Quinn and Puck Club
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posted by mossheart1235
Okay, this is my first Quick fanfic... I'm a little nervous because I don't think it's very good... but I'm going to let u make the call. Hope u like it.

Quinn wasn't sure what to think any more. One moment she was dating Finn, and everything was all right, but then Mr. Schue started Glee Club, and suddenly, she was pregnant, with Puck's kid and everything had spiralled out of control. But things were returning to normal. She was Head Cheerio, dating Sam, on good terms with Finn, and her baby was somewhere safe, with a mother and a father who loved her. She hoped.
God, if she'd gegeven up Beth...
continue reading...
added by natulle
Source: tumblr (somewhere)
added by natulle
Source: tumblr (somewhere)
added by natulle
Source: tumblr (somewhere)
added by natulle
Source: tumblr (somewhere)
added by BrightSparkle
added by BrightSparkle
added by BrightSparkle
added by BrightSparkle
added by BrightSparkle
added by BrightSparkle
added by chameron4eva
Source: J'adore @ fanforum
added by lunae88
added by theonlyone
added by skatethebest
added by Irenenew
added by theonlyone
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added by natulle
Source: tumblr (somewhere)