Rogue and Gambit Club
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posted by PraetorianGuard
If I forgot any issues, I'll pas aan them in.

X-Men #3 - When Mag tries to manipulate the X-Men into siding with him, against each other and against Earth. The reason Gambit and Rogue's true personalities broke through was because they displayed an obvious attraction to each other.

X-Men #4 - The famous basketbal game that started their playful banter that still goes on to this dag and when Gambit took Rogue for a ride on his motorcycle for their first datum and she has found memories of this (X-Men #171). After fighting a small group of the Thieves Guild, Gambit and Rogue relive their first datum door going for a ride on his motorcycle, along with the dress that Rogue wore back in 1991, to finish the datum since it got interrupted. (Marvel's Voices: X-Men #1)

X-Men #8 - The team and Rogue defend Gambit when he's accused of being the traitor from Bishop's future and this is when they have their seconde date, the famous picnic date.

Uncanny X-Men #297 - Gambit holds Rogue and promises her that everything will be fine.

X-Men #17 - When Rogue had lost her sight, Gambit tells her that she needs to depend on the people who care about her. Just before she walks off a diving board, he catches her and warns her that since she's in a vulnerable state, she can't trust anyone. Gambit would be proven right because such people like Magneto would try to take advantage of Rogue when she was in a vulnerable state, meer than once, which shows what kind of scumbag he is.

X-Men #24 - Their third datum where Gambit tells Rogue that names don't matter, what counts is what's on the inside.
Rogue: "Ah... Ah can't. Ah want to, but Ah can't. Ah'm so afraid that Ah might hurt u like did to Cody when Ah was little - Ah kissed him. It was the first and last time Ah kissed someone out of passion an' if Ah hurt you, Ah know - Ah'd want t'die."
Gambit: "Then we don' kiss, Rogue. Simple as that. Maybe thas' jus' fine right now for u an' me. Maybe we both have t'learn there's meer t'love than th' physical. Let me take those tears from ya eyes, belle. Maybe this will work even better in th' long run, neh? Maybe we'll both end up learnin' what love really means. An' I can't think 'bout anyone else I'd rather try t'learn with, Rogue."
Rogue: "Remy - mah real name, it's..."
Gambit: "Hush. Names don' mean nothin' t'me. Names don' make us what we are inside. An' I know what's inside you, chere, an' that's all that matters."

X-Men #30 - When Scott and Jean got married, Rogue gets the bouquet and Gambit gets the garter to put on Rogue.

Rogue & Gambit #4 - Looking into Rogue's mind, Gambit can see that during Scott and Jean's wedding, she had already fallen for him.
Rogue: "You sure know how ta pick'em, girl. Can't touch anyone, can't connect with anyone, and u pick th' most handsome snake in the garden, one that can't nobody pin down, to fall head over heels for. And u think you'll pin your future all on him? Stupid girl. u think you'll pour all your love into him an' that'll make a difference? u think you're something special that he'll stay around for? Even when he can't touch you? Your hart-, hart is gonna get smashed into a millions pieces... and u handed him the hammer. But it's too late. There's no gettin' out now. No matter what u tell yourself, girl, it's over. u love him. Only way out is through. An' just hope u survive."

X-Men #38 - Even though he would like to kill Sabertooth, a serial killer who made him choose who to save when he was younger, but he's not going to since that's what Creed wants, he wants Remy to ruin what he's achieved with the others. Gambit is not going to let him stand in his way of being with someone, mainly Rogue, of what being a part of the X-Men has meant to him, he's worked too hard to throw that all away.
Gambit: "Every part a' the man I was says I should push my bo-staff through your thick skull but de problem with dat solution is that I'd be givin' u exactly what u want! Best way t'beat u down, Creed, ain't t'bet u up. I worked too hard, care too much about bein' here, learnin' how t'love for real, an' bein' an X-Man t'let a loser like u take it away from me. So, I know the best way t'win the fight against u is for me an' Rogue t'be happy together."

Gambit #1 (1993) - Rogue admits to Wolverine for the first time that she loves Gambit.

Gambit #4 (1993) - Rogue imagines making out with Gambit, what that would feel like and she tells him that she loves him.

Avengers West Coast (Vol. 2) #101 - After getting hit door an energy beam that sends Gambit flying into the air, Rogue catches him.
Rogue: "Is this trip really necessary?"
Gambit: "Rogue! Glad t'see y'weren't bad hurt door that blast before."
Rogue: "Us Southerners have to stick together, sugah."
Gambit: "The South gonna rise again, huh?"

X-Men: The Wedding Album (1994)
Also called
X-Men: The Wedding of Cyclops and Phoenix TPB Part 3 - When their dancing at the wedding, someone tries to cut in, but Rogue doesn't let him.
Rogue: "Nothin’ personal, sugah, but this cajun's the only one I cha cha with."

X-Men #41 - When Rogue thought the world was going to end, she kissed Gambit.

X-Men #45 - Rogue tells Gambit that she couldn't die without ever kissing him at least once, that she's loved him since the moment she saw him and that he was everything she expected him to be.

Uncanny X-Men #343 - When Rogue was being taken over door the Phalanx, she was asked to express her last organic memory and said
Rogue: "G-Gambit. Gambit ah loved you. Ah... always... loved you."
Gambit comes to free her, she tells him to get out while he can, not to throw his life away, but Gambit replies
Gambit: "Girl, don' u ever listen? Without you... I don't have much of a life!"

Rogue #2 1995 - When Rogue wanted Gambit to hold her and he did.

X-Men Annual 1997 Vol. 2 - Gambit tells Rogue that his hart-, hart only belongs to her.

Uncanny X-Men #350 - Rogue tells Gambit that no one has ever touched her hart-, hart like the way he did.
Rogue: "Ah love you! Unconditionally!"
Rogue: "But an... ah've never had anyone touch my hart-, hart like u did... never."

Uncanny X-Men #359 - When they were apart, Rogue keeps dreaming about Gambit.
Rogue: "The dream is always the same. The sensation of her fingers lightly caressing the skin of one of her X-Men teammates...wrapping her in a loving embrace she knew for far too short a time... tracing the familiar lines of his rough-hewn face... circling his eyes, red with a desire that burns through her dream like wildfire. The dream is always the same, as is its result. The dream is always... woken."
At the end she has the dream again.
Rogue: "... The dream is always the same..."

X-Men #81 - Reuniting after being left for dead in Antarctica door Rogue and the rest of the team, Gambit wanted Rogue to know that he didn't hate her and that brings her to tears.
Gambit: "...Because I couldn't beer the thought of dyin' wit'out seein' u again."
Rogue: "Oh Remy..."
Gambit: "I don't hate u Rogue... I could never hate you..."

X-Men #82 - Their first-time making love is explained as a passion that was so intense that the ice hart-, hart of Antarctica could not withstand it.

Uncanny X-Men #367 - After being knocked out, Prof. X wakes everyone up with his telepathic powers, Gambit and Rogue joke with each other.
Gambit: "Oh th' pain."
Rogue: "Hush, cajun, an' get up!"
Gambit: "Mus' be paralyzed."
Rogue: "Convenient position."

X-Men #91 (1999) - Rogue simple states that she loves Gambit.

Uncanny X-Men #375 - Xavier messes with everyone's mind, making Gambit think that Rogue was killed.
Rogue: "We had out moments, sure... plenty of 'em... an' ah loved... every single one of em..."
Gambit: "I love you, Rogue. I've always loved you. u need to know that..."

Contest of Champions II #4 - The Brood Queen makes Rogue see what she loves most: Gambit, "She has eyes and ears solely for the man who is her heart's desire."

Gambit (1999) #5 - While rescuing Rogue from X-Cutioner, Gambit walks right into a synaptic scrambling field surrounding Rogue, which stuns him. It's enough to make Rogue break her confinements and come to his rescue, but they both end up saving each other. After coming through a stargate, they lay on the ground just looking at each other while Gambit holds Rogue's gloved hand and kisses it.

Gambit (1999) #10 - It predicted the future in a way since door the jaar 2028, their married.

Uncanny X-Men #375 - Xavier messes with everyone's mind, making Gambit think that Rogue was killed.
Rogue: "We had out moments, sure... plenty of 'em... an' ah loved... every single one of em..."
Gambit: "I love you, Rogue. I've always loved you. u need to know that..."

Uncanny X-Men #382 - When Gambit is self-reflecting on his life, he says how important Rogue's hart-, hart is to him, but at the time they were going through some difficulty times.
Gambit: "As for you, Rogue, I play fast an' loose wit' many t'ings… but never wit' your heart. Your heart, it means meer t' me than my own. u choose not to see dat, it's your loss.".

Uncanny X-Men #385 - Gambit is there for Rogue to tell her that she did the right thing.

X-Men #109 - Despite having an argument, Gambit gives Rogue an unknown gift that moves her to tears.

X-Treme X-Men #16 - When Gambit is captured, he's going to sacrifice himself, Rogue comes to his rescue, their about to be stabbed with a sword, but Rogue shields Gambit's body with hers, knowing that it will it kill them both, but she choices to die with him.

X-Treme X-Men #17 - Both survived, but Rogue wants to get even, Sage gives her the ability to tap into every single power she's absorbed over the years.

X-Treme X-Men #18 - Their taken to the hospital where Rogue pulls Gambit from the gates of heaven and they lose their powers.

X-Treme X-Men #19 - Rogue says to Gambit that she wants a lifetime with him, they leave the X-Men for a time.

X-Treme X-Men #31, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 - After that they lost their powers and left the X-Men for a time, it was shown that they could live together, for a whole year, without unneeded drama and angst.

X-Treme X-Men (2022) #1 - Rogue offers herself to be used as bait, but Gambit is having none of it.

X-Treme X-Men (2022) #5 - Rogue reminds Gambit that she pulled him from the Gates of Heaven for a reason.
Gambit" "You boss now, sugar?"
Rogue "Ah dragged u back from the Gate of Heaven for a reason, Gambit. Time t' prove ah did the right thing. Leave Galere t' me."

Rogue (2004) #6 - Gambit is gegeven a choice, to be with a dream version of Rogue that he can touch and with none of the problems of the real Rogue, a perfect woman. But he choices to stay with the Rogue he knows
Gambit: "Sorry, chere. It be a very nice fantasy, but Remy Lebeau be a man... and a man must have reality, flaws and all."
This brings a tear to Rogue.

Gambit (2004) #10 - Gambit leaves chocolates and flowers in Rogue's room. He gives her his jas to wear since it's kind of cold and they then go for a bike ride.

Rogue & Gambit #2 - Their very first kiss technically happens on Muir Island when they first met when they were under the control of the Shadow Kind.

Rogue is able to see into Gambit's mind (During Gambit's 2012 series) and knows how hurt he was when for the first time, she didn't believe in him.
Gambit: "When the people who know u best still think the worst of you, after everything... where do u go? Thought I'd prove who I was to de people dat matter to me, most of all. 'Cause what good de love 'tween us if there's no trust, no respect. I don't hold it 'aginst her. Got nothing but love for her... but for the first time since I fell for her, I also don't if we got a future worth fighting for."
Rogue is brought to tears and is nearly lost for words.

Rogue & Gambit #5 - Gambit and Rogue kiss, memories of them kissing each other throughout the decades is shown.

X-Men goud #30 - Their wedding vows says it all.
Gambit: "I love u with every piece of me, Anna Marie. I haven't always been a good man. But we've been through hell and it's changed me. You've changed me. u see in me the man I hope I am. And that's my vow to you... to always be worthy of your love and respect."
Rogue: "Remy... we've been through so much, u and I. We've faced challenges a lotta other couples never have to face. But we always keep finding ways back to each other. So that's what I promise you... that no matter what, I'll always find my way back to you."

Mr. and Mrs. X #9 - Rogue goes over the most important events in her life, one of them being with Gambit, that her fear, not her powers, is what kept them apart at certain times. When Rogue is finally able to control her abilities on her own, she tells Remy that she's ready for everything, she wants it all.

Mr. and Mrs. X #10 - Rogue gains control over her power, stating she wants it all and when they return to their world, before anything can interrupt them, they make love to each other.

Mr. and Mrs. X #11 - When Gambit and Rogue are caught door the Thieves Guild, at the time this was happening, Gambit thought that Rogue would be helping Cyclops and Wolverine with the X-Men, but she explains to Gambit that her place is door his side.
Rogue: "Neither Scott nor Logan are my husband, Remy. You're the most important thing to me. And I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. door your side."

Mr. and Mrs. X #12 - Rogue: "I'm sorry for all the times I made u prove yourself, Remy. But that's over now. Whatever else life brings, I know you, and u know me. Nobody has to prove anything anymore. Right?"
Gambit: "They're sweet words... but I'm not sure it is that simple. It's up to us, isn't it?"
Rogue: "Yes. Yes, I suppose it is. Sides, we gotta make this marriage work. We got these three furry babies to care."

Captain Marvel (2019) #49 - Rogue is worried that her encounter with Carol could go wrong, that everything that's they've achieved up to this point could be lost. Gambit can see this in her eyes and reminds her that she'll make the right choice.
Gambit: "Rogue, you'll do the right thing. You'll know what's right when it comes. u always do."
Rogue: "Ah love you."
Gambit: "Pour toujours, mon coeur."

One thing to note, Gambit has only ever zei the words "I love you" to Bella and Rogue, both of which he married, and Rogue has only ever zei the words "I love you" to Gambit and no one else.