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Part FREAKING 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahooooooooooooo! Anyway, I just wanted to say that......the NoCo fans are the best in the world! TuT u guys are some of the most kind, generous, and caring people out there! Not like the cold and mean Codierra fans. -.- Also, I know I eanded with Cody's P.O.V. last time, but I'm gonna start with Noah's intead Why? Well...hey look, a disco ball! *runs away when your distrackted*

Anyaway, I hope u enjoy part 6!


*Noah's P.O.V.*

I was actually able to sleep a full night that night. Maybe it was because I hadn't gotten a full nights rest in about two weeks, or....it could've been the fact that I felt meer veilig with Justin not around. Either way, I slept great.

"Okay camper's, time to rise and shine!" Chris exclaimed through the PA - waking probably everyone up. "After breakfast, I want u all to meld to the brand pit for information on todays challenge!" the PA then turned off, and all the boy's slowly started to get out of bed. Once I got up, I found Owen towering over me.

"Hey Noah!" the chubby Canadian greeted. "Did u sleep well?" uh...why do u ask?

"Um...sure." I replied, not knowing what to say. Owen then got a big smile, and pulled me into a death-hug. "Can't....breath....Owen....I...need....air...." I chocked out as the death hug grew tighter. Owen finally released me, and chuchled sheepishly.

"Sorry dude! I just love to hug people!" Owen appologized, rubbing the back of his head out of embarrasment.

"It's fine." I mumbled, still gaspong for air. Owen got a relieved expression, and he went on with his morning. I then started getting ready as well, but when I had finished, I noticed a certain brunett was still lying in bed. "Come on Cody, time to wake up." I whispered, shaking the skinny tech geek. Cody only groaned, and pulled the covers over his face.

"Five meer minutes." Cody whined from under the blanket. I rolled my eyes, and started shaking him again.

"Come on Codester, we need to go!" I urged the sleeping teal-eyed male.

"Come on, five meer minutes!" Cody whined again. I was about to start shaking him again, but I then remembered something my sibling used tp do when I didn't wake up. Despite my normal serious self, I then started tickling Cody and he bursted into laughter. "Stop dude!" Cody laughed out.

"Not until u get up!" I exclaimed, continuing to tickle him. Cody lated a few meer minuut of the tickling, but he finally got up and got dressed.

"Happy now?" Cody asked, still laughing a bit.

"Yep, now let's go." we then both went outside, and went to the mess hall. Breakfast seemed - once again - short, and with zero conversation. After we were all done, we went to the firepit as Chris instructed, and took a zitplaats, stoel in the surounding stumps. "Here, u can have my stump." I told Cody once I noticed there wasn't enough stumps for everyone to sit down on.

"Thanks." Cody chirped, smiling to reavel his gap. He then took a seat, and I swore I saw Heather give me a strange look. Of coure, I didn't call he on it because our favoriete self-absorbed host came in front of us.

"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills." Chris announced as everyone turned their attention to him. "I'm not gonna lie to, some of u may not come back alive." a few of the other campers gasped, but I remianed unfazed. "Just joking! He-he. All u have to do is spend one night in the woods." the people who had gasped got relieved expressions. "Everything u need is at your teams campsite in the forest. u just have to find it." Chris explained, pulling out a set of maps and compases. He then threw one set to Heather, and the other to Duncan. Chris then started to walk away, but he then quickly turned back around. "Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of intern's in pre-prouduction. First team back for breakfast win invincability!" Chris reminded as Gwen got up and started walking away - Heather following close behind. Chris then blew a blow-horn. "Well, off u go!"

"Did he say there were bears up in here?" no Lashawna, he zei he lost a few interns because of baby bunnies.

"I had a little encounter with a beer once!" Owen exclaimed, patting his arm muscle - of what it's supposed to be I think - a bit. "Let's just say, his head looks real good on my mantel!" he then made these magic fingers, as if he was seeing his mantel right there. Izzy then turned to me with this huge grin.

"Oh! This one time, I saw a beer eating our garbage! He had old spagettie noodles hanging from his big teeth, and it looked like blood and guts! It was so gross! We thought he was eating the neighbores cat, Zimba, but it turned out he was just lost for a week! Uh...you didn't eat spagettie, did you?" I thought on it breifly, and shook my head. "Good, let's go!" Izzy exclaimed, hopping up from her seat. She then ran into the woods after Heather, and the rest of my team slowly followed.

"So, are u scared a b-bear will attack us?" Cody asked, sounding really frightened. I couldn't help but smirk at him.

"No, are you?" I asked a bit teasingly.

"N-no way!" Cody exclaimed defensivley. "I-I was j-just cheaking to s-see if u were scared." Cody explained, his voice breaking a bit. I then rolled my eye in a: 'sure u were' manner, and we semi-ran to catch up to the others. Once we did, Heather guestered us to follow her lead. Me and Cody finally caught up to the group, and filled brhing Izzy, Beth, and Trent.

"Uh...everything alright up there Gwen?" Trent asked a bit akwardly

"Yeah." the goth hissed, not bothering to turn around. We all continued walking in silence for awhile, untill Heather started to widly itch her arms.

"Uhg! She is so the volgende one to leave!" Heather spat a she scratched her arms.

"Who?" Trent asked, raising an eye brow.

"Who do u think?" Heather snapped, sending a quick glare toward Gwen. "She dumped Harold's red ant farm into my bed!" really...I'd love to have seen that.

"Yeah, but u did read her diary out loud to the entire world." Izzy reminded her. Heather then turned around to glare at Izzy, causing some people in line to bump into eachother.

"So?" Heather asked, narowing her eyes.

"So.....that was kind of mean." Izzy replied, raising an eye brow. Heather just sneered, and Izzy immediantly backed down.

"She is going down!" Heather hissed a final time before walking off. The rest of us followed her, and we were silent the whole time. When we finally got to our site, we quickly threw everything around this big tree.

"Uh...ha-ha, theres no food here." Owen reminded, looking around the site.

"This is a survival task." Trent remined, keeping his eyes locked on the map. "Look at the instructions." yeah...like we can all see the instructions while your holding the map.

"I wonder if theres bears around today." Owen interjected randomly. "Wouldn't it be funny if we made some bears sounds, and they came?" Izzy, who was standing volgende to him, got wide eyes, and a huge smile.

"That would be so funny!" Izzy encouraged. Owen then puffed out if chest, and stood really straight.

"ROAR! I'M A BEAR!" Owen exclaimed as loud as he could.

"Will u please shut it?!" Heather hissed, snatching the map from Trent. "I an trying to read here! It says we're supposed to find our own food." Heather then quickly looked around, and scoffed. "I still don't see it." is she serious?

"Uh, honey, I think they mean in the woods." I pipped up, earning a glare from Heather.

"I'll go!" Owen exclaimed, already walking into the deeper woods. "I'm good at finding food!" uh, unless theres a three course turkey avondeten, diner out there, I don't think your gonna find anything.

"Well, at least this will be a good week for my diet." Heather mumbled, rolling up the map.

"So, do u think he'll really find something?" Cody asked as everyone started to set up the campsite.

"Probably, but I'm sure he'll just eat it all before he gets back." I replied, earning a chuckle from Cody.

"Yeah...probably." we then went over to where our team was setting up the tent, and we helped put it up. After it was up, the team made a fire. It was small at first, but it quickly bursted into a raging one. My team then gathered around, and basicaly just at aroung for a good hour, hour-in-a-half.

"Ugh! I am so hungry!" Heather whined.

"Uh! Ugh! I think my stonach ate my stomach!" Izzy complained along with Heather.

"YO!" a voice cried out. We all turned to see a guy about our age with a pizza in his hand. "Who ordered the peperonie, extra cheese?" the teen asked, holding up the pizza box.

"It's for the camera crew, over here." a guy who had apparently working a nearby camera called out. Everyone turned to watch as the pimply face teen handed the pizza box to the camera guy - after he paid of course. After he got paid, the teen ran back into the woods.

"No way." Heather mumbled after it was done. There was some rustling in the nearby bushes, and Owen came out - holding two rope full of fish.

"I am man! I bring fish!" Owen exclaimed.

"Are u kidding me?" Heather asked, giving a bewildered expression. Everyone then got up, and headed toward Owen.

"Oh, man, your awesome!" Trent exclaimed.

"Oh, I love fish! I love fish!" Izzy exclaimed, taking a fih, and sinking her teeth into it. "I...I guess we should cook it first...huh?" Izzy asked, sounding a bit embarresed.

"How do u know how to fish?" Heather asked Owen, raising an eye brow.

"My grandpa taught me!" Owen replied proudly. "I caught a haai once, it bit me in the butt. Check it out!" Owen then bent over, and dropped his pants - reavealing a row of sharks teeth. A lot of the campers then protested, but Izzy just stared in awe.

"That is so awesome!" Izzy exclaimed. Owen then told everyone that he needed a few sticks to roast the fish. After a few minuten of searching, and an announcment from Izzy - saying she was going to go pee, everyone finally found the right number of sticks. Owen set them up so that two sticks on the side of the brand were supporting the long one in the middle that held the fish. door that time, the sun had set, and the brand created a very bright glow.

"Okay. Fire's hot. vis are grilling. Tent is tenting." Owen mumbled probably as he was going through a check lijst in his mind.

"Nice going man. vis looks awesome." Trent complaminted, getting Owen's full attention.

"Thanks man. I owe it all to grandpa!" Owen exclaimed happily, looking prouder than a new father.

"So u and your grandpa really faught a beer once?" Trent asked.

"Heck yes! It was the scariest dag of my entire life!" Owen exclaimed. A lot of people either gasped, of rolled there eyes. Owen then told a story about how him and his grandpa were walking through the woods one day, when all of a suden, a beer appeared. He discribed him as ten fee tall, and with a terrible roar. He then imitated a roar, and zei they grabed their shot-guns, and they knew it was either him of them. After they shot him, Owen explained that they marked themselves to honor him. "It was a good death." Owen told us, shaking his head slightly.

"Yeah, right." Heather interjected. "There's no way u there's no way u took down a ten foot bear." Heather then looked around. "Has anyone seen crazy girl?" Heather asked.

"She zei she had to pee." I reminded her.

"But that was over an uur ago!" Trent exclaimed, causing everone getting a worried look. "Izzy!" Trent called out, but there was no responce. He then tried again, but there was still no answer from the red-head.

"Izzy the Gopher, where are you?!" Owen yelled. There was then some rustling in the bushes, and everone got relieved expressions. "Oh, ha-ha, good. We thought we lost there for a minuut man." Owen then stopped in his track's, and got wide eyed. "Great pyramid of Gysa!" Owen exclaimed as a brown-fured bear, about nine of ten feet tops, rose up from the bushes. Everyone immedeintly stood up, and started in horror at the beast. In the midst if the terror, I realized Cody had clung to my arm for saftey.

Despite what was happening, I couldn't help but blush. And, for a single moment, all I could foucuse on was Cody.

*Cody's P.O.V.*

The ten-to-nine beer then started growling at Owen, and the over-weight teen started freaking out - screaming and running around yelling we were gonna die. Of course, the beer made no moves toward us. It just stood there, staring at us. After a few meer mnutes of running around us, Heather purpesly triped Owen. The beer must've gotten made door this, because it started growling dangerously low, and started creeping toward us.

"Climb into the tree's!" Heather barked, running to the big tree. I then noticed tow things: I had wet myself - as I usually did when I got scared - and I was clining to Noah's arm. I blushed slightly, and released the tanned teens arm. We then climbed the tree, and me and Noah wound up on the same branch.

"Whats gonna happen to us?" I asked Noah, looking down at the beast below.

"No idea Codester." Noah replied as the beer walked up to the tree. Apparently it coudn't climb, because it just glared at us, and and growled angrily.

"So what do we do know?" Trent asked, looking at Heather - who was in the same branch.

"Don't look at me!" Heather hissed.

"It was your idea to climb the tree's." Gwen - who was on a branch not to far away with Lashawna and and Beth - reminded her, raising an eye brow.

"Well why don't u ask the beer hunting expert?" Heather asked, glaring at Owen - who had a branch all to himself. "Hey Owen, what now?" Heather asked, smirking at Owen - who was only one branch up from her.

"How should I know?!" Owen asked, sounding really paniced.

"Dude, u zei u killed a bear!" Lashawna reminded, sounding almost furious.

"I was being theactrical!" Owen cried out, earning glares from almost everyone surrounding him.

"This is all your fault! If u hadn't been growling like that, we never would've attracted him to our site!" Heather snapped, pointing at Owen.

"Excuse me for living!" Owen cried out before reapeatedly banging his head in the tree.

"Hey, hey, hey, ease up pn the guy. He did bring us all that fish." Trent reminded, guesterng to zei vis on the ground below. At that moment, the beer had walked away from the tree, and started sniffing at the fish.

"Hey, lay off our fish!" Heather shrieked.

"It's probably already eaten Izzy!" Owen cried out before going back to banging his head in the tree.

"Then it shouldn't be hungry anymore." Heather statted. Everyone then gasped, and gave Heather shocked expressions. "What? This is survival of the fittest. She should she should've just peed in her pants like Cody." Heathe then guestured to me. I then noticed that....I had my arms wraped around a certain bookworms waist. I turned scarlet red, and let go of Noah's waist.

"Sorry about that...he-he." I mumbled. Then, I heard one of the limbs start to crack, and I feared that it was the limb me and Noah were on. Of course, it turned out it was Lashawnas's limb, sendng only the home-girl to the ground below. The beer then walked over to her, and started growling lowley.

"Dear addey, he's going to die!" Owen exclaimed as the beer walked toward Lashawna. She kept crawling backwards until she hit the tree. The beer got onto two legs, and continued to growl.

"N-nice bear. He-he...AH! Someboby help me!" Lashawna screamed, fruitlessly covering her face for protection. The others screamed at her to run away, but Lashawna remained frozen with fear. The beer stared at her some more, and then got.....a smile.

"Hey, are u okay?" the beer asked in a fimiliar female voice. Everyone got wide eyed, and stared at the bear.

"Uh....did that beer just aske me a question?" Lashawna asked, finaly uncovering her face. There was a few meer seconden of silence, but the the beer brought his paws to his neck, and pulled off his head - reavealing Izzy with a devious smile.

"Oh my goodness! I did not see that coming!" Owen exclaimed, sliding down the boom trunk.

"Okay...Izzy, your offically the most insane person I've ever meet. Congradulations." Noah told Izzy, her smile getting wider.

"What are you? Some kind of weirdo?" Gwen asked.

"I thought it would be funny!" Izzy said, chuckling. Everyone then slowly got out of the tree, and we all sat to eat our dinner. After Owen checked to make sure it wa done, he gave them Heather to pass out. After everyone else got a fish, Heather finally gave one to Izzy.

"Rocken the fish-sticks! Nice!" Izzy exclaimed. At that moment, there was meer rustling in the bushes, and growling was heard. Soon after, another brown-fured beer walked out of the bushes. "Wow, that costum is really good!" Izzy exclaimed as the beer started to sniff her. "I mean, I thought mine was good, but this one is like, really good!" the beer got a confused face, and kept sniffing Izzy - as if he couldn't tell what she was.

"It's probably just Chris trying to mess with us." Trent explained, walking up to the beer and making eye contact - something your never supposed to do with wild animals. "Noce try man!" Owen then came up, and poked the beer in the nose. The beer let out a furious roar, and I couldn't help but want to wet myelf again.

"I have a bad feeling about this." I whispered to Noah, who nodded in responce.

"Uh...I don't know Owen. This one looks kinda real." Gwen pipped up, sounding really scared.

"Chris....did say there were bears." Heather mumbled. Everyone except Owen ad Izzy then slowly started backing up to the tree.

"Oh come on guys!" Owen chuckled. "Their just trying to see if they can punk us twice. This is not a real bear, and I'm going to prove it to you." with that, Owen grabed a patch of vacht, bont atop the beast's head, and started yanking. Nothing happened. Owen got a confused expression, and started yanking harder. He pulled so hard, the chunck of hair he had was pulled right off of the bear's head. "Wow....that does look kind of real." kind of my butt! The beer got onto two legs, and rubbed the bald spot on his head, and then let out a furious roar. "Yep....thats a real bear." Owen gasped. The beer then snatched the hair from Owen, and tried to put it back on. Everyone then started screaming, and climbed the boom again. I wound up on the same branch, and I noticed a fresh pee stain on my pants.

"Oh not again!" I groaned. Beside me, Noah started chuckling. "It's not funny Noah!" I hissed, punching his arm lightly.

"Sorry, but....do u always wet yourself when your scared." he aked, raising an eye brow.

"Well....yeah." I sighed out. "I don't mean to do it, though! u see, when I was little, my cousins would always try and scare me. They always did stuff that made me wet myself, and...I guess it's become a bad habit....he-he." I explained sheepishly.

"Well, I can help u break it if u want." Noah offered.

"Really? That's be awesome Noah!" I then gave him a quick hug before pulling away. "You know....this really isn't so bad. It couldn't possibly get -" at that moment, a hard, even rain stated pouring down.

"Please don't tell me that the volgende word out of your mouth was going to be worse." Noah groaned.

"Uh...no, of course not." I reasured sheepishly. Noah rolled his eyes, and a series of thunder and lightning filled the sky. Even though the trees leaves kept most of the rain from hitting us, I still manedged to get wet. I started shaking a bit after Noah fell asleep, and I honestly wish I could fall asleep like him. Depite mme being wet and cold, my eyes eventually shut, and I fell asleep. That is, until...

"Hey, look at the to love birds!" a female - mabey Izzy of Heather- cried out. My eyes flew open, and...I realized that me and Noah were the love birds. I had somehow gotten closer to Noah, and was resting practically sitting in his lap with his had his arms around my waist. Noah then woke up, and got a deep blush. Everyone else was either snickering of staring.

"Awe, is little Noah embarresed? I thought he wanted to wake up with Cody in his arms!" Izzy - who was still in her beer suit - called out, chuckling.

"W-what?! Izzy...your....your just crazy!" Noah spat, his blush getting deeper. "B-besides...it's a narrow branch. There was no way we could've moved without bumping into eachother." Noah explained. Izzy rolled her eyes, and slid down the tree. Me and Noah then got out of the akward position, and got out of the boom as well. The others soon followed, and we were all looking for any sign the beer wa still around.

"Ugh. I think it's veilig guys! Bears gone." Trent called out, popping his back.

"And, the map." Gwen mumbled, holding up the remainders of our teams map - it had fallen on the ground when we went into the tree, and gotten soaked door the rain.

"Okay, I don't know how racoons sleep in trees, because I am so stiff." Izzy observed, sounding way meer tired than she did five minuten ago.

"They must be really limber." Owen replied, streatching out as well.

"You know what crazy girl? I don't wanna hear another word from you, of the beer hunter here!" Heather snapped. "If u two hadn't been acting like bear-bait all night, we could have actually slept in our tent!" then, a bird that landed not to far from the three started to whistle a tune.

"Shut up!" Owen, Izzy, and Heather yelled, causing the bird to drop from his perch. We then started taking the camp down, but my mind really wasn't there. I was too busy thinking about...the position we woke up in.

I mean....we were only asleep...right?

*Noah's P.O.V.*

'Why do I feel like this?' I asked myself as I kept my face indiffrence. 'I mean...it's not like I made him get into that position. He moved there himself. Plus, we were both asleep, so it dosen't -'

"Noah! Get your head out of the clouds, and get moving!" Heather hissed as everyone started to head out of the campsite. I then gave a small blush, and ran to catch up. We then ran through the woods for awhile, and then Heather gasped. "Hey, I think I saw the other team!" Heather cried, picking up the pace. We then shortly ran into the the campsite, and the other team was already there. "Oh no! They beat us here!" Heather gasped. "This is all your fault!" Heather hissed, turning and pushing Owen over.

"Uh-uh!" Chris pipped up, coming over to Heather. "Not so fast Gopherenos! It seems that The Killer bas, bass are missing a few fish." oh yeah...Katie and Sadie I think.

"Oh, u mean Katie and Sadie?" Courtney asked. "I'm pretty sure they got eaten door wolves last night." Courtney explained.

"Darn shame." Duncan agreed, earning a chuckle from Gwen. Of coure, at that moment, Katie and Sadie ran into the camp - weezing.

"We made it!" Katie squealed.

"We're safe!" Sadie sqealed. "Oh my gosh guys! We got totally lost, and got in this massive fight!" sound fun.

"And there was this massive bear, and he was all: 'Roar! Your in my kinderbedje, wieg so get out!'" Katie agreed, making her voice deeper to try and imitate what the beer would sound like if he could actually talk.

"It was like, so scary!" okay...this is already getting to idiotic for me.

"Oh Sadie, I'm so sorry I zei I was prettier than you!" Katie whimpered out.

"And I'm so sorry I brought up the snake shake!" okay....do they honestly think we know what their talking about?

"And I'm sorry I zei your butt was to big to fit in the bus seat." wow...thats unexpected.

"You did?" Saide asked.

"Um...well, not to your face." Katie explained akwadrly. The two shared an akwadr silene, but then Sadie got a huge smile.

"Oh who cares?! We're safe! And your my best friend, and I love you!" Sadie announced happily, pulling Katie into a tight hug. Okay...anyone else notice that almost all of these fights here are anti-climactic?

"Oh, I love u too Sadie!" Katie squealed, hugging back. Courtney then came up behind them, and cleared her throat.

"Are u two finished with your little love fest?" both Katie and Sadie nodded their heads. "Good, because, thanks to you, we just lost the challenge!" Courtney hissed, her voice going from friendly to angry.

"Alright, Killer Bass, one of your fishy butts is going home!" Chris exclaimed. "Gophers, your going on an all expences paid trip to....the Tuck Shop!" all of my team members started cheering, and we immediantly headed to it. After we got back - which was right before the sun fully set, we had an assortment of Condies, Sodas, and other sugary stuff these kids don't need. Then, everyone decided to jump into the hot tub, and turn on some music. I, on the other hand, deided to head to the cabin.

"Hey, where are u going Noah?" Cody asked as I opened the cabine door.

"Inside, where else?" I simply replied, not bothering to face him. I then went into the cabin, and plopped down on my bed. "Whyy can't I stop thinkng about it?" I asked myself out-loud. "I mean...it was just an accident....again. I'm sure....it means....nothing..........right?" I asked, but not recieving an answer. I then curled up in my bed, and let my eyes slowly flutter shut. "It's all just in my head....I'm sure of it. Just little accidents, and nothing more." I thought, giving into my drowsey-ness, and falling into a deep sleep.


So, I hope this wasn't to boreing for you.

Okay, I promise u that the volgende episode will be a little more....interesting. >3 Also, I may get a little slow on updating this sine school's coming up, but...I promise I'll try to keep it once a week - as always!

Thanks for reading,
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