The Frames Wall

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liamlover687 zei …
their actually Albanian AND Irish. Multicultural!!! :P geplaatst een jaar geleden
Renesmee_XD zei …
I just discovered them!
An AMAZING band <3

geplaatst een jaar geleden
jrnyfreak zei …
This is one of the greatest bands in my opinion. They put an emotion and intimacy into their music, it's raw, and real, and truthful, and a talent such as theirs is incredibly difficult to come across. I am confident in saying that there couldn't possibly be a much better band out there. geplaatst een jaar geleden
amrisaladin commentaar gegeven…
one of my favourite indeed...i agree with the way u describe them, they are just awesome! een jaar geleden
jrnyfreak commentaar gegeven…
They so are!! Nice to talk with a fellow Frames fan!! een jaar geleden
liamlover687 commentaar gegeven…
ikr! Falling slowly makes me cry, EVERY TIME! een jaar geleden