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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 55
Scarle's POV
Dad ticks me off so bad! He annys the crap out of me! He thinks I can just get over him with a snap of a finger. Well I can't, I'm in love with him.
So where were u today? I didt see u at school. Bella said.
I ditched. I couldn't deal with it today. I said.
Oh. Bella said.
I stared ot the window while Bella drove. We arrived at Jake's house. 
hallo Bella! Hi Scarlet. Jake said.
He picked Bella up into a hug and spun around.
Jake! Bella scolded.
Right sorry. Jake said.
Let's go into the shop. Jake zei after a few minuten of akward silence.
Scarlet, please don't tell anyone about the bikes. Bella zei as we went into the garage.
No problem. So u mind if I go to the beach? I asked.
Umm I guess not. Just come back in two of three hours. Bella said.
Okay thanks. I said.
Bye have fun! Jake said.
I ignored him and walked out of the garage. I got to the end of his drive and went left. Hoping that it would lead to the beach. I walked on a rode that was a cliff. I saw a couple of people at the edge. They were throwing someone off into the water. It was Sam, Jared, Paul, and two other guys. I ran over to them.
What are u doing? I asked.
Cliff diving. Paul said.
Cool. I said.
I watched Jared jump of the cliff and go into the water. He can back up quickly.
It's Quil's turn! Paul yelled. They grabbed Paul and started pushing him towards the edge.
I couldn't help but laugh. It felt good to laugh. I haven't laughed in a while.
I heard and truck and look over my shoulder. It was Bella and Jake.
Bella got out of the car and was almost running over here. Jake zei something and made her stop.
Can I dive? I asked.
u might want to try the lower level. Sam said.
Not a chance. I zei diagreeing.
Of course. Jared said.
Where did u come from? I asked.
It doesn't take me long to get from the strand to the woods and front the woods to here. Jared said.
Oh okay. I said.
So can I go? I asked.
Whatever floats your boat. Paul said.
Bella and Jake started walking over here.
Scarlet are u sure u don't want to come with us? Bella asked.
No I'm gonna stay here. I said.
Come on don't hang out with them. Jake spat out.
Why not? There my friends. I zei as I looked at Sam.
He nodded his head! Yay! I have a friend.
u can be a fan of Scarlet but I won't! Jared said.
Just jump off again! I zei as I rolled my eyes.
Okay well we will see u later. Bella zei as she pulled Jake with her.
I dot like her hangig out with them. Jake mumbled to Bella.
I don't either. Bella said.
Time to go! Paul yelled.
He was running for me and grabbed me door my waist. He picked me up and then we jumped off the cliff. I sucked in a big breath before we hit the water. We hit the water and it took all my air away. It was freezing cold. I got out of Paul's grip and tried to swim up. He grabbed me and started pulling me. It felt like he was dragging me down. We broke the surface and I suck in a huge gulp of air.
Let's do that again! I said.
Okay come on. Paul said.
Oh my gosh it's freezing. I zei as we swam to shore.
Nab it's summer. Paul said.
It feel like winter. Are my lips blue? I asked.
Yes! Do u want me to warm them for you? Paul asked.
Absolutely not! I zei laughing.
We got to the strand and I wanted to sit down.
u can't sit down, we have to go to top. Paul said.
Fine. I zei as I followed him towards the woods.
Get on my back. Paul said.
Is this another one of those pick up lines? I asked.
No I am being serious. Paul said.
Paul bent down a little and then I jumped on his back. He picked me up and started running into the woods.
Don't fall! That would hurt really bad. I said.
I'm not going to fall. Paul said.
Okay. I zei trying to believe him.
How was it? Sam asked as we came out of the woods.
It was amazing! I loved it! I said.
She wants to go again. Paul zei as he sat me down.
I went over the edge and looked down. Someone grabbed my ankles and held me over the edge. It was Jared.
Please don't let me go! I don't want to go door myself! I said.
He dropped me a little bit and than grabbed me. I let out a little scream.
Quit messing with her. Sam said.
Oh come on Sam! Don't tell me that u don't think this is fun. Jared said.
Okay it is a little bit but don't be cruel. Same said.
u ready to fly solo? Jared asked.
No! I zei as I swung up and tried to grab his arms.
Nice try. Jared zei as he let me go.
Ahhhh! I screamed as he dropped me.
I hit the water and it took my breath. I swam to what I thought was the surface. The air in my lungs had left and I was ready to suck in some air. I sucked in a little bit and water went into my lungs. I started seeing black dots everywhere. 

Someone was pressing on my chest. I coughed up water. My lungs felt like they were on fire. I stood up started throwing salt water up. Someone grabbed my hair while I threw up.
Just breath. Sam said.
I sucked in a lot of air. Sam picked me up and than sat me in the sand away from the salt water I had barfed up.
Are u okay? Sam asked.
Yeah I'm fine! Will u help me get Jared back? I asked.
Sure why not. I must warn u that u might get thrown in again. Sam said.
That's okay. Along as I'm not being thrown in door myself. I said.
Okay come on. Sam said.
Sam picked me up and we ran for the woods. It didn't take long to get back to the top.
We got to the top, boven and Sam sat me on my feet. Jared was standing at the edge looking down. I looked at Sam and he nodded his head. We ran for him and pushed him off. Jared grabbed my wrist. I grabbed on to the side of the cliff with my free hand.
Sam! I yelled scared.
Let go! Everything will be okay! Sam yelled down.
Pull me up! I begged.
Come on scaredy cat. Jared yelled.
Jared grabbed the side of the cliff and let go of me.
He was at my eye level now.
Your really scared aren'tcha. Jared said.
Yeah, I nearly died last time. I zei as I looked up.
Right. Sorry about that. Jared said.
It's okay. Just don't tell my dad. I said.
u two need to climb up of jump. A storm is coming. Sam yelled.
I don't want to jump! I yelled.
It'll be okay. I won't let go. It will be like the first time with Paul. Jared said.
I looked into his and tried to see if he was lieing. But I think he was actually telling the truth.
Okay. I zei as I swallowed.
He grabbed me around my waist.
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. The waves are going to be stronger than the last time u jumped. So when we come up take a deep breath because we will have to go under. Jared said.
I did what he said. I felt us go into the water. I wraped my arms around his waist. He pulled me up to the surface. I took a deep breath and we went back under water. He swam with the waves, I was just being pulled. I was losing breath so I started swimming for the surface. He kept me in his grip. I tapped his shoulder and pointed for the surface. He just shook his head no. He swam a little bit meer and than we went up. I sucked in another big breath of air right before he pulled me back down. We swam meer and than went up. I could touch so I stood up and sucked in some air. A wave crashed into me but Jared caught me just in time.
Thanks. I said.
Don't espect this nice thing everytime. Jared said.
u would be better if u were nicer. I said.
Well we all can't have our ways. Jared said.
Come on guys let's go to eat. Sam said.
I started walking in the opposite direction. He zei guys so I thinking that is excluded me.
Scarlet wrong way! Sam yelled.
I'm invited? I asked full of excitement.
Yeah your one of us now! Sam said.
I had a huge grin on my face and I ran towards the guys. I caught up with them but felt like I had to jog to keep up with them. I was walking behind them.
Come on. Hop on. Sam said.
Thanks. All of u can walk vey fast. I said.
We have very long legs and well your legs are a little bit shorter than ours. Sam said.
Try a lot shorter. Jared said.
We arrived at the cute little house. Sam walked through the door and eend but I didn't. I hit my head on the door frame and fell off his back.
Are u okay? Sam asked.
Yeah fine. I said.
The guys stepped over me and than I stood up.
Who is this? A girl asked.
She was very beautiful but one side of her face was messed up. Her long black hair framed her face very nice and her brown eyes where beautiful.
I'm Scarlet and I'm dripping wet. Sorry. I zei as I stepped out the door.
It's okay. Come back in. Emily zei as she handed me a towel.
Did u go cliff diving? Emily asked.
Yes mam'. I said.
Oh please don't call me mam. Emily said.
Oh sorry. I said.
Did u have fun? Emily asked.
One of my three jumps where fun. I zei as I glared at Jared.
Don't look at me like that. The seconde time was your fault. Jared said.
What happen the other two time? Emily asked Sam.
Give Scarlet a cookie. Sam zei as he hit Jared on the head.
He licked it and handed it to me.
No thanks. I said.
I thought so. Jared said.
What happen in the water today? Emily asked still wanting to know.
The seconde time Scarlet came back up on the cliff, Jared grabbed her ankles and help her over the edge up side down. He let go and She almost drowned. Then the seconde time Scarlet and I pushed Jared of the side of the cliff. He grabbed Scarlet's wrist and pulled her over with him. She grabbed the cliff was scared to let go because of what had happen the time before. Sam said.
Scarlet was being a scaredy cat. Jared said.
Don'tcha think that u would be scared after almost drowning? I asked.
Nah, I wouldn't have drowned because I'm an excellent swimmer. Jared said.
Just shut up and eat your cookie. I zei as I sunk lower in my chair.
Emily's house phone started ringing.
Hello? Emily asked into the phone.
Oh hallo Billy. Emily said.
I wonder what Billy could want? How did he know Emily and Sam? I bet he knows the secert! I wonder if he use to be a wolf? That means Jake is going to become one!
Scarlet, Billy zei that u need to go back to his house. Bella is going to leave soon. Emily said.
Okay. Thanks for today. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I said.
Anytime. Sam said.
I left and started walking to Billy's house. It didn't take long to get there. I was sort of surprised by that.
Bella truck wasn't in the drive way so I knocked on the Black's front door.
Hi Scarlet come on in. Billy said.
Hi Billy. I zei as I walled through the door.
Bella hasn't got back with Jake yet. I just needed to talk to you. Billy said.                            
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Ten
Umm sure. I said.
Lacey looked like she was trying to decide on which vraag to ask.
How come I am not a vampire like the rest of the family? She asked.
Your adopted and well u are healthy so Carisle doesn't turn people unless they are dying. I said.
Oh okay. She mumbled.
"Why do u ask?"
I was wondering why I wasn't like u all, it's just weird now. Lacey said.
Lacey you're perfect the way u are. I said.
I don't feel like I belong. She zei as she played with the salt shaker.
But u do in so many ways. I said.
How? She asked confused.
You are smart, beautiful, observant,...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 28
You know u can't tell anyone. I said.
Yeah I know. But how come u won't tell anyone? Kyle asked.
I promised him. Christopher made me promise not to tell anyone. I said.
You really liked him didn't you. I could tell door your smile when u saw him. He said.
You could? I asked shocked.
Yes, as sson as u saw him, your face lit up. So did his. I could tell he liked u very much. He said.
He can't like me of he would have told me. I said.
He gave a lot of money and two high price boards. I think he really likes you. Kyle said.
I wish he would realize it. I said...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 27
Christopher's POV
I couldn't get her out of my mind, it's like she was stuck in there twenty-four seven. She is suck a wondrful person and she sees me for me not my fame of money. I could be my true self around her. It was wondrful. She understood me unlike some people.
It had been two weeks and I couldn't get her out of my mind. Every song I wrote was about her. Even though Iied on tv, I never ment anything what I said.
Christopher what's wrong? Casey asked.
I can't get Lilly out of my head and it has been almost 2 weeks. I said.
You knew her for how many...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Eight
Y'all, if u read this story of any of my other ones, please PLEASE rate and please comment! Your commentaren are what keep me writing!!! So please let me know u are reading! Thanks
By the end of the first dag of school, Lacey had talked to 15 guys and had gotten over half of their numbers. So I was little bit angry about Lacey getting all those numbers. She belongs with me.
You should tell her that! Alice zei as she danced into my room with Jasper.
I can't, she will freak. I don't even want to think about what would happen if she knew. I zei as Alice went into...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Beginning Chapter 99
"Oh my word! YES," I screamed.
He slipped the ring onto my left hand ring finger and than I kissed him.
Edward, I love u so much! I said.
I love you! He murmured.
He kissed me once meer and than he sat back down.
This ring is beautiful. I said.
Alice knew u would like this one. He said.
Alice always knows me. I smiled.
And it was my mother's. He said.
Your mother's ring is beautiful! I sighed.
It's your ring now. He zei as wrapped his arms around me. 
I put my hands around his neck and kissed him light on the lips.
What are u thinking? He asked.
This is a fairytale. I am...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Seven
First dag of school is always the hardest. I like to blend in and not stand out. On the first dag of first maand people try and talk to u of they are always talking about u behind your back.
Esme was waking Lacey up. Alice and Rose would fix Lacey's hair and make up, and than they would pick out her clothes. I guess that Lacey was use to this happening and didn't hate it.  They have been doing it since the first dag 9th grade. She never complained about any of it.
Are u excited, Lacey? Alice asked as she applied blush.
Yeah, I guess. Lacey shrugged.
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 Christopher's motorcycle
Christopher's motorcycle
We got to Christopher's car.
A motorcycle? I zei but came out in a question.
Yeah, I had to go somewhere and than I went back home. They were at my house so I just passed door and came here. Christopher said.
As soon as Christopher threw me the helmit, a bunch of poparazzi showed up.
Uh oh! Come on Lilly, hop on! Christopher said.
Are u Christopher Bryson? A guy asked.
No, who is he? Christopher asked.
Never mind. The poparazzi said.
Christopher revved the engaine and we sped off. It was wonderful, just the adrenaline rush I was looking for.
Where are we going? I asked.
Well have u seen anything...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 21
The doctor zei I was fine and that I just needed to ice my head where I had hit it.
So she is fine? Christopher asked.
Yes, u may go. There are a ton of people in black outfits with big cameras. He said.
How did they find us? Cristopher asked.
I don't know you. The doctor said.
I need u car. Christopher said.
I don't think u want it. He said.
I'll trade u my red corvett for your car. He said.
The doctor grabbed the keys from Christopher's hand.
Follow me. Christopher said.
Yes sir. I zei sarcasticly.
I followed him out the back door to a dinky car. He open...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 18
Get up! Get up! Mom chirped.
Why, it's Saturday. I said.
Today is the wedding! She said.
Congrats! Did u have fun? I asked half awake.
It hasn't happen yet, silly. Mom laughed.
I wish. I mumbled.
Come on get up. The lady is here to do your hair and make up. She said.
"Okay, I'm up. Now what?"
Go into the living room. James and I have a surprise. Mom said.
Oh oh! Have u seen James? I asked.
Yes, why? Mom asked.
That means bad luck! I chirped happily.
Lilly Rose! Mom scolded.
Sorry best wishes, and all that blah blah. Is that the speach u was looking for? I asked....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Two
Sorry guys, I feel like this might be boring for yall because Lacey is just a baby and doesn't live an exciting life like teenagers in my other stories. Hope yall enjoy...

Three hours later, Esme was fixing a bottle for me to feed Lacey.
You know she looks like she could favor after u and Carisle. She has our pale skin and maybe Carisle's blonde hair. I said.
I just hate that we have to verplaats every 4 of 5 years. She is never going to have any real friends. Esme said.
I didn't think about that. I said.
We were quite for a minuut just thinking of different stuff.
Do you...
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Flight 29 Down Chapter 39 The Finial Chapter...
I couldn't believe it! We were getting resued! This is what we had been waiting for!! I was happyto be going home pagina and so was everyone else.
We watched the boot with a couple of people on it get closer and closer to coming ashore. We were all very excited about getting rescued. We aren't the same people who arrve on this island, we have all changed.
Ian needed to see this moment. I ran to the tent, I told him to put all his weight on me so he could come outside and see what was happening.
Cassidy you're really nice. Everything that Eric has told...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Cassidy's POV
Cassie! He screamed.
He ran and hugged me tightly.
I missed you. He said.
I missed u too. I said.
I watched Jackson and Captain Bob take Ian to a tent so he could lay down in a cool place.
Lex, can u give me some pain killers? I asked.
Yeah, why? He asked.
Ian fell and broke his leg, he's in amlot of pain. I said.
"Oh okay"
I followed him into the plane and watched him dig through the bag. He pulled out a oranje contaner with white pills in there.
Give him two and only two. Lex said.
I know. I said.
Just making sure. Lex grinned.
I grabbed some water and went to the tent. I gave him...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 12
I went to my room and laid on my bed.
Go set the tafel, tabel for your Mom. Kyle demanded.
You do it. I said.
One phone call away. He said.
Would u shut up! I said.
Go do it. He said.
Before I realize what I was doing. I punched him! He threw me to the ground, grabbed my right hand and put it behind my back.
You spoiled brat! u can't stand your Mom being happy. Kyle yelled.
Alex, Mom, and Damon came running to my bedroom door.
Damon pulled Kyle off of me and held onto his arms tightly. Alex came over and help me up.
Someone better start explaining what is going on!...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 11
My classes passed door fairly quick and I was on my way home. I sat in the back door Damon. Damon gave the front zitplaats, stoel up to Jake so he wouldn't have to climb in that back with his ankle. 
Where did Mom hide my board this time? I asked.
Sorry I promised Mom that I would keep it from you. Alex said.
What, why? That's not fair! u know how much boarding means to me. I said.
I know but she doesn't want u to get hurt. Alex said.
So u could get hurt at soccer but she let's u play. I said.
I know but your her baby girl, she doesn't want u to get hurt. He said....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
The sun was coming up. It was getting time to leave. I was nervous, I wasn't sure if this is what I needed to do.
We will walk as far as possible on the strand but we will have to go into the forest sometime for food and water. Abby said.
Be careful. Lex said.
Always. I said.
Melissa and Taylor were on the verge of crying.
It will be okay. I told them.
See u soon but if we don't see u later. Jackson said.
Melissa shed a tear and than compossed herself of well tried.
We walked along the strand for a long time. It was boring.
Can we take a break? Eric asked.
We have only been walking for a couple of...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I wanted to scream but than again, I didn't want Dad running to his death. I knew if that vampire was going to kill me he would kill my father if he was in here and witness the attack.
Please don't hurt my father, u can have me but not my father. I said.
Scarlet, It's okay, it's me Edward. He said.
Oh my word, u gave me a hart-, hart attack. I said.
I'm sorry, I thought u would know it was me. Edward said.
You was hiding in the shodows, it was hard to see you. I said.
I'm sorry, I didn't know u was so worried about this vampire. Edward said.
I'm not really scared that was the first thing that popped...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 9

Where have u been? Mom asked as we got in the house.
Alex had a soccer game. I said.
I know he did but where was you? u didn't answer your phone. Mom said.
I know I'm sorry, it, uh, died. I said.
Lilly don't lie. Damon said.
I'm not. I said.
I glared at him, I was not about to get in trouble, not now and not later.
What? Mom asked.
Nothing, Damon wants to get me in trouble for something that didn't happen. I said.
Oh. She said.
I was thankful that she bought the lie.
I went up stairs and got in the shower. I was going to be so sore, espicially my stomach.
I laid...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 31
I am so stuck its not even funny! This is a horrible chater! I am so sorry!

Cassidy's POV
We headed back to camp. Since we were done with picking fruit. I figured that I would just take a nap. That fight wore me out of either it was that blacking out.
I think I wanna take a nap. I zei as I yawned.
But u woke up a couple hours ago. Jackson zei laughing.
I don't care, I want to go to sleep, again. I said.
Okay, sleep in the tent so it will be darker for you. Jackson said.
I didn't even think about that. I said.
We got to camp and unloaded food and I went to the tent.
Hey whatcha...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 8
Wake up. Kyle said.
10 minutes. I said.
No, your mom zei now and to wear a skirt. He said.
Tell I don't own one. I said.
She zei u do. Kyle said.
I'm getting up and I'm wearing shorts and a volcom t shirt. I said.
You have to look nice. He said.
Get out. I zei as I got out of bed.
You have to look nice, this is important. He nagged.
Shut up and get out! I almost yelled.
What's wrong? Alex asked half awake.
He won't get out. I said.
Why will u not get out of her room? Alex asked.
Your Mom zei for her to wear something nice and all she is going to wear is shorts...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sorry guys! I have had the worst writer block ever, on all my stories! ENJOY!

I got to the hill, it wasn't the biggest heuvel but it wasn't a small hill. I sat my board down and put my right foot at the top, boven of the board. I took a deep breath in and pushed off. I stuck my left foot on the back of the board. I picked up enough speed and started shifting my weight left and right. I was carving the hill. Shifting my weight left and right. I could do this forever and never get tired of it. It would be the best thing in the world. It felt good to mountain board again. The wind in my face was making...
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