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Chapter 19: The Illusion of Normalcy
We waited on edge for something to develop but weeks went door and Aunt Alice didn’t have any visions regarding the Volturi and Sienna. She spent most of her free time in La Push with Seth of here at our house. She slept over my parent’s house a lot. If it were under better circumstances it would have been meer enjoyable it was kind of like having a sister. It was definitely nice to have someone in the house that was truly similar in age to me. It is peculiar for your parents and aunts and uncles to look as though they are the same age that u are; so it was nice to have someone truly on my wavelength basically living with me. My grandma Esme brushed up on her cooking skills and learned all of Sienna’s favoriete foods in an effort to get her to eat more, but Sienna wasn’t too hungry. She acted pretty normal and went through the motions of life with going to school, and maintaining her relationship with Seth; but she spent a lot of time alone drawing. She drew that guy and girl all of the time, they were always in the woods facing each other in an embrace and smiling as though they had been reunited after a long separation. She cried in her sleep. She was so brave during the dag but it seemed at night that her defenses were down. I finally confronted her about it one night. I sat down volgende to her and gently shook her until she was awake. “Si, u were crying again. What is it?” She just stared past me like I wasn’t there. I hugged her and rocked her, we sat like that for a long time and then she cleared her throat and clumsily wiped her tears away. “I’m fine” she said. She wouldn’t say anything further so I let it go; I know what its like to be questioned against your will. She finally took a breath and spoke, “this isn’t right Nessie.” “What isn’t right? Would u rather stay at my grandparent’s house?” “No, I mean I am endangering all of u door being here. The thought of someone getting hurt because of me kills me; I can’t sleep of eat because I am so stressed over what may become of all of u because of me. Nobody has ever cared about me and to be honest I have never cared for anyone myself. I never learned to love, but I do care for all of u and it is terrifying. I am so afraid that I will lose u all. I worry that I am bringing u trouble.” I calmed her down, “No u are not, and everything will be fine, u will see. We will be like sisters…forever” I smiled at her. She looked back at me and a smile lit up her grim eyes, ‘forever…” she echoed and then she lay back down and at last sleep came to her. The volgende morning Seth and Jake showed up. The four of us walked through the woods in silence. Finally Jake spoke up, “Ok, listen, there is a lot going on right now but we cannot just put our lives on hold and live in fear. We have a very secure system in place, on top, boven of the fact that Alice can warn us if trouble is coming. I think that we should all start attempting to have a little meer fun once in awhile.” I looked over at Sienna who was pale, and had circles under her eyes. She looked a little leaner too. I knew he was right she needed normalcy meer than any of us. Seth looked up earnestly, “Sienna, why don’t we take u guys to your homecoming dance? It will be fun.” He flashed her a persuasive smile. He looked so goofy, almost like a used car salesman who was trying to zeehond, seal a deal. Sienna laughed for the first time in weeks, ‘I don’t know Seth, I don’t really do school functions.” “Come on Si, it will be fun. Just think of how excited Aunt Alice will be when she finds out that she gets to play dress up with us again,” I joked. “Oh, all right,” she chuckled, “for your aunt Alice.” “What about me?” Seth asked with a mock injured look on his face. “For u too” she zei rolling her eyes. Seth looked at her and smiled, “It’s nice to see u smile again,” he zei as he kissed her cheek and took her hand to lead her away. Once we were alone Jake turned to me, “I hope that u aren’t mad that I volunteered u for this,” He zei apologetically. “Seth is really worried about her; she just goes to school and then comes home pagina and draws.” I looked at him, “Sure Jake, u know it was just an excuse to get me to agree to u taking me to a dance,” I teased. He snorted at me in laughter, “Yea, u see right through my scam,” he joked. “Seriously, though I am worried too,” I told him quietly. “She cries at night Jake, almost every night. She zei that she is scared that one of us will be hurt, she isn’t even concerned about herself.” Jake shook his head, “Her entire world has been turned upside down her future stolen and she is worried about all of us,” he zei in disbelief. “What if we can’t protect her?” I asked as fear suddenly washed over me. He turned to face me and put his hands on my shoulders, “Don’t u worry about anything, don’t think like that it will be fine. We have beaten the Volturi once before if it comes down to it we will do it again, u know that.” I bit my lip and looked down, I didn’t want him to know how worried I truly was and I certainly didn’t want Sienna to see it. All of a sudden the feeling of power washed through me again, I hadn’t felt it since my birthday. I started shaking and Jake looked up in surprise, “Nessie what’s wrong!” he shouted. “I’m not sure,” I whispered. The vibrations that ran through my body felt like an electric current I fell to my knees and stayed there until the strange sensation went away. Jake ran up to me and picked me up, “Are u alright, what was it?” “I-I’m not sure” I zei shakily. “I’m taking u home,” he zei in a tone that I couldn’t argue with. “What about Seth and Sienna?” I asked. “I will call them; we need to get u home.” Jake carried me into my grandparent’s house. My grandfather was reading the newspaper and my grandmother was baking Sienna’s favorite, baked ziti. When grandpa Carlisle saw Jake carrying me in he put the paper down and was at my side in a second. “What happened?” he asked patiently. “I don’t know, she just started shaking and fell.” Jake told him, door this point my grandmother was at my side as well. “Is she ok?” she asked with worry. “I’m going to go look at her Esme,” my grandfather reassured her. “Where are Edward and Bella” Jake asked. “They went hunting with the others,” my grandmother explained. My grandfather led Jake and I up to his study. He looked me over and asked me a few questions, “Renesmee, have u had this feeling before?” He asked me. I nodded. “Yes, on my birthday.” His brow furrowed thoughtfully, “Hmm, what does it feel like when u start shaking,” he asked me. “I feel as though I have an electrical current running through my veins, I feel so strong that it scares me.” I told him. He thought for a moment and then his eyes lit up, “I wonder if this has to do with your immortality. u might have another power that we need to discover.” He told me. I hadn’t even considered that. “What were u doing when u felt this sensation, on both incidents?” He continued to vraag me. “I was scared, on my birthday I was scared…” I trailed off and looked away from Jake, “scared that Jake was gone from my life for good.” Jake put his hand on my cheek and looked at me apologetically. “what about today,” my grandfather continued on.” Today I was scared about the situation with Sienna. I am worried that she will be hurt.” My grandfather paced for a moment as he stared off into space and added it all together. “Well, I would guess that u do have an additional power now that we will need to discover but it must come into action when your body is in a state of fear. Perhaps it has something to do with the adrenaline in your system. When it is secreted into your system your new powers become activated.” I thought for a minute, “So how will we find out what it is?” My grandfather smiled at me “In time, child, physically u are fine, so I am not worried. Just give yourself time and it will make itself known.” Jakes phone rang, “Hey we are back at the Cullen’s just get back here and we will explain.” Jake hung up, “It was Seth.” He said. My grandfather smiled at us, “Everything will be fine, don’t worry Sienna will be fine and so will u Renesmee,” he kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. “Great, one meer mystery to solve” I muttered. Jake looked down at me and smiled, “Nessie, what am I going to do with you. I can’t take u anywhere,” he zei with a smirk. I glared at him as he kissed me; and just like that he was forgiven.
*by Stephenie Meyer*


It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.
They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible in the long room. There were five of them. They weren't talking, and they weren't eating, though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them. They weren't gawking at me, unlike most of the other students, so it was veilig to stare at them without fear of meeting an excessively interested pair of eyes. But it was none of...
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posted by Alice_Cullen_
The Twilight Official Twitter site geplaatst the link in Entertainment Weekly that contains both old and new hidden secrets.

1. Hidden wolves
''Look for an upside-down engraving of a wolf in the shot of the bowl in which Carlisle burns his first-aid equipment; on Jacob's T-shirt when he meets Bella in the school parking lot for the first time; and a wolf trinket on the dream-catcher that he gives her.''

2. Vampire elevator music
''When Edward, Bella, and Alice get into the elevator on their way to see the Volturi, the muziek playing in the elevator is from Strauss' Die Fledermaus (a.k.a. The Bat).''...
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posted by Dragonclaws
 Internet humor describing the Edward/Bella relationship as pedophilia
Internet humor describing the Edward/Bella relationship as pedophilia
Among the various criticisms thrown out against Twilight is the allegation that the series promotes pedophilia. This is generally in reference to the relationship between Jacob and Renesmee, but sometimes it refers to the relationship between Edward and Bella because of their significant age differences. I believe that this is a misunderstanding of what auteur Stephenie Meyer intended to portray here, which is not true pedophilia, and is not immoral in and of itself.

Pedophilia is a type of paraphilia in which mature adults feel sexual attraction to prepubescent children. This (unhealthy) attraction...
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posted by cajas
chapter 21. VERDICT
WE WERE IN A BRIGHTLY LIT, UNREMARKABLE HALLWAY. The walls were off-white, the floor carpeted in industrial gray. Common rectangular fluorescent lights were spaced evenly along the ceiling. It was warmer here, for which I was grateful. This hall seemed very benign after the gloom of the ghoulish stone sewers.
Edward didn't seem to agree with my assessment. He glowered darkly down the long hallway, toward the slight, black shrouded figure at the end, standing door an elevator. He pulled me along, and Alice walked on my other side. The heavy door creaked shut behind us, and then...
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I woke up this mourning feeling rather odd. Perhaps I thought to myself it was just some bad human food I ate. Yet, most human foods are bad and smell foul. And why do people eat that foul stuff they call food? I decided to myself I would need to leave my calm, yet stuffy room and head off to vist my mother as I had promised her weeks ago.
"Hello, mother I'm back Jacobs out hunting so I decided to come here as promised.", I zei before I got a smallwhiff of animal blood and threw up something I had never done before.
"Renesmee, u must have the flu humans get it sometimes. Please come here...
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posted by okellies
I am a budding screenplay writer and wanted to write a script for New Moon. For lots of reasons. Mainly, to satisfy myself in case the real movie is not what I think it should be

I post frequently over in livejournal at the lion_lamb community and have geplaatst it over there too.

here are linken to my screenplay

This screenplay has some things different from New Moon. u will recognize many scenes I kept. u will notice some things that I have combined. u will also notice stuff of my own. This is all typical with any adaptation.

There are also hints of Eclipse in here and set ups for...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


A long minuut passed. I listened, not sure if I'd heard the door close. Then Edward's cool arm was around me, under the covers, his lips at my ear.
"You are a terrible actress - I'd say that career path is out for you."
"Darn it," I muttered. My hart-, hart was crashing in my chest.
He hummed a melody I didn't recognize; it sounded like a lullaby.
He paused. "Should I sing u to sleep?"
"Right," I laughed. "Like I could sleep with u here!"
"You do it all the time," he reminded me.
"But I didn't know u were here," I replied icily.
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