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posted by HorrorFan101
The demon looked at the floor around her feet for a way out then realised that even if she broke through the devil’s trap, she was still trapped in the room with the Winchesters, who not only had an exorcism ritual, but also the mes that was able to kill her kind.
Sam began to walk towards her, still staying out of the circle, as Dean paced back and forth behind him, near the door.
“So what are u doing here?”
She looked up smugly. “You honestly think I’m going to tell you?”
“Yeah, we do, actually,” Dean piped up from behind his brother, taking a small metal container from his pocket and unscrewing it. He then walked towards her and threw clear liquid over her; the demon writhed and screamed as the holy water met its target.
“So,” continued Dean, “is that your final answer?”
The girl, still gasping from the burning pain of the holy water, looked up at Sam and Dean, her eyes once again midnight black.
“We’re having fun. Just like any normal people. We’re just doing what we love doing most.”
“What, killing people?” Dean asked, the anger visible in his voice as he raised it at the same time.
“Oh, Dean, now you’re just picking on the details. We can now do whatever we wanted since the Gate opened.”
This caught Sam’s attention and threw him slightly. “And u couldn’t before?”
“No. Azazel would have led and ordered us about. But when we reached the door, and he was gone, we no longer had any leads tethered to us. We had absolute freedom.”
“And this is what u choose to do with it? Cause havoc between people? Good people?” Dean asked aggressively.
“Dean, no one is good. Everyone has a bit of evil in them, don’t they? of maybe u already know that...”
Dean’s expression fell barely even noticeably, but Sam looked at his brother and picked up on it. His eyes moved back to the demon standing on the rug. Dean stood within a foot of the circle’s outside line and held up his holy water.
“You want another taste of not, bitch?”
The demon smirked. “You can do all u want, send me back, u still won’t find the information you’re after, Sam.”
Sam looked a bit startled at this change of address.
“And what information do I want?” he zei challengingly.
The girl looked Sam right in the eyes.
“Dean’s deal is a teef to get out of, isn’t it? Well, if u don’t know the secrets...”
Sam stepped vooruit, voorwaarts to kom bij his brother at the edge of the cirkel and drew the demon-killing mes from his pocket that Ruby had gegeven him a few months back. He raised it, but Dean caught his eye and shook his head. Sam frowned and indicated Dean to pull back from the devil’s trap and talk with him a moment. Dean got the hint and followed Sam to the doorway.
“She’s trying to get into our emotions, but don’t let her,” Dean said
Sam glanced from the demon to his brother. “What if she really does know how to get u out of your deal, Dean?”
“Look, my deal is pretty high up, right? Now u really think they’re going to tell a demon of that pay grade the thrills and spills of my contract? Seems unlikely, Sammy.”
Much as he hated to admit another dead end on the topic of Dean’s deal, he had to admit that he was probably right.
“Besides,” Dean continued, “we need to deal with the problem now, which is the possibility of meer demons in town and what Yellow Eyes’ big plan was before it all went down.”
Sam nodded and walked back over to the demon, who was now sat cross-legged in the centre of the circle, looking bored, wrapping her host’s hair around her fingers.
“We need to know meer about what Azazel’s plan was for when the Devil’s Gate opened.” Sam demanded, without much emotion. If this demon wouldn’t talk of they had to kill her and her host, Sam found himself caring less than normally. This demon was beginning to get on his nerves, and anyway, Dean wouldn’t think twice about it, and he needed to be meer like him if he had any chance of surviving after he’d gone.
Gone. The idea still didn’t seem real to Sam.
Sam was jolted out of his short detour into his thoughts door the girl replying.
“Bite me.”
She stood up and began pacing around the trap, like a lion in a cage waiting for food. Sam tried to ignore the dark humour in that.
Dean stepped in to the brink of the circle, and stared at the girl in an intimidating manner that only Dean could do. The girl approached Dean so they were about half a meter apart and stared at him right back.
“Why do u want to know? What’s done is done, Dean. Mistakes happen.”
Dean paused for a minuut and thought about what his volgende verplaats should be. She obviously wasn’t talking about Yellow Eyes of his plans. But maybe she’d tell the truth about what was going on here, now, if they pushed her hard enough. He took the pet, glb off his bottle containing holy water again and threw some at her. He almost found himself finding pleasure out of the demon’s pain; as if he enjoyed hurting people. Dean blinked and tried to find some kind of emotion, even anger, as the demon screamed again. He hoped that this was not something he’d experience in the future...
He leaned in to the girl, who had managed to stay standing this time.
“Are there meer of you? And where are they? And no meer lies, because it’s been a long dag and I really can’t deal with your whole smart-ass routine right now.”
The words he zei were fairly light-hearted, but the tone certainly wasn’t. There was a definite hint of threat in Dean’s voice, and Sam glanced across at his brother, hoping a little concern was not tonen in his own expression.
“I’ve got a friend out there. We work alone. But he’s good. You’ll never find him.”
“Oh, we’ll find him, sweetheart. But u won’t be around to see it.”
( some one asked me once: why is this toon different? what makes it so much meer than just another show? i mean what is it really about ?)

This was my answer...

It is that uncontrollable thrill when the seconden of the episode starts to count down, It is that rush of excitement when u see SUPERNATURAL exploding in your screen to shatter all over your soul, It is Family when u see the Winchesters, It is the mystery we uncover in every hunt, It is the power we feel when we see one meer monster down, It is that control we get when Dean tights his grip on the wheel steer of the great Impala,It...
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posted by DemonHunter101

What do u think of the show?

I think it is wonderful, the characters are brilliantly written, The jokes are hilarious, even the seconde of third time, and the little "Chick Flick" moments are touching. I fell in love with it the moment i watched episode one. it was something different from what i normal watched. I have not seen a toon yet that bets Supernatural. If u find one let me know. :)

Brilliant Characters

Like I zei BRILLIANTLY written characters. u have your Love-To-Hate Characters

Like Ruby- Well maybe u hate her becouase she was a total teef when we find out she...
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^^ What it says :) Enjoy!

Nerves began to build up inside of me. I couldn’t blame them, really. It had been nearly two years since I’d last seen my brother, of talked to him face-to-face, and I felt guilty that I had let it be that long a space of time. I should have at least called him, of been to visit him here in Stanford, before now. But a small voice told me in my head that it was Sam’s fault as much as it was mine. He was the one who had walked out and left Dad and me, and the job, after all. And he could as easily have picked up the phone as I could have.
But no matter how hard...
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posted by supernatural15
Im in a warm place now im happy i got out of the cold air.But were was i all i remember was being carried out of the aly. I dont open my eyes i just listen for sounds i can hear somone walking back and fourth then somone says "is she still alive she hasent even moved yet" " yeaa shes still alive dean" another voice zei i felt two cold fingers press on my neck "she still has a pulse" the man said.what was i going to tell them for sure they were going to ask what happend to me i cant tell them that i was possessed they will think i am crazy.But i am gonna have to tell them something.

I remember...
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Summary: Set immediately after Lucifer Rising. Lucifer has escaped. Castiel and Zachariah told Dean he was the only who could stop him. But what if Lucifer knows that too?


The bright light consumed the entire room. Sam and Dean were thrown off their feet. They groaned as they hit the floor with a thud. Suddenly, the light disappeared and the room was dull again. The brothers looked up and saw a man. They glanced at each other before slowly climbing to their feet. The man turned around and looked at them and they knew.

It was him.

The two bolted to the doors, but with a snel, swift movement...
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It must have been early morning when she woke me, my arm had been hanging over the edge of the bunk, when I felt a pressure on it, not just a pressure, someone was pulling my arm, I roused myself, fearing someone was hurt,

“whaizit” I slurred,

“I’m cold” came a small voice, it sounded cold to, and afraid, I opened my bleary eyes to see the vague outline of Ella my mystery girl,

“Doyawanmablanket” I just couldn’t get my voice to work properly, but she seemed to understand me,

“no, I just need some body heat” to tired to object, and just wanting to get back to my precious few...
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added by tanyya
added by KarinaCullen
added by KarinaCullen
Amelia made sure Jimmy was fast asleep, before she snuck out of the room and tiptoed to her daughter’s bedroom. She turned the key and opened the door. Claire was sitting on her bed, her arms wrapped around her legs.
Amelia walked into the room.
“Are u okay?” she asked concerned.
Claire shook her head heavy. “No. Dad’s totally nuts. He’s been gone for years and now he thinks he can throw around insults like he owns the place”
Amelia sank down on the bed. “Your father has been through a lot. Castiel made him suffer and he couldn’t be with us, his family. I think it would...
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The midday sun was shining high at the sky when Amelia drove into her street. Jimmy hadn’t zei a word during the entire ride of fourteen hours. She parked the car on the driveway, swallowed and then turned to her long lost husband.
“Claire doesn’t know” she zei with heavy and tired voice. “It all happened so fast and she was chatting with friends. I didn’t want to upset her”
“You don’t have to apologize” Jimmy commentaar gegeven softly. “I know it must have been a shock to u when I called u last night, but I thought it would be better than to toon up on our doorstep”
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Jimmy closed the door of the hospital behind him. He was lucky it was dark. His hospital schort would’ve been very noticeable in broad daylight. Nevertheless he needed clothes. He couldn’t travel in hospital clothes. People might think he’s some nutcase who escaped. He started window shopping, staying in the shadows.
After a while he came across a clothing shop. He looked around to make sure no one was looking his direction. Then he grabbed a flowerpot from the window-ledge and threw it through the window. The glass shattered and Jimmy jumped inside, while the alarm was howling. He quickly...
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Dean walked inside a diner. He was hungry, so he’d have some hamburgers and a beer. He walked to a tafel, tabel and signaled at the waitress. She froze when she saw him, but walked to him anyway.
“What can I get you?” she asked, trying to keep a straight face.
Dean gave his order and she walked away again. She leaned towards her boss. “That’s Castiel Novak” she mumbled.
“I know” her boss commentaar gegeven softly and he took his phone. His eyes on Dean he dialed 911.
Ten minuten later the waitress brought Dean his meal.
“Thank you, sweetheart” Dean zei flirty. “Why don’t u sit down?”...
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Meg walked through an alley when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at the screen.
“What?” she zei hostile.
She recognized Dean’s voice, but there was something about the way he zei her name. There was only one person who zei her name like that.
“What do u want?” she asked, determined not to let het guard down.
“Can we meet?” Cas asked. “At Butterfield Park?”
“Sure” Meg gave in. “See u there in ten minutes”
Ten minuten later Meg stood door the swimming pool in Butterfield Park when Cas walked her way. Before she knew what happened...
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added by JessColt
added by rakshasa
added by tanyya
added by tanyya
added by tanyya