The House of Anubis Club
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posted by stellamusa101
So Nina was black mailed door an unknown spirit that is not Sankara. The Sibunas are trying to cure her door asking Sara. What will happen next?
Patricia : We need to find a cure for her!
Sankara : *laughs evilly* Cure? u don't even know how to heal her!
Amber : We need Sara!
Sankara : You'll never heal her..
Nina : Help.... me. *cries*
Fabian : Alright! Sankara, u better cure her of we won't let u get what u wanted!
Sankara : Do u really want me to kill her?
Joy : Sankara, just stop all of this!
Nina : Related... things.... reality.. *can't breathe and she tries to breath, like she's almost to death*
Patricia : Related things in reality?
Nina : *nods*
Sankara : Do u have the Amethyst book?
Fabian : No! We don't know where it is!
Sankara : *laughs evilly* Really? Very well... *disappears*
Alfie : We need Sara!
Sara : *appears* u need to find a girl with issues.. of brokenhearted and---
Patricia : *looks at her mobile phone* Aarggh! Eddie is breaking up with me, I am so mad and brokenhearted! I'm gonna toon him who's boss!!
Sara : She will be back to her normal self tomorrow. *disappears*
Joy : Hmm..

-THE volgende DAY-
Nina : *wakes up* What happened?!
Amber : Evil spirit went to u and u fainted.
Nina : Ambs.. I dreamed that Sankara took my body and the two of us rule the afterlife. And now I don't know what to do! I'm useless!
Amber : Nina, don't be scared. Now let's go to Biology class. *walks to the closet to find her jacket*

Patricia : Breaking up? Are you--
Eddie : Yes! I am! And now.. tell me everything u want to say!
Patricia : Why are u breaking up with me?
Eddie : Because you've been avoiding from the last week! It's like "Peddie" doesn't exist anymore!
Patricia : Remember we need to set up a party for Poppy's birthday!
Eddie : Now that u remember!
Patricia : Why are Americans so stupid?
Eddie : Why are British so stupid?
Patricia : See u again tonight... loser!
Eddie : See u too.. loser!
Patricia and Eddie : *walks away* I hate you!

Jerome : u can open your eyes now!
papaver : *opens her eyes* Huh!
Everyone : Surprise! Happy birthday, Poppy!
Jerome : See? Happy?
papaver : Of course, Jerbil!
Jerome : *Poppy walks away* And for the last time, I am Jerome!
Amber : *arrives with Nina* See? Isn't this fun?
Nina : Amber.. why do I feel like I don't have emotions?
Amber : Aw.. you're just afraid if--
Voice : Amethyst book... ancient book.... tears of a mad person..
Nina : Now that's Sankara who is trying to remind me!

Eddie : Hi, loser!
Patricia : Oh, hiya!
Eddie : Where does that accent come from, loser?
Patricia : A farm, loser!
Alfie : *walks to them* Guys, u two are perfect together and what happened to "Peddie" just don't break up!
Patricia and Eddie : And what do u know.. loser?
Amber : *walks to them along with Nina* He's not a loser!
Patricia and Eddie : Yes he is!
Nina : *holds her head* I'm feeling dizzy.. Amber..
Amber : Not now, Nina! We're in a "fight"! He's not a loser!
Patricia and Eddie : Yes he is! Then what is he?
Alfie : Okay! u two do have something in common!
Nina : I-I... *falls down and faints*
Amber : Nina!
Patricia : Nina! Let's tell the others!
Eddie : What about me?
Patricia : *slaps Eddie's face* Done! *the three of them hold Nina's arms' and they find the other Sibuna members*
Voice : Ancient book.. Amethyst book..tears of a mad person..