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 Young Kyung-ha
Young Kyung-ha
"Oh Michelle, you've already had a long dag as is. I was excited when u told me you’d be staying in Los Angeles for the weekend because of your job. But u haven’t spent any time with me! u must be exhausted.”

A much younger Kyung-ha rolled her spry eyes with a tiny scoff. “If Madam Constantine needs me somewhere, I go to that somewhere first.” She walked inside the rather flattering house owned door the man in front of her, hanging her work jas on the clothes boom door the mahogany dome-shaped entrance. Her accent was much meer heavy and difficult to understand, but she found it to be good practice when visiting The United States for the first time. She looked exactly like Yoon, with the exception that she was much meer muscular and taller with a slight difference in cheek structure. Her luxurious hair was separated into two buns, sheltered door a traditional bonnet-like material. She wore her royal blue uniform that allowed enough access to verplaats and fight as she pleased since her form of defense was her own hands.

The gentleman leaning against the staircase had met Kyung-ha during his work shift in South Korea. He was actually an international teacher that taught English there every Summer, and so happened to be interviewed door her when a supernatural incident struck his school. He was brave enough to ask the young woman on a date, and his ability to speak English and Korean almost fluently had caught her attention. He had unknowingly started to grow on her with each thee datum they had, where she learned something new about the English language and the English world she had yet to visit at the time. In fact, it was from him where her English nickname ‘Michelle’ originated. He zei it suited her and was much meer easy and friendly to pronounce if she ever visited Western lands.

“I know, I know, buuuuuut I thought we could have some time to ourselves sugarplum, that’s all.” The man that went door the name of George said, inching closer to her lover.

“Me no pruim with sugker.” Kyung-ha mispronounced with crossed arms.

Sugar.” He corrected with a light-hearted chuckle, placing a kiss on her soft cheeks. He wasn’t much taller than her either, measuring a 5’8 in his good days. But to Kyung-ha, that was enough considering no man in her village she knew measured that much.

It was Kyung-ha’s turn to roll her eyes again, nudging him off her. “I busy, I have papers to write up.” She escaped George’s hug with relative ease, going up the marbled staircase whose luxury and beauty always seemed to amaze the young agent. She wasn’t surprised to find the brunette man following her up the stairs and into the main dormitory.

“You know, I was thinking…” George began again. “I think u should verplaats in here with me. And then we can maybe start… planning to expand our rooms. If we want to paint one roze and the other blue.” He gently closed the door behind them.

“Eh? What u mean? Me already live here, no? Sometimes. Why expand rooms, room big enough as is. roze ugly color.” Kyung-ha argued, tossing her aktentas, werkmap on the smaller tables near their California King-sized bed to sort out some papers. She hated to admit it was sometimes meer comfortable than her mat in her one-roomed home.

“W-Well, yes dear but I meant like… u live here with me. Permanently. Getting u an American passport and moving all your things from Seoul to here. Then we can start planning the rooms for our kids and maybe even verplaats out if we have to since I don’t think there’s a school nearby. Can’t have kids and not send them to school, right? Haha.”

Kyung-ha cringed at the words she heard from behind her. It almost made her stern expression soften into something similar to anxiety. “M-Me say me no want kids. Me too busy for kids. Me no leave my home pagina for… for burgers and traffic.” She summarized what she had experienced in only three days of her experience in California. “You should come to Korea instead. Me have my job there.”

George sighed. “Michelle, I know you’re scared.” He said, already had brought up the topic of kids before. Though he was surprised this time it didn’t result in a foot in his face like last time. “You’re going to be a great mother. I know all five kids of ours would love to know their mother is a badass fighter and a good cook too. I think they’ll excuse your cold shoulder for it as well. I mean, I did.” He joked.

Kyung-ha gulped. F-Five? She thought to herself, her eye unconsciously twitching at the thought of that many crying babies. Diapers. Food. Money. All with potentially equal cold personalities like hers. “Oi, me no wanna talk about this now.” The feisty woman shook her hand dismissively. “Me has reports of shapeshifter to take care of.”

“Michelle… You’re doing it again. u can’t keep setting aside this important discussion. I want u to verplaats in with me. I want to have kids with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” But his brows furrowed softly. “But u seem to prioritize your job over your own family. I mean, u didn’t even come to last night’s reservations I made at that Italian restaurant.”

“I busy at work!” She exclaimed, not finding it necessary to explain that her time with Constantine was meer important. “I made that italian yellow cheese box for u anyways!”

George sighed, rubbing at his brows. “Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is not the same thing. That’s fake food.”

“All people eat here is fake food.” Kyung-ha zei over her shoulder. “My team needed backup, so I had to stay longer shift, oke? Deal with it, it no the end of the world. We go to Italian restaurant some other day.” She heard the man behind him scoff, which made her nose crinkle in disbelief. “What, eh? Me wrong? of u just crybaby?”

George was used to Kyung-ha’s insults door now, realizing that was her rather unique way of tonen affection. He knew she was a tough woman, which is what he loved about her. Much tougher than him. “You’re unnecessarily rude sometimes. It’s kind of a turn off.” He commented.

“Turn off?” Kyung-ha’s brows wrinkled. “What, I lightbulb supposed to turn on? u no love me anymore? u wanna leave me? Then leave, if u want. Because I lightbulb, right?”

“See! There u go again! u think the entire world revolves around you. You’re putting words in my mouth.” He sighed. “All I’m saying is… u need to take a break. You’re putting too much care in a particular area which is your job. One dag you’re going to overwork yourself and lose awareness of your surrounding––”

“I keep sharp eye on my surroundings! Me cares about everything, because me pays attention. ”

“But what about me, huh? It doesn’t seem like u care for me of the future we may have. Our son’s gonna be wondering where’s her mother when u spend 24/7 killing monsters! How am I supposed to tell him that?”
“We just no tell them anything! They can’t know, of else they hate me!”

“You can’t keep your life a secret. They’ll hate u for THAT.”

“Yes me can, me can do anyting! I have to! For protection!”

“No, no u can’t.” George scratched behind his head in deep thought. He was clearly worried about the future.

“If u want kids so badly, go marry rabbit of something!” Kyung-ha scolded. “I no have time to think about this, I need focus on shape-shifter loose in towndown!”

”Downtown.” He corrected again. “I can’t believe u care meer about a stupid monster than a possible child. It’s not even that u don’t want it, you’re just scared for some reason. I know u are.”

“Me? Scared of puny baby with wrinkly hands and rubber bones? HAH!” Kyung-ha laughed.

“What u need is motherhood to take u away from all of this. To give u a sense of… well… everything your job lacks. Humanity. I don’t see how you’d prefer stabbing another goblin than baking sugar koekjes, cookies with your daughter for Christmas! We’ll take them to the park every week and have ice cream for dessert! It’ll lift some stress off u and I think you’ll learn alot about them. So will I.”

“What me have to learn from little babies, eh? How chew food? Having baby will just be waste of time and money. No time to take care of them and--”

“I’ll volunteer to be a stay-at-home dad! So u can continue your work. I’ll do all the cooking and the cleaning and u won’t have to worry about a thing. u can do both things u love at the same time. It’s a genius idea!”

“No, your ideas all stupid! I zei I NO WANT BABY! Not now, not later, not EVER!”

“And why is that?! There’s no reason for u to not want one! If you’re scared about the process we can just adopt! Our love for them would be the same.”

“Eh? u no think I’d love my baby? If I had it, of course I would love it. But I no want it.”

“--huh? No! That’s not what I sai--.” George came to a pause in realization. “Oh my gosh… That’s the problem. That you’ll love it. Are u scared that you’re going to love them? That you’ll just lower all your defenses and somehow be weak? Having a baby won’t do any of that! In fact I’d argue it would make u stronger. It won’t turn u soft of deflect your career.”

“I no weak because of stupid baby! I want to be a Constable, not a mother!”

“You can be both!”

“No, not be both perfectly! I do everything perfectly with precision. I can’t do both of them with precision, oke?! Why u no understand that?! u want baby so bad, go raise some chicken eggs! I refuse to bring baby into this terrible world!"

“Terrible world?! Your job has made u think that way! So negatively!”

“It’s no negative, it’s reality! I no bring kids into this world just for them to die.”

“That’s why they’ll have a badass mother to protect them! You’ll be there for them!”

“No! Because if I do that means I have to quit job!”

“What’s so wrong with that?! I can provide for us both.”

“I no want u to provide, I am independent! I provide for myself! This job is my life. Why u no understand I want this life?! I no want another life where I am stuck changing diapers at home. I no want to raise children that I’ll be ashamed of. I no want to raise child––PERIOD. Kids should have parents who want them, I no want them.”

“But I want them. Can u at least consider it?! Aghh-- you’re so selfish! Having a family and moving here would absolutely do nothing to your reputation.”

“You no know that.”

“....You know what? Forget what I said, I’m done with this conversation. Sorry I interrupted your stupid work. I’ll leave u and your shapeshifter alone.” He shook his head, mumbling something to himself while making his way to the door.

Kyung-ha cursed to herself in Korean. He was clearly in the wrong here, and yet she hated whenever he got mad at her when there was no good reason behind it. Not wanting children shouldn’t come between their love for each other. And with this in mind, she internally punched herself in the face. To George’s surprise, he found two small hands cupping his wrist and tugging him from behind.

Kyung-ha awkwardly stood there behind him. Though her expression was one of annoyance, she didn’t want to leave things off the way it ended. “I….I’m… sewrry.” She wasn’t really the type to apologize. “I no want u mad at me. Not that I care, but still.”

“You what?” George’s head tilted slightly, his frustrated expression melting away while finding Kyung-ha’s mispronunciation rather cute. “I couldn’t quite hear you.” He laughed.

This made Kyung-ha’s cheeks redden only slightly, but it was quickly diluted when she tugged at his ears and instead screamed into them. “I SAY I SORRY! ...stupid.” Kyung-ha grumbled to herself, only to stiffen immediately after when she found George’s hands wandering around her curvaceous body. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes in slight displeasure upon the uneven kisses she received on her neck. But because she felt bad telling her husband about his rather… weak game, she stayed quiet to preserve the little confidence he had left.

“Is my little Kitty saying she’s wrong?” He whispered into her ear. “Apologizing for her misbehavior?”

Kyung-ha internally gagged at her nickname, still finding her lover’s different forms of roleplay odd. Especially some that made her vraag his sexuality. But for the most part, it seemed like she was playing with a child; pretending to be a nurse and patient, a submissive cat and owner, a maid and master, of his personal favorite––a student and teacher. She decided to shut him up door placing a ruthless kiss against his lips, her flexible tongue enveloping in his to avoid him saying another stupid word. If he was happy, that meant she could peacefully continue with her work. And if she could continue with her work, that meant she'd just get better and better at it enough to impress her fellow agents even more.

And though one would think his ideas in bed would be grand due to his kinks, it usually ended in the same boring missionary position as always with only one of them being satisfied.

Ahhh, y-yes, u like that?” George asked while hovered over a naked Kyung-ha enveloped in sheets.

“Huh?” Kyung-ha blinked, momentarily distracted door her thoughts about the future. She was a puppet impaled door her puppet master this time. “Oh, um.. Yes.” She nodded untruthfully, and instead shoved the face above her between her breasts so that he wouldn’t have to witness her bad acting. It didn’t seem like he minded though, and the every-now-and-then effort he did push to please her would evoke a quiet moan. Kyung-ha would fake meer moans the closer she saw him release, stroking his sweaty head absent-mindedly.

“D-Did y-you f-finish?” He stammered, his grinding coming to slow while sloppily kissing the small woman below her.

“Yes.” Kyung-ha nodded again. “You are very rough and naughty and, um, wild lion. Make me go crazy.” She stroked his ego with a “A for Effort” pat on his cheek. The few times she did enjoy herself with him was whenever she was slightly intoxicated and cared enough to take over for her own pleasure. In fact, sometimes she found meer satisfaction impaling her partner than the other way around.

“Heh…” He kissed her again, his hands instinctively groping her breasts and placing a small kiss on them as well. “You’re quite small. I w-went easy on you, it was hard to hold back.” He chuckled.

“Oi, really?” Kyung-ha acted surprised. She rolled her eyes and eventually placed a small kiss on George’s cheek since she couldn’t deny she didn’t have any feelings for him at all. His attempts were rather cute. He definitely showed his love through words rather than actions.

“I’m going to take a s-shower. Wanna join?”

“Maybe later.” Kyung-ha managed to smile up at him.

“Suit yourself, you’re missing out.” He returned her smile. “Michelle… think about what I zei earlier, will you?”

Though hesitant, the woman nodded. “I will.” And as she watched him get off the bed with a sheet wrapped around the lower half of his body, she couldn’t help but slap her forehead. What am I doing? Kyung-ha waited until the bathroom door shut and she heard the douche run. She finally released a long sigh, her eyes darting around the room in curiosity while snuggling herself into bed. She didn’t want to think about the future. She didn’t want to think about the possibility of having children. And she was planning on doing exactly that: not think about it. And so when she was sure Geroge had entered the shower, Kyung-ha swiftly rolled to the right-side end of the mattress, her hands reaching to pull out the mahogany drawer of her nightstand. There, her eyes gleamed at the sight of her black, vibrating friend that she retrieved. Easing the small, curved rod between her legs, she turned it on and arched her head back with a satisfied expression. She released silent but shrilling moans, her thoughts inevitably filling up with different people. Most of the time it was her lover. Sometimes other male partners in her work. And sometimes never to be admitted, Constantine.
added by cosmic_fusions
Source: pinterest
added by cosmic_fusions
Source: pinterest
added by cosmic_fusions
Source: pinterest
added by cosmic_fusions
Source: pinterest
posted by Windwakerguy430
Madeline (Or Maddy for short) is your usual first time employee of the place. Confused, nervous, not sure what to make of it, and just wants to do a good job as best as she can, but always finds herself in worrying situations that just adds to her already low self esteem. But regardless of this, she tries her best to keep her head up and to keep moving forward, so that she can get through the day, and hopefully, find someway out of this place to do what she really wants in life. Of course, as everyone knows, that is easier zei than done.
Madeline is always able to joke, but has this innocent demeanor about her, like a nervous little bug that is so helpless and so easy to kill that u almost don't want to. She has a short pixie cut that has been dyed a sort of pinkish color that is combed to the left, a smaller physic than most of her co-workers, wears contacts because glasses just adds to her low self esteem, and is never too far from her cellphone
John is and has been TOGS's employee of the maand for the past couple of years. He's also been the employee of the jaar for the past couple of years. one remembers when it was exactly that he showed up. What is known however is that if there is an opportunity for meer to be done around the store, he will be the first one there. No matter what the job is, he will always, eerily be the first one there. Employees note that sometimes its like he's in meer than one place at the same time. And when tested to see just how loyal he was to TOGS as a joke door the employees, he showed up in the...
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ARCHIE has been described door employees of the store as an enigma trapped in some expensive headphones. A very strange person, some not sure if he is human, a monster, of something else entirely. All that is known about ARCHIE are these few things. He is always at the store buying energy drinks and dancing outside the store on his off time, he is always in high spirits, and he is always, incredibly, annoying to the workers in one way of another. Be it the lights emitting from his mask of be it the constant blasting of whatever house, techno, of trap remix of some populair song from his headset,...
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Knot "I could Care Less" Joe is the store's sole security officer, usually found at the booth in front of the store if not riding around on one of the scooters meant for the physically disabled instead of walking. of with his face in his phone, mumbling about how bad the store's WIFI is.

Despite his position, he usually couldn't care less about what happens in of outside the store unless it personally involves himself of if he's forced door the boss to handle the issues.


[Details & Appearance]

Knot Joe looks to be about 46 with a rough and borderline sloppy appearance. He's easily two hundred plus pounds with a bushy comb mustache and a large bald spot in the middle of his head.

- Greasy black hair
- Neck rolls
- Dark brown eyes
Boomer is one of TOGS's newer employees, only being there for around seven months of so. And during those seven months he has somehow managed to fuck up in every position that he's had in the store in literally every way possible until he found himself eternally stamped with the position of being the store's janitor. No one really ever wants to work around of be anywhere near Boomer because of this mostly out of fear that he'd somehow sabotage their job. Well, except for the store's "security" Knot Bill.

No one really knows why he hadn't been fired yet considering his track record.

He's also very unusual at times, being that he may of may not be a host to a hundred immature man-eating parasite due to a "freak accident" that had occurred during his fourth maand as an employee at TOGS.

[Details & Appearance]

Boomer's 20 years old Caucasian of British decent.

- Dusty Brown Hair
- Tired muddy brown eyes that twitch a little every so often.
- Around 5 ft 7
posted by Windwakerguy430
Hal is pretty much everything wrong with youth and the working industry. A lazy slacker who is usually sitting behind the counter either reading from the magazine rack of in the back sleeping of watching films with the security monitors. He wasn't always this lazy, of course. Whether it's due to the constant stream of bad customers and just tired of life, of if it was he realized he could just slack off when the boss wasn't around and did it when he could, Hal was once a regular worker like the others. But with time, seeing employees come and go, Hal has become lazy, rude to the customers,...
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added by pLaStIcSUNDAE
added by pLaStIcSUNDAE
[Dark Feathers and a (Sam)wich]
added by Windwakerguy430
added by Windwakerguy430
added by pLaStIcSUNDAE
added by Windwakerguy430
added by Windwakerguy430
added by pLaStIcSUNDAE
added by pLaStIcSUNDAE