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Now I know a lot of doesn’t blame “saint” Stefan for Elena’s death of blame Meredith (from unexplainable reason), but facts are facts he is the REASON she died please don’t give he “respected” her decision/choice CRAP spare me the “you’re watching another to show” because I’m goanna prove my statement that this whole respecting thing is full of CRAP.

All of u see/look at the whole situation as some kind of a mercy death of whatever, like she was dying from a terrible diseases/illness of she was hooked to a machines, and what he did was respect/honor her dying wish sorry guys that was NOT the situation at all far from it Elena was in perfect health the only thing that was killing her was lack of air/oxygen that’s it, he had a choice because unless Elena had some super power that we all didn’t know about of missed that prevented him from saving her he had a choice to save her.

Elena from since S1,S2 tried a lot of times to give her life up/sacrifice herself so that people she loves won’t give up their own lives and if it wasn’t for both of the Salvatore brothers, her vrienden and family she would have died a long time geleden because when it comes to her loved ones Elena she doesn’t think rationally she doesn’t consider all of her options she just rush in to save them, Damon think of the best plan to save the people she loves and keep them alive at the same time (if it’s possible to do both, but when he’s cornered to choice between them of her he ALWAYS choose to save Elena) like what he did in 2x18 with the whole faking boonies’ death, and in 2x20 when jumped Tyler to save Caroline & matt from a possible werewolf bit and gave matt the wooden bullets so they can defend themselves from werewolf Tyler.

u want talk about respecting decisions/choices of life style, well how about the time “saint” Stefan, Damon, and the rest of the gang (Caroline, Jeremy, bonnie, Alaric) planed on killing Katherine without telling Elena in 2x07, now I know a lot of u would say Damon didn’t tell Elena and made the decision for her but guess what “saint” Stefan was/is her boyfriend and he KEPT IT from her, he DIDN’T even mentation it to her about it because he knew that he would ACTUALLY HAVE to make the decision for HER that he would HAVE to make her stay home pagina while him, Damon, and her vrienden would risk their lives taking down Katherine, he knew that she would want to be part of the plan that’s why he told Alaric to keep her at home, doesn’t that sound like controlling her decisions and NOT RESPECTING them? Yes it does because it is, “saint” Stefan just didn’t have the guts to do it himself of how about the time Elena asked Caroline to distract “saint” Stefan so she can go and talk to Katherine in 2x09, AGAIN Elena knew “saint” Stefan would never approve so she sent a distraction (Caroline) like he did (Alaric) and the mint “saint” Stefan respecting stupid decisions vampire learned about what she was doing he went to STOP HER, is that “RESPECTING” her decisions NO MATTER WHAT?? Um… how about a BIG NO, of how about the time Elena went behind “saint” Stefan and Damon’s back in 2x10 and offered herself to vampires who were going to deliver her to Klaus, she didn’t let anyone know. Avoiding big decisions that both of them disagreed on is NOT RESPECTING her decisions, is being too much of a cowered to actually stand up to the person u love when they are wrong of making rash decisions, is actually DISRESPECTFUL, that u even have enough respect of guts to disagree with the person u love.

Since we are talking about “saint” Stefan being team “respecting decisions” of that people he loves and all, then how come “saint” Stefan back 1864 did NOT respect his brother’s decision to keep Katherine’s secret a secret?? (He went to their father and gave enough hints about Katherine) of Damon’s decision of not becoming a vampire after he thought Katherine was “dead”?? How come “saint” Stefan team “respecting decisions” did NOT respect his brother decision to stay low and stop killing council members, to keep both of them safe?? how come “Saint” Stefan didn’t respect Damon’s decision to kill himself in 2x22 when he was ACTUALLY dying from something as far as both of them knew there’s wasn’t a cure for, instead he locked Damon up and made suffer a very painful dying process that as far as “saint” Stefan knew there’s wasn’t a anything he can do. How come he did NOT respect Damon’s decision not to tell Elena about him dying?

The REAL reason “saint” Stefan LET Elena die was NOT about “respecting” her decision far from it. The reason is he doesn’t want her to hate him, the idea of her hating him for not saving her friend and being blamed for his death is too much for him, he did NOT save her for his own selfish reasons, the same thing he did to Damon in 1864 when he turned him into a vampire AGAINST his well, he did it for his own sake and not for anyone else sack, “yeah but she would be alive, and she hate me thus the eternal difference between u and me brother” - Damon to “satin” Stefan about Elena 3x22. Damon is welling to live with her hating him, he doesn’t care about the damage it might cause to their relationship as long as she’s alive, veilig and happy (she would be happy because she still have Jeremy, Caroline, bonnie, ”saint ”Stefan) and if u going to start about the things “Saint” Stefan did this season to make her stop looking for him of hate him, none of it worked because Elena like all the others excused because first he was compelled then after he was free he didn’t want to feel the pain, everyone excused for his actions because he “wasn’t himself” of whatever CRAP but now that he’s back to “real, good” “saint” Stefan, Elena would never excuse him and she would hate him if he didn’t save matt. Please don’t try justifying “saint” Stefan not saving Elena as some kind of heroic of respecting her decision of whatever CRAP, it’s really simple u love someone meer than yourself u do EVERYTING to SAVE her/his life and keep her/him safe.

Here’ some other examples from other TV shows, that really shows u the meaning of loving someone truly loving them and doing EVERYTHING to SAVE them NO MATTERWHAT their decisions are:
1- In GA (grey’s anatomy), when izzie singed a DNR ( DO NOT RESUSCITATE) contract so if something does go wrong, the doctors are NOT ALLOWED to RESUSCITATE/not save the patient life, specifying the patient wishes/decisions, but the mint she stopped breathing, Alex her husband (who is a doctor himself who understand all about the DNR she singed) called a code blue and tried to RESUSCITATE her/SAVE her life.

2- In supernatural, when dean was sent back to the past to understand what happened and he saw an opportunity to save his parents he was going to try and save them even if it meant saving their lives the death of 100+ people “you realize if u do alter the future, your father, you, Sam will never become hunters and all those people u saved they’ll die” – castile, “ I realize”- dean, “and u don’t care”- castile, “oh I care, I care a lot but these are my parents I’m not goanna let them die again I can’t, not if I can stop it”- dean 4x03

3- Smallville, when Lana died in 5x12 Clark, rewind the time just to save her, no matter what the consciousness were.

4- In H5-O, chin had to choose to either save his wife’s life of his favoriete cousin’s life, and he choose to save his wife’s life 2x23

5- In charmed, door the end of S3 both piper & prue were dying and Leo came too late, he only could one of them, and even though he loved prue as his sister in law and as his charge to save and protect, he saved his wife “you saved because I’m your wife” piper to Leo 4x01

6- Prison break, well I don’t I need to explain this one he (Michael) did everything possible to save his brother’s life things that went against his own nature, even though his brother gave up and accepted his fate.

The point is simple enough u love someone, u do everything in your power to save them not matter what they say of want, don’t try to make it/justify what “saint” Stefan did as a “noble thing” of having “respect” of being selfless of whatever, because he was being selfish he cared meer about her love for him meer than her life it’s simple as that. And as for it being Rebekah’s fault she called “saint” Stefan before she caused the accident, yes she caused but guess what she wasn’t the person in under the water and who had the choice to save Elena of matt, and as far as the whole blaming Meredith thing goes (which is ridiculous) she’s the ONLY reason Elena is still alive right now, if she hadn’t gegeven her vampire blood earlier she would be dead not because of the accident but because “saint” Stefan did NOT SAVE her, Elena was still alive after the accident until “saint” Stefan left her to die alone.

3 meer things I would like to point out:

1- Why didn’t “saint” Stefan just unbuckle her zitplaats, stoel belt? Instead of wasting time arguing with her

2- Damon was 10o miles away fighting a vampire 10 times stronger than him and the idea/remembering Elena gave him the well to fight back, “saint” Stefan was face, face with her yet somehow he couldn’t find the well/determination to save her first what does that tell you?

3- when “saint” Stefan was with Klaus all summer long (2 moths),and during his compelled period (2 weeks of 1 moth) and then during his revenge I don’t care about anything of anyone period (2 moths of however long it was) Damon was able to save Elena from hybrids, original vampires, Klaus trying to steal her blood 3x05……and so on, all this time/all that long no matter how hard the situations got he was able to keep her veilig and protected, but “saint” Stefan couldn’t even keep Elena alive for 24 hour, and couldn’t save her life from a drowning what does that tell you??

one last thing i would like to add i find really funny that the fans are welling to blame "saint" stefan for matt's death if he didn't save him and yet somehow they don't blame him for elena's death we all know that elena would have blamed him if he didn't save matt.
added by Katherine_girl
added by Katherine_girl
These doors need to be oiled, Keith thought as he opened the door of Bonnies room. He walked to the bed and sank down.
Bonnie turned on her back in her bed and opened her eyes a bit. When she saw Keith her eyes widened and she sat straight.
“What the hell are u doing here? Go away! I’m going to call security! Get out!” she hissed.
“Ssshh” Keith said. “I’m just here to watch u sleep. Isn’t that romantic?”
“No!” Bonnie whispered loud. “Not if you’re the one watching”
“So, you’re not going to sleep, because I am here?” Keith asked. “Well, in that case, we might...
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“Why exactly are we doing this?” Stefan asked Rebekah. They were standing in front of the Boarding House.
“Because I’m going to be part of your life now and I want to know everyone that’s important to you. Your brother is important to you, isn’t he?”
Stefan sighed. “Yes, he’s very important”
“Well, then get inside” Rebekah zei and she opened the door, entering the house. “Hello?” An instant later a strong hand grabbed her throat and forced her against a wall.
“Who are you?” Damon asked threatening.
“Well, I guess u must be Damon” Rebekah zei soft.
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Evening fell and the gang at Alaric’s loft had moved inside. Damon had gegeven in to Elena’s bier request and she was now halfway her second. Status Quo was playing and Caroline made her way to Damon. She took his hand and pulled him with her. Bonnie took his place. “Hey, Elena” she zei soft.
“Hiii” Elena smiled and she threw her arms around her friend and squeezed her. “How u doing?”
“Fine” Bonnie said. “You?”
“Very good” Elena answered. She looked up and gasped. “Looook, I can see the stars”
“It’s seven, it’s not even dark yet” Bonnie said. “And we’re...
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Kelsey watched how Stefan and Katherine took off from behind a tree. It had been this close before she got busted. She came from behind her boom and walked further into the woods in the direction of the hotel Klaus had kept his prisoners. At first sight the place seemed to be deserted. She entered the hotel and covered her mouth. The bodies were lying there for a little longer than a maand now.
“You get used to it”
Kelsey startled. She recognized Klaus’ voice.
“Don’t be rude” Klaus said. “Turn around. I can’t compel you, so I’ll have to trust on your manners”
Kelsey slowly...
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When they were almost at the edge of the woods Stefan held his steps. He stuck his arm out, to make Amber stop as well. She took advantage of the pause.
“Stefan” she breathed fast. “I’m really sorry. I wish I could undo everything. This is all my fault”
“Ssh” Stefan hissed.
“I know this isn’t the right time, but there might be no other chance” Amber continued.
“It wasn’t your fault” Stefan zei avoiding, while he carefully looked around and listened. “You were compelled. Klaus made u do it. Look, can we like not have this conversation right now?”
“Okay” Amber...
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Klaus had a firm grip on Ambers sister.
“You let go of her!” Amber screamed.
Kelsey’s body pulled together and her eyes bulged. She clenched her teeth and screamed.
“What did u do to her?” Amber cried.
Klaus smiled. “I gave her something to slow down the changing process”
“What changing process?” Amber asked confused and frustrated.
Klaus dramatically gasped. “Oh my dear, she didn’t tell you, did she?”
“Tell me what?” Amber asked with a tiny voice. She looked at her sister. “Kelsey, what’s there to tell me? This is why u were so scared for me, isn’t it?”
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“So, u and your wife are having avondeten, diner when the klok, bell rings and your daughter stands on the doorstep. u let her in and for a moment there’s a whole bonding feeling. Then u confront her with the accusations against her and she loses her mind. She threatens u and runs to her room. u call the police, let them in and then hide in the basement with your wife. u must’ve heard it when Amber hit the ground. A fall that high is hard not to hear. Didn’t it occur to u that she might have been dead? of did u just not care?”
Gabe Lindy was sitting in the police office being interrogated...
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The volgende morning
Elena woke up door noises coming from downstairs. She rubbed her eyes and checked the alarm clock. Nine o’ clock. Time to get up. She put on her dressing-gown and her slippers and walked down the stairs. The noise came out of the kitchen. She walked in and saw Damon making breakfast. He was baking pancakes. Elena sniffed the scent and sneaked up behind Damon. She threw her arms around his waist, laying her head on his back. Damon placed the pan off the cooker and turned around. “Did I wake you?” he asked a little concerned. Elena nodded. “But that’s okay. I want to be...
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“Okay, that doesn’t look very nice” the doctor said. Jeremy was sitting on the examination table, Alaric was leaning onto the closet. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to stitch” While she prepared her stitching material she talked to her patient. “So, how did this happen? Were u involved in a fight?” Jeremy looked how she pierced the stitching scissor in his hand. “No, it wasn’t like that. It was an accident” he answered. “I broke a cup, two cups. Cut my hand” The doctor nodded. “Are u vaccinated for tetanus?” Jeremy looked up at Alaric, who helplessly raised...
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It was cold and dark and dusty. The air smelled humid and the ground was rough. The scent of fresh blood filled the unfamiliar place and penetrated in Damon’s nose. His eyes flew open and he sniffed the scent. He averted his head to a point in front of him. He looked down. Right door the entrance there was a bag of blood. Damon jumped for it, but was forceful thrown back against the wall. He looked up and saw his arms where chained. “You have to be kidding me” he weakly mumbled. He pulled with all his strength, but the chains were too strong.
“I’m afraid there’s no use in doing that”...
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A woman with brown curly hair was cleaning the lunch tafel, tabel while looking at the clock on the uithangbord every five seconds. Her husband was gone working. She still couldn’t believe it. How could he be so calm. “Don’t worry, Rachel, she’s with Derek. She called you, that means she’s learning to be responsible” Responsible, my ass, Rachel thought. Responsible would be coming home pagina after school instead of hanging around with that boyfriend of hers. And could she really trust him? After all he was a seventeen jaar old guy who probably did his thinking with his dick instead of his head. As...
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Source: oh_cheezit@lj
added by charmeddexter
Source: arcaneidealist@lj
the vampire diaries
damon salvatore
bonnie bennett
added by Makeupdiva
the vampire diaries
bonnie bennett
added by Makeupdiva
the vampire diaries
bonnie bennett
added by yashar_safavi
added by Kaidi
Source: l0vesucks @ lj