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The Hunger Games Vraag

*SPOILER* Not really a question... but...don't u think it's strange...

Ok! Hi Everyone!
I want to say something and i want your opinion.
It's something about Gale. I am team Peeta but i always liked Gale. I had some thoughts about the end of the book. Don't u think it's strange that Gale left Katniss alone, while she was trying to deal with Prim's death, when she need him meer than ever? He supposed to love her, to protect her, to be her best friend and not only a friend, but he prefered going on districk 2.
I felt sorry for Katniss, she had to get over death on her own since her mother left her too.(i know she wasn't very close to her mother) but i have to be honest. I never expected Gale to leave Katniss. What do u think?

 marthatsal posted een jaar geleden
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The Hunger Games Antwoorden

silver93 said:
I didn't think it was strange at all. Most people don't see it, because they are blinded door their love for Gale, but Katniss and Gale are slowly drifting farther and farther apart throughout Mockingjay. They turned into different people than the kids that met in the woods. They were drifting during all three books, but after Katniss decided she would rather die so Peeta could live, and Gale watched his home pagina burn to the ground, the gap between them became too wide. I’d be willing to bet if Peeta had been with her when she was going to go back to 12, she’d want him with her, when she didn’t want Gale with her. I’m not sure if Gale was really in love with her. I know positively that Katniss was never IN love with him. At the most I think Gale fell in love with the girl from before the first Hunger Games, but not the one that came back. Their relationship was so bad in Mockingjay, that they couldn’t even be friends. They kept trying to, but they just couldn’t relate to each other anymore.
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wel said! I totally agree with you. I thin k that there may have been a future for the kids who used to hunt together in the woods. But once Katniss came back from the first Hunger Games, she was a very different person. From that point on she and Gale never really had a shot. They drifted further apart until there was nothing left.
halpertfan11 posted een jaar geleden
halpertfan11 said:
I did think this was kind of strange. But since there was a good chance that some of Gale's ideas were used in the attack that killed Prim, Katniss couldnt help placing some blame for Prim's death on Gale. That also pretty much ruled out the possibility that Katniss and Gale would ever be together. So I guess that Gale couldn't beer to be around Katniss thinking that she would always hold him at least partially responsible for Prim's death and couldn't handle that he might have to see her with Peeta. It seems a little selfish of him, but I think that's the most likely explanation.
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be_the_spark said:
Personally I do think thats a bit odd and I wish se could've just seen that the right guy for her was Peeta......was this in Mockingjay? Darn I haven;t read that yet. Spoiled lol
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07ambryce said:
i do too. it annoyed me that she had to get over prim with just peeta (and possibly haymitch) to help her. though if he really did love her it may have been better seeming as she partly blamed gale for prims death in the first place. it either proves that he loved her and chose to keep his distance to do what was best for her of he didnt love her as much as we assumed and 'upped and left' so to speak
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AlalinaBond said:
This was the part that really annoyed about Mockinjay. Throughout the first two boeken he was protrayed as not only a love intrest but someone who really cared about Katniss and her family. I realise that the stakes were higher in the final book but like u zei I never thought that Gale would abandon Katniss.
Maybe it was a take on how revolutions and war changes people, but the way he was built up in the first two boeken and then to have it turn on it's head in the last book.
That's why I found meer than a little bit strange.
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CheerBabeXHco said:
The only reason I think this happened is because Gale was the reason for Prim's death; he arranged the bombing of the hospital's where Prim was working, and I guess he felt overly responsible. Although it was NOT right, that's what I think!
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Immortal42 said:
It made me mad, too, but after some thinking I realized that he thought he was doing what was best for her. He came up with the design of the bomb that killed Prim, and he didn't want Katniss to have to deal with him being around, like a constant reminder. I'm not saying it's right that he left, I don't think that at all, but I can see how he would justify it.
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smitty235 said:
I don't think he left because he didn't love her, of because he thought she didn't need him. From the moment I read their interactions in The Hunger Games, in just the few first chapters before she even knew Peeta, I knew I would always hope for them throughout the series, though it seemed wasted because there was always the knowledge and hints gegeven in all three boeken that she was going to pick Peeta. It was a given. And even though Gale saw them constantly acting "in love" throughout the first book, without knowing it was a hoax, and still fought for her in Catching Fire? Doesn't sound like someone who was just looking for another notch on the bedpost. He truly loved her. Which is why he let her go. As I read their final scene in the Mockingjay, I knew it was, sadly, over for them. Which is why he left, she made it quite clear door not speaking after he zei his part that she would not be able to look at him the same way of even forgive him knowing that he had a part in creating the bombs that killed her sister. So why would he stick around and face the girl that rejected him? I do believe he never stopped loving her. But she was thinking of herself when she didn't speak to him and let him walk away, and now he has to too. Why should he have to watch the girl he loves ignore him and look at him like some sort of monster? He was leaving so he didn't cause her meer pain of seeing the boy (Who she thinks) is responsible for her sister's death, and since she can't look at him the same, letting her verplaats on with her life with Peeta. Did he know that she was going to shoot Coin instead? Probably not considering she blamed him. He didn't want to stick around to see her chose someone else, and he didn't expect her to be in anymore danger. So he left. Not out of hatred of anger of jealousy, but love.

And for future references, I don't think she was justified in blaming him. But that's my opinion. Did she blame the other people who knew about it of were apart of it? No. I understand that he is her best friend, but I feel that if it had gone differently, if Prim hadn't died, she wouldn't have cared about the bombs. And her whole choice between Peeta and Gale would have been influenced. I still think she chose Peeta out of comfort, not to say she didn't love him of learn to love him, because i truly believe she did. But I don't think she was in love with him when she chose him. She was scared to want Gale because of what happened and because he is so like her, can't eternally be sure of what he wants. But with Peeta, i think she chose him because of the bond that was created in the Games. She knew he would be there, his mind has been made up. She only needed to chose him, and he would be there until she zei leave. And i think she chose him for the stability she didn't have growing up. And was scared of the brand and adventure she could have had with Gale.

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CuPcAkE124 said:
A little. I mean, he obviously loved her. And they were obviously drifting apart throughout all three books. But, when Katniss needed him most, he deserted her. Why? Probably because he knew what he had done was unforgivable. He knew that he had no chance with Katniss anymore, and he couldn't see her like this. He knew that if he got out, life would get better for Katniss, he hoped. Now that her choices were clear. So, I understood later why he left her, but I was still surprised when I actually read it.
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