The Chronicles Of Narnia Club
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added by morbidzerah
posted by RavenclawRocks
 I wasn't expecting that...
I wasn't expecting that...
beer in mind I didn't make this up, I just copy and pasted it.
(WARNING: This is very long)


The four Pevensie children return to a wild Narnia, about a 1000 years after their vorige visit. Aiding the rightful heir, Prince Caspian, in his attempt to overthrow his usurping uncle, Lord Miraz, the Pevensie children succeed in freeing the rightful people of Narnia and restore it – with the aid of Aslan.

Film in General

Compared to the first film (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) directed door Adamson, around 3 years ago, Prince Caspian is a `darker` film, to be sure. However, concerned...
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added by LupinPrincess
added by 3xZ
added by kayzpal
added by prpleconverse17
added by TVcrazed296
Source: Photobucket
added by karlyluvsam
Source: wizardofpowerful@tumblr
added by 3xZ
added by 3xZ
added by xrayana
 Barbara Kellerman as 'The Lady of Green Kirtle' and as 'The White Witch' from the BBC TV series, 1989 – 1990.
Barbara Kellerman as 'The Lady of Green Kirtle' and as 'The White Witch' from the BBC TV series, 1989 – 1990.
Some readers believe that the White Witch and the Lady of The Green kiel, gewaad are the same person. So before u disregard it, keep in mind that it is a possibility. Their are arguments for both sides. First off, two witches are mentioned door name in the Narnian books, the White Witch (Jadis, empress of Charn, of the "White Lady") and the Lady of the Green kiel, gewaad (or "the Green Lady"). Long after Lewis's death, character sketches appeared in later editions of the boeken that seem to indicate that these two witches are the same, but these are not according to the auteur C.S. Lewis.

Proof that they...
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added by 3xZ
added by xrayana
added by xrayana
added by check-it-out13
added by Anakin_13
Source: Queen Lucy dress