Roc Royal (Mindless Behavior) Club
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added by insomindless
added by carlymimi1
added by smbribri1223
added by carlymimi1
added by carlymimi1
added by MJFan4Lifee
added by LoveRocsDigBick
this is the first imagine I've ever written so I know it sucks so please don't judge me. I hope u like it

you are walking when u see your bestfriend Princeton walking ahead of you.

you:Yo Prince wait up

prince: hallo boo what's up

you secretly blush because u know deep down inside u have feelings for Prince but don't want to admit it

you: umm what are u doing later on today

prince: nothing

you: perfect why don't u come help me pick out a dress for a party I'm going to

prince: alright

1 uur Later

you: alright what u think about this

prince: umm it's alright

you: what u mean alright do I look...
continue reading...
added by Roc_Wifey_14
added by Jackson_Fan
added by Jackson_Fan
added by missprincessmb
the mb's christmas song is freakin'awesome
mindless behavior
added by princetonwife50
added by MJFan4Lifee
added by Keyon14
added by carlymimi1
added by iheartpro-diggy
added by MJFan4Lifee