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A/N: Hope u enjoy my first PJO fan fic! Please review!

(Annabeth's Point of View)

Chapter One: Arguing and Agreeing

I can't remember the Last time Seaweed Brain and I fought. But I do know it doesn't happen as often as it used to.

That's why this time; it was a lot meer serious.

u see, Percy and I used to be like best vrienden and all, and we used to argue a lot. I think it's in the genes. Our parents, Athena (my mom) Goddess of wisdom and Poseidon (Percy's dad) God of the sea, really don't like each other. Anyways, Percy and I started going out about a jaar ago. Now we don't fight as much. In fact we spend meer of our time kissing then we do arguing. Which is, don't get me wrong, great. But sometimes, he is just so annoying.

Here is what happened…

Percy and I were walking along the strand at camp. The sun was setting and it looked blood red. It looked beautiful, colors of pink, purple and yellow stroking the sky.

I sighed.

"The sun set's beautiful, as always…" I zei dreamily. Percy's hand was in mine, and my head was resting on his shoulder as we walked.

"Nowhere near as beautiful as…um…this other girl I know." I looked up to find him smiling slyly at me.

"And who, may I ask, is this girl?" I asked him, my eyebrows arched.

"Do I need to say it?" he said, stopping right in front of the water to put his arms around me.

"Nah, I know I'm pretty, I don't need u telling me." I told him matter-of-factly. Then we both let out a laugh.

He lowered in for a kiss but just then some naiads came out of the water giggling nervously in human form. I never liked those little flirts, but after that dag they would be at the very top, boven of my ''I DESPISE" list.

After what Percy had done to save Olympus the naiads thought of Percy as their personal hero, since both their life sources rested within the water. I hated it. But Percy of course, didn't mind the attention.

"Hey, Percy." One giggled. She had aqua hair and green eyes. They wore seashell bikinis and seaweeds were wrapped around their waists like hula skirts. I didn't want Percy looking at them, but I would look like a total idiot if I randomly covered his eyes. I was his girlfriend, not his wife. This also meant I could be rude.

"Beat it naiads, can't u see he's busy?" I said, raising my eyebrows and making sure they saw despise in my eyes.

"Aw, don't be mean Annabeth, they just wanna talk." He zei lightly, as if he didn't realize how much I hated this.

"Well actually," the seconde naiad said, "we need help underwater. There is a huge bolder blocking our home pagina cave entrance and we need big strong arms to verplaats it away." As the naiad was speaking she was getting closer to Percy. She started running her finger along Percy's arm.

That really got me fuming. On top, boven of that, Percy didn't do a thing. The rational part of me knew Percy wasn't enjoying it, but was thinking of away to get the naiads' fingers off him without being rude. But when I was angry I was never rational.

"Well then, why don't u go and spend your free time with them. I've got better things to do with mine." I zei harshly, turning to Percy. He seemed to have suddenly understood what was going on.

"Annabeth come on-" he said, this time actually pushing the naiads arm away.

"No really its fine." I cut in. "Besides, Cole Donavan from the Hermes cabine asked me out, ill just go reschedule with-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold one there did u just say-"

"Maybe u should just stick to your naiads." I said. Yeah, I knew I was being stupid but come on cut me some slack. I was pretty possessive of my Seaweed Brain.

But then his expression changed from utterly bewildered to completely annoyed. And I knew I'd done it there. Way to go Annabeth I told myself, feeling frustrated.

"Fine then, go off on your little date," he said, "I've got these guys." He zei pointing to the naiads. He set off into the sea with them. Leaving me wondering what I had just done.

So that's what happened. That right there. Now I know exactly what your thoughts are. What is wrong with them, they are both being stupid of she should just apologize. But u know seaweed brain and I. we aren't that easy. As it turned out, I never even went on that datum with Cole. He was a nice guy, but not my type.

So anyways, it all came down to one question; Pointless arguments of the bigger things in life?

Let's find the answer, shall we?

"So u guys are still fighting, eh?" Thalia asked me one summer afternoon at camp. Percy had just walked door me, talking to Nico, without a word. It was pretty obvious he was trying not to see me. I was doing the same.

You're probably wondering what Thalia was doing here. Well u see, Thalia had come up with a brilliant idea to bring her huntresses to Camp Half-Blood for one week ever summer, so that her new family could get along with her old family. Percy and I had tried to convince her that it was hopeless, but we were proved wrong. This was their third time here and everyone was getting along fine.

I was pretty glad Thalia was here too. Hey, if I couldn't hang with seaweed brain, who would I hang with?

"Nope. If he is going to be stubborn so will I." I told Thalia. door the look on her face, she didn't seem so sure. I wasn't sure I was either.

"Anyway, lets please just talk about something besides him." I zei "Him" like it was something disgusting. And suddenly felt guilty. I quickly pushed the feeling away and Thalia started up a conversation about Lifehouse. A band we both loved.

Percy's POV

"So you're not ganna say anything to her till she comes to you?" Nico asked me this vraag like it was the funniest and most childish thing he had ever heard. It was a little annoying seeing him look at me like that when he was three years younger to me. Though anyone off the straat would have thought Nico was just a jaar younger than me.

"No. She was the one being stupid." I zei stubbornly. I wondered if she was saying the same about me. Maybe we were both being stupid. But I was too distracted door my anger to think about that possibility.

"You know I really think u should just talk to her…Maybe she is right. I mean, u don't really know how to handle it when naiads and nymphs get all flirty with you. " Nico insisted. I gave him a deadly look. He turned away.

"Or maybe she should be less jealous…" he added hastily. I sighed and heard the signal for dinner. Nico headed for the mess hall.

"Aren't u coming?" he asked turning around to look at me.

"Nah, u go ahead." I told him. He seemed to understand that I really did not want to be around people right now, so he let this one slide. Usually, Nico likes to drag me around everywhere.

Annabeth's POV

I woke up volgende morning to find that all my other siblings were already awake. They were getting ready for all their lessons. I got up and started to look for some jeans to wear. I had been waking up late almost every morning now since the fight Percy and I had. I was just so mad I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wasn't upset of depressed, just really, really mad.

"Hey Annabeth, ready for archery?" One of my siblings, Matt, asked. We went to archery together every Wednesday morning. But truthfully, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to archery. Percy would be there. Ugh. Annabeth don't be stupid. I told myself. But as much as I wanted to believe I couldn't care less about Percy, I knew it was a lie.

Matt and I headed out for archery. I was determined not to look at Percy. But of course I couldn't help it.

The guy was so good looking when in action, even if he sucked at archery. I could see he was trying to avoid me too.

So I tried my best to rip my eyes of his silky and at the same time messy black hair.

I secretly hoped he was looking at me while I was looking away too. That was why I was consciously trying to look my best when drawing my arrow. Yeah, yeah I know. I'm being stupid. If I want him to notice me so much we should just make up.

I was starting to have seconde thoughts on apologizing to him, but that's when it hit me. And I mean literally hit me.

Percy, being the horrible aimer he is, had accidently shot me with his arrow. Percy always got fake arrows from Chiron. Even Chiron didn't seem to think Percy would ever be bad at archery, because he was just plain dreadful. Bad was a step up. And even though it didn't hurt, and I knew it was door accident, I created a fuss. Hey, I needed an excuse to stay mad at him. I wasn't good with apologies.

"Percy Jackson! u arse! Are u so upset with me that u have to hit me with an arrow?" I yelled at him.

"Annabeth, I was just… I-it was an accident, I-" he was looking completely bewildered.

"Oh sure it was! Look at him Chiron!" I pointed at Percy and looked at Chiron. "You should punish him for this!" I sounded like a little six-year-old girl crying over the fact that someone took a lick out of my ice-cream.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down lady! I didn't do it on purpose!" Percy screamed looking at Chiron, also pleading him to see his side of what happened.

Chiron just stared at us, shaking his head like we were the two most annoying people on the planet right now. Then again, we probably were. The huntresses and children from the Apollo cabine were staring. So were the few others who attended Archery Lessons.

I knew we were creating a scene. Percy seemed to notice too because he quickly looked away from Chiron and down at his feet as I dropped the hand I was pointing with.

"Both of you," Chiron zei miserably, "To The Big House."

But we-" Percy and I both started at the same time.

"Now." Chiron zei firmly.

Percy and I looked at each other and agreed for the first time in a week that we had better go.

I walked glumly volgende to Percy and we both entered the Big House.

"This is all your fault." I muttered.

"You're blaming ME?" Percy sounded really angry. But I had no intention of letting that scare me.

"Yeah! If u knew how to aim one bloody arrow, u wouldn't have accidentally hit me!" I yelled. It wasn't much of a reason but it was all I had.

"AH HA! I knew u knew it was an accident! So u started this whole thing for no reason!" he yelled at me.


"Well I-" I was about to defend myself but then Chiron walked in and I shut up instantly.

"Good." He said, looking at me.

Percy and I stood there looking at Chiron, waiting for him to break the silence.

Finally he spoke, "You two not talking anymore isn't doing u of anyone else any good. u have to sort this out like grownups. u are seventeen now, not twelve. You're irrational behavior is interfering in your training, and I will not stand for it. I want u two to work out whatever it is u must and get back to training hard. u know how the God's have been about training the demigods after last year. We must be prepared, not arguing amongst ourselves." He looked at us with stern eyes. I felt a little ashamed. Okay a lot ashamed. But I wasn't going to apologize to Percy. We would just have to stay mad without being obvious about it.

"Have I made myself clear?" Chiron asked. Percy and I nodded. I knew he was thinking the same thing I was. But Chiron was always one step ahead of us.

"Good. And to make sure of it, The Hephaestus cabine has been asked off the chariot project. I am putting u two on." No way.

"What!" Percy and I yelled in perfect synchronization.

"Oh, yes," Chiron said, and I could swear he looked amused, "you two, will make the chariot this summer. And don't tell me u won't be able to do it because the two of u made the winning chariot of the jaar when u were only thirteen."

Percy and I looked at each other. He was still angry at me for sure. I tried my best to shoot daggers through my eyes.

He looked away. I had probably scared him.

Chiron excused us and we left the Big House to find Thalia outside.

"The stupidest idea ever!" I zei to myself, kicking a stone. Percy was about to turn and leave when Thalia spoke.

"Nah, you're just saying that 'cause you're jealous of my brilliant brain." She zei an admiring tone. Admiring herself, anyway.

"You came up with this?" Percy zei in outrage. There was another thing we probably agreed on right now. Thalia was a meddling little brat.

"Of course she did. But not alone." Nico zei from somewhere in the shadows.

"Nico?" Percy and I zei in outrage, synchronized fro the third time. It was really getting creepy. It was like everyone was against us and we were against each other.

Nico stepped out of the shadows.

"Sorry, but it's best for you. u will thank us. This is going to help u make up." Nico assured them.

"Or make out." Thalia snickered. Nico nudged her to shut up.

I shot her a wicked look and her smirk disappeared in a flash.

"I can't believe u guys. I'm out' a here!" Percy stormed off towards the Poseidon Cabin.

"Me too," was the best I could think of before I headed my own direction.

I heard Thalia mutter, "I think its working. They're already agreeing on stuff."

A/N: This story won't be long. But I will right others. The volgende chapter of this story will be uploaded soon. Thanks for reading! Please review.