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The Hunger Games Vraag

What do u think will happen in Catching Fire?

I mean, OBVIOUSLY there's going to be an intense, heated love driehoek between Katniss, Peeta, and Gale. But the book will have to have some action of type of plot. I was wondering, what is that plot going to be? I want to hear your ideas/opinions.
 cullenjonas4eva posted een jaar geleden
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The Hunger Games Antwoorden

Mr_Nmm said:
the thing is Gale never got involved that is just something people made up because they love drama nobody ever zei Gale was meer then a friend...
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posted een jaar geleden 
true, but throughout the book Katniss mind was found straying toward Gale; what he thought of her now, what he thought of how she looked...I think Katniss is in love with Gale but isn't fully aware of it yet.
cullenjonas4eva posted een jaar geleden
well Katniss is 16 and Gale is 18(i am pretty sure) and that does not make a big difference but i think Gale has meer important things to do like feed his family.
Mr_Nmm posted een jaar geleden
I think they are in love but neither of them know it yet. I mean, Katniss zei several times that she was worried about what Gale thought of all the kissing. She also zei that friend was not enough of a word to describing them. And yeah he has to feed his family but Katniss has so much money now that she can help him buy food for his family. She wont need to worry about Peeta as much because they're going to be neighbors and they can just be friends. Unless Peeta tries to get revenge from Katniss for pretending she loved him
HONfreak posted een jaar geleden
Umm I read it so I won't spoil it but yea, Gale does love Katniss.
Snoredom posted een jaar geleden
HONfreak said:
Well the titel sure makes me think a lot. Catching Fire. I may be taking a huge step in the dark here but maybe when Katniss gets home, and Gale gets all pissy (which we all know he will), someone, most likely Gale, will become a coal miner. And there is another explosion and Katniss will lose her best friend the same way she lost her father. Then Peeta will be the only one she can turn to. Agaiin, this is probably waaaaayyy off but itss a guess:)
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posted een jaar geleden 
How sad!!! Good hypothesis...I'll give u credit for that one...but I sincerely hope that that is not the direction the book will be heading! The titel Catching brand made me think of "Katniss, the girl who was on fire." I think it's just a play on words about Katniss.
cullenjonas4eva posted een jaar geleden
I know. I hope it doesn't either. I like your explanation better. It's a lot less sad. I hope it goes in your direction with the girl on brand thing. But how do we know that Cinna will even be involved in the book? I hope he is but I doubt it. He was her stylist in the hunger games, but the hunger games are over. I have no idea what this book will be about because there are so many possible stories to make out of it. I guess we'll just have to be surprised. (Hopefully Katniss and Gale realize their true love for each other!!)
HONfreak posted een jaar geleden
i think he is in da volgende book coz i think katniss and peeta do this victory thing in each of the districts i think :/
sargo96 posted een jaar geleden
Emily-Johnston said:
i think that there is going to be something to do with the capitol- like on the victory tour when they are in the capitol something bad will happening and that will be the action. for the love story part i think "the ster crossed lovers" will grow apart- peeta will still love Katniss but is still angry at her for pretending in the arena! but Katniss will start to realise that she really does love peeta but is still confuesed about her feelings to wards Gale but i think that they will end up really good friends! like family! but Katniss and Peeta, door the end of the book, will be in love! if u want to read the first chapter of the book before it comes out then go onto and it is on the home pagina page! i read it and it looks AMAZING!!!
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posted een jaar geleden 
hungergamesfan said:
Well, the first chapter of Catching brand has been released ... and door that chapter I think it promises to be just as good as book 1.

Not going to say anything .....
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posted een jaar geleden 
where can u read it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL ME PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
sargo96 posted een jaar geleden
hungergamesfan posted een jaar geleden
sargo96 said:
i think it is about um the capitol getting revenge for making them look like fools in front of all of panem so i think it will be about the revenge of the capitol and a love driehoek !!!! :)
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posted een jaar geleden 
heres the link: link
hungergamesfan posted een jaar geleden
PrincessDolly98 said:
i think, it will get burns like a breakup in any relationship.
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posted een jaar geleden 
minnie225 said:
Forbidden love. Romance, consequences, confusion.
Those are the words that come to mind wen I think of the book catching fire. When I read it I was crying at one page and on the other I was laughing at a joke. I thought it was a thriller/romance and I think the reason people love katniss so much is that she's a hard worker and she cares so much about her family. And as I zei that's why people love the boeken becuase they can relate to her feeling and emotions and heartbreak and fear.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Wen I rote that. Felt like a book critic!
minnie225 posted een jaar geleden
scx said:

Mags sacrifices herself to save Finnick, Peeta and Katniss, Wiress is killed, they figure out the arena is like a clock, they bust out of the arena door using the lightning to zap beetee's wire that he invented and literally disintegrate the forcefield.

Best of all Plutarch is actually a rebel (head gamemaker) who specifically set up these events to help get the rebel victors to safety in district 13!
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