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posted by HorrorFan101
“So what do u think?” Dean looked from Sam to the open files spread on their motel bureau and back again, veilig to hear his brother’s theory now they were in the privacy of their room.
“Honestly?” Sam said, skimming a piece of paper, flicking it back to another one, then back to the first again. “I think it’s some kinds of vengeful spirit. Maybe these women did something to cause of contribute to their sons’ deaths... I mean, both victims’ throats were slit, cleanly and quickly. Maybe their ghosts are back to remind them of it...”
“...and kill them for it. Okay, interesting spin. But I don’t know, man. Something about this seem wrong to you?”
Sam let a slight frown flicker across his brow. “Like what?”
Dean let out a heavy sigh. “Do I look like I have any meer ideas? Look, we’ll go for vengeful spirits unless something else happens for us to vraag it.”
Sam nodded in agreement, but in some ways saw his brother’s point. If it was a usual vengeful spirit case, it tended to be the same spirit haunting different people that were all linked somehow, but these two women saw two different boys before dying – both their sons – and, so far, Sam couldn’t find any link of acquaintance shared between the pair of them.
“What did the two boys die of?” Dean asked, tapping a biro quietly on the bureau in thought.
“Er...Sophie Bennings’ son died in a car crash...Sophie was the only other passenger and she walked away without a scratch.”
“Definitely vengeful spirit material. Okay...”
Sam paused as his brother concentrated for a minute. “So what next?”
Dean began gathering up the papers and looked at him. “Next we check out the murder scenes, and see if there’s anyone we can talk to.”
door the time they were on the road, the sun was beating down from the sky in the midday sun, and Dean was busy eating a burger he’d insisted on buying before setting off whilst driving. The smell of the burger was combining itself with the sweltering heat inside the Impala, and, if Sam was honest, it was making him feel slightly nauseous. But he let Dean have his fun. He knew the dag Dean got separated from food would be the dag he was dead. Sam almost flinched at the irony of his thoughts and focused his thoughts on the rushing scenery out the window.
When Dean and Sam reached the first victim’s house, Sophie Bennings, they found the house occupied, door her husband. After a little badge flashing and warm smiles, they were let in to the lounge, where Carl zei to them to have found her there. Carl had short, very dark hair, a friendly face shadowed door tiredness, had in a thin rope chain with a small charm dangling from his neck, and wore a simple check overhemd, shirt and light washed jeans.
“She was – just lying – there, and –”
Sam looked up from the floor he was pointing as and looked sympathetically at Carl Bennings; he’d lost his wife and his son in the space of two years. Sam felt for the guy, and beneath the look on Dean’s well constructed face, Sam knew his brother did too.
“Thank you, Mr. Bennings. We can take it from here,” Sam said, laying one hand on the man’s shoulder and the other gestured towards the door to the kitchen. “We won’t be a minute, we just want a look at the room.”
“Oh...okay.” Mr Bennings nodded, went through to the kitchen, and Sam and Dean relaxed as they heard him trundle upstairs slowly.
“I don’t get it,” Sam said, sweeping the room with the EMF meter as it remained silent.
Dean wanted to voice his agreement with his brother, but stayed quiet. He was unsure about what to think too – if it was a vengeful spirit the EMF meter almost definitely would have shown up with something...
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dean winchester
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Lucy walked out of the toilet and looked at her watch. She had to go back, but then she’d have to pass Cas’ tafel, tabel and she wasn’t sure if she could do that with a straight face. of she could just go around the building and use the entrance.
“Are u okay?”
Lucy looked up. Another woman, not much older than her, walked up to her.
“It’s alright, I’m a cop” the woman zei and she held up a card with her name and where she worked. “Anything u want to tell me? Like what happened in there?”
Lucy laughed and looked away. “Yeah, I don’t really see why that’s any of your...
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The door of Meg’s motel room opened and Meg stared at the door way. She was still stuck under the Key of Solomon.
“Anna told me u were innocent for a change” Sam said.
“Well, now that you’ve discovered I’m actually a saint, could u get me out of here?” Meg suggested. Sam shook his head and walked towards her, though kept a veilig distance. “First I want to set a few things straight. Castiel is not going to leave prison, unless u do something. Personally, I don’t care if u killed that man of not. What I do care about is that you’re the only one who can get him out of there” Sam said.
“Why would I help him? What’s in it for me?” Meg wanted to know.
“If u do the right thing, then I guarantee u Dean and I will never try to kill u again. You’ll be off our radar for good” Sam said.
That was a tempting offer. “What do u want me to do?” she asked.
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The jury had made a decision and woman walked to the judge and gave him a piece of paper.
“To the vraag if Castiel abused Alexia Moore the jury finds him not guilty” the judge said.
“Yes!” Dean triumphed. He jumped up and walked quickly towards Cas.
Zoey took Alexia door the hand and walked down the aisle.
“Zoey, wait!” Daphne shouted desperate.
Zoey turned around.”Do u have any idea what u put me through? What u put Alex through? After everything I’ve done for you. Gerard killed himself, because of you! How many lives do u have to destroy, before u realize you’re the one who needs to be put away in a cell?”
Daphne grabbed Zoey’s arm. “Please, listen to me. I never meant to hurt u of Alex. I thought I was helping. Tell me how I can make it up”
Zoey jerked her arm. “Stay away from me and Alex. And if u even care a little about Cas, u stay away from him, too”
She turned around and walked away.
Meg read the book as if it was a detective and she wanted to know who the killer was. Daphne’s life had been a roller coaster due to her illness. But everyone knew Daphne was crazy, including Cas’ attorney. So she kept looking for something different.
When she was near the end she discovered something strange. She flipped a few pages, when a piece of paper fell out of the book. Meg picked it up and opened it. She read the letter and compared the handwriting with the one in the book.
She threw the book on the floor and conjured her phone.
No signal, it said
“Damn it!” she cursed.
She carefully stretch her arm, but the Key of Solomon was still working perfectly.
She looked at the hard stone floor and stamped on it, causing part of the floor to break. Meg grabbed a piece of the floor and threw it at the ceiling.
The Key of Solomon broke and Meg kicked her cell open.
Jo was sitting on her bed. Her mother assumed she was already fast asleep, but the opposite was true. She had heard Sam and Dean leave and she was furious she was left behind again, with no such thing as a goodbye. She was dead, for crying out loud! Would it kill Dean to toon a little consideration? There had been no time for Jo to stop Dean from leaving, but that didn’t mean she was letting him get away with it.
“Anna? Anna, can u hear me?” she whispered. She heard wings and a seconde later Anna was in her room. “Wow, that was quick”
“What’s up?” Anna asked. “I’m busy”...
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