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-M1D1Y1CY1MI0- Nimea Founded door the Awrlet (Ar-lay) Expitidion. Ostrien (Aws-tryn) named Taproot Tribe. Government-supported missions begin conversion of the natives.
-M3D26Y3CY1MI0- First session of Parliament begins. Native representatives called Shiodo (Shee-owe-doe) introduce the first Dictation, the Dictae khanna consalidus (Dict-ay chaw-na con-sawl-ee-dus), ordering the many tribes of Nimea to form bigger tribes, named after the biggest of most affluent of their specific people, thus making them meer like states and less like city-states.
-M5D9Y5CY1MI0- The Nimean Catholic Church is established when it is realized that communication could not be continued with the Earthly Pontiff. Elections of the Papacy go smoothly. The first scientific organization of the country, Nimeans for the Cause of Lucid and Theological Research (NCLTR) is established. Membership is open to those of all beleif systems.
-M1D29Y29CY1MI0- The Falling Leaf Tragedy inspires the Dictae Defma (Deff-mah), causing vast xenophobia among the Nimeans. Iachae (Ee-awe-chay) refuses to comply, and in civil disobedience encourages the marriage of Nimeans with natives. It is enforced within the noble class.
-M10D22Y29CY1MI0- NCLTR study concludes that native blood is connected to control of the elements. The organization assembles the first Elemental Table. Pope Joeseph Capierre (Kap-ee-air) implies that the government may have been wrong in instituting Defma. King Ianas (Ee-ah-naws) of Heyotch (Hey-awtch) repeals Defma in his tribe. While mainly symbolic, it puts meer pressure on the rest of the nation to repeal it also.
-M3D23Y330CY1MI0- All of Nimea repeals Defma. King Sigleone (See-lee-own) of Ostrien abdicates to his son, Flamberge (Flam-burr-jhey), who is Canonized door the Nimean Catholic Church and seen as the first hero of Nimea. He is made patron saint of Ostrien.
-M4D3Y33CY1MI0- King Flamberge composes the Praegravo Domine (Pray-gray-voh Doe-mean), which is later made the national anthem of Nimea. NCLTR research leads to new knowledge about control of the elements; Kastorium (Kass-tour-ee-um), a semiorganic metal that attracts elements to itself, and, in extreme measure, adapts the body of an organism holding a large amount of it, is identified as the center of the native's power.
-M5D9Y33CY1MI0- NCLTR finds a bron of Kastorium, known commonly as the Pool. The people of Nimea who refused to deal with the natives then paid a fortune to Heyotch, where the Pool was located, to gain control of the elements. It is considered fashionable to dress like the natives. Falling Leaf tribe rejoins major society and is no longer subject to persecution.
-M5D3Y34CY1MI0- Heyotch and Iachae form a compact of union. King Ianas of Heyotch and King Dyotullus (Die-oh-tuh-lus) of Iachae share blood under supervision from NCLTR. Dyotullus spends a maand in Heyotch on political leave. Ianas begins work on a memoir.
-M7D7Y34CY1MI0- Heyotch and Iachae, under leadership from Ianas, Dyotullus, and their respective families, revolt against the Taproot. The Pope speaks out against the war, but is largely ignored, because, at the same time, Heyotch Orthodoxy is founded.
-M9D19Y34CY1MI0- Ianas and Dyotullus finish the memoir, and make it a work of political satire and propoganda rather than a meaningful piece of literature. The war effort is being lost on Ostrien's side because Heyotch holds all the Kastorium. Unrest begins on Ostrien's side.
-M11D3Y34CY1MI0- Dyotullus dies of unkown causes. Ianas falls into a dark depression. At his funeral, Ianas does not speak, but rather sobs over Dyotullus' coffin. Dyotullus is Cannonized as a saint in the Heyotch Orthodoxy.
-M1D4Y35CY1MI0- A young boy named Galas (Gal-us) gets in front of a ballistic charge to save his family. He is Cannonized as a saint in Heyotch Orthodoxy and made patron saint of Heyotch. Ianas speaks halfheartedly on the topic of national pride. Ianas sinks deeper into depression.
-M2D2Y35CY1MI0- Ianas surrenders to Flamberge publicly. He later dies of greif.
Heyotch and Iachae are punished door the Taratos (Tah-rah-toez) Act. It was decided that, when a King dies, he would be cremated and made into a jewel. The Kings of Iachae and Heyotch are excluded for their rebellion, though Flamberge dislikes this.
-M3D8Y301CY1MI0- A memorial is made to Ianas and Dyotullus in both Heyotch and Iachae in protest of the continuation of the Taratos Act. The nation is fractured. Vanatria (Vahn-ay-tree-ah) asks to be included in the union with Iachae and Heyotch. The three nations begin planning a seconde war against the Taproot tribe.
-M7D7Y303CY1MI0- Iachae, Heyotch, and Vanatria take and hold the capitol of Ostrien. Ostrien surrenders immediately, and this cripples the remaining Union. King Galas of Heyotch (so named for the saint), King Derek of Iachae, and King Foreti (For-et-ee) of Vanatira claim that this proves that they are culturally superior.
-M3D28Y700CY1MI0- Though the original kings who took the capitol of Ostrien had since retired to Mount Olyduss (Aw-lee-duss), they still held the city. Kyndreau (Kin-drew) surrenders.
-M9D8Y777CY1MI0- King Christoph (Kris-toff) is born. Taetoro (Tay-tour-oh) begins development of nonhuman soldiers, though it is faulty because NCLTR allied itself with the Rebellion.
-M12D31Y777CY1MI0- End of First Century. Plot to abduct King Christoph foiled.