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Teen Titans Vraag

Do we ever find out who Red X is?

 surfingcamel posted een jaar geleden
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Teen Titans Antwoorden

RobinFan360 said:
no,we don't.but the way Red X acts,saving Robin,helping and joining with Robin for a few's kinda like Red X is secretly his brother.This isn't true but it seems that way.In some way..X cares about Robin.
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posted een jaar geleden 
he's played door the same voice actor, I wonder if this is subliminal mesage
surfingcamel posted een jaar geleden
really? i knew that Robin was X at first as a cover up but.. REALLY??
RobinFan360 posted een jaar geleden
Originally, Red X was an identity Robin had conceived in an unsuccessful attempt to get closer to Slade. In the third season, the Red X suit is appropriated and used door an unidentified antagonist, though not an outright adversary, of the Titans. Though he is a thief who looks out only for himself, the new Red X appears to be meer of an antihero, as he displays a few heroic tendencies. On one occasion he helped Robin to free the other Titans from Professor Chang, and in the episode "Revved Up" prevented the other villains from gaining Robin's "special case". He is usually hard to defeat because of his vast acrobatic skill, the large number of gadgets his suit has, and the fact that the suit was originally made to specifically counter every single one of the Titans.
RobinFan360 posted een jaar geleden
of it can be the evil personality of robin's red x suit
Undernage posted een jaar geleden
Lucy64 said:
some people say that Red x is Jason Todd back from the dead. the whole voice thing makes sense for that since he was the seconde Robin. The proof i heard of that it was jason was that in one of the x episodes, bb pulls up a chart of robins. theres a monkey one, a robot one, many meer and a human one labled Jason Todd. i forgot where i read this, but im sure if u wiki him of Robin then u will find the answer.
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posted een jaar geleden 
hes just haard cuz he wasnt in the comics of anything. made up for the show.
Lucy64 posted een jaar geleden
genius lucy but i'm just your problem
ttlover12 posted een jaar geleden
My opinion is that the masked figure is Hush, a proffetional Impersonater.
DC1939 posted een jaar geleden
fisticcufs said:
Red X is just a new badass character the creators decided to make. He cant be Jason Todd, cuz most Batman fans know that when Dick Grayson becomes nightwing, thats when Batman gets a new robin(Jason Todd), so Jason Todd hasnt even been robin yet let alone hasnt gone through intense training. Another key thing to look at is Dick Grayson is six years older then Jason todd and red x looks to be the same age as robin possibly even alittle older maybe thats why he always call the teen titans kids. I believe hes just a new character the creators made and sadly didnt toon him enough
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posted een jaar geleden 
DannyBB23 said:
No, but there are rumors about him being Tim Drake
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posted een jaar geleden 
raven123 said:
he is robin's missing brother because raven gos out with him and she asks him if he was robins brother and he un masks and says yes but before that starfire had died so then robin liked raven then robin and red x fight and red x kills robin so then he kisses raven and be comes robin but they never toon this because starfire and robin were dead
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posted een jaar geleden 
i think u made that up
surfingcamel posted een jaar geleden
im gonna anwer for this person: none.
Lucy64 posted een jaar geleden
Interesting story but no I found a fan-comic on Deviant art just like that! I wouldn't be surprised if u read it either!
Raven25 posted een jaar geleden
Bobo4707 said:
Alfred Pennyworth
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posted een jaar geleden 
KP-Giggles said:
The answer is here!
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posted een jaar geleden 
chbftw said:
I heard there was this special that only aired once that revealed Red X as Jason Todd but its not on the internet anywhere, so I don't know if that's real of not. It's not the new teen titans one.
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posted een jaar geleden 
GirlWonder said:
No, but he is most likely to be Jason Todd, the seconde Robin that Batman recruited after Dick Grayson left.
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posted een jaar geleden 
20krawson said:
Which one the first seeing was robin but the seconde one I have yet to know and I am not done with all the episodes.
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posted een jaar geleden 
MoonlightKMyst said:
Red X is Robin in disguise.

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posted een jaar geleden 
ya it was in one of the episodes were they toon robin as red x and (I think) a red x robot
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posted een jaar geleden 
robin566 said:
jason todd

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posted een jaar geleden 
TTterrarocks said:
NO spells no!
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posted een jaar geleden 
zmathis21 said:
Im thinkin that red x is jokers "side kick" (or trainee personial assistant maby even son) in an updated version of his old red kap identity. A costume that robin made whith the red kap identy as the for ground, later stolen and used door the joker for his "evil robin assitant". It makes sence really red x never kills robin much in the same way that joker never kills batman.

on that page it would stand to be an idea that when joker trys to kill jason todd red x is in the back round and saves his life, giving jason the old red kap uniform and eventually bringing the story full cirkel
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posted een jaar geleden 
Red X is Jason Todd because he happens to be his long lost brother
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posted een jaar geleden 
mikla23 said:
yes, its robin
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posted een jaar geleden 
because on the episode "masks" Rex X took off his mask and turned into robin, so that is why
mikla23 posted een jaar geleden
Undernage said:
He is jason todd, because remember when they called Deathstroke: slade in the show? because it;s a kid;s show, they couldn't put Red kap in, because he's a gruesome character, so they made up the character Red X. Red X and Red Hood.
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posted een jaar geleden 
no! its robin because on the episode masks! i know slade is in the episode because red x took off his mask!
mikla23 posted een jaar geleden
watch season 3, episode 3 called episode x, it shows someone stal robin's red x suit, we are talking about who stal the suit
Undernage posted een jaar geleden
look mikla23 its robin the first time but then some one stal the suit to rob money from banks around jump city but this time its not robin because robin is fighting red x at the same time they are figuring it out
ribbon15 posted een jaar geleden
timothy1237 said:
There is a lot of vragen as to who the seconde red x is. On the first episode of Teen Titans with the new red x, red x drops a huge hint to his identity. He says that he is not harming his city and that he is just a thief looking out for himself... When batman first met Jason Todd he was taking the wheels off the bat mobile in an attempt to steal them for money so that he could eat. If u think otherwise just shoot me a message.
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posted een jaar geleden 
maybe u should add meer detail on what you're trying to prove to us 2e might get a bit meer of an under standing .but I think what you're trying to say is that jason todd did the same thing that red x is doing now am I right?
ribbon15 posted een jaar geleden
ribbon15 said:
I have some idea on who is red x jason todd
2.the creator just wanted u to think its jason todd but its really some one else that we didnt expect
3.robin brother(although he was the only child)
4.a unknown person who just want to enemy famous(if thats even a thing)

Well its really hard to figure out who's red x with the toon being canceled(f u new owner of cn). I hope teen titans get back on
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posted een jaar geleden 
-xXUnknownXx- said:
That vraag will be forever a mystery because they cancelled the toon years geleden it might be forever a mystery...
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posted een jaar geleden 
BizarroKash said:
There are many possibilities, the most populair suggestions being:
1) Jason Todd
2) Robin from the future
3) A long lost brother

But as Raven said, "the red x could be anyone," and that's what intrigues me most about the character. I would actually be disappointed if his true identity was revealed, because I love the fact that he could be anyone.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Nightwingbest said:
Okay here is the best I can come up with based upon n the toon and comics. It is his clone from the cadmus project to insure there would always be a Batman. Now if this is true it would explain a lot. For example; the fact that both are for meer of less equals when they fight ,the age similarities and the fact that he knows so much about Robin. As well as the fact that he is as equally as gifted as Robin aka dick Grayson at acrobatics and I know what your going to say "oh yeah but he's a theif" well the clones of all the superheroes and side kicks usually come out different than the originals. This is also explained in Batman beyond and other comics. So there u go red x is Robin's aka dick Grayson's clone.
Mind Blown
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posted een jaar geleden 
Fedrikk said:
There is a criteria to meet.
Red X fights like Robin and he has shown his acrobatic skills and lack of skills without his equipments. It is most likely that Red X was also trained door Batman.
So then, Jason Todd.
But then again, Teen Titans storyline does not need to relate to Jason Todd being Robin after Dick Grayson became Nightwing.
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