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These are my fave Edward quotes from the Eclipse book.Enjoy them and fall in love with Edward all over again.

I’ll let u pay me back, if that makes u happy. If u want, I can charge u interest.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.22

There’s no hurry. I won’t let anyone hurt you. u can take all the time u need.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.25

I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

I don’t know how to phrase this properly. It’s going to sound cruel, I suppose. But I’ve come too close to losing u in the past. I know what it feels like to think I have. I am not going to tolerate anything dangerous.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

Please make a conscious effort to keep yourself safe. I’ll do everything I can, but I would appreciate a little help.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

Do u really have any idea how important u are to me? Any concept at all of how much I love you?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.34

The outside world holds no interest for me without you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 2, p.49

I’d wait till we were close enough to the ground, get a good grip on you, kick out the wall, and jump. Then I’d run u back to the scene of the accident, and we’d stumble around like the two luckiest survivors in history.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.88

I’ll be back so soon u won’t have time to miss me. Look after my hart-, hart — I’ve left it with you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.95

I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate u meer often.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.186

I go a little berserk when I try to leave you. I don’t think I’ll go so far again. It’s not worth it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.189

I prefer brunettes.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.194

You’re quite adorable when you’re jealous. It’s surprisingly enjoyable.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.194

u are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.195

Are u trying to distract me? It’s working.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.224

Do u ever think that your life might be easier if u weren’t in love with me?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

I was rather under the impression that you’d promised to ask my permission to go to some kind of werewolf soirée tonight.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

There are things between my hands right now that I can’t live without. u could take care of them.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.234

u look… sexy.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.235

Besides… the meer time I spend with you, the meer human emotions seem comprehensible to me. I’m discovering that I can sympathize with Heathcliff in ways I didn’t think possible before.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 11, p.265

How can someone so tiny door so annoying?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.268

Would u please tell me what u are thinking? Before I go mad?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.270

u aren’t going through with this because a sword is hanging over your head. We will take care of the problems, and I will take care of you. When we’re through it, and there is nothing forcing your hand, then u can decide to kom bij me, if u still want to. But not because you’re afraid. u won’t be forced into this.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.271

It’s the thought that counts. I ought to know.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.272

If I answer your question, will u then explain your question?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.273

If there were any way for me to become human for u — no matter what the price was, I would pay it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.273

And the sound of your heart. It’s the most significant sound in my world.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.274

You’ll always be my Bella, you’ll just be a little meer durable.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.274

If I had found you, there isn’t a doubt in my mind how I would have proceeded. I was that boy, who would have — as soon as I discovered that u were what I was looking for — gotten down on one knee and endeavored to secure your hand. I would have wanted u for eternity, even when the word didn’t have quite the same connotations.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.277

I know u think that I have some kind of perfect, unyielding self-control, but that’s not actually the case.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.315

Do me a favor and challenge him to an arm-wrestling match. It would be a good experience for him.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.317

But if u ever bring her back damaged again — and I don’t care whose fault it is; I don’t care if she merely trips, of if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her in the head — if u return her to me in less than the perfect condition that I left her in, u will be running with three legs. Do u understand that, mongrel?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.340

I’ll be fighting for her, too. u should know that. I’m not taking anything for granted, and I’ll be fighting twice as hard as u will.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.341

She is mine. I didn’t say I would fight fair.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.341

The way u regard me is ludicrous.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.413

Never be afraid to tell me how u feel, Bella. If this is what u need… u are my first priority.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.422

u gave me two alternatives that u could live with, and I chose the one that I could live with. That’s how compromise is supposed to work.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.422

I’m the only one who has permission to hold u hostage, remember?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.427

For this one night, could we try to forget everything besides just u and me? It seems like I can never get enough time like that. I need to be with you. Just you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.435

But I thought it was a good representation. It’s hard and cold. And it throws rainbows in the sunlight.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.439

My hart-, hart is just as silent. And it, too, is yours.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.439

Listen to your hart-, hart fly. It’s fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings. Are u all right?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.440

I’ve already made the largest concession door far and away — I’ve agreed to take your life away against my better judgment. And that ought to entitle me to a few compromises on your part.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.440

I didn’t realize there was anything else u wanted besides being transformed into a monster yourself. I’m extremely curious.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.441

Tell me what u want, and u can have it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.442

I feel like there’s a line behind me, jockeying for position, waiting for me to make a big enough mistake… You’re too desirable for your own good.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.445

Do u have any idea how painful it is, trying to refuse u when u plead with me this way?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.448

Bella. Would u please stop trying to take your clothes off?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.450

Do u get the feeling that everything is backward? Traditionally, shouldn’t u be arguing my side, and I yours?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.451

u know that I’ve stolen, I’ve lied, I’ve coveted… my virtue is all I have left.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

Yes, but you’re such a bad liar that it doesn’t really count. Nobody believes you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

I had no right to want u — but I reached out and took u anyway. And now look what’s become of you! Trying to seduce a vampire.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

There is only one thing I want to speed up, and the rest can wait forever… but for that, it’s true, your impatient human hormones are my most powerful ally at this point.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.455

We’ll go to Vegas — u can wear old jeans and we’ll go to the chapel with the drive-through window. I just want it to be official — that u belong to me and no one else.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.456

u are the most dangerous creature I’ve ever met.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.457

I supposed it’s a little outdated. Old-fashioned, just like me.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.458

Isabella Swan? I promise to love u forever — every single dag of forever. Will u marry me?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.460

I lived through an entire twenty-four hours thinking that u were dead, Bella. That changed the way I look at a lot of things.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 21, p.471

I don’t see u making yourself useful. Why don’t u go fetch a space heater of something?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.489

u don’t have the faintest idea how much I wish I could do what you’re doing for her, mongrel.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.492

Do u think u could attempt to control your thoughts?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.494

As long as she wants me, I’m here.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.502

u see, Jacob, u might leave her someday. Like Sam and Emily, u wouldn’t have a choice. I would always be waiting in the wings, hoping for that to happen.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.502

Would u like me to help u sleep, Jacob?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.504

But, if I had been able to take your place last night, it would not have made the top, boven ten of the best nights of my life. Dream about that.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.509

All of my best nights have happened since I met you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.511

u love me meer than I deserve.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.513

A hundred years from now, when you’ve gained enough perspective to really appreciate the answer, I will explain it to you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.513

Truce over.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.514

I never promised to fight fair. And he deserves to know.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.514

u don’t have to be afraid, Bella. You’re safe. I won’t hurt you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.556

It’s going to be all right, Bella. I know you’re frightened now, but it’s over. No one is going to hurt you. I won’t touch you. I won’t hurt you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.557

u know that u nearly gave me a hart-, hart attack? Not the easiest thing to do, that.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.559

Bella, I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to make everyone else happy. And I don’t care about anyone else’s feelings. I only need u to be happy. Don’t worry about breaking the news to Alice. I’ll take care of it. I promise she won’t make u feel guilty.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.617

We’re doing this your way. Because my way doesn’t work. I call u stubborn, but look at what I’ve done. I’ve clung with such idiotic obstinacy to my idea of what’s best for you, though it’s only hurt you. Hurt u so deeply, time and time again. I don’t trust myself anymore. u can have happiness your way. My way is always wrong.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.617

u don’t fight fair.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.620
posted by mikaela_isabela
okay, you've seen the prologue, this is the first chapter...enjoi!

I knew it was too early to get up, yet I couldn’t just lie there any more. If I didn’t do something, I may just go mad. My beautiful, immortal vampire boyfriend was out hunting with his brothers and wouldn’t be home pagina until later today. His sister Alice was supposed to stay with me, but thanks to her love of dressing me up like a Barbie doll and my clever planning, she stayed at her place to arrange a whole new wardrobe for me and I got to spend the night without being babysat. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock....
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**This is the continuation of "Football" but this one is in Jasper's POV** I know its short, I'm sorry **When you're reading and u see something like this: ~anger~ then that means Jasper is getting Anger vibes**

Edward and Emmett just got back from the purgatory they call high school. I gently nudged Alice's legs off my lap and got up to go meet them at the door. They barely got in the house good before their moods hit me.
~guilt~; Edward
~annoyance..humor..~; Emmett.
Whats going on? I asked Edward.
"Just prepare yourself." he said. I immediately suspected danger.
"Just towards me." he...
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There was a light tapping on the front door.....

Carlisle was already at the door waiting for them to come in. Emmett and I were in the living room and Esme was in her office upstairs, and Edward had gone hunting. Carlisle opens the door in 8 tenths of a second. I got up because there was a new smell, something like lilacs, and another meer chesnut flavor. I went to the door and i saw this short girl who looked to be at least 17 and a male who looked to be like 19, they were there at the door with huge smiles on their faces, but their eyes were not goud like ours, they were a deep burgundy.
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posted by team_edward_
PART 1 Bella POV

I whispered"I love u too"In his ear."I think we should get going Bella.Are u ready?"This took me a minuut to answer.Who`s ever ready to tell their father that they are divorcing their best vrienden son?"As ready as i`ll ever be.Bye Jake."I kissed Jacob on the cheek and I left leaning on Edward for suport.

On the way to Charlie`s I kept my eyes closed and didn`t talk."We`re here."I opened my eyes to see Edward geting out and opening my door."Come on."I got up not sure if I could still walk."I`m not sure if I can tell him.He was so happy and Jakes his best vrienden son."Edward...
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As soon as Edward heard this, he rushed to Jasper’s side and helped him up. On Jasper’s other side was Emmett, who was now helping his brother up too. A tear rolled down Alice’s cheek. I never knew vampires of supernatural creatures could cry. This meant that something was really wrong. I put my arm around Alice.
“Get Jasper upstairs as fast as u can,” Carlisle said.
Emmett and Edward nodded and rushed Jasper upstairs to Edward’s room. Alice pulled my arm away and started heading toward the stairs. Carlisle stopped her.
“You four stay here,” he said. I knew he was referring...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
sort of a short one, but I'm typing as fast as I can on Chapter 18!!!

We got some unexpected news from Grandpa the volgende morning. My stomach bulge had grown twice as large as it had been the vorige morning, and the baby was even meer active. Grandpa zei the baby was even growing fingers and toes. He jotted down the growth, and the results lowered my pregnancy door another month. The baby shifted a little and Grandpa looked at us excitedly. "Do u want to know the gender?" he asked. I looked at Jacob, and he nodded. I took a deep breath. "Sure." I wanted meer then anything to give Jacob his...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
He-he I'm sooooo jealous of Renesmee now!!! ESPECIALLY in the end...well read it!

Jacob and I were making our rounds among the guests while we waited for the brilliant sunlight to fade. No use in starting the reception in the yard if half the guests couldn't even come with us.
"Congratulations, Nessie!" Grandpa Charlie said. He gave me a strong hug. "You look beautiful. As beautiful as your mom at her wedding. Congratulations, Jacob." They shook hands. "You guys are going to have a wonderful life together..." His eyes misted over and Grandma Sue gave me hug as well before leading him away.
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Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have finally premiered their vampire love epic, 'Twilight' in LONDON

Ouch! And ouch again!

Method acting? Vampire-playing Robert Pattinson admits he sometimes slips into character when he's out with the ladies.

"I've been known for a little nibble," he told reporters at the London premiere of his film Twilight.

Mr. Pattinson's co-star, meanwhile, shared one of his less-successful efforts to impress the opposite sex. "He tried to pick me up ... and he pulled his groin," zei Kristen Stewart, 18. "It was hilarious! He was hurt, but he was laughing."

posted by mrsblack_1089
This is sort of a short one...

"Hey, Renesmee, wait up!"
I didn't have to turn to know the voice. It was Mrs. Malagwa, my art teacher, the only person at Brenton who insisted on calling me 'Renesmee.'
I turned and smiled at her. "Is there a problem, Mrs. Malagwa?"
"No, no problem." she panted, out of breath, though she'd only jogged a few steps. I waited for her to continue. "The Valentine's dag Dance is coming up," she said. "And u have such artistic ability. We need meer members on the Decorating Comittee." she held up a sheet that was half filled with signatures.
Ah, the dance. I was...
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Twilight co-stars and BFFs Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart stick close together at the their seconde stop on the Twilight Hot Topic Tour in Garden State Plaza on Friday in Paramus, New Jersey.

Nikki, 20, recently told InStyle magazine about how she likes to be comfortable: “I feel comfortable in this [her clothes] because it’s loose-fitting, and I get to sit down in a chair! They put me in 12-inch stilettos [in the movie] because I am supposed to be taller than my sister… It was the running joke that we might not be able to shoot because I might not be able to walk. I was like, ‘Can u just have us sitting and put me on a pillow?’”

The Twilight soundtrack is currently in the #1 spot on and iTunes! The film opens in theaters volgende week.
OK i told my vrienden about how i geplaatst my story on fanpop and she was writing one 2 so she wanted me to post her story 2. Her story is about vampires but different stroy so here it is........

Chapter 1:
I’m dancing in a big mansion with lots of light everywhere and I feel somebody’s hands around my waste while I’m dancing, but I can’t see anything since the light is blinding me. I can only touch, my hand is on his shoulder, he has some lend and muscular shoulders, I know he can’t be fat, so all I know he is skinny and muscular. His touch sends an ice cold feeling down my spine, his...
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So, the past week had been filled with Twilight pictures. Everyday we got at least 2 amazing pictures. Well, now that the Twilight Illistrated Movie Companion is out, there are scans of pictures from the movie in the book on the internet.

And someone from LiveJournal really caught my eye... in a bad way. This particular person is saying stuff like "**** Summit" of "**** Twilight Illustrated Movie Companion". What I don't get is... Why do they choose to look at the pictures?! The person who geplaatst these pictures warned that they would be spoilers, and announced not click the link if they didn't want to see them.

Those who want to be surprised door the movie, that's fine. But they shouldn't go around cussin Summit of Stephenie Meyer of any other fansite because they chose to view them.
posted by thebellacullen
ok people, i am sick and tired of people who tell me vampires don't exsist and ask me how is edward hot if he is imaginary? first off, this is my rant.......
second, edward cullen can not be counted out of anything, real of is just impossible.....
no one can slam edward cullen without me hunting them down like james does
third, i don't care that he is fake, edward is probably the only man i will ever love, and since no one can ever be so awesome i will end up the old cat lady
fourth, i will turn all u non-believers into vampires so u finally believe i was right and u were all...
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I am sure u already read Stephenie's message on her website about Midnight Sun being halted indefinately.

Some petitions have already been started on link to toon Stephenie our support and to agree to not violate her right to privacy door reading the illegal material.

I know it takes some time, but be sure to sign all of them, toon your love! Here are a few linken to the petitions:


I know we can make a difference!
posted by funnyshawna
chapter two;;;here it is:)

Chapter 2—Platform 9 ¾…?

    Edward sat at a tafel, tabel in the Leaky Cauldron with Ron, Hermione, and Harry Potter.
    They all seemed extremely happy about something.
    “So,” he zei conversationally. “Why are u all so cheerful?”
    “We just defeated the darkest wizard ever, Lord Voldemort.” zei harry.
    Racist, thought Edward. But he said, “Oh, ok. Was he bad?”D
    “Uh, YEAH,” zei Ron, rolling his eyes. “He’s tried...
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posted by cherry6chick
Hey! Do u guys know a good twilight fan site? Help us all out and tell us... so we can go on!
Heres the cool site I found:
I think that u all know of stephenie's website.....

Oh! Also- If anyones knows of a good site to see interviews of meer trailer... Tell Me!

Speaking of stephenie's website... did any of u see the "quote of the day" thing she's doing!? I LOVE that idea! what do u guys think? I like the idea.. and I just cant wait to read Breaking Dawn! The movie should be good too :)
posted by tigerlover656
There are people that kruis our lives
in tiny fractions of time,
in the briefest of encounters,
and yet they leave and incredible mark
in our hearts and in our minds forever.

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, of acts to improve the lot of others, of strikes out against injustice, that person sends out a tiny ripple of ove and hope, and crossing each other fro a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppresion and resistance."

Now these poems were written door some one else, but deseved to be shared and they kind of have something in commen with the series.
"Well I suggest that u all go and get the rest of the pack, I will check out Emmett. Alice, Rose and Jasper should watch them, Edward u should go get Esme and... erm Bella." Carlisle suggested.
"WHAT?!" Edward and Jacob yelled at the same time.
"Carlisle, are u insane? There is NO way I will bring Bella here." Edward said.
"I can't belive I'm saying this, but Edward is right. This is the last place she should be." Jacob agreed.
"Listen, she might be the only one who can talk to Charlie to figure out what is happening." Carlisle explained.
After a long thought, Edward decided that his...
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Its Full On War People!!!!!! Are u ready to fight? Stand up for what u believe in? Will people turn backs on u and shun u down for what u believe in? Well here it is I am Laurl23 and I am starting a full on Harry Potter VS. Twilight on Fanpop War. u may hate me for it u my love me of like me for but the truth is all I want to see is are u truly a Harry Potter fan of are u a huge Twilight Fan. u can’t like both, u might say u do, but deep inside your only in love with one of these amazing series. This war will include: Actors and Actresses Wars from each movie, The...
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So...this is for Twilight and Maximum Ride fans. and it is a little weird. u see, me and my friend decided we were actually going to use good writing, but then we decided the story needed meer spice and so then it started getting interesting. okay, here it is.

BY: FAST FARMS (aka, Flora and Shawna Teams)

Fang was wondering around in the cold dark forest. Just twenty minuten ago, Max had dramatically ran away from him, after he had kissed her. Stupid Max. Stupid, dramatic Max. Couldn't she see that they were meant to be?? He sighed, walking deeper into the woods.
Suddenly he...
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