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These are my fave Edward quotes from the Eclipse book.Enjoy them and fall in love with Edward all over again.

I’ll let u pay me back, if that makes u happy. If u want, I can charge u interest.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.22

There’s no hurry. I won’t let anyone hurt you. u can take all the time u need.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.25

I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

I don’t know how to phrase this properly. It’s going to sound cruel, I suppose. But I’ve come too close to losing u in the past. I know what it feels like to think I have. I am not going to tolerate anything dangerous.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

Please make a conscious effort to keep yourself safe. I’ll do everything I can, but I would appreciate a little help.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

Do u really have any idea how important u are to me? Any concept at all of how much I love you?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.34

The outside world holds no interest for me without you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 2, p.49

I’d wait till we were close enough to the ground, get a good grip on you, kick out the wall, and jump. Then I’d run u back to the scene of the accident, and we’d stumble around like the two luckiest survivors in history.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.88

I’ll be back so soon u won’t have time to miss me. Look after my hart-, hart — I’ve left it with you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.95

I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate u meer often.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.186

I go a little berserk when I try to leave you. I don’t think I’ll go so far again. It’s not worth it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.189

I prefer brunettes.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.194

You’re quite adorable when you’re jealous. It’s surprisingly enjoyable.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.194

u are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.195

Are u trying to distract me? It’s working.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.224

Do u ever think that your life might be easier if u weren’t in love with me?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

I was rather under the impression that you’d promised to ask my permission to go to some kind of werewolf soirée tonight.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

There are things between my hands right now that I can’t live without. u could take care of them.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.234

u look… sexy.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.235

Besides… the meer time I spend with you, the meer human emotions seem comprehensible to me. I’m discovering that I can sympathize with Heathcliff in ways I didn’t think possible before.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 11, p.265

How can someone so tiny door so annoying?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.268

Would u please tell me what u are thinking? Before I go mad?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.270

u aren’t going through with this because a sword is hanging over your head. We will take care of the problems, and I will take care of you. When we’re through it, and there is nothing forcing your hand, then u can decide to kom bij me, if u still want to. But not because you’re afraid. u won’t be forced into this.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.271

It’s the thought that counts. I ought to know.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.272

If I answer your question, will u then explain your question?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.273

If there were any way for me to become human for u — no matter what the price was, I would pay it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.273

And the sound of your heart. It’s the most significant sound in my world.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.274

You’ll always be my Bella, you’ll just be a little meer durable.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.274

If I had found you, there isn’t a doubt in my mind how I would have proceeded. I was that boy, who would have — as soon as I discovered that u were what I was looking for — gotten down on one knee and endeavored to secure your hand. I would have wanted u for eternity, even when the word didn’t have quite the same connotations.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.277

I know u think that I have some kind of perfect, unyielding self-control, but that’s not actually the case.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.315

Do me a favor and challenge him to an arm-wrestling match. It would be a good experience for him.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.317

But if u ever bring her back damaged again — and I don’t care whose fault it is; I don’t care if she merely trips, of if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her in the head — if u return her to me in less than the perfect condition that I left her in, u will be running with three legs. Do u understand that, mongrel?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.340

I’ll be fighting for her, too. u should know that. I’m not taking anything for granted, and I’ll be fighting twice as hard as u will.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.341

She is mine. I didn’t say I would fight fair.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.341

The way u regard me is ludicrous.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.413

Never be afraid to tell me how u feel, Bella. If this is what u need… u are my first priority.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.422

u gave me two alternatives that u could live with, and I chose the one that I could live with. That’s how compromise is supposed to work.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.422

I’m the only one who has permission to hold u hostage, remember?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.427

For this one night, could we try to forget everything besides just u and me? It seems like I can never get enough time like that. I need to be with you. Just you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.435

But I thought it was a good representation. It’s hard and cold. And it throws rainbows in the sunlight.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.439

My hart-, hart is just as silent. And it, too, is yours.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.439

Listen to your hart-, hart fly. It’s fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings. Are u all right?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.440

I’ve already made the largest concession door far and away — I’ve agreed to take your life away against my better judgment. And that ought to entitle me to a few compromises on your part.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.440

I didn’t realize there was anything else u wanted besides being transformed into a monster yourself. I’m extremely curious.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.441

Tell me what u want, and u can have it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.442

I feel like there’s a line behind me, jockeying for position, waiting for me to make a big enough mistake… You’re too desirable for your own good.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.445

Do u have any idea how painful it is, trying to refuse u when u plead with me this way?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.448

Bella. Would u please stop trying to take your clothes off?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.450

Do u get the feeling that everything is backward? Traditionally, shouldn’t u be arguing my side, and I yours?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.451

u know that I’ve stolen, I’ve lied, I’ve coveted… my virtue is all I have left.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

Yes, but you’re such a bad liar that it doesn’t really count. Nobody believes you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

I had no right to want u — but I reached out and took u anyway. And now look what’s become of you! Trying to seduce a vampire.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

There is only one thing I want to speed up, and the rest can wait forever… but for that, it’s true, your impatient human hormones are my most powerful ally at this point.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.455

We’ll go to Vegas — u can wear old jeans and we’ll go to the chapel with the drive-through window. I just want it to be official — that u belong to me and no one else.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.456

u are the most dangerous creature I’ve ever met.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.457

I supposed it’s a little outdated. Old-fashioned, just like me.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.458

Isabella Swan? I promise to love u forever — every single dag of forever. Will u marry me?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.460

I lived through an entire twenty-four hours thinking that u were dead, Bella. That changed the way I look at a lot of things.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 21, p.471

I don’t see u making yourself useful. Why don’t u go fetch a space heater of something?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.489

u don’t have the faintest idea how much I wish I could do what you’re doing for her, mongrel.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.492

Do u think u could attempt to control your thoughts?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.494

As long as she wants me, I’m here.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.502

u see, Jacob, u might leave her someday. Like Sam and Emily, u wouldn’t have a choice. I would always be waiting in the wings, hoping for that to happen.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.502

Would u like me to help u sleep, Jacob?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.504

But, if I had been able to take your place last night, it would not have made the top, boven ten of the best nights of my life. Dream about that.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.509

All of my best nights have happened since I met you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.511

u love me meer than I deserve.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.513

A hundred years from now, when you’ve gained enough perspective to really appreciate the answer, I will explain it to you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.513

Truce over.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.514

I never promised to fight fair. And he deserves to know.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.514

u don’t have to be afraid, Bella. You’re safe. I won’t hurt you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.556

It’s going to be all right, Bella. I know you’re frightened now, but it’s over. No one is going to hurt you. I won’t touch you. I won’t hurt you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.557

u know that u nearly gave me a hart-, hart attack? Not the easiest thing to do, that.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.559

Bella, I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to make everyone else happy. And I don’t care about anyone else’s feelings. I only need u to be happy. Don’t worry about breaking the news to Alice. I’ll take care of it. I promise she won’t make u feel guilty.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.617

We’re doing this your way. Because my way doesn’t work. I call u stubborn, but look at what I’ve done. I’ve clung with such idiotic obstinacy to my idea of what’s best for you, though it’s only hurt you. Hurt u so deeply, time and time again. I don’t trust myself anymore. u can have happiness your way. My way is always wrong.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.617

u don’t fight fair.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.620
.:Story Start:.
"How do I says this..., Aro thought for a minute,"Your a dad."
His eyes went wide and looked at me.I stared back there depths emotionless.Then anger flashed though them and in a seconde I was held up against the wall.Alec looking at me dangerous.Jane growled, deeply, screaming,
"WHAT THE H**L ARE u DOING!YOUR GOING TO KILL HER!!", as if to help her out I gasped for air, not able to get any, tears falling from my eyes staring at his.
"You dirty tramp!", Alec screamed at me.Jane was shocked now, along with everyone else.
"Who's is it!?", Alec said, letting go of my neck, all my senses...
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Renesmme's pov
a jaar after the big fight with the Volturi. My life has being really great live with my family and seeing Jake when every i can of when ever my father would let us. i just don't understand why my father hates Jake so much? I hope i will fine out soon why. i was in my room and i was think what would high school would be like my first year. my mother told me about her first jaar when she meet my father. my mother always told me stories about her and my father and how they meet and how my father could live with out her. She told that Jake was her very best besides Jessica and Angela....
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posted by ShelbyxFelix
Brianna: Oh my god! Shut her up!

Me: I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world! Life in plastic, it's fantastic! u can brush my hair, undress me anywhere! Imagination, life is your creation! Common Barbie, let's go party. -Sings-

Alec: -Hums and bobs head to my singing-

Brianna: -Looks at us weirdly- What is wrongwith u people?

Me: -Smiles- Lots of things. Like, that I eat people.

Alec: No, that's me. I eat people.

Me: Oh yeah, I like to party.

Demetri: -Randomly shows up- No, I like to party.

Alec and Brianna: -Nods-

Me: -Flips him off then smiles- Oh! Oh! I flip people off.

Felix -Walks into room randomly...
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I really like this story.I've done three in one day.Wow that beats my record of usually only two.

.:Story Start:.
"Hey...Can I ask u a question...", I started to say.When the door opened and Alec came in his eyes once, again red.I smiled and waved to him.He looked from me to Jane than said,
"Wait!You two in the same room and it didn't blow up!Wow...", he laughed, and I rolled my eyes, while Jane shaked her head.
"Well...I gotta go..See yah later Laura, Alec.", she said, I waved bye and Alec just nodded.I looked to Alec and he suddenly said,
"We're allowed!", I looked at him with a vraag mark...
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.:Story Start:.
I was visiting Volterra, Italy because I wanted to learn about the city I've heard of it from school and I thought it would be fun to get away from school for a bit.Today I was going to The Volterra Castle, I was excited, cause they only except a few people a week!
I pulled out my black halter, with the rose on the left side, and pulled it on over my white shirt.Then I put on some shorts and my favoriete heeled boots.Then I put on some cover-up and lip-gloss and I was ready.I looked at my golden brown hair and tousled it a bit, then smiled.
I grabbed my cell and put it in my...
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We didn't stay at the party long..It was boring, besides I wanted to go home pagina to see Kammie.I missed my little girl. I told everyone I was leaving, Edward stayed, he was hanging out with some old vrienden of his.

I walked into the house. Kammie ran towards me, she was in her night gown.
"Mommy!!!"She yelled and jumped into my arms. I hugged her to my chest.
"Hi baby, why are u still up?" I asked her and walked toward the stairs.
"Nana zei I could stay up until u and daddy came back." She zei and smiled at me. We walked into her room and I put in the bed.
"Now, will u go to sleep since I'm...
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posted by LexisFaith

We got back to Forks around 2 am. We went shopping a little and he bought me a neckless remembering that today was my birthday. Oh. joy. Twenty-eight.

We pulled up in my drive way, but didn't get out of the car just yet.

"Bella?" Edward called my name.

"Hm?" I looked up our face inches apart. My hart-, hart thudded and my breathing stopped.

His green eyes were boaring into mine, smoldering me. "Happy Birthday." He smiled a crooked smile.

I smiled back. "Don't remind me." I huffed.

"Bella." He chuckled and shook his head. "You're beautiful."

I felt my face turn a birght shade of red and I turned to...
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posted by LexisFaith
"Charlie!" I hadn't ever run in heels so fast before in my life. Charlie's hari was graying in places and so was his beard. Other than that, he still looked the same.

I pulled back and smiled at him. "You look great."

"So do u Bells." Charlie smiled back.

"Bella!" A voice called for me across the airport. I knew this voice like I knew my own name. I turned to look at him tears stinging my eyes.

There he was. His green eyes were wide with surprise. His hair was a little longer and his body was a bit meer muscled. He had stuble, but just enough to make him go from handsom, to sexy. A German shepard...
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Okay, no hate comments. I made it in an answer on the Random spot, and I thought it'd be fun to share!

Jacob: Let me call Bella.*dials Bella's number*
Operator: I am sorry. This person is talking to (Bella's voice)Edward Cullen. Please leave a message after the tone.
*tone never comes up*
Jacob: OH C'MON!

The volgende day.

Jacob: I want Bella NAO!*calls Bella*
(Answering machine): The Swans are out right now, please leave a message after the beep.
[beep never stops]
Jacob: OH C'MON!

The dag after that:

Bella: *makes a new answering machine*
Jacob: *calls*
[Machine]: Hi, its Bella. If its Jacob, stop leaving messages saying "OH C'MON!" and if your not a Cullen of my dad, don't call me. At ALL!
Jacob: ?
*beep beep beep beep*
{This phone will self destruct in 3, 2, 1}
Jacob: OH C'MON!
posted by rubytuesday101
Carlisle went at 2 and esme went home pagina at 3 because they were all going hunting including edward.I made him go saying that i was going to bed earlie and that i would be fine,he finally left and i ate my avondeten, diner watched a film then went to bed.I wasnt worried Victoria hasnt been anywhere near forks since she tried to kill me.

Today is Friday and it is kinda sunny outside,edward and the rest of the family are going hunting tomorrow so i am going to stay inside when they go so safty reasons.Me and Edward are in the back garden,i am laying on the hammock and edward is planting flowers....
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posted by AmberC2010
Chapter One
    New house, new school. Different people, but same personalities as all the “cool people” at my old school. Don’t get me wrong, I liked my old school, and I liked the cool people because they were my” cool people” . These idiots won’t be my friends, you’ll see. You’ll all see.
    But then again, I also haven’t gegeven this place we’re moving to a chance. It’s because I know I won’t fit in. door the way, I’m Laurie. I’m sixteen and I’ve just moved from my home pagina state of New York. meer specifically, Manhattan, New...
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I had to go to see Don the volgende morning...Edward didn't want to leave me so all of us made a trip to my boss's office. The whole way Kammie kept saying
"Picture Time" and it was so cute because she would pose with each one. We laughed the whole way there.

Once inside I told the receptionist my name and she pointed me to his office. I knocked don the door before entering. He looked up at me and smiled. I went to go sit down and Edward stood behind me, Kammie in his arms.
"Bella, u look ravishing!"He told me and then looked up."And May I ask who this young man is?" He zei looking at Edward.
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posted by LexisFaith

Yesterday was a turning point. For all five of us.
Rosalie told everyone she passed "Hello." of "Morning!". She never talked to anyone but Maria and Leslie.
When Jasper spotted anyone of us in the hall, he would break away from his group and talk to us untill the minuut klok, bell rang.
Alice still commentaar gegeven on shoes, but not just on Lauren's. On every girl's in the school. Along with their clothes and hair.
Emmett wore a belt, and kept "shorty" and "Gangsta'" out of his vocabulary.
Bella would tell her vrienden (Jacob, Seth, Quil, and Paul) hello, but didn't stop to chat. She would walk down about...
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posted by werewolves4ever
hallo guys I wrote these awhile geleden and geplaatst them on a different part of fanpop.... But please commentaar if u like it- thanks :)

The glass was cold against my palms, as I pressed them to the window. Rain poured down outside, running like a waterfall across the outside glass. It was cold, but I didn’t want cold. The house was empty, of course they were out playing baseball. Even my mother had went, though I knew she would only be umpire. She still had no interest in sports.
But they had left me here, all alone, to shiver in the cold Cullen house. I was supposed to be sleeping. It was a school...
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posted by xxtwilightx
hiya im renesmee carle cullen black, well everyone calls me ness of nessie it was something that jake made up when i was little so it just stuck but my full name is a mix of my grandma's names: esme and renee, my middle name is a mix of my grandads, carslile and charlie also my official last name is cullen but i like to add black on the end for jakey (but dont tell mummy of daddy cos they will get mad) jakey's my little wolf boy and i love him soo much. alots happening at the moment, mummy, daddy, auntie alice and uncle jasper are figuring out what i have to pretend to be when i start high...
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Thankies to each of u sweethearts for reading and commenting on each of my posts! This chapter is one I cried over. It's kinda sad :( I hope u still enjoy it though :) Much love to each of y'all, from me. <333
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Paying the Price
The battle continued to rage on before Summer’s eyes. She forced herself not to concentrate on her draining energy. Her family and vrienden needed her strength in order to live. She regretted not being able to use the offensive part of her shield, for fear of wasting her vigor. They were obviously outnumbered by...
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posted by groovychicklisa


"There's someone we'd like u to meet." Edward said, and I knew that this was it.

I went to get Lily, who was waiting in the hallway with Alice. My hart-, hart thudded violently, and I tried not to let how nervous I actually was show.

"Come on, sweetie." I took Lily's hand in mine and followed Alice back into the living room.

Everybody stared at us, immobile and silent. u could have heard a pin drop, the room was so quiet. Edward came over to stand on Lily's other side, and I was grateful for his silent support. I really wanted to reach out and take his hand, to make sure that he was...
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posted by a-jforever
Ok so I finally got round to writing it. Well the beginning of it anyway. So here is Unhappy Love!

Chloe's POV:

I didn’t want to verplaats but then again I was seventeen and had no choice really. We had just got settled into our new house and today was the first dag of school. Uh, I hate school I can’t wait to finish it. I climbed out of my Green mini, yes I had a mini, and anyone who had a problem with that could just say it to my face. I wasn’t usually so pissed off, but I left behind everyone I loved and cared about including my ex boyfriend,Ben,because we were moving I decided long distance...
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posted by xxtwilightx
Dear diary, 4th may 2010)
as this is my first entry i am going to tell u about our family. obiously we are vampires and there are nine of us all together. bella and edward with there half vampire daughter, renesmee, emmet and rosalie (about to get married! again) carslile and esme, who are our adopted parents and me and jasper. renesmee just celebrated her 6th birthday (to my delight) and i gave her a diary. as she was filling it in she suggested that i got one two. well.. me, her and reluctant bella went shopping and renesmee ran off. of corse i wasnt that worried, shes half vampire. anyway...
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posted by LexisFaith
I woke up the volgende morning, groggy. The sun beat down on the through a glass uithangbord but within seconden disapeard behind the clouds. I closed my eyes again gripping my empty sheets volgende to me, shooting upright when I found them empty.
I heard the door close on my left. I turned my head to see Edward standing with a towel around his waist and rubbing his dripping hair with another.
"Sorry." He smiled crookedly.
I snapped my mouth closed and blinked a few times. His body was perfectly scuplted. From his abs to his pecks. His biscep bulged as he towel dried his hair.
I shook my head and finally found...
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