The Following Club
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Four months later…
“Hey, how’s it going?” Susan snuck up behind Deb, who was deeply concentrated on her study material. Deb startled, and let out a long breath.
“Don’t do that” she reproached her friend breathlessly. “I’m a jumpy person”
“I saw the guy in the suit leave” Susan shrugged apologetically. “He’s an examiner, right?” Deb nodded, and when she didn’t elaborate, Susan continued: “Well, how did it go?”
Deb pretended to read, but then a little smile appeared on her face. “He zei I did really well for someone who never went to high school”
“But u did go to high school” Susan protested, making Deb laugh.
“Yeah, I don’t really think one dag counts for a high school career” she commentaar gegeven skeptical.
“But u did go” Susan persisted.
“I did go” Deb admitted, nodding. “He, the examiner, zei that, if I keep it up like this, I will definitely get my degree”
Suddenly, Susan seemed down, and Deb took her hand. “What’s wrong? Aren’t u happy for me?” Deb asked concerned.
“Of course I’m happy for you” Susan smiled sadly. “I’m just afraid that when you’re out of here, you’ll become someone really important, and you’ll forget all about me”
“What? No” Deb denied softly. “Susan, I would never forget about you. u took care of me the moment I got here. You’re my first real friend in ages, and right now u are the most important person in my life”
“Would u , like, carve that in stone?” Susan asked.
“Sure” Deb replied immediately.
“Okay. Open up your coverall” Susan ordered mischievously.
“Why?” Debra asked, tentatively.
“Trust me. u won’t regret it” Susan promised.
Deb, reluctantly, obeyed. She rotated her head and noticed Susan pulling out some weird kind ofdevice. “What is that?” Deb asked alarmed.
“It’s an electric pen” Susan smiled, amused door Deb’s reaction. “It’s the very first tattoo gun ever created”
“And you’re going to use it on me?” Deb asked, needlessly.
“I’m going to use it on you” Susan confirmed. “This is going to hurt, so keep very still”
When Susan was finished, she took Deb to their shared cell, and let Deb have a look in the mirror. With a hand mirror, Deb was able to get a better look.
“What the hell is that?” she asked dumbfounded. “Wait…it kind of looks like a dipper…and stars?”
“It’s the Alaskan flag, the place I grew up” Susan explained. “Now, u will always have a part of me with you”
“Sorry, Deb, no can do” was the answer, when Deb asked Rob, nicely, to return her sketchbook. “It’s the only thing securing u to come back to this office, and I think u really need our sessions”
Deb frowned sad, and frustrated.
“Can I ask u something? What’s Annabel’s story?”
“That’s classified information” Rob replied strict. “Besides, we’re not here to talk about Annabel. We’re here to talk about you” he reminded her kindly.
He opened his bureau drawer, and pulled out the sketchbook. He flipped the pages, and then stopped.
“Today, I want to discuss this drawing”...
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Sunlight shone through the window, but it was Deb’s intense stare that woke Annabel up. She caught Debra, sitting on her knees, in front of her bed, her hands folded as in a prayer.
“What are u doing?” Annabel asked, suspicious.
“I’m praying for your soul” Deb replied, her eyes closed.
“My soul doesn’t need any saving” Annabel snapped, and she jumped out of bed, causing the picture, of her parents, to drop on the floor.
“It does, when you’re getting involved with those people” Deb replied, with a nod at the picture.
“Those people are my parents” Annabel hissed, defensive....
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It took three men, to pull Deb away from Annabel. She kicked, and screamed, as they dragged her down the hallway.
“You don’t understand” she panted, desperately. “She’s one of them!...What’s that?” Her eyes bulged at the size of a large needle.
“Just something to help u sleep” one of the men said, pointing the needle towards her neck.
“No, I don’t want-” she started, but then her voice trailed off, and she hung limp in his arms.
A couple of hours later she woke up in solitary.
In the meantime, Annabel tried to fathom what Deb had said. If she could believe Deb, they shared...
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Night came, but sleep refused to. Both Annabel and Deb lay on their bed, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling.
Deb let her arm slid off the bed, and touched underneath the bed, where she had saved the fragments of the broken lamp.
When her fingertips made contact with a piece, she grasped for it, and pulled it from under the bed.
Annabel turned her head to her. “That’s not the first time u do that” she said, when Deb made a cut in her lower arm. “I’ve seen the scars” Annabel explained.
She turned her head back. “I used to burn myself with cigarettes. I thought I deserved it, for being...
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“Let’s start with this one”
Rob slid the sketchbook towards Deb. It showed a black and white likeness of Dale’s face.
“What about it? It’s just a face” Deb shrugged, pretending to be untouchable, yet consciously avoiding to look at the drawing.
“You drew it black and white, the eyes completely black. Why is that?” Rob persisted.
“I don’t know” Deb shrugged, again. “I thought it was cool”
Rob pulled the book back, and browsed through it again.
“How about this one?” Rob showed her a drawing of a penis, cut off, in a puddle of what was probably blood. “Did u think...
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Weeks went door and slowly but surely things went back to normal. Debra’s hair had grown back and she could finally leave her crutches in the corner of her room. Debra almost dared to be happy, until that one unfortunate day.
Mrs. Kelley had been sick lately and at first they thought it was some sort of bacteria. But the sickness didn’t stop and so they had no choice, but to go see a doctor, who confirmed Mrs. Kelley’s suspicion.
There was something growing inside of her, but it was no bacteria.
On the way home, Mr. Kelley wouldn’t say a word to his pregnant wife. He was afraid he would...
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With a hart-, hart beating out of its chest, Debra walked to Mike’s hotel room. At the door she hesitated.
“This is stupid” she mumbled and she turned around again. She had made a few steps towards the stairs leading to the volgende floor, when she changed her mind and returned.
She gathered all her courage and knocked. Two minuten later Mike opened the door a bit and closed it again. Deb heard him take off the chain and a seconde later he opened the door completely…only to slam it in her face.
Deb backed away and swallowed. Her common sense told her to leave. Mike would come around on his own terms....
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It was the middle of the night and Mike lay fast asleep in Deb’s bed. He was snoring loudly, even drowning out the sound of footsteps coming closer with every second.
However fast asleep Mike was, he was wide awake when a bucket of ice cold water poured down on his face like a brick.
He sat up bolt right, shouting and sputtering. He looked up and his eyes widened.
“Deb” he swallowed. He looked at the soaked sheets. “I promise I can explain” he laughed nervously.
Deb quickly walked towards him and before he knew it she slapped him hard across the face.
“Aaahh!” Mike yelled offended....
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Beth’s eyes widened in fear. If Dale would find her here with a bag of food the consequences would be dramatic. She didn’t know what the punishment was for stealing, but it had to be something terrible.
She tightened her grip on the bag and turned around. Simon had found a way out, she would do, too. Agnes ran off the stairs and chased Beth. “If you’re looking for your friend, don’t bother, u won’t find him” she zei mischievous. “I took care of him”
There was a small window at the left side of the basement. Beth ran towards it and opened it. She pushed the bag through it...
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Deb was walking down an aisle. She looked around terrified. She knew this place. She had ran away from it. How had she gotten back here?
Automatically her legs moved to the door at the end of the aisle. She turned her head, seeking help. Her mother stood against the wall, smiling encouraging.
“Go on, Debra” she said. “Go inside and make us proud”
Upstairs Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were getting ready for bed. As Mrs. Jackson put on her dressing japon, jurk she said: “I hate to leave her there alone”
“If it makes u feel better I’ll go check up on her, every now and then” Mr. Jackson offered....
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Her courage sinking with every step she took Agnes walked towards Dale’s room. He had gegeven her the specific order of finding Debra and bringing her back home. She had failed in that task and now her fear of how Dale would react was making her sick to the stomach.
She swallowed and knocked.
“Get the door, will you” she heard him command his servant. Several seconden later the door opened and Beth’s dirty face was seen. “Who is it?”
“It’s Agnes, sir” Beth replied. Unlike Deb, she hadn’t been gegeven the privilege of calling Dale door his first name. Probably because she hadn’t...
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“How are u feeling?” Mike asked softly. The medical staff had taken care of Simon, and now they were left alone for a moment.
“Physically? Like my insides are on fire” Deb groaned.
“Must be the medication wearing off” Mike zei concerned. “You want me to go get someone”
Deb shook her head and tried to grab his hand to stop him. “I want my head to be clear” she explained. “What happened? The last thing I remember is standing in front of Joe and then he stabbed me”
Mike frowned, confused and frustrated. “You don’t remember being in the elevator with me?”
“I was in...
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Ryan sat in his car, unsure what to do. If his partner was a two-faced liar, he couldn’t involve her any further into the case. But if she wasn’t, he wouldn’t only have to make things right with her, he would also have to apologize to Mike.
“Damn it!” he cursed and bashed the steering wheel. He stared through the windshield for a couple minuten and then produced his phone from his inside pocket. He pressed speed dial and waited.
“Ryan? Where are you? They say Joe’s dead. It’s all over the news” Claire ranted.
“I’m at the John Hopkins Hospital” Ryan answered Claire’s first...
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Joe’s followers were sitting on the floor. Emma and Molly had told them what happened to Joe.
“I can’t believe he’s gone” Lea whispered unbelieving. She looked up. “What are we going to do now?”
“For now it’s really important that we keep a low profile” Emma said. “Now with Joe…dead…the FBI will think us weak, vulnerable. Let’s toon them their wrong”
Alex stood and crossed his arms.
“We need someone to take control over things” Emma continued. “I know you’re thinking you’re all worthy of being the volgende Joe Carroll, but let’s not forget I was closest to...
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“It all started after Bethany was born” Mrs. Parker began. “Before that Debra was a dream child. She was a little shy, but really sweet. She never disobeyed us” She glanced at Mr. Parker, who took over.
“That all changed when Beth was born” Mr. Parker continued. “Deb would cry all the time, especially when Beth cried. When Beth was hungry, she was hungry. When Beth was hurting, she was hurting. Sometimes she even came to us with cuts and bruises and when we asked how she got them, she would say Beth had done it”
“Of course we thought it was just a scream for attention. Sister...
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“Hey, open the door!” Mike shouted, bashing the elevator doors. Debra clung onto his neck tightly. She kept her eyes on Mike’s chest, trying to remain calm. She closed them and buried her head in Mike’s neck. Suddenly she started to cry.
“I’m sorry, daddy” Deb sobbed. “I didn’t mean to. I was just so hungry”
“Deb, what are u talking about?” Mike asked confused.
“Please, don’t put me back, mommy” Deb continued, like a scared little girl. “I’ll be a good girl, I promise”
“Deb, your parents aren’t here. It’s me, Mike” Mike zei sharp. He felt...
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Though scared to death Abigail tried to stick to the maximum speed as she drove the highway. She didn’t say a word and Debra was smart enough not to speak, either.
She stopped behind a car, waiting for the red traffic light to jump on green. She checked her rear view mirror and recognized the police car a few meters behind her.
Just stay calm. Don’t give them any reason to stop you, Abigail thought to herself.
The light turned green and the car before her moved forward. Abigail clenched the steering wheel and held her feet right above the accelerator pedal, ready to push it all the way...
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Hours later-Deb had fallen asleep again-she opened her eyes. She lifted her head and smiled faint when she saw Mike was sleeping. His head rested on his arms, on the bed.
“I was wondering when u were going to give in” she mumbled. She carefully swung her legs over the edge and stepped out of bed. She took her dressing-gown and made her way to the door.
At the door she turned her head. She hoped Mike would stay asleep long enough for her to make a little walk and come back without him knowing about it. He would probably tie her to the bed, if he knew where she was going.
She left the room,...
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“Tell Beth I love her” Debra begged of Simon.
“I promise” Simon quickly replied as he pushed her outside. As soon as she had walked out of the door he shut it and leaned against, allowing no one to pass.
“Move, u foolish boy!” Agnes ordered when standing in front of him. Simon looked up at her challengingly. Agnes grabbed his overhemd, shirt and pulled him away from the door. “Put him in the cage” she barked. Ross and another man each grabbed one of Simon’s arms and dragged him to the cage where Debra had been captivated in the past week.
Agnes turned to a ten jaar old boy, who did...
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Molly supported her head with her hands and groaned.
“Are u okay?” Ryan asked concerned and compassionate.
“Yeah, my head just feels like it’s going to explode” Molly replied faint.
“That’s not what I mean” Ryan said. “How did he get in here? Don’t u lock your doors?”
“I was going to” Molly defended herself. She stood and walked to the closet. She opened it and took out some Ibuprofen. While she swallowed a couple Turned ran off the stairs. He walked towards Ryan.
“Can I talk to u for a moment?” he demanded. “Yeah” Ryan frowned and he followed Turner away...
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