Shampoo (Ranma) Wall

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MegaPhilX zei …
I have added a good chunk of my Shampoo fan art to this page. I'm a big fan of Ranma 1/2 and Shampoo is my favoriete anime character. I'll try to add meer fan art as it comes. geplaatst een jaar geleden
CrimsonGuardian zei …
In all honesty, I'm not a really big fan of shampoo because of some of the things she did; however, I've always admired her sense of fashion and her fighting skills. I truly enjoyed the amount of grace she could put in a lot of her movements, and even if she did tend to land her bike on people's head's, the fact she could ride that thing on fences and rooftops was truly amazing. Like I stated before, I don't like Shampoo that much, but she can be really funny and I 'admire' her on some levels. geplaatst een jaar geleden
CrimsonGuardian commentaar gegeven…
I also admire how she appears so self confident at times. I've never hated this girl, and I do appreciate all the interesting tid bits she adds in Ranma 1/2, but that's about the extent of my feelings for her. Some moments I like her meer than others, and I'm sure many people who watch anime of read manga may generate similar feelings for a particular character, whoever that character may be. Shampoo is quite beautiful and can be quite fascinating as well, so its no surprise that she has so many fans. een jaar geleden