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posted by Mollymolata
An Instagram follower inspired me to do this :D

Disclaimer: I don‘ t own Miraculous Ladybug.

Size doesn’t matter – Miraculous Fandom

Inside a room stood a young woman in front of a mirror looking at her white dress.

“How do I look like?” Asked the brunette in the wedding dress.

“You look gorgeous” Responded a short haired blonde to the woman.

“Thank u Rose” zei the brunette, then looked at the other two women, which had both black hair. One girl was taller than the other and had on the end of the hair purple tips.

“You look gorgeous Lila” Responded Marinette.

“Yes, like a princess” zei Juleka.

“Thank u so much girls” zei Lila giving the three a hug. At the entrance of the room somebody knocked and Marinette walked up, to open it.

“Hey Mylène” Greeted Marinette. “Oh wow! You’re also a maid of honor?” Asked Marinette as she noted, that Mylène wore the same dress as her and the other girls.

“Yes, sure” Responded Mylène. “Lila, if u want we can go, the car is ready” zei Mylène and Lila nodded.

At the outside was Adrien standing behind a white Audi A1 with a black roof and it’s romp, kofferbak open. Adrien tied a few cans on the back of the car and placed them inside of the trunk, so that they could use it only after the wedding.

“Hey Adrien, u got a really nice suit” Complimented Rose and Adrien looked at the girl, then closed the romp, kofferbak of the A1.

“Thank u Rose” Responded the blonde in the white dress. “It was made to order from my father.” Explained Adrien opening all four side doors of the car, for the girls to enter.

“Didn’t u have any problem with the car?” Asked Lila and Adrien shook his head.

“Nope, it’s way meer practical than driving the Land Rover” Responded Adrien.

“Hey we’ll go with Mylène and Ivan” zei Rose to the others.

“Sure, we see us later” zei Marinette entering into the front of the Audi.

“The back zitplaats, stoel of it is just too small for me to sit in” zei Adrien. “But it’s a nice vehicle for using it in the cities” zei Adrien and pressed the start and stop button of the car, then pulled the lever to D and drove away from the house.

“I can’t believe I’m going to marry today” zei Lila dreamy.

“I’m glad for u Ms Rossi of should I say….”Mrs Kurtzberg?” zei Adrien joking.
“By the way tell me, how did he propose you?” Asked Marinette looking back at the Italian.

“You really do love this story, don’t you?” Asked Lila giggling and Marinette nodded.

“It’s a sweet yet funny story Replied Marinette giggling too.

“Alright, then I tell it u again” zei Lila. “It was night over Paris and Monsieur Haprèle and Chris were performing at the Eiffel Tower….”

“This was Chris and Fred Haprèle from the fantastic adventures of the Mime” Announced Sara on the microphone and then the toon took a break.

Lila sat in the seconde row with Nathaniel looking at the toon and in front on the first row sat Marinette with Adrien, Alya and Nino.

“This play was really funny, don’t u think?” Asked Lila looking at her boyfriend.

“Uh yes it was” Responded Nathaniel looking nervous.

“Is everything okay Nathy?” Asked Lila looking at him.

“Yes, yes I’m okay, it’s just very hot here” Responded Nathaniel, making Lila raise her eyebrow.

“You sure?” Asked Lila. “Should I get u some water to drink?”

“No, no, no, I’ll go get it.” zei Nathaniel standing up quickly and tripping over another guy, who sat volgende to him.

“Excuse me” zei Nathaniel passing in front of the people, then running of at the exit of the row. Lila looked at the four vrienden in the front row, which had observed her, then they quickly looked in front again.

“Okay, go Nino” zei Marinette and Nino turned around.

“Hey Lila, how u doing?” Asked Nino looking at the brunette.

“Great I guess” Responded Lila.

“Great, because I feel….uh great too” zei Nino and Marinette did a face palm along with Alya.

“I’ll be going to Nathaniel” zei Adrien leaving the others back.

Adrien followed Nathaniel, which ran towards the parking lot of the cars and Nathaniel stopped in front of a white Audi.

“Are u ready to do this?” Asked Adrien.

“I still feel kinda nervous, what if she says no?” Asked Nathaniel feeling anxious.

“She won’t say no, I promise” zei Adrien.
“So uhm did u got the box Marinette told me?” Asked Nathaniel and Adrien nodded.

At the Eiffel Tower Lila was passing door the row, leaving her place.

“Hey wait, u don’t have to go right now!” zei Nino.

“Just let her go Nino” zei Alya. “What’s going on with you?”

“It’s….” zei Nino and whispered into Alya’s ear.

“What?” Asked Alya. “Why didn’t u say that before?” Asked Alya looking surprised at him.

“Lila wait!” Called Marinette and she ran behind the Italian girl.

“What is he doing?” Asked Lila looking at her.

“It’s easy to explain, but can’t u just wait a tiny little bit?” Asked Marinette. “Until they give the sign?”

“What sign are u talking about?” Asked Lila looking at the half Asian girl.

“Just sit down at your place and u will see it” zei Marinette.

“Alright, but if he doesn’t come back, we both will go look for him, whether u want it of not” zei Lila walking back to her seat. Marinette breathed relieved then walked back to her vrienden at the show.

Nathaniel and Adrien rolled with the car towards the Eiffel Tower. Nathaniel sat inside of it, while Adrien was halfway out of it pulling the car door using his leg to verplaats the car forwards, like he was doing this to verplaats on a skateboard.

“Good, stop here and I going to try this out” zei Adrien running in front of to the car’s light to try the box out and placed inside the carton a Lupe and a random picture of a cat. He observed the picture appearing on the back of the screen at the stage, but it was to small.

Adrien walked a few meters away from the car, until it was big enough for the audience to see it.

The audience then saw the kitty and smiled at it.

“Awww” zei the audience.

“Huh?” Asked Lila and Marinette smiled as she heard her. Then the picture was took away and the screen was all blank, but illuminated. Then on the screen appeared a sketched picture of Lila standing in front of a guy, which was on his knees looking at her. At the side was a text.

Adrien smiled at the picture, that Nathaniel had drawn for Lila and Nathaniel was also looking at the picture and was so impressed door it, that he forgot to leave his foot on the break and the car rolled down.
“Nathaniel!” Shouted Adrien and Nathaniel got in panic and instead of stepping on the break of the car, he pressed the acceleration pedal, which made the car’s engine turn on, due him not having turned off the car door himself before.

At the audience Lila was reading the text on the screen.

“Lila Tu sei l'amore della mia vita. vuoi sposarmi? Lila, you’re the love of my life, will u marry me?” Read Lila getting a smile on her face. “What?” Asked Lila as she just realized, that Nathaniel left, just for doing her a big surprise.

“Wow Lila, that’s so awesome!” zei Marinette pretending to not know about it. The audience applauded looking at her, which made her blush.

“Is it just me of is the screen getting brighter?” Asked Nino, then suddenly he heard an engine of a car and it jumped out of the screen, scaring all the people, including Lila as she saw her car coming. The car landed on the stage, right an inch away from falling of the stage. All looked at the inside of the car and saw a scared Nathaniel with his arm lifted up in the middle of the cabin, which looked like he had pulled the hand brake to stop the vehicle.

Lila went up to stage and opened the door, seeing Nathaniel looking at her in surprise.

“Uhm what were u doing with the car?” Asked Lila.

“I was supposed to toon u something on the screen, but I got distracted and instead of stopping the car from rolling, I pressed the wrong pedal and….”

“Bro, you’re alright?” Asked Nino going up the stage seeing Adrien lying behind the car.

“Sure” Responded Adrien as Nino helped him standing up. “I think this was an accident”

“I’m so sorry Adrien, I got in panic and….I...and I...”

“Calm down” zei Adrien. “Don’t forget, what u wanted to do” zei Adrien rolling his eyes from him to Lila, to signal Nathaniel, what he should do.

“Lila” zei Nathaniel coming on his knees in front of the lights of the car and their shadow got attention of other people outside of the Eiffel Tower, including the staff of the show.

“I….uh….would you….Said Nathaniel and in front of the lights of the car opened a cover and a black injector came out and sprinkled at the lights of the car and Nathaniel stood volgende to it, getting caught door it’s water.

“Urgh” Replied Nathaniel as he got wet door it and the headlight cleaning system disappeared in the front of the lights’ cover.

Adrien and Marinette looked at Nino, which sat inside the car, which smiled back at them embarrassed.

“Sorry, I accidentally passed with my arm on that lever” zei Nino looking at the two.

“Keep going Nath” zei Marinette to Nathaniel and he nodded.
“I wanted this to be very special to you, but every time something has to go wrong” zei Nathaniel and the car’s headlight cleaner came out again splashing water at the lights and at Nathaniel again.

“Nino!” Shouted Adrien and Marinette.

“Sorry, I thought this were the lights” zei Nino and hid his hands behind his back. Lila looked at the three vrienden and then back to Nathaniel, which was passing his hands on his hair, which got a bit wet from it. Lila went on her knees and looked into his eyes.

“You surprise me almost every dag with your ideas and I always loved them. u know it right?” Asked Lila and Nathaniel nodded. “This was probably going to be the most romantic propose u think I would ever see” zei Lila and he tilt his head a bit, cause he didn’t know, where Lila wanted to go with this.

At the stage appeared Fred Haprèle and he placed his hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder. Nathaniel looked back and Fred gave him his microphone.

“Come and finish your toon my friend” zei Fred making the young man smile. Nathaniel hold the microphone and looked at a smiling Lila. Nino left the car and stood volgende to Adrien and Marinette to see Nathaniel do his job.

“Lila, will u marry me?” Asked Nathaniel picking out of his jacket’s pocket a red box, which he opened and showed to Lila. Lila jumped at Nathaniel with excitement kissing him everywhere on his face. Adrien and Nino chuckled at that situation, while Marinette just smiled lovely about it. Fred took the microphone and spoke to the audience.

“There’s nothing meer romantic, then seeing a proposal life on a show.” zei Fred and the audience clapped for him. “I wish my friend Nathaniel and his girlfriend good luck for their future together” zei Fred looking back at the two, which shared a hug together. Nathaniel then took the ring and placed it on Lila’s ring finger.

“I love you” zei Nathaniel looking at Lila and she hugged him again.

“I love u more, than u think” zei Lila making Nathaniel blush.

“And that’s how it went” zei Lila.

“Can’t get enough of it” zei Marinette, making Lila roll her eyes smiling.

“Wonder, what my Nathy is doing right now” zei Lila.

At the church Nathaniel stood at the altar with his mother.

“Everything will go fine my son” zei Ms Kurtzberg holding his son’s hand.

He nodded and looked at the entrance, where a few men and women were entering along with young children. It’s unbelievable for Nathaniel to see, that the only present people of his family was his mom and his grandfather. His father nor his paternal grand parents he has never met in his life. They were practically absent his whole life. Lila, well she was in some way a lone child just like him, but her mother married another guy and had a new child, which would make actually Lila’s half brother. Her biological parents had a few brothers and sisters, which had children and they counted as Lila’s cousins. Sad, not even one Cousin did Nathaniel have and his future spouse had around 20.

He doesn’t know Lila’s family well, except for her father. Her godparents he had met at the outside of the church. They will also become the godparents of their children, when they later decide to have some.

Nathaniel actually likes the idea of having children with Lila. Though it’s a big responsibility, he wants to go through it. He wants to be a better and present father, than his own. He still is afraid of a failure, but Lila is there and they will do it together and in other cases, their parents will help them too.

His old classmates from his school time arrived at the church too, walking the aisle along of the church. One of the classmates, which was Nino walked towards the groom.

“The car of the bride has arrived” zei Nino making Nathaniel gulp.

“Good” zei Ms Kurtzberg and hold Nathaniel’s shoulder. “You’re ready?” Asked Ms Kurtzberg and he nodded.

“Just a bit nervous” Replied Nathaniel unsure.

“Don’t worry, you’ll do fine” zei Ms Kurtzberg and left the altar along with Nino going to their places. Adrien and Marinette had entered quickly into the church and behind at the exit of the Notre Dame stood Lila in her wedding dress along with her father.

“Wow” Replied Nathaniel as he saw her fiancee coming along with her father and the maids of honor through the aisle, while the muziek was being played.

“Lui sembra molto carino in quel seme” zei Lila to her father, which nodded in agreement. Nathaniel couldn’t help it, but smile at the sight of the bride. The Rossi’s arrived at the altar and the father gave his daughter a warm hug. Lila was stirred from her father and couldn’t also help herself in getting a bit emotional on that moment. To her luck was, that the make up artist, used a permanent spray on her make up, so that it wouldn’t go easily off, when she had to cry in some case.

Her father then turned to Nathaniel and he smiled at him tonen him his hand. Instead the father gave his future son-in-law a hug and a peck on his cheeks, then left the altar too. Nathaniel felt abashed of that, what his father-in-law did and Lila giggled.

“A few men do that too” zei Lila making Nathaniel chuckle too, then taking her hand.

The priest showed up and started the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to kom bij together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony"

At the seconde and third row sat Nathaniel and Lila’s old class observing the ceremony.

“I love weddings!” zei Rose and lied her head on Juleka’s shoulder, making her smile.

“They’re wonderful”

“Exactly” zei Marinette. Behind her sat Kim and Max and Kim had to laugh.

“I wonder, how is he going to take her in his arms?” Asked Kim. “She’s way meer taller than him” zei Kim and volgende to him sat Alix and shushed him.

“I was just pointing that….”

“Shiu” zei Alix looking at the altar.

“He will manage it” zei Nino, which sat in the front row. “Don’t worry”

“I want to see that” zei Kim.

“Size doesn’t matter” zei Alya. “Right girls?”

“Yes” Responded Rose and Juleka.

“Wait, what size?” Asked Marinette looking at her BFF.

At the altar the priest looked at Nathaniel asking him the regular questions, he needs to ask.

“Nathaniel Kurtzberg, do u take Lila Rossi to be u love wedded wife?” Asked the priest and Nathaniel nodded.

“Yes, I do” Responded Nathaniel then the priest asked Lila the same question.

“Lila Rossi, do u take Nathaniel Kurtzberg to be u love wedded husband?” Asked the priest Lila and she agreed to answer the same.

“Yes, I do” Responded Lila smiling. One of Lila’s younger cousin’s brought the rings on a hoofdkussen, kussen to Nathaniel.

“Ecco” zei the young boy and Nathaniel took one of the rings.

“Uhm Grazie” Replied Nathaniel making Lila giggle.

“I’d expect u to answer in Spanish” zei Lila to Nathaniel.

“I’ve practiced a bit with your father once” Told Nathaniel.

“Sweet” zei Lila giving Nathaniel the hand for him to put the ring.

“I Nathaniel Kurtzberg take Lila Rossi to be my love wedded wife.To have and to hold from this dag forward, for the better for the worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance" Promised Nathaniel putting the ring on Lila’s ring finger. Then it was Lila’s turn and she took the ring from the hoofdkussen, kussen and hold Nathaniel’s hand and hold the ring before the ring finger of his future husband.

“I Lila Rossi take Nathaniel Kurtzberg to be my love wedded husband.To have and to hold from this dag forward, for the better for the worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance" Promised Lila shoving the ring into the finger of Nathaniel.

Both gave each others the hands and waited for the priest’s announcement.

“I declare u two as man and wife, in the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost”

“Amen” Replied Lila along with the audience.

“You may now kiss the bride” zei the priest then Nathaniel and Lila shared their kiss and became officially married. Lila hold Nathaniel on the back and leaned a bit down, so that he didn’t had to stretch his legs a lot to achieve behind the girls’ back.

All the viewers applauded at the newly wedded couple, that ended up becoming one.

“Bravissimo!” zei Lila’s mother. “Qui bello matrimonio”

“Si” zei Lila’s father. “Tanti Auguri “

The two stopped their kiss and looked into each others eyes.

“Now it’s over” zei Nathaniel sad and Lila giggled and poked his nose with her point finger.

“Yes, but the dag is still here, we still have a lot to do today” zei Lila flirty, making Nathaniel blush. The priest spoke to both and they followed him into the back of the altar, then the others started to leave the church.

“Did u guys bring the confetti?” Asked Rose looking at the others.

“I brought rice” Responded Marinette.

“I brought petals” Told Alya. “They’re in the car”

“So are mine” zei Mylène following the girls to the outside.

After a few minuten Nathaniel and Lila left the cathedral together and got thrown with much of petals, rijst and confetti door the guests. They met at the back of the cathedral, where there was a water fontein and everybody took there a picture together with the bride and the groom.

The last pictures were with Lila’s parents and Nathaniel’s mother and grandfather.

“Cheese!” zei the Vincent, the photograph.

“Cheese!” zei the families as they got a shout from the camera. All left the place except for Nathaniel and Lila.

“I feel like my cheeks hurt from the whole time smiling at the pictures” zei Nathaniel massaging his face. Lila giggled and placed her hands around her husband and nudged with her nose on Nathaniel’s.

“Let’s do only one meer please” zei Lila rubbing her nose on his. “What do u say?”

“Alright” zei Nathaniel and looked at Vincent. “Monsieur?” Called Nathaniel and he looked back. “Could we have another picture please?”

“Certamente!” zei Vincent pulling the camera out.

“Lila, let me take u in my arms” zei Nathaniel standing behind his wife.

“Are u sure?” Asked Lila looking at him.

“Sure” zei Nathaniel and he took Lila on his arms and tried to lift her up.

“Ugg” Groaned Nathaniel as he tried to lift the tall woman on his arms.

“Oh my” zei Lila as Nathaniel was able to lift her up.

“Excellente!” zei Vincent ready to take the picture.

“You really surprise me a lot” zei Lila looking at him.

“Say cheese!”

“Cheese!” zei Lila.

“Chees…..whoa….wh…..whoaaa….” zei Nathaniel unbalancing with her on his arms and he tripped back and fell with Lila into the water fontein splashing a bit of water on the ground.

“Luckily your uncle Vincent has took the picture, before u two fell in” zei Vincent looking at the picture.

“Great” zei Lila relieved, then she looked at Nathaniel squeezing the water out of his hair.

“Oh boy” zei Lila laughing. “You look pretty gorgeous” zei Lila joking.

Nathaniel felt ashamed looking down, which Lila saw and she quickly slid to him and gave him a hug.

“Sorry, I didn’t meant to hurt you” zei Lila

Nathaniel looked at Lila and saw her face fully smeared from the make up and water contact and laughed.

“I understand…..and sorry about me laughing” zei Nathaniel laughing and Lila passed her hand on the face and got the tint on her hand.

“Oh” zei Lila, then she laughed along with Nathaniel as they sat there inside the fountain. “I wash this off” zei Lila passing her face with water. “I look worse than a Mime” zei Lila making Nathaniel chuckle.

The Kurtzberg’s stood there looking at the two laughing, then Ms Kurtzberg sighed in a lovely way.

“She’s a good addition to our family” zei the mother seeing how happy both were.

“He’s really happy to be with her” zei the grandfather.

“I’m glad, that I did let him enter into the flight field on that day, she wanted to leave France.” zei Ms Kurtzberg. “I bet life would have been real different, if I didn’t let him go” zei Ms Kurtzberg and she looked along with her father to the water fountain, where his son was standing and helping Lila up, but Lila then lost her balance and felt down on the water again with him.

The grandfather nodded and walked off and before Ms Kurtzberg left, she looked back at her son and saw him with her daughter-in-law finally standing together on their feet.

Lila then took Nathaniel in his arms and looked into his adorable blue eyes, rubbing with her nose on his.

“It’s kind of embarrassing for me to be on your arms” zei Nathaniel slightly blushing.

“It’s fine for now” zei Lila. “And If I were you, I would rather think about our night together, hein?” zei Lila in a flirty way, which made Nathaniel blush even meer red, than his hair color.

“S...sure” Responded Nathaniel and Lila kept nudging him, while holding him in her arms.

Ms Kurtzberg then observed them sharing a lovely kiss together, making the mother smile and walk off, feeling well, that she did the right thing.

The End
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker
added by Mollymolata
Source: Windows Movie Maker