The Vampire Diaries TV toon Club
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posted by loveDE45
Earlier this evening I saw my friend Kelly having an emotional breakdown over a certain contrast between SE and DE and I promised her to try to write a post out of her fangirling/sobbing tweets.
We all remember just how completely shattered and absolutely alone Elena felt in 3x20 when Alaric was dying - his human death.
She was crying and completely out of it, saying ‘I have no one’. 
In that exact moment Stefan jumped right in and TOLD her flat out ‘You have me’ in a way that came across as completely self-serving and non-understanding of Elena’s actual situation.

First of all, Elena was devastated after losing her 6th and last parental figure, the one that had promised to look after and protect her and her brother - she was not mourning the loss of a boyfriend of a friend that Stefan could actually replace.

When that Alaric disappeared from her life suddenly, Elena was very distraught and extremely vulnerable not only because she felt un-safe, but because Alaric was not just her adult guardian, he was her close friend that she truly loved and the thought of him also dying on her made her insides feel like they’re eating her from the inside out.
So for Stefan, who for the record, treated Elena like actual shit even after being free from Klaus’ compulsion, threatened to drive her off a bridge and turn her in to a vampire, told her that she and her brother don’t matter to him, turned his back on her and chose revenge over her love for him, to actually have the nerve to take advantage of that opportunity of Elena’s sadness and vulnerability to get her to let him back in (both her hart-, hart and in her pants) again, to forgive him is just disturbing.
Stefan told Elena that she had him with his words after a whole season of tonen her the exact opposite, he talks but the substance of the words is not there.
On the other hand, Elena felt just as alone and lonely in 4x07, in a different way.

She was judged for every thought, word and action she had, zei of did door the closest people to her; her brother and her best friend. On top, boven of that add her ex-boyfriend too.
One tried to kill her (not his fault), the other one yelled at her telling her that she’s just not good enough, she’s ridiculous and that something is wrong with her. And her ex-boyfriend told her that she needs to be fixed.

Imagine all of that being thrown in your face in one day.
Elena felt completely judged and left alone door the people nearest to her. She was lonely.
So when she is sitting with Damon in the Salvatore living room and they’re drinking together, Elena says ‘my brother tried to kill me.’
What does Damon say? ‘Welcome to the club’ = ‘You’re not alone. I know how u feel.’

It’s honest and subtle. It’s not direct of desperate and in-your-face like that SE moment in 3x20 felt.
He didn’t tell her ‘Oh Elena, don’t mind Jeremy, u have me here!’ Just simply ‘welcome to the club’ in true Damon style, a bit of sarcasm and humor in the statement.
And when Elena says ‘It’s veilig to say that I’m not so great at this vampire thing’ he tells her something very sweet, special and very beautiful.

He says ‘I’ve never seen u meer alive.’, which is equivalent to: ‘I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks and neither should you. You’re beautiful and I love u either way.’ Elena KNOWS that Damon has been in love with her since she was human, and for him to tell her, in this moment when her brother, best friend and ex-boyfriend, told her that she’s just not good enough for them as a vampire and they can’t love her the way they used to, Damon tells her, again subtly, that he still loves her and he’ll never stop loving her no matter how many times she turns either in to a human of vampire of a damn hybrid.
He told her exactly what she needed to hear, not just because she needed to hear it, but because to him that is the truth, and he wants her to know that no matter what others say, she is perfect in his eyes. He wants her to not feel bad about herself because her being in pain pains him.
What is most beautiful to me here is the fact that Damon is Elena’s best friend, in reality, they never zei it in words, but when u look at their level of closeness and trust and the way they never hide ANYTHING from each other and because they lean on each other through the hard times, they are indeed each other’s best friends.

So when she hears her best friend that she knows is in love with her, her best friend who makes her insides become mush and makes butterflies explode fluttering all over her body, telling her that he thinks she is alive, vibrant, beautiful and worthy of love, with no ulterior motive, it only makes her fall for him even more.

He wasn’t trying to manipulate his way in to her hart-, hart of her bed of her anything, he was not trying to tell her of make her see that she still has him when everyone else has abandoned her. That wasn’t necessary for him to tell, because she has always had, still has and will forever have Damon door her side. And she knows that. -credit someone from tumblr
added by greatfanofdemi
added by spunkhathaway
The volgende morning

Damon and Elena were lying asleep when someone rang the bell. Elena was fast asleep, so Damon sneaked out of bed and put on his pants from the dag before.
“Hurry up, Damon. u don’t want her to bleed to death, do you?”
Damon groaned as he recognized Rebekah’s voice. He walked to the door and opened it and Katherine fell in his arms. She was bleeding from her neck and Damon looked up shocked at the blonde Original, who smirked at him.
“What happened to her?” Damon wanted to know.
“I happened” Elijah answered, stepping forward. “Can we come in?”
“No!” Damon zei rude.
“I was merely being polite. Of course we can come in. This house is being hosted door vampires, whom cannot possible deny the admission to an Original. So, why don’t u step aside? We’ve got things to do, plans to make, wars to prepare” Elijah zei as he walked past Damon.
Elijah grabbed Rebekah’s throat as he put himself up.
“Where is Niklaus?” he asked shaking with fury. Rebekah took Elijah’s squeezing hand and pulled it away.
“You’re weak. u need to regain strength” she zei strict and bossy.
“What I need is to find Niklaus and put that dagger in his heart” Elijah objected.
“I’m with Elijah on this one” Katherine zei and Elijah turned his head to her slowly. “Elena?” Katherine shook her head. “Katerina” Elijah realized. “You stand door my sister as she gives me my life back…and yet I don’t see u shiver with fear. Perhaps...
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Rebekah stormed downstairs into the sitting room where Elena was still sitting on the couch.
“What happened?” she asked worried when she saw Rebekah’s face. Rebekah didn’t answer, but raced to Elena, grabbed her neck and attacked her.
Elena screamed and Rebekah tightened her grip.
“Hey!” Damon shouted and he rushed to Rebekah. He grabbed her hair and swayed her into the room. He bit his wrist and held it against Elena’s lips.
“No” she groaned. “No vampire blood”
Damon pressed his wrist against her lips and forced her to drink. Elena’s neck healed and she relaxed.
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Jeremy parked his car at the address Veronica had gegeven him. She was waiting for him outside.
“What are those signs?” Jeremy asked, pointing at the signs on the wall.
“They’re to keep ghosts out” Veronica explained.
“Ghosts?” Jeremy asked skeptic.
“Yeah, u know, dead people” Veronica said. “You can’t see the signs during the day, because it’s fluorescent paint”
“So, ghosts can’t enter” Jeremy zei slowly.
“Well, they can travel with mediums, but you’re not a medium” Veronica replied obviously. She squeezed her eyes and cast Jeremy an exploratory glance....
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“Nice dress” a familiar, male and British voice whispered in Caroline’s ear. She startled, but recovered quickly. She tried to spot Damon and Elena, but since they were nowhere to be found, she took a deep breath and turned around.
“What do u want?” she asked sharp.
“Well, first I would like to know why you’re not wearing the dress I sent you” Klaus said.
“You sent? Wait, u gave me the dress with the note?” Caroline asked surprised.
“Of course” Klaus answered. “You didn’t think Tyler has that good of taste, did you?”
“Oh, well, ehm, I couldn’t wear it anyway”...
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Caroline was walking on the parking lot of the school. Her conversation with Matt had lasted longer than either of them had expected. She recognized Tyler’s voice, but didn’t bother to turn around. When she reached her car and opened the door Tyler rushed to her and slammed the door.
“Tyler!” Caroline exclaimed reproaching.
“I’m sorry” Tyler said. He took a deep breath. “I saw u talking to Matt” he started.
Caroline quickly turned around. “Oh no. No, no, no, no. u do not get to play jealous boyfriend. u had your shot, u blew it. Now u can go back to...
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The volgende morning.
It was still very early and the sun hadn’t gone up completely yet. Nevertheless, there seemed to be quite some activity down in the woods. The night before sheriff Liz Forbes had received an anonymous phone call, giving her the exact location of where to find the body of Gabe Lindy. Liz had heard the voice before. It had been the same person who told her where the bodies of the Lindy sisters were. So it was pretty obvious that whoever the caller was, they were the murderer of at least they knew who did it.
“What do u got here?”
Liz would never get used to her daughter...
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Jeremy turned his computer off when his phone rang.
“Hi, Elena. Did u get the results? It’s not something bad, is it?”
“Jeremy, I need your help” Elena zei quickly. “I’m not in the hospital anymore”
“What? Why not? Where are you?” Jeremy asked confused.
“I don’t have time to answer that” Elena zei nervous. “You have to do something for me”
“Okay, what?” Jeremy asked.
“I need u to go to the cops and ask them what they’ve done with Damon” Elena said.
“What? Elena, I don’t get it” Jeremy said.
“He’s had an accident” Elena explained quickly....
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They were sitting on the same terrace Elena had had ice cream with Damon when Derek grabbed a chair from the tafel, tabel volgende to theirs and invited himself.
“How are u guys doing?” he asked looking from Stefan to Elena. He’d never seen the blonde girl before and thus he didn’t pay much attention to her.
“Did Damon send you?” Elena asked short.
“What? No!” Derek zei desperate. He looked around before he continued. “But it’s because of him I’m here. He’s not doing good, Elena. He’s a total wreck”
“He should’ve thought about that before he attacked the poor girl” Rebekah...
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“So this is where people go these days to be social” Rebekah zei looking around in the Grill.
“Well, it’s definitely the most populair establishment in town” Stefan replied.
“Don’t u mean the only establishment?” Rebekah zei disdainful. Stefan emptied his glass. “You want another shot?” he asked.
“Sure, keep them coming” Rebekah smiled. She emptied her glass, as well as the seconde and the third. “How long does it take for u to get drunk?”
“Why?” Stefan asked. “You have plans for me?”
A smirk appeared on Rebekah’s face. “Well, if u come with me, I...
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Derek scribbled up. “You really have some serious issues, man” he zei after his nose had healed.
“Yeah, I’m sorry” Damon said, not very sincere. “But u wanted me to teach you”
Derek sought support against the wall. “I think I’m going to need some blood” he zei looking meaningful at Damon. Damon rolled his eyes. “Fine, then. Come with me” He saw how Derek’s face cleared up. “You’re not staying over” he zei sharp.
“No, of course not” Derek said, shaking his head. “I’ll just have some blood and then I’ll be off”
“Good” Damon said, pleased that...
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The basement door opened and Rachel looked up. Gabe was coming downstairs with a plate of food in his hands. “I made u some dinner” he zei as if he expected Rachel to be grateful. He put the plate on a box and gave her a plastic fork and knife. “I’m only playing it safe” he zei when Rachel gave him a dirty look.
“You can’t do this” Rachel said.
“You’re really such a hypocrite” Gabe said. “You let me send away my daughters, when u are just like them. Does this mean Amber had the werewolf gene? Well, in that case she’s better off dead”
Rachel gasped. “I can’t...
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She walked to the closet and pulled out some random clothes when she heard a thick. She walked to the window, but didn’t see anything out of place.
“Aaah!” Elena screamed. Damon appeared out of nowhere.
“Sssh!” he hissed. “Ric can’t know I’m here”
“Are u flying?” Elena asked a little shocked as she looked out of the window.
“No, I’m trying really hard not lose my grip, so if u could let me in, that would be very nice” Damon said. Elena stepped aside and Damon threw his legs over the window-ledge.
“Why are u here, Damon?” Elena asked.
“I want to...
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posted by corneliagirl101
 Damon seduces Rebekah to weaken her defenses against Sage's abilities.
Damon seduces Rebekah to weaken her defenses against Sage's abilities.
SPOILER ALERT: This artikel discusses the plot twists and character development in the above stated episode. If u haven't seen it, this is your spoiler warning.

The beginning of this episode had me a little divided. Alaric being in denial is to be expected. How many people would take the news "You may be a serial killer in your spare time" without a little bit of denial? What I did loved was the Damon/Alaric friendship! Bromance!

What I didn't like. Seeing Elena pass judgement WITHOUT THE FACTS. She used to be the exact opposite of this. She wouldn't judge. She would look for the reasoning...
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posted by chameron4eva
There are alot of spots about TVD from characters, ships to the actors/actresses. So here's an easy way to see what spots are already on fanpop related to TVD.

If there are any spots u think is missing, tell me and I'll add it. But if it's just a double spot (i.e. another Delena of Stelena spot) then I won't add it


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Elena's POV

"Why don't u sit down and we can talk." I was pressed tightly up against the counter. "No need to be scared." Katherine was smiling as she took steps towards me. "Katherine this is between Damon, Stefan and u not me." Katherine tilted her head and shook it tell me no. "Honey this is about you."

Damon's POV

"How the hell could u do that? Damon I asked u to do this for Elena." Stefan was furious. I just rolled my eyes. "Your just upset because she may also have feelings for me to, just like Katherine."

Stefan sat there shaking his head. "Don't u get it Damon Katherine never...
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Caroline was walking on school ground, when she heard footsteps. She could hear they didn’t belong to Tyler and so she turned around and waited for Elena to catch up with her.
“What’s going on?” she asked when Elena was standing with her.
“Why are u asking?” Elena asked, trying to be casual.
“Because u have the look” Caroline zei accusatory.
“What look?” Elena frowned.
“The look that says: there’s something I have to tell you, but there are too many ears around here” Caroline clarified.
“I didn’t even know I had a look like that” Elena commented.
“Well, you...
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