TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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added by iDxG101
Source: fraiseparfait
added by NoahFanNumber1
Source: Me, request from Noahking!!! B)
added by shellgirl54
Source: Couple
added by gwenmyers1997
added by gwenmyers1997
added by gwenmyers1997
posted by cooleeo
Gwen's pov!
um..hey? i`m going to my new school now...wonder if its gonna suck. the school is called hell high,just kidding,Kimbell high school. i walked in,but not without getting hit in the head with wadded up papers. "hey look! the new kid!"some jock said. "yeah,and she's a freak!"some gray headed,slutty girl said. i just rolled my eyes,and walked in the school. purple..everywhere. i`m not saying i don't like purple,its just its everywhere. i walked into the office,and asked a very old lady where to go. "here's your classes."she said. she handed me a white piece of paper,that had all my classes...
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added by MeOwKiTtYkAtT
Source: gwennieblack
added by gwenmyers1997
added by Brookshep
added by trentgwenfan1
posted by totaldramacale
We all know about the Duncan, Gwen and Courtney triangle, but what about the Duncan, Gwen and Trent love triangle? The problem is just like the DxCxG love triangle: There is a conflict, a friendship, and a relationship. In this case, Trent and Duncan have a conflict, Gwen and Trent have a friendship, and Gwen and Duncan have a relationship. u could say that Gwen and Trent's relationship is over thanks to Duncan. So, basically, the victim here is Trent. There are two bad guys, unlike the DxGxC love triangle, which has 3. They, of course, are Duncan and Gwen. Now if only we could see about Courtney and Trent starting a relationship...
added by OddbodsFan10
Source: qMargot
added by CourtneyHand871
Source: Kayleeya778
added by gwenmyers1997
added by zzElinzz
added by GothikXenon
added by cooleeo
Source: I don't own this photo.
posted by trentgwenfan1
Gwen's p.o.v
last night i was writing in my sckech pad then i saw a boy walk door his name was Trent and he triped over a big rock and i hleped him nack up his leg was injerd i helped him feel better we talked and were shared stuff about ecother

Trent's p.o.v
WOW last night i meat this insanly hot girl she had blue and black hair she had buttiful brown eyes and pale skin but i triped over and skraped my leg she helped me up and we shared stuff about ecother

Gwen: i wish i can see Trent again *thinks for a moment* wait he gave me his adress *walks to Trent's house *
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posted by vamp_grl_123
Ok I thought of this from that AT&T commercial. Were they guy text the girl were he his. And the third text is of her sitting in the park.

Trent hugged me goodbye. I didn’t want to say goodbye. But TDI is over and its time to go home. I gave him my number and he has mine, so I hope we can stay in touch.

I get home pagina and plop myself on my bed. My phone rings and I have a picture message. It’s of Trent back in Quebec. He is standing in front o that singe that says “Welcome to Quebec”. I smile and close my phone and fall asleep.

Two days latter I got another picture message of Trent by...
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