I know I am not worth it.
posted by Cherry9090
I see you.
I feel you.
I reach to you.
u are not there.
My hand goes right through you.
I must be a ghost.
I whatch you.
I need you.
u are a life time away.
I am just a ghost.
I call to you.
u turn.
u look right at me.
God do u see me?
No u dont.
u look right threw me.
u turn and walk away.
I am left alone.
In darkness.
I am just a ghost.
I have lost you.
I whatch u walk away.
I feel the pain.
I cant feel.
For the dead doesnt feel pain like this.
I run to you.
"I am here!" I scream!
u look right pass me.
I am not dead.
Nor am I alive.
The dead I am is much meer painful.
I am dieing form a beoken heart.
A lost love I can never get back.
Now I know.
I am just a ghost.
Waiting to expire.
posted by Cherry9090
Crying tears of blood.
Becuase my hear has burst.
Dieing inside becuase theres no way out.
The pain from being alone is to much to bare.
The only relife.
Is to hear u voise.
Feel your touch.
Love and be loved door you.
The razor blade is a comfert.
Feeling the blood drip to the floor.
Seeing it.
Hearing it.
Smelling it.
It makes me smile.
Love is always the best cure.
To me loved.
I am scared of dieing in Hell.
But it never ends.
Just know I love you.
I miss you.
For I am always with you.
Waiting for you.
My only love.
posted by irena83
When your minds are
and so many thoughts
circling around
your head,
u try to make
this right,
to find the best way
so u could feel better,
so u could be free.

Pain will never
go away,
it always stays
to remember you
that life is not a dream,
life is unpredictable.

Endless questions,
so many "Why",
but the answer
we will
never find!
The strength within
will not let us crack,
life is unpredictable,
who's to say?

Today you're happy,
and yet
despair waits
to engulf you.
u need to be prepared.

Not only bad things
happen to bad people.
so many pure,
honored hearts
have been broken for
so many times,
in so many pieces,
and yet
they live,
they live with
their agony,
they live with
their groan,
but they live,
tho their eyes are
always sad,
their hearts are
still softly.

they know...
they are...

The brightest star
that shines
in the dark,
that spark of hope
for all of us
who deserve better.
posted by irena83
Dark an silent.
Dark as your thoughts
from time to time.
Silent as your
words that soothe you.

You can feel it
in the air,
it sleeps in
your bed,
and your hart-, hart
feels that
it's here,
can't leave u be.

Makes u feel
immense euphoria,
that dazzling
moment that
shines in your eyes
won't go away,
as long as you're safe.

Can be so powerful.
It may lead u
wherever u want.
That's your
your creation,
the place where
you muse of the most
beautiful things
that fill your gentle heart.

That can be tricky.
When u live with your
past mistakes,
you cannot forgive yourself
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posted by MJangellover
eveyday I walk lonely
through that way
I don't wanna go
I wanna back
I don't wanna stay In that way
I need something To
keep My hart-, hart strong
and to correct My wrong
I don't know What to I belong
But I zoek for it for time
I don't know how long
I need something to never let me cry of
to let my tears dry
I need some thing
That's Inside your and my heart
To let my soul fly
up so high Into the sky
It's always needed to heal your heart
from this killing hurt
To light your and my way
when the darkness has to stay
through our way
Did u know What it is?
that when everyone want to go away
backs them to stay everyday ,
It's the love
That warms your hart-, hart inside
and makes u pride!!!!
posted by irena83
Look through the window
and tell me what u see.
Everything lives,
everything blossoms,
it's only you
in your autumn.

Your soul is seeking
for something that
is left a long time ago.
Something to cherish,
something to be attached to.

Why did the beast within
wake up suddenly?
Who called the restlessness?

Who shall win?
Will the autumn itself leave?
Nobody knows,
nobody cares
but you!

It's u trapped within,
your mind gives u nothing
but meer anxiety.
Peace is the place
u seek within your heart,
trying to find consolation.

Why you?
Why is this happening
to you?
Will the peace find you
one meer time,
of you're the one
who should find peace

When everything is black
in your heart,
u beg the darkness
to leave u be,
but the darkness
is not coming
where the joy
no,it's not coming
where the hope
still holds on.
posted by irena83
Do u know how is it like?
Have u ever been there,
distant from the world,

To many thoughts in your head,
but none of them to share with.
Too frightened to reveal
the truth,
too disgruntled
to talk about it.


How many people
you may drag with you?
How many people shall ask
what happened to you?

There's no honor in dying
unless the death itself.
Is it here of still waiting?


You dream about happiness,
you long for life u never had,
but your dream turns into
the nightmare,
peace has never been found
where fear reign constantly!

Too scared to speak
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posted by Vixie79
Once upon a lady's youth
a child often smiled
society came, torn down her doors
her youthful innocence defied

Call her gullible, call her naive
but first call her innocent
above all these things

You know innocents not
because u are societies whore
the evil of such atrocities
spill from your every pour

Couldn't u have known the
pain your tongue would cause?
Pointing out imperfections and
all irrelevant flaws

Your flaws go deeper that of the skin
but your heartlessness amuses me
because one dag you'll beg her "call me friend"

Then u shall know
with your face raised to the sky
and scream to the father of...
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posted by Lollipop97
A broken hart-, hart was spot,
Cuz of unspoken words left in a pot,
Because hearts are often broken,
Because of words unspoken.

Thoughts of if she could'nt stand,
that lies and cries goes hand in hand,
Like the moonlight shine is an art,
The broken hart-, hart will tear apart.

The rights of hart-, hart is a game,
Like it is to give a child a name,
The game of love is hard to find,
But it's even harder to read the line:

As the flowers shall grwo,
My hart-, hart will follow,
As the love goes by,
My hart-, hart will deny,
It says 'wait a sec is this real?
Cuz it's a relly big deal,
to handel a broken heart,
Is'nt easy to again start.'

Day afer...
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posted by clanbillr
 I couldn't believe it!! I couldn't even find a male reading a letter!! But this one will do!!
I couldn't believe it!! I couldn't even find a male reading a letter!! But this one will do!!
In my past I've written some things in my journals and to this dag I started rewriting them to what my experiences have brought me to now! So honestly I'm never really one for poetry; but I have gained a little interest in meer today, so... My first try at a poem has come!!!


I’ve struggled a bit since that dire day
Having read words I should never have seen
I’ve zei all that I feel I need to say
But still wonder what went on in between

 I don’t consider myself insecure
I always thought we were on the same page
Our love was equivalent, I felt pretty sure
But the curtain fell...
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posted by totaldrama1
ok just want u to know that I just started writing poems so if they aren't good srry.

its the color of sadness
the color that reminds me all about you
I know u will never love me the was I love you
but how can i survive without my color blue?

What makes Christmas bells ring?
What makes birds chirp in the spring?
What makes kids laugh and have fun?
What scares the deer to make it run?
All of these things are hard to explain
like answering why it has to rain
of answering why love is so hart-, hart breaking
even though at first its so breath taking
We cannot keep someone forever
but why do they have to change just like the weather?

Hope u liked them!
posted by HouseMindFreak
As the storm rages violently outside, the war inside your soul brings u to your insanity.
With every lightining strike your hart-, hart pains
Pattering of rain on the window are the lost souls of your crimes
The blowing of the wind brings the haunting memories through your mind's eye...
Shattering your conscience into pieces

As u lay lucid on the floor, unable to tell if you're alive...
The clock chimes, the torture is not over
The storm strengthens...hail begins to pound
The sound is deafening, filling your brain of screams
Your body is pelted with shocks of cold...
It is close to the end...

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posted by keturahk
for those of u that dont know what lore means it mens mtyhs of folk tales kinda. i know it seems a bit old a chessy but just go with it x.x i wanted something like that D:<

a moonlight beam may often seem, a plain and tranquil thing.

but when moonlight snares upon a yonder shore. it seems to resemble scene straight from a book of lore.

yes,yes,oh yes indeed.
a scene with love and many marvelous things

what every human being desires.
a love at home pagina to start there fire, and gaze out upon that yonder shore

with a happily ever after straight from lore....
posted by keturahk
in a kasteel upon a heuvel far far away, there was a young girl named zora who cried and wailed all day.
but this young girl wasent just any young girl she was a priencess to be but she cried and cried all dag long becuz they called her ugly
no one wanted her,no one saw her, no one cared to try and charm her and they all let her be so no one would harm her

all poor zora wanted in life was her very own prinece charming but the only men who had ever seen her found her quite alarming
untill one night as zora lay abed she hear a thump upon the shed

she peered out the window only 2 see "my own prience...
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posted by keturahk
i usually write artikels on all my clubs so i will probably write one soon on here probably about Edgar allen poe of Shakespeare ect. but for now i have a few poems i wanna post. i write lots of artikels about pretty much every club im in. if there is an artical u want wrote just commentaar and ask me to.

His smile makes me
tingle, my vision starts to mingle.
I gotta close my eyes cuz he gives me

my knees start to shake as he leaves me in his wake
he is one of my lifes greatest trills

romeo romeo i wanna be your juliet
tho i cant confess that yet
posted by cutiegirl01
I must be pretending,
I must be dreaming,
I saw him bleed,
I heard him breathe,
We all live,
We all die,
But that doesn’t justify,
It’s not the same,
It’s not so different,
It must be a dream,
It’s only in my mind,
Leave it all behind,
But then he dies.

I fear him,
But I love him,
I hate to see that die,
I can’t say goodbye,
I must be dreaming,
I tell myself it’s not real,
But I don’t believe,
Because I know what u did,
u took his life.
posted by A-k
Ghandi is a legend, led a life that's simple and legendary, went here n there, never killed even if necessary, ordered yet inspired his people to turn the other cheek, obviously, like Dr. Martin Luther King didn't want to turn it meer bloody.
As in racism era, the Black Panthers were itching to kill, but they simpley didn't hurry because their king passed that's a sin.
Ghandi was definitely hurt when British killed a little kid, and with us Jewish kill and we can't do a thing.
We ain't smart enough to manage our anger, if we could slikken it, perhaps like Africans stand hunger. I'm an African-Arab,...
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