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for those who are in it, this is a book following the story of Silas Saberton from the Pottermore RP. I have planned on writing this for years and send it to JK Rowling Herself and see if she would want to help me Co-Author the book with me.

But until that point my Fanpop and Deviantart vrienden will get a sneak peak!

Without further ado, I present the Slytherin Syndicate!

The Slytherin Syndicate

Chapter 1

A Wizards Awakening

    The storm over London seemed to increase in velocity, the winds getting stronger with each moment. Silas lay on his bed, which he turned to face his window, looking out as the Lightning would strike. He had always been enamored door storms; it seemed to him as nature’s way of reviving itself. He felt the storm and would find peace in its chaos.

    Silas Saberton was the eleven jaar old kid that most parents wished they had. He did well in school, being the top, boven of his class in Science and Math. To the Saberton family though, his biggest achievements also seemed to be the bron of his mischievous behavior. Rachel Saberton had lost count of how many times he had fended off bullies with stink bombs, smoking chemicals of tricking them with fake coinage as lunch money. Robert Saberton, his father, thought these incidents were hysterical and would reward Silas for his deeds; his mother was not as patient with his antics.

    Silas also spent a lot of time door himself. He was the only child of Robert and Rachel, and both were constantly busy with work. His father was a Traveling Salesman, and his mother was his at home pagina office aid. This would mean his mother would be on the phone of computer all dag as Silas had the home pagina to himself until about eight each night.

    This night was different than most. The storm came suddenly, as if provoked door some earthly event. As Silas stared through the window pane, he saw what seemed to be the Silhouette of a bird on the night sky. As it was flying, it looked as if it would go overhead when a stray bolt of unnatural green lightning hit the bird and it fell into the neighbor’s yard. Silas was in shock. He had never seen green lightning, and never has it struck so close to home. He ran outside, throwing on his jas as he was on the porch. When he got to the bird, an owl to be precise, he tried checking it for signs of life, but to his dismay the birds hart-, hart seemed to not take the impact and was dead.

    He was about to head home pagina with sadness filing his hart-, hart for seeing the last moments of this poor animal’s life, when something caught his eye. Clutched in the grips of the owl’s talon was an envelope, worn from age and the rain this bird weathered. Curiosity got the best of Silas, as he slipped the paper package from the grips of the animal corpse. He looked it over slowly, admiring the old fashioned wax zeehond, seal on the envelope. It seemed something out of the boeken he read of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. When he flipped it over however, he almost threw it to the ground when he saw what was written on the outside.

    In green lettering, the envelope was addressed to Silas himself.

avondeten, diner at the Saberton home pagina was awkward to say the least. No one spoke, the only sound was the silverware against the plates, and the noise of his father’s obnoxious chewing. Swallowing down a piece of chicken, Silas finally brought up,

“Have either of u heard about a place called Hogwarts?” Instantly the demeanor of both of his parents changed from weariness to shock.

“Where did u learn that name?” Mrs. Saberton asked, somewhat in a hushed tone. Silas felt inclined to toon them the letter, the green writing and seal, but instead he decided to keep the names Origin a secret.

“I overheard it at school, and wondered what it may be” he replied, trying to mask the true reasoning from his parents.
“They zei it was some school for witches and wizards, do they really exist?”

“Do what really exist” was Mr. Saberton’s response

“Wizards, Magic, Spells, does this all exist?” Silas asks once more, getting slightly frustrated at his father.

This time there was no response from his parents, the rest of the avondeten, diner was finished in silence. Silas knew that this existed, and he assumed that his parents knew about it as well, but he was going to find out. Silas always found out. Once he set his mind to the task there would be nothing to hold him back.

Silas was going to attend this Hogwarts School even if he died trying.

Chapter 2

the Man with the Broomsticks

After the rest of an uneventful evening, with no meer words from his parents about magic, Silas went to his room. After that night, an uneventful week pasted. He had tried to get meer information from his parents about this Hogwarts School with each passing day, but they had been silent meer than ever. He knew for some reason, they were keeping secrets from him, and in his true fashion, he would get to the bottom of this.

Silas’ alarm clock went off at its usual time on a Tuesday morning, and as soon as he turned it off there was a knock at the door. He got up and went to the door, not caring to change out of his pajamas. He fiddled with his hair a bit before he turned the doorknob and schommel, swing the door open. A young man no older than thirty five stood on the porch. He was holding a bezem in each hand, and smelled a bit like he had been mulching a garden and forgot to shower.

“Hullo, I’m Mr. Longbottom, I am a door-to-door bezem salesman. Can I come in to toon u some of my wares?” zei the stranger. At first Silas did not know how to respond, his body was awake but his mind was still struggling to really recognize what was going on.
“I will need to check with my mother first, and she is on the phone” Silas zei with his full Scottish accent, he had spent his early years in Scotland, but when they moved to Bromley, the school kids would tease him relentlessly about it. He taught himself how to cover it for the most part, but in shocking moments like this it would come out. As for what he zei to the man was the truth, but it was meer in the attempt to get this disheveled man of his porch. The name Longbottom had seemed peculiar though, it had a familiar feel to it, as if from a memory of sorts.

“That is no matter Silas, I actually came to talk to you, may I come in?” the man zei with a smile. Silas stood in shock, his mind now working double-time to make up for the weariness a couple moments ago, not only had this man persisted to stay, but he called him door name. How did this man know his name?

“I am sorry I do not let strangers into my house” Silas retorted, he was about to shut the door when the man started to walk away. Luckily curiosity got the best of Silas, he whipped the door open again and called out after him, “I don’t remember giving u my name”
“That is because Headmistress McGonagall told me” he said, then he saw it. He saw on this man’s jas it had a logo, in fact the exact logo on the wax zeehond, seal that was on his letter. All of the sudden the memories of a dag past flashed through his mind. A Mr. Neville Longbottom signed the letter he received what seemed eons ago. “May I enter?” Silas just nodded his head and let him in the house.

“Silas, I am so glad u have answered the door, I cannot tell u how overjoyed I am. I want to let u know first of all, I am not really a bezem Salesman”

“Yeah I guessed that much.” Silas zei with his Scottish accent peaking out a bit, “you smell like a cabbage patch”

“I actually take that as a compliment, I am the Herbology Teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” Mr. Longbottom explained.

“So is really there? That letter was not just some bogus joke” Silas had never doubted the validity of the letter he had obtained. He just needed it to be confirmed in his own mind that he had made up the whole thing.

“No, it was not. I am actually glad to hear u got it, your owl never came back, and we had feared the worst.” The man let off a sigh of relief.

“Well the bird died actually, a crossed the street. I got the letter from there. Some green lightning of something hit it”

“Or something” the man zei wearily, he paused for but a moment before continuing, “Silas, I am actually hear to take u to grab your school supplies. These brooms actually are enchanted not only for flight, but to be invisible along with its user. I will take u to where u can get all u need for school this jaar and then find u a place to stay until school starts.”

“Why cant my parent’s take me? Would it be to much of a hassle to take a taxi?” Silas asked, millions of vragen were flooding his mind, but those ones seemed to have slipped out through his mouth.

“It is difficult to reach this place, yes, and just trust me when I say your parents would prefer it this way. All will be explained shortly. But I need u to pack your bags. u will not be coming home pagina until the end of the School year, understood?” Silas just slowly nodded his head. His parents knew! They purposefully kept this world a secret from him, and now they are not going to introduce him to it? Let alone say goodbye. He ran upstairs, pack a romp, kofferbak of two, then headed back down to see what was next.

“Good, also do u have your key necklace?” Silas pulled it out from under his shirt, it was gegeven to him door his father as a gift for giving a schoolyard bully a handful of penny slugs instead of his actual lunch money. His father stressed the importance of never losing this little golden key and to make sure he always had it with him.

“Alright, now put your trucks in my backpack and then I will teach u how to fly.” Silas looked at him with a face of befuddlement, how was he to fit two full sized trucks into Mr. Longbottom’s backpack

“I’d be lucky to get one in there,” he zei hoisting his romp, kofferbak over the small opening, but as it dropped in, the romp, kofferbak shrunk in size until it was no bigger than a Matchbox.

“A Friend of mine years geleden made that for me, very clever, now hurry up with the seconde one.” He spoke out loud. After the romp, kofferbak was inside, Silas noticed that Mr. Longbottom was visibly nervous about what was about to happen. “To be honest it has taken me years to learn how to fly, so if u cant we have another way to our location.” He said, heading into the backyard. Silas looked behind him as he stood at the back door, he was about to leave home pagina for the first time in his eleven jaar old life. For some reason though, it was a feeling of excitement rather than fear. Silas knew as he took a step outside his life would never be the same.

Chapter 3

First Flight

Silas headed down and took one of the brooms from the man. He looked it over, and over, and over once more. It did not look like any bezem he had used in his life. The handle took a weird bend as if they were made just to fit a rider on it. There were metal pieces that came off of opposite sides which reminded him of a motorcycle foot pegs. He saw how Mr. Longbottom got on and tried to copy it.

“So Professor Longbottom … “

“Neville, u can call me Neville until we get to school.”

“Ok Neville, so how do u control these things?” Silas asked, there was no clear indicator of what to do, and there was certainly no instruction manual

“Oh yeah, forgot u have never used a bezem before. It works mostly off of the momentum of your weight, put it meer towards the front of the handle to go faster, toward the twigs to go slower, and right and left are self-explanatory.” He said, then thought for a seconde if there was anything else to it. “Also when u are in the air, u need to pull the handle up of down to change your altitude”

Silas was trying to get his head around all of the new instructions he was told. It seemed very simple, but could he remember it when he needed to, finally he watched Neville Kick off the ground, and he stayed at a good two feet off the ground, just hovering. Silas tried the same, and went a little higher than that.

“That’s good Silas, now press that button on the Handle to activate the Cloaking Device.” He also tossed him a pair of goggles, “these will allow u to see us when we are both invisible.” Silas did as he was told, and instantly the bezem seemed to vanish. Before he lost sight of his own body he whipped on the goggles and could suddenly see this bezem and Neville again. The feeling was outstanding. Being lighter than air on a broomstick, Silas never could have imagined being able to do this just a few hours ago.

As Neville kept talking about safety precautions, he decided to test it out, he leaned heavily vooruit, voorwaarts and took off like a rocket. He ascended over the gate of his house and went straight in the air, letting the wind brush his face and the momentum enfold him in rapture. He let the bezem stop and plummeted back down in a spiral and pulled out of it when he was right behind Neville. The invisibility wore off and he was all grins from the sudden exhilaration.

“Quite a natural, aren’t you? Alright, the mantel only works for three minuten each time u press the button, so a good five taps will get us where we need to go. u ready?” Neville explained, and Silas could only nod, filled with excitement of what was in store.

As the started to ascend and were about to press the cloaking device again, Silas’ Father and Mother suddenly ran outside. He half expected them to yell at him to come back down and leave the strange man alone, but what they did was a surprise. They waved as they left, and a single glint of sunlight reflected off a tear rolling down his mother’s face. This was all so sudden, Silas did not know how to react, He was angry that they had tried keeping a secret from them, but just as glad they were permitting him to leave. He decided to wave back until they were far out of sight.

Once in the air, Silas found the temptation to barrel ahead of the professor and push his flying limits, but was told there would be a time and place for that later. Instead he gently followed Neville at a peaceful gliding pace. The scene of being above London felt spectacular. How J. M. Barrie must have felt what it was like to fly over the London Bridge and Big Ben, and here Silas was experiencing it. Euphoria fully surrounded him as this first taste of magic, that he was actually saddened door the words to start to touch down. It appeared like they were going to land on top, boven of the rooftops of a metro area, when the building in front of him seemed to spleet, split open from the top. Creating a new straat and a strange part of London he had never seen, the buildings were lopsided, off center, and most of all, colorful. As they landed he tried looking for a straat sign, but there was not a car in sight, let alone straat names.

Neville leaned over and gently exclaimed. “Welcome to Diagon Alley.”
added by flippy_fan210
added by lioside
added by demon_wolf
added by demon_wolf
added by flippy_fan210
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by southern-belle
Source: Molly Harison
added by demon_wolf
added by BlackPetals
Source: Made with School Manga 10
added by Shebird
posted by Hades_Shadow
For those who are role playing with magical powers, u know an instrument for using your magic is essential. Wands are some of the most common out there, mainly because they are personal, cheap, and concealable. I have made a vorige artikel explaining the Celtic wand calendar, plus my own systems for their cores and size. This is a great tool which I call link but being an antiquated system, it does not include all the different types of wand woods, cores, etc.

This artikel is a compiled lijst of know magic woods and cores, some divided door region in which they are found.


American Wand...
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added by demon_wolf
posted by Liquidz-Flamez
It might be sort of complicated to explain in a sense XD

Anyways, I pretty much started with humans beginning as what one would call a neanderthal as they slowly progressed from a ape-ish species. But that transition is what I focused on adding a little "oomph" to the most. u see, human beings are hosts to over 300 species of parasitic worms and over 70 species of protozoa in which some were derived from a primate ancestry. Our knowledge of parasitic infections extends into antiquity, and descriptions of parasites and parasitic infections are found in the earliest writings and have been confirmed...
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added by demon_wolf
added by darkmoon47
added by hunter51
Source: none
1) what gender are you?

2) Whats your name?

3) What do u consider your greatest achievement?
Opening up to people.

4)What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Being alone but its obvious that no one wants to leave me alone.

5)What is your current state of mind?

6) What is your most treasured possession?
They all burned in the brand when I was little. Since then I gave up on treasures...... I have clothes that's it.

7) What of who is the greatest love of your life?
Glow. She is the first and so far the only person that I have open up to.

8) What is your favoriete journey?
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added by xokaylaxob
Source: Tumblr
added by lioside
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: sodahead