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Here it is the SPN Interview with Kaidi! Hope u all enjoy it! So lets get started for this totally awesome journey with one of SPN biggest Sam girls...

1.Introduce yourself please

Hello! *waves madly* So, um, my name is Kaidi, I'm 15 and I'm from Estonia. I love music, summer, hanging out with my buddies and of course, Supernatural ;)

2.When did u first start watching SPN?

It was last year, at the beginning of March, I think, when I saw a commercial in a local channel of a toon about two brothers on the road, hunting supernatural creatures. Because I absolutely adore this kind of mysterious stuff, for example I really like to read ghost stories and watch 'ghosts caught on tape' videos and foto's (even though most of them are fake) and the name "Supernatural" was very inviting, so I decided to give it a try. However, I couldn't wait until Tuesday (the dag it was airing), I decided to watch it online. One episode per dag became, I don't know, 4 perhaps, depending on the day, episodes per dag and voilà, here I am, in love with it. :)

3.Who is your favourite character and why?

Sam Winchester. Definitely. I mean I do love Dean, but I love Sam much more. He is smart, kind, stubborn, meer modest than Dean and not to mention, freaking sexy. And like Radi zei in her interview, he is the character, whose development we have seen the most, throughout the four seasons so far, becoming from sweet, deeply in love with her girlfriend collegeboy with a bright future as a lawyer with veilig appeltaart life, to being a meer mature, grown-up, experienced hunter, who has seen the darker world, that most of the people don't even know about. He knows what he wants (going to college), of what has to be done (killing Lilith; of so they though, had to be done), and he does everything he can to get it, even if it means sacrificing the relationships with his family, of in the worst case, himself.

 Evil Sammy, Kaidi loves u anyway!
Evil Sammy, Kaidi loves u anyway!

4.Favourite Season and why?

Season 4, because this was the season, when things got meer serious. In all the vorige seasons the brothers had some small fights (I'd like to see siblings, that don't argue), but afterward it was all kiss-and-make-up (not literally!). But now we saw, that even Sam and Dean's relationship can be broken beyond repair. They may forgive each other some things, but the connection probably will never be the same anymore. Plus in season 4, there was meer focusing on the whole plot, and not so much random cases anymore, with Dean's issues with being in Hell, Sam's issues with Dean being in Hell, and of course the fear of Lucifer's rising.

 Kaidi favourite Season! :)
Kaidi favourite Season! :)

5.Least favourite Season and why?

Ooh, that's cruel ;) Because I think the toon has been getting better with each season, I'm gonna have to say season 1. At the beginning, it was mostly just a series of random hunts, with some hint of a bigger picture, but the end of the season was very good. And this season has my least favoriete episode, which is "Bugs". But still, all seasons rock!

6.Which dead character would u like to bring back?

Probably Ash. However, I do understand the reason, why the writers killed him off. But still he was so funny with his haircut and the home-made laptop.

 All business up at the back!
All business up at the back!

7.Which character would u like to see killed off?

Right now there isn't such character, whose death I want to see. All the characters, who I wished were dead, and even some of those, who I wish weren't dead, are already killed off. We'll have to see season 5 to see, maybe there are some newbies, who I don't like, because I'm so not going to pick between Sam, Dean, Castiel and Bobby.

8.Old Ruby of New Ruby?

I'm with the majority on this one - definitely old Ruby. She was meer sarcastic and had meer attitude. The new one seemed very boring volgende to her. It was like in "No Rest for the Wicked", when Lilith was possessing old Ruby's body, and real Ruby was wherever she was, a whole new character came back. And I'm not blaming Genevieve for acting horribly, un-Ruby like, it was just the writers doing.

 Yay! Old Ruby!
Yay! Old Ruby!

9.Best angel?

I'm torn between Castiel and Anna. I like Castiel, because he brought Dean back from the pit and he helped the boys. But I like Anna, because she isn't some brainwashed robot, who does what God tells her to do. She's a Rebel, who saw the good sides of the mankind.

 Kaidi cant decide which angel she likes best!
Kaidi cant decide which angel she likes best!

10.Worst angel?

Uriel. He was too annoying for me with his mean attitude and stuff.

11.Why do u think there are meer Dean girls than Sam girls?

I think fans consider Dean meer handsome than Sam (I don't agree), he is cocky, he's meer out-going and confident around women, he has funny and memorable lines, he is super protective of his family and let's face it, he listens to damn good music. Also in season 1, fans though of Sam as selfish when he wanted to go to college instead of hunting, and he had to leave his family behind, because they turned his back on him and when Dean came back to ask for help in finding Dad, Sam refused to go at the first place, and Dean girls immediately thought is was callous. In season 4, Sam wasn't shown in very good light, with his demon blood addiction,using his powers, even when Dean told him not to do and in "When the Levee Breaks", he left the motel room after the big fight, again Dean asked him not to walk out that door. Sam was pictured the 'bad guy', when Dean was the 'martyr'. But these are my thoughts, if u guys want a firm answer, turn to one of the Dean girls ;)

 For all the Dean girls :)
For all the Dean girls :)

12.Which episode can u watch over and over again?

"Jus in Bello". I'll never get tired if it. :)

13.Worst episode and why?

"Bugs". The poor special effects and the sun rising minuten after midnight were the things that bugged me the most. However, there were some good parts, like Sam and Dean mistaken as a gay couple, which was hilarious and of course, Dean watching Oprah :D

14.How many times a week do u watch SPN?

I try to see at least two episodes a week. I'm going along with the Viewing Party to rewatch season 1, but right now I'm a bit behind, and then some random episode :) But summer isn't a good time to sit behind a computer, especially when there is such beautiful weather outside, so sometimes, I have to admit, I see only one episode a week. *hangs head in shame*

15.Have u got any SPN dvds?

I'm proud to say yes! :) Season 2.
SPN is the only show, whose DVDs of boeken I have ever bothered to hunt down. Currently I'm on a mission to get season 1, because I heard they're selling it in one koop in Tallinn (the capital of Estonia). Imagine my joy, when I heard it; I had almost screamed my lungs out, but luckily I somehow held my self back from embarrassing myself. After that I'm gonna make a plan how to get my hands on copies of season 3 and 4 complete box sets, looks like I have to take a trip to Sweden.

16.Do u have any posters of SPN on your bedroom wall?

And this is another vraag I can answer affirmatively :)
Even though it is rather small, it's still my favoriete poster in my room, an boy, I have plenty of posters in my room. Right now it's hanging beside my bed with some SPN pictures, but I'm planning to verplaats it above my small dresser, where I can put a lot of candles, and thus making it my own small Supernatural altar :D Wow, there is waterproof evidence, that I'm seriously insane :D

 Kaidi just loves Sammy in black and white pictures!
Kaidi just loves Sammy in black and white pictures!

17.Does any of your vrienden and family like SPN?

One of my vrienden watched the pilot, but she zei it was too scary. No wonder there, because she is seriously into Hannah Montana and this kind of Disney crap (pardon my language). But my smaller brother (whose birthday happens to be today, July 20 :D and Donna, u don't have to put it into the interview :D) quite likes it. Sometimes we watch those DVDs together and he has seen some episodes online.

18.Would u like them to make a SPN movie?

Well, that depends on how the series ends. If the boys die, even one of them, then no, I don't want a movie of their funeral. Neither do I want a Supernatural movie about another character(s), because then it wouldn't be based off a TV-show. A movie is plausible only then, if both of the Winchesters survive, which I sadly don't think is gonna happen.

19.Would u rather that the YED kill John than Mary when Sammy was a baby?

I can't give a certain yes of no to this question, because both sides have it's own pros and cons.

20.Do u think the toon would have been very different if it was Mary going hunting with boys instead of John?

Different? Definitely. VERY different? I'm not sure, probably (season 1 certainly).
When YED killed Mary, John didn't know absolutely anything about supernatural creatures, and this is one of the reasons he moved around so much with the boys - he went to visit another hunters and basically anyone, who knew anything about the monsters out there. With Mary, I think they would have stayed meer in one place, perhaps they would have even stayed in Lawrence, because she didn't need to hunt the other hunters down to learn everything, she was already a hunter herself and the boys would have had a bit meer normal childhood. And I think she may had been very depressed about John's death, like John was, but she wouldn't have been so obsessed with vengeance. However, their mother would have died sooner of later, because after all she DID make a deal with YED to save John's life once before, and now, when John had died again, the deal would have been sill on, so I'd like to think that she would have spend those years, that she had left, with her boys rather than hunting that S.O.B down.

 Father and bless :)
Father and bless :)

21.Meg of Ruby?

Ruby. I've never really liked Meg. Ruby had bigger role to play and the first version, played door Katie Cassidy, was awesome.

22.Did u like Bela?

Yes, in fact it did like her, a lot. Even though she didn't give much to this show, it was still fun to watch her messing with the boys. Bela's addition in season 3 was like a breath of fresh air, because she (with Meg) were the only one's who didn't help the boys (because I'm talking about season 3, Ruby's behavior in season 4 doesn't count).

 u gotta love Bella! :)
You gotta love Bella! :)

23.Has SPN changed your life?

Yep, it has. I've become a bit meer paranoid. :D When in bed, I'm a bit afraid to leave my arms of legs hang over the edge; I always make sure we have enough salt in the house and when someone zei the house is haunted, there's now way I'm going in. OK, 'nuff of the bad sides, there are also positive things. It has gegeven me something new to obsess over, my taste in muziek has developed and at least now I know, how to protect myself from demons and ghosts and stuff like that. u never know, when u need to use this kind of knowledge ;)

 Kaidi loves your purple toothbrush Sam! :)
Kaidi loves your purple toothbrush Sam! :)

24.Would u say your obsessed with SPN?

Well, let's see. *takes out her lijst "I Know I'm Obsessed With SPN When..."* SPN spot in Fanpop is my favoriete - check. I could watch the episodes all dag long and never get tired - check. I'm planning to make/already have an SPN altar - check. I could discuss SPN all dag long - check. You're wearing the halsketting, ketting with a pentagram in a circle, that you've been hunting down in months, and refuse to take it off - check. I think about SPN 24/7 - check. *And the lijst goes on* Yep, think I am pretty obsessed :D

25.Is Spn your favoriete show?


26.YED of Alastair?

YED. He was on the toon longer and I found his storyline meer interesting.

27.What did u think of the introduction of angels?

At first I was a bit worried, that they were going to be typical cliches of angels sitting on the edge of the cloud, playing their golden harp and doing everything they can to do people's bidding. I should have known better that Kripke would never do such thing. It's good that they have their own ambitions and secret motives. At least those have, who aren't totally brainwashed puppets, like Zachariah. I really like them now :)

 I'm so glad they introduced angels! :)
I'm so glad they introduced angels! :)

28.Have u used quotes from the toon in real life? If so which ones?

Sadly no, I can't say that I have. I think it's because when with friends, if I'd say suddenly some SPN quote, they wouldn't understand anything (I mean they DO understand English, they just wouldn't get what I'm saying) and it would really be a lost cause, so I'm not going to bother. And translating would be really pointless (and sometimes impossible), because the quote would lose it's magic. However, when some quote fits, I say it in my head. If I had a friend, who would be just as obsessed as I was, then there would be rare moments, when I wouldn't say anything related to SPN.

29.Best Finale and why?

It's a tie between season 2 and season 4 finales. Season 2 (AHBL 1 and 2) because of Sam's death (I was crying my eyeballs out), we could see Dean's sad, grieving, vulnerable side, then him making the deal, the opening of the Devil's Gate and finally killing YED, which had been their target since the death of Mary. Season 4, (LR) where we find out the real reason for YED making his special children, killing Ruby and Lilith and then Lucifer rising. Both finales were Epic, both finales (well, all finales) make u want to see the volgende episode immediately, even though s2 didn't exactly end with a cliffhanger.

30.Best premiere and why?

Season 1, Pilot, because that is the episode that started a cult ;)

 All messed up Dean :)
All messed up Dean :)

31.Which character are u glad is dead and why?

Ruby. She had served her purpose in this show, had done, what she needed to do, which was to kill Lilith and thus to help Lucifer to rise.

32.What do u think of Genevieve Cortese playing Ruby?

Let's say I prefer Katie Cassidy and her snarky Ruby. I don't think that Genevieve can't act, because I haven't seen her in any other show, but in SPN, Ruby character was somewhat lamer in season 4, but we can't put all the fault on Genevieve, because the writers did have a big part in this because I think Ruby was meant to be softer in s4, to get Sam's trust. And if Genevieve would have done such a horrible job playing Ruby, she would have been fired, and it would have been explained in the toon with Ruby changing her meatsuit.

33.Funniest episode?

As a passionate Sam girl, I say Bad dag in Black Rock. I still melt, when he says "I lost my shoe", because he gave one of his most powerful puppy face.

 Sammy lost his shoe :(
Sammy lost his shoe :(

34.Scariest episode?

"Family Remains". Still gives me creeps.

35.Best Dean,Sam and Castiel quotes?


"Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cake hole."
"Oh sweetheart, I don't do shorts."
"Ya see that? That attitude there? That's why I always got the extra cookie."
"Don't listen to him, baby. He doesn't understand us."
"And what visage are u in now, what, holy tax accountant?"
"Well, last I checked Huggy beer ain't available."
"Dude, could u be meer gay?... Don't answer that!"
"Of course the most troubling vraag is why do these people keep assuming we're gay?"
"I'm batman."

 I'm batman!
I'm batman!


"What were u thinking shooting Casper in the face, u freak!"
"Wait, there's no such things as unicorns?!"
"You're bossy."
"Dude, you're not gonna poke her with a stick!"
"I miss conversations that don't start with "This killer truck...”!"
"That's not food anymore, Dean, that's Darwinism!"
"What kind of house doesn't have salt? Low sodium freaks!"
"I lost my shoe."
"My daddy shot your daddy in the head."

 Your bossy...and short
Your bossy...and short


"I'm an Angel of the Lord."
"Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the same destination."
"I'm the one who gripped u tight and raised u from Perdition."

 Im an angel of the lord :)
Im an angel of the lord :)

I know, that's a LOT of quotes, but honestly, how can I choose, when there are soo many of them?

36.Which song do u most associate with the show?

If I want to be cliche, then I would say Carry On My Wayward Son door Kansas, but if I want to be a bit meer original, I would say I'm Too Sexy door Right zei Fred. I say both :D

37.Best episode from each Season

Season 1: "Bloody Mary" (or "Provenance")
Season 2: "Born Under a Bad Sign" (or "All Hell Breaks Loose, part 2")
Season 3: "Jus in Bello" (or "Bad dag at Black Rock")
Season 4: "Yellow Fever" (or "Lazarus Rising")

38.Have u ever been to a SPN convention?

Ooh, I wish! No, sadly, I haven't. The convention tickets itself are already very expensive, then the hotel and plane costs would be added, plus I would have no one to go with. So, yeah, so far this is just a dream.

 Convention time!
Convention time!

39.What makes SPN different from other shows?

The other shows don't have such awesome and gorgeous leads like Jensen and Jared. Supernatural plotlines are deep, it has a great mixture of horror, humor, angst, action and family drama, it introduces us so many urban legends I didn't even know about, the characters are realistic and basically it has everything I've ever wished for a good toon to have. Plus lately so many sitcoms have been shown, so the world really needed a good sci-fi/horror show.

40.What are u looking vooruit, voorwaarts to in Season 5?

I'm hoping that Sam is now decently motivated to cure his addiction to demon blood. The writers really need to toon him in better light now. Oh, and I want to see Lucifer :D

41.If they a Season 6 without Kripe do u think it will be any good?

Well, it really depends, who the CW would hire to do it. Of course it wouldn't be the same without Kripke, he's the creator of this show, the Master. But that doesn't mean it would be automatically bad with someone else directing it.

42.How do u want the toon to end?

Do I ever want it to end?! NO! But like I said, all good things come to and end. :(
I would like the final scene to be two brothers riding into the sunset in the Impala, with AC/DC playing "Highway to Hell", but I'm afraid this won't happen. SPN should end with a big BANG and I think this includes the death of the brothers, and frankly, do u think u could imagine Sam and Dean, with grey beards and wrinkled skin sitting on a rocking chair, grandchildren in their laps and reading fairy tales, I don't. Perhaps it would be the best.

And so we have come to an end to our amazing journey with Kaidi, I hope u all enjoyed it I know I have, and thanks to everyone who helped me with this :)

 Goodbye everyone!
Goodbye everyone!
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