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Ok so here we are, one meer time, to read an interview with another awesome Supernatural fan, Kristine, so let's get started:

1. Ok Kristine why don't u start door introducing yourself. :)

Hi guys. As u might already know, my name is Kristine. But u can call me Ghost, ’cause like 97% of those I know on Fanpop call me that.

Anyways. I’m 14 years old, live in Norway and I’m addicted to Supernatural. I’m a really happy person, and I usually do as my vrienden tell me to do. Wow. That made me sound like some sort of a slave, but I’m definitely not. Well. Yea. I think u know me well enough now, right? ;)

2.What dragged u to watch Supernatural?

What dragged me to watch it.. Ok, first I have to say THANK u to link for recommending this awesome toon to me in December 2008! It’s really changed my life, and it’s made me believe even meer in ghosts and the supernatural! Anyways. What really got me to watch it was Jensen. Samantha (deanwastedyou) told me about those HOT actors that played Dean and Sam. I had already heard of Jared, so I googled Jensen. And what came up was him in the episode ’Skin’. I fell in love and started to watch the toon about an uur later. Been addicted since :D

3.What is your favourite character from the show?

Winchester. Dean Winchester. Without doubt! Like I zei I started to watch the toon ’cause of Jensen’s hotness. *smirks* And I kinda knew already then that I would be a Dean-girl. And I was right. I am a REAL Dean-girl. I just love everything about him. Of course his jokes and his looks, but there are just so much more. He’s suffered a lot when he grew up. His mum died when he was 4. His father was barely home pagina and he and Sam lived in motels and had to switch schools about every seconde week! And then his dad died. I think he’s really strong. At least he tries not to toon it ’cause he cares about his family, and he rather be there for them than have them worry about him. u know, he sold his soul for Sammy!

Oh and plus. His muziek taste is awesome. It’s really changed my life!

And atm I’m really close to getting a fanatic in the Dean spot. Just thought I’d bring that in to the interview!! :D
 We all hope u get your fanatic medal soon :D
We all hope u get your fanatic medal soon :D

4.Have u ever hated that character at some point? If yes, when?

No. I never hated Dean, and I never will. I’m a Dean-girl and I’m proud of it!

5.Do u have a favourite season? If yes, which one?

Yes. I think season 3 is my favorite. Even though almost all my fave episodes are in season 2. But I think season 3 had it all. It was funny, scary, dramatic and it was filled with lots of brotherly love ’cause Dean was going to hell. Also we had Bela and Ruby. Which was awesome, ’cause I really love them both!

Season 4 is a close second, then season 1 and 2 is pretty much tied. I know it’s weird that season 2 is one of my least faves considering I have so many fave episodes from that season. :p

6.Name some of your favourite quotes from the show.


”I hope your applepie is freakin’ worth it!”

”Dad zei that I might have to kill you, but if there’s one last thing I’m gonna do.. I’m gonna save you!”

”Oh sweetheart, I don’t do shorts.”

”If u fudging touch me again I’ll fudging kill ya!”


”You’re bossy… And short!”

”DUDE! You’re not gonna poke her with a stick!”


”All worked up in the front. Party in the back!”

And of course the one I like to call the main quote:

”Saving people, hunting things. Family business!”

There are a lot more, but those are some of my all time faves!

7.If u could ask Kripke one question, what would it be?

At the moment it would be something about Paris Hilton on the show. Butt hat would be kinda lame to ask about when I have the chance to ask anything. So I think I would ask him (or beg him) to bring Bela back. I really, really, REALLY loved her. She was awesome and had attidude! If she ever came back, I would be meer than happy.

8.Have u ever actually cried watching a SPN episode? If yes, which one?

Actually cried? HAHA! I tear up right the way while watching the show. I’m suuuuuch a weaper. So yea. I do cry :P

9. What's your opinion on Ruby? Are u glad she's dead?

I liked her in season 3 when Katie played her. I think she was plain AWESOME! But it just changed when she came back and Genevieve played her. Not that I have anything against the actress, I just liked ”the old” Ruby better. So when she died in season 4 I was meer than happy really. I started dancing! *laughs*
 Yea, the first Ruby was better :)
Yea, the first Ruby was better :)

10.What is your favourite episodes from each season?

Season 1: 1x1 Pilot - That’s what started it all!

Season 2: 2x5 Simon Said. - It’s my favoriete episode EVER! Seen it a zillion billion times already <3

Season 3: 3x16 No Rest For The Wicked - Such an awesome episode! And it was so sad at the ending with Dean and Ruby dying. I cried a river, and I still do everytime I rewatch it!

Season 4: 4x6 Yellow Fever - Duhh! How can I NOT pick this episode? ;)

11.Which of these three is your favourite, Castiel, Anna of Zacharian? And what do u think of each of them?

Castiel. Without doubt! He’s just awesome. Loved him since his very first appearance!

I kinda like Anna. Find her very boring though. But she did make a good pair with Dean. And Zach? Don’t get me started. I HATE HIM! Everytime he shows up I just scream out ”GET AWAY FROM MY SCREEN, u #¤$@€@#%” IDIOT!!”

12.Which of the urban legend is your favourite?

If u mean like the stories of whatever?

Then I have to og with Bloody Mary! She’s just A to the WESOME! :D

13.And least favourite?

The Hookman, I think. He was kinda lame..

14.Do u have any theories for season 5?

I think it’s gonna be good. Or.. I think it’s gonna be REALLY good! And it better be ’cause it’s most likely the last season we’re gonna get. So it better be good. Right now I really need a good ending for my favoriete show. So many of the shows I like had a lame ending. Please don’t let that happen to Supernatural! I count on you, Kripke.

15.Is there any character, currently dead, that u would like to see returning on season 5?

Andy Gallagher. No question!

As I zei earlier, my fave episode is Simon Said. Andy is one of the reasons that’s my favorite. He’s just so cute and funny. And he’s always high, which cracks me up. Yea. Bring Andy back, please! ;*
 Andy was awesome :)
Andy was awesome :)

16.Is there any episode that u wouldn't mind taking off the show?

Monster Movie. I watched it once and almost fell asleep. NO WAY I’m watching it again!

17.If u went to a convention and u had the chance to ask Misha, Jensen and Jared one vraag each, what would u ask?

You’re kidding, right? I can’t just ask them one question. So I won’t answer. Sorry! xD

18.If u could, would u change anything on Supernatural?

Yes, I would never kill Andy off. And not the old Ruby either. And I wouldn’t bring Zach in. I hope I’ve made it clear to u how much I hate that dude *laughs*

19.If u were a Trickster, what would u do for fun?

LMAO! I would og to somewhere Dean and Sam is and start kidding with them in any kind of way that makes them argue. I just love them when they are all pissed off at eachother. We get so much brotherly love. (NOT IN THE WINCEST WAY!!) And that is one of my fave things about the show! Dean and Sam pranking, fighting (nicely!) and being there for eachother. Aww! :D

20.If u could be a guest ster on SPN, who would u be?

Jo, Ruby of Bela.

Jo because she’s so strong. She really knows what she wants and plus.. She had an eye for Dean, which I totally have myself. *smirks*

Ruby because she’s got attidude and she’s one of the most awesome characters on the show. And she kills demons even though she’s a demon herself. I find that even meer awesome. She helps Dean and Sam fighting the evil. I would love to do that!

And Bela because she’s a pain in the ass! HAHA. She’s gotta be one of my fave female characters ever. All the things she does to Sam and Dean is just hilarious. And she’s got attidude. And even though she’s a really tough girl, she has a softer side. Her parents are dead, and that nearly kills her. I know she killed them, but still.

And that’s why I love her so much. She’s got two sides. It would be so fun playing her!

21. Angels of Demons?

Demons. I still think the angel idea is kiiinda weird. Even though I absolutely love Cas.

22.For the following feelings, name the episode that made u feel that way:

Shocked: All Hell Breaks Loose pt. 1 and 2

Sad: No Rest For The Wicked

Scared: Family Remains!!! :O

Happy: Bad dag at Black Rock

23.What is your opinion on the addition of Adam for only one episode?

I don’t think it was nessesary to bring him to the show. The toon is about two brothers. Sam and Dean. And it has since the very beginning. So I don’t see the point of bringing him to the show. At least not just for an episode.

24.Are u glad to see some old faces (Jo, Ellen, Jessica...) appear on season 5?

Hell yes! Especially Jo.

25.Favourite premiere?

Season 2. In My Time of Dying

Have seen it sooooo many times, and I never get tired of it. Without doubt one of my favoriete episodes.

26.And favourite finale?

Gotta be the season 4 finale ”Lucifer Rising”.

It was toooootally awesome! Lillith dies. Ruby dies and Lucifer is rising! I can’t wait for September 10th (11th for me..)!! :O

27.Kripke zei that season 5 is definitely gonna have an end, so if they come back for a season 6, what would u like it to be about?

If he’s ending it after this season, I don’t want anyone to make a season 6. But if they did I’d like to see Dean and Sam in the future of something. They’re still hunters, but they have a family. Like in ”When it isn’t Like it Should Be”. Sam’s getting married and Dean has a girlfriend and a kid. I’d like to see how they deal with their family life at the same time as they are hunters.

28.Are u glad Cas disobeyed and is going to be helping the boys volgende season?

HELL YES! meer hot angel on my screen. How can I not be glad? ;)
 We can't wait to see meer of Cas :)
We can't wait to see meer of Cas :)

29.If Cas looses his grace, would u like to see him with a girl?

Yes. But only with his wife and daughter. They were a great family and he really cared for them.

30.With what character do u relate the most?

Bela Talbot and Jo Harvelle.

I’m kind of a mix between them both. I have attidude, and I’m not afraid of saying my opinion about stuff. But I also hide alot innside of my self. And I don’t really open up for everyone. I try to help people as good as I can.. And when I want to.. I hate to say it, but I’m very stubborn. I don’t let people mess with me, and if they come in a discussion with me they can just stop right the way. ’Cause I’m a master when it comes to those. HAHAHA!

I wanna be a lawyer, and my vrienden says that I should considering my discussion abilities *laughs*

31.Has SPN changed your life in some way?

Actually, yes. Before I started watching the toon I was all into ’trashmusic’ as I like to call it. Like RnB and stuff like that. I’ve always loved rock. But after I started to watch the show, I’ve gotten meer and meer into 70’s rock/classic rock. My BFF called me a 70’s freak ’cause I wanted to travel back in time to watch Zeppelin and roze Floyd live. *laughs*

It’s also made me less scared of things actually. And it made me belive meer in ghost’s and the supernatural. Yes. It makes me less scared to believe meer in the supernatural. Kinda hard to explain why, so I’ll leave it with that. HAHA :D

32.Would u like to see meer Cas/Bobby scenes volgende season?

Cas and Bobby together? Eh.. I dunno. I’d like to see meer of both of them, just don’t care if it’s together of not.

33.Best villain?

Bela. Without doubt.

34.Did u like Bela?

Already answered this. YUP I DID! :)
 Bella was a pretty cool character :)
Bella was a pretty cool character :)

35.Who do u think John loves more? Sam of Dean? of do u think he loves both the same way?

He loves them both the same way. No need to explain. They’re his suns. If there’s really a parent that like one child meer that the other, it’s definitely not John Winchester!

36.If u could write an episode, what would it be about?

I think I would write an episode like the season 1 and 2 episodes. u know, fighting urban legends and stuff. I miss the old days!

37.Were u as skeptical as Dean about angels?

Yes. Especially after Cas’ first appeariance. Black wings and stuff. Haha. In one moment I thought he was ”An angel of the dark lord”. :’D
 He did look like An angel of the dark lord =P
He did look like An angel of the dark lord =P

38.Did u learn any lessons from the show?


39.For u what would be the perfect ending for Supernatural?

Every single demon shall be dead. Dean and Sam has killed them. And the very last scene should be Sam and Dean driving in the impala to the song ”Can’t Find My Way Home” door Blind Faith!

40.Anything u wanna add?

Thanks alot to people for voting for me, Roxy for making the vragen and to u guys that bothered to read the whole interview till this very last sentence! And have a good time watching the volgende season. It might be the last season, u know. Love u aaaaall, my lovely SPN addicts! ♥

And this is it people, i hope u enjoyed it! Now we say goodbye and wait for the volgende interview that's gonna be made door Kristine, can't wait :D
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