Thomas the Tank Engine Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Narrator: Welcome to the Mossberg Narrow Gauge Railway. u know? That railway with the narrow gauge locomotives that u haven't seen in a long time, because I was too lazy to come up with an episode for them, until now?
Audience: *Laughing*
Georgia: *Going backwards to Mossberg Harbor*
Narrator: Uh, can u see where you're going?
Audience: *Laughing*
Georgia: Of course I can. If you'll excuse me, I gotta pull a special birthday train.

Theme Song: link

Georgia: *Stops at the harbor, coupling up to four freight cars*


Sean: *Pulling eight coaches at high speed*
Makenzie: *Blowing steam as she enters the train yard*
Grayback: *Talking to Dan at a freight depot*
Panzer: *Angry as he looks at Ferris, and Jack to his left*
Kenny: *Smiles at four children waving to him at a railroad crossing*
Juliette: *Passes Larissa with a passenger train*


Marisa: *Slipping as her train drags her down the hill*
Jerry: *Pulling a freight train with Shayne*

Starring Sean of the Eastern Pacific
Makenzie of the Mossberg Narrow Gauge Railway
Grayback of the Hunterdon Central Railway
panzer of the Northern Errol Line
Kenny of Kenny's Line
and Juliette of the Eastwood & Mossberg Railway
Also starring Sean Bodine as S.B.

Megan: *With Sarah & Margaret in Impala Station*

Lucy: *Enters Mossberg Harbor with a freight train*
Narrator: Get ready folks, for something you'll want to see after a tragic accident in 2011.

Episode 76: A Proper Remake Of The Little Engine That Could

Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Since Tillie, and Georgia are from the 1991 version of that film, it should be easy to pull off. Unfortunately the other engines from that movie are not here because we have to save money.
Rollo: *Arrives* But u still have me, and the other toys.
Narrator: Yeah. I think we all know that.
Audience: *Quietly laughing*
Narrator: Shouldn't u be getting the train ready?
Rollo: What train? Where? I don't see it.
Narrator: it's right behind you.
Audience: *Laughing*
Rollo: Oh, I knew that.
Narrator: Sure.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: The cars that Georgia coupled up to were empty, except for the first one. That was loaded up with extra coal for Georgia.
Rollo: Are u ready?
Georgia: Rarin' to roll Rollo.
Rollo: Okay Jeepers.
Jeepers: *Nods, and blows his whistle*

Song: link

Narrator: Why this?
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Why couldn't we get the real muziek from the film?
Audience: *Laughing*
Rollo: Grumpella!
Grumpella: Coming, coming. *Falls off a pile of toys* What's the rush?
Giraffes: *Pass Grumpella*
Grumpella: They won't fit in there.
Giraffes: *Get on board a boxcar which has a hole for them to stick their heads out of, on the roof*
Rollo: *On top, boven of Georgia's cab* Perky!
Narrator: How'd u get up there so quickly?
Audience: *Laughing*
Perky: *Falls off a ball, and lands on top, boven of Randy Pandy*
Rollo: Randy Pandy!
Randy: *Pulls himself out from under Perky while laughing* Coming.
Perky: Do that on Georgia, not me!!!!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Stretch: *Lifts up Randy, and puts him in the back car*
Rollo: Stretch, and Missy!
Missy: *Doing Ballerina dances onto the train*
Soldiers: *Marching while playing drums to the beat of the music*
Stretch: *Clapping his hands*
Rollo: Everybody!
Teddy Bears: *Putting strand balls onto the train*
Stretch: *Loading ripe apples onto the train*
Narrator: Everyone was busy, aan het uploaden the Birthday Train with toys, and fresh fruit.
Soldiers: *Marching onto the train*
Teddy Bear: *Finishes aan het uploaden the train*
Soldiers: *Close the doors as they get onto the train*

Stop the song

Narrator: Didn't they already get onto the train?
Audience: *Laughing*
Tillie: *In a siding volgende to Ian, watching The Birthday Train get ready for departure* Oh. That's the most wonderful train in the world.
Ian: *Unamused* I did not need to be told that. I always pull the most wonderful trains ever offered.
Audience: *Laughing*
Tillie: Not your train. The one Georgia has.
Ian: What about it?
Audience: *Quietly laughing*
Tillie: It's full of fresh fruit, toys, and other fun things for anyone that lives in Santa Cruz that has a birthday. Georgia gets to pull it every year, and here I am, pulling these short, unimportant trains to, and from the harbor.
Lucy: *Stops between Ian, and Tillie* What's going on u two?
Ian: Tillie is talking about how she wants to pull The Birthday Train to Santa Cruz.
Tillie: Georgia is the only one that gets to do it. All I do is pull trains from the yard, to this harbor, and back again.
Lucy: You'll get your chance soon. Just wait, and see.
Rollo: Uh, it is my honor to say, that it, I am pleased to announce,
Mice: *Running towards the train with birthday cake*
Rollo: Uh, that it is.... uh,... it's time to uh
Grumpella: *Leaning out of seconde car* Oh come on, let's go!
Mice: *Run onto the train in time*

Georgia: *Attempts to pull the Birthday Train, but her wheels slip. She makes three meer attempts, but the same result occurs. Her fifth attempt has her wheels slip longer, and faster. Her volgende three attempts have her wheels slip a full rotation. Her wheels slip on the ninth attempt*
Rollo: *Falls into the coal car*
Georgia: *Her wheels continue to slip as she starts pulling the train forward*

Song: link

Rollo: *Emerges from the coal* Duh, uh, let's go.

Stop the song

Narrator: Well, at least that terrible song isn't being played anymore.

Song: link

Narrator: OH NO!!!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Georgia: *Pulling the Birthday Train, and smiles*
Rollo: *Waving a green flag, back on the top, boven of Georgia*
Jeepers: *Sitting volgende to Rollo*
Georgia: *Looks ahead at the track, but part of her boiler comes loose, and she loses steam*
Rollo: *Looking at the top, boven of Georgia's dome, rattling as steam escapes through the top*

Stop the song

Georgia: *Going slower*
Narrator: Without steam, Georgia won't have any power to pull the train. She struggled on, but had to stop at the first depot.
Georgia: *Looks down at the ground, very sad*
Worker 98: Epic fail!
Audience: *Laughing*
Rollo: *Bouncing on a Pogo stick* What happened?!?!?
Narrator: They still have those? I haven't seen a Pogo stick in a decade.
Audience: *Laughing*
Grumpella: Why did we stop?!
Rollo: Yeah, uh... What she said.
Georgia: I broke down. I sure am sorry.
Rollo: *Falls off*
Grumpella: I knew it! I knew it!!
Narrator: So did I. Rollo wouldn't last three minuten on that thing.
Audience: *Laughing*
Grumpella: Not the Pogo stick! I mean us! We'll never get over the mountain!
Jeepers: *Looking at the blood coming out of Georgia's boiler* Does it hurt?
Georgia: No Jeepers, it doesn't hurt, but... *Realizes it does hurt* aaaAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Narrator: Liar.
Audience: *Laughing*
Rollo: Well uh, uh, we need to uh, uh, uhhhh...
Narrator: Rollo's thoughts were interrupted when Hatti arrived.
Hatti: *Gasps when she sees Georgia* Is everyone okay?
Toys: *Coming out of the train*
Randy: Everyone except Georgia.
Hatti: I'll tell Dustin to get Georgia to the roundhouse for repairs. Right now, I need to deliver my freight train to Mossberg Harbor.
Narrator: Ten minuten later, Dustin came to collect Georgia.
Dustin: Okay, u ready Georgia?
Georgia: Yeah. *Uncouples herself from the train*
Rollo: But, we need another engine to get us into Santa Cruz.
Dustin: Sorry everyone. I only have enough power to bring Georgia to the roundhouse. *Pulls Georgia away* Other engines will come door soon.
Jeepers: He's right.
Rollo: That's right. I know another engine will come along, I'm sure of it. I think? Maybe. *Prays* Please.
Narrator: They heard two whistles, and saw Kaela coming towards them.
Rollo: See? Did I tell u so, of what?
Grumpella: You're lucky, that's what.
Audience: *Quietly laughing*
Rollo: *Waving his red flag* Excuse me. Please-
Kaela: *Passes without stopping*
Randy Pandy: Well that was rude.
Amy: *Blowing her whistle as she comes towards Rollo, and the other toys*
Grumpella: Here comes another one. Let's hope she's meer polite.
Rollo: *Waving his red flag* Stop!
Amy: *Blows her whistle*
Rollo: There's only one way to get her to stop. *Stands on the tracks*
Giraffes: *Gasp*
Amy: *Applies her brakes, stopping with her cowcatcher two inches away from Rollo's legs*
Rollo: Ha. Nothing to it.
Amy: *Blows steam into Rollo*
Rollo: *Covered in water* On the other hand....
Audience: *Laughing*
Amy: What is it? I have to bring these three freight cars to the harbor, to be loaded up with iron ore.
Missy: Well, our engine has broken down, and the boys & girls in Santa Cruz won't have any toys to play with, of good food to eat, unless, u are to help us.
Amy: *Angry* I'm sorry, I didn't understand a word u just zei with your French accent.
Audience: *Laughing*
Amy: *Takes off with her train*
Stretch: We aren't gonna make it.
Perky: She's not the only engine on this line. There's bound to be meer coming our way.
Rollo: I didn't think she was the right one anyway.
Makenzie: *Pulling 3 coaches as she blows her whistle*
Rollo: Ah, now there's an engine that knows how to, uh, uh- duh.... What was I saying?
Audience: *Laughing*
Makenzie: *Puffing towards Rollo & the toys*
Rollo: Stop!! *Waving his red flag* Stop!!
Makenzie: *Applies her brakes, and hits Rollo*
Rollo: *On Makenzie's face, but when she stops, he slides off, landing on the track in front of her*
Makenzie: What is the meaning of this?
Rollo: Well uh, uh, umumumumum-
Grumpella: What he's trying to say is that our engine has broken down, and the boys & girls in Santa Cruz won't have any toys to play with, of good food to eat unless u help us.
Rollo: Uh, yeah.
Makenzie: I'm not the right engine for the job. Besides, I'm busy with passenger trains. If I don't pull them, the passengers will complain, and destroy this railroad. So long. *Puffs away with her train*
Grumpella: *Annoyed* We're never going to make it now!
Rollo: Oh yes we will. We just need to believe in the other engines harder.
Grumpella: They're not coming.
Rollo: *Angry* Oh yes they are!
Grumpella: They're not!
Rollo: They are!
Grumpella: They're not!
Rollo: They are!
Grumpella: They're not!
Rollo: They are!
Narrator: We're just going to let them argue, and verplaats onto the volgende scene.
Audience: *Laughing*
Makenzie: *Next to Tillie in the harbor* They don't have anyone to get them moving.
Tillie: That's horrible. If I didn't have to shunt these cars, I'd go there immediately.
Austin: *Stops volgende to Tillie* Hello. What's happening?
Tillie: I'm just talking about the birthday train. Georgia is the only one that gets to pull it. I want to do it, but Mr. Swanson has me pull trains from the harbor to the yard, and back again.
Austin: Your chance will come sooner than u expect. I'm sure Mr. Swanson will let u pull the birthday train into Santa Cruz, but if can't see the potential u have, you're gonna have to be assertive.
Tillie: Oh, I already know that. Why do u think I got to pull the train in the 1991 film?
Austin: *Embarrassed* Oh. My speech didn't motivate you...
Audience: *Quietly laughing*
Tillie: Don't worry. It still helped. I just gotta finish switching these cars around, and then I can pull the train.
Austin: meer power to u then. I have to go. See u later. *Rings his klok, bell as he leaves the harbor*

Song: link

Tillie: Right. I just need to finish shunting these cars before it's too late.
Narrator: While Rollo and Grumpella continued arguing, Natalia puffed up towards them. She was not pulling anything.
Rollo: An engine!
Grumpella: That isn't pulling a train!
Toys: We're saved!!
Natalia: Georgia told me all about you. Get on board, and I'll get u to Santa Cruz.
Narrator: Natalia turned around on a loop track, coupled up to the train, and started to pull, but they didn't go anywhere.

Natalia: *Slipping, and blows out a lot of steam from her cylinders*
Grumpella: We were all wrong. We're not saved.
Natalia: *Her wheels slip faster*
Rollo: Okay look, uh thanks for helping, but I think we'll get somebody else.
Natalia: Lo siento. *Uncouples herself from the train, and puffs away*
Grumpella: Now who's going to pull us?
Tillie: *Arrives* I think I can.
Grumpella: Oh great! Now we got a miniature choo choo, who thinks she can pull us!

Song: link

Tillie: I think I can.
Narrator: She was coupled up, and this happened.
Tillie: *Slipping, not able to pull the train* I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I-

Stop the song

Narrator: Okay, stop. This isn't working.
Tillie: Just kidding! *Pulls the train out of the depot*
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Well, that was clever. I guess u know what happens next.
Austin: *In the roundhouse with Sean* What happens?
Sean: Let him tell you.
Narrator: She made it.
Austin: Oh good.
Narrator: But she tried pulling the train back after the party, and broke down on the hill.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Here's the clip.
Tillie: *Slipping as the train pulls her back. She breaks down, and the train rolls down the hill* No!!!
Austin: Oh no!
Sean: Ah she'll be fine. She's gone through worse. Remember the mountain that got her trapped in the snow?
Austin: Oh yeah, I remember.
Narrator: Okay. What are u two going to do now?
Sean: Remake Rachet & Clank.

Ending theme (Start it at 0:52): link

Sean: *Leaves with Austin*
Narrator: Wait! If you're remaking Rachet & Clank, what's with the CHiPs music?!
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Oh forget it. Cue the end credits..... *Waiting for the end credits to start*

The end credits toon Sean and Austin going down the line side door side to the Northern Errol Line

Characters used for episode


Songs used for episode

CHiPs Theme: John Parker & Alan Silvestri
Che La Luna: Louis Prima
Short Song: Sean Bodine
Nothing Can Stop Us Now: The Little Engine That Could Soundtrack

The End

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog production from May 29, 2016
 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see.
added by Seanthehedgehog
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thomas and vrienden
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me