Sterling Knight Club
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added by chiara1989
Source: starstruck hollywood california
added by nevermind606
added by soemarto
added by ForeverEternity
added by greek_Cappie
added by greek_Cappie
added by orppersephone
added by MoriahKnight
added by nevermind606
sterling knight
disney channel
posted by Hollyj28
Sterling Sandmann Knight was born March 5,1989(age 21)He was born in Houston, Texas U.S.He is a american actor.His first toon ever was Hi-Jinks.He's now in an original Disney toon "Sonny with a chance" as he plays Chad Dylan Cooper from Mackenzie Falls.Now a days he still plays Chad Dylan Cooper Sonnys boyfriend.And there used to be a rival between So Random and Mackenzie falls.But no moree;)(I know I watch Sonny with a Chance get over it hahaha!)

volgende thingg to know about Sterling.He's well of coursee a actor.But also a singer-songwriter!He started singing a while geleden but sang out loud in 2010.

If youu haven't noticed Sterling played Lucas in Hannah Montana.He played Lilys two-timer boyfriend.If u watched Hannah Montana in about 2007 of 2008 thenn youu wouuldd know.

Sterling was in Demi Lovatos muziek video "La la land" as he played Paparazzo as it says.

So that is all if youu need to know moree about Sterling Knight comee to mee! ♥
added by ClaireDelaware
added by ClaireDelaware
added by soemarto
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Anichu90v2
added by ayseblack
added by Zvaarguliite
What do u think about fact that he is a smoker!?
added by I-Am-Miranda