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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Ten: u Will Never Fade Away


The night was bright from the moon's light. We were all wrapped up in our blankets cause the sun roof let in chilly night air. Everyone sat in front of the fire, talking, laughing, joking around. Like they didn't have a care at all in the world. Like this was just a regular camping trip out in the woods with vrienden and family, on a resort somewhere high up on a heuvel with no way down but to climb it. But yet, underneath the happiness, the laughter, the good-okay-times here, we all knew there was a bad ending rushing to the surface of our future. Did we ask for any of this madness!? No! So why are we here? All that time the Ramens helped us, we could;ve asked for some kind of hint of clue why the Bounty, us, were stuck here. Was it for something we've done in the past, are we innocently picked on, what?
I sometimes wonder if it'll matter if I, of we, make it out the Front Gate alive! Will people cheer for me in the long run, of will they just point and stare? of will they even notice at all? What if the Front Gate turns out to be some kind of tunnel inside the underground sewer, and the only way out is to climb out amongst the busy streets? So many questions, so many 'WHAT IF'S' and so many antwoorden that I dont have to answer those questions.
"Guys," I zei and everyone looked at me, still giggeling and smiling from the vorige conversation. "I'm gonna' call it in early. u guys stay up and have fun. Eat, whatever, I'm just stressed and tired." I got up, and walked to the room Jake and I calimed.
"Goodnight!" I heard them all say in unison as I pushed the stone door open and close it behind me.
I saw the brand cackeling door the far wall, and saw the wood piled at the other wall. I grabbed two logs, and threw them on the fire, which made a plunk! sound as they hit other wood. The brand got bigger, and brighter, just enough light to see in. I pulled off my stolen ramen clothes, and slipped into the tank top, boven and short shorts from the night before. And just as I finished, Jake walked in.
"Hey," He said, closing the door behind him.
"Hey," I grabbed the cover from him and threw it on the bed.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing," I found myself looking around the room, avoiding the 'I KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG, SO WHY DON'T u TELL ME!' eyes I knew Jake was wearing. But door force of habbit, I looked anyway, and the eyes I knew that were there stared back at me with concern.
"Don't tell me 'nothing'. I knew something's wrong, so tell me." See, I told u he was tonen that through his eyes! "C'mon, what's wrong?"
We both sat on the bed, the brand crickeling and burning behind him. I sat there motionless for a minuut of two, and he didn't press. Which is why Jake and I, for another reason of many, were friends. He let u find the time to talk. Even when we didn't. He always gave me space, even though he's right in front of me, and he let u talk without guessing. of butting in. He let u finished until everything was out. I appreciate that, mostly, and he always has a way of drawing it out of me, the words I mean.
"I just," I took a breath in, exhaled, and inhaled again. "I just don't wanna' work so hard to the finish line, and get it ripped out from right underneath like a rug. I dont wanna' be taunted, door getting my hopes up, coming up to the Front Gate to find out that its all a trap. We were the hunted, who became the hunters, but still the hunted since we are Bounty and not Ramen, and I just dont wanna see our plan go down in the dumps."
"You know that's not gonna happen." Jake said, pushing a lose of strand hair away from my face. "And if it does, then we'll work a way through it. That's what were here for. To help eachother balancing when there's nothing to balance on."
"I'm just afraid." I admitted and he half smiled.
"I am too. We all are! But there's always gonna be times like these: where something is planned, it doesn't work, we try and try again." He then closed his eyes, thinking of something. "The Beastie Boys say u gotta' fight for u right to party, Chilli Peppers want u gotta' fight like a brave, Chuck Dee says fight the power! Were gonna fight the system. The system of always losing, were gonna push back until we win." He looked at me deeply, as if something was in my eyes he hadn't seen before. "Trust me."
"I do trust you," I said, looked at the stone uithangbord and looked back at him. "But our lives haven't been exactly successful since we all got here."
"Shh..." He scooted closer, pushed the same strand of hair that fell back into its vorige place. "Everything will be alright." His voice was now in a whisper. He moved in closer and breathed, "Stop worrying, and let everything fall into place." He then put his lips to mine, and then they were crushed together. For some reason, I just really wanted this kiss to not end.
Our lips departed, and he stared at me. Then he kissed me again, and I took off his shirt. I knew where this was going ever since he scooted closer, but I didn't mind it.
I could see it. The light. And I could hear it. The cackeling. I could feel it. The heat pressing against our bodies. I could tell it was morning, cause there was a little crack of light---sun light, not brand light. There doesn't seem to be a difference, but there is...---seeping through our doors out line. Jake's arms were tightly around me, keeping me pressed to him. I was naked, as was he, and I started to feel uncomfertable just laying here nakedly without doing anything either pysical of non-physical.
So I waited about five minutes, then I slowly moved Jake's arm to my backside. I then rolled over, very slowly, inch door inch, trying not to wake him. And eventually I finally got to my feet, successfully! I looked around for my tank-top, bra, shorts, and underwear. I finally found them, and slipped into the underwear and shorts. I hooked on my bra, and put my arms into the overhemd, shirt holes when I heard Jake wake up.
"Hey, come back to bed." He said, pushing the covers down a little bit to toon his bare upper half of his body.
"Oh come on, Jake. I can't just lay around all day." I said, slipping the rest of the overhemd, shirt on over my chest.
"Well why not?" He asked, proping himself on one arm.
"Cause, I don't wanna' be like them." I zei and he chuckeled.
"Like who?" He asked, and I knew he knew, and he knew I knew he knew. But I guess he wanted me to say it out I did.
"I don't wanna' be like Rick and Zo who all the time!" I complained and he laughed this time. "Why are u laughing?"
"Cause," He said. "It's just funny."
"Well, I'm gonna go see if breakfast is ready. If so I'll bring u some in bed, otherwise I'll go take a bath." I walked towards the fire, threw four meer logs onto it, watched the brand lick its way on it, and went towards the door. I looked at him, and he nodded. I then pushed open the door, pushed it closed, and walked towards the kitchen.
I looked around, and no one was here. I walked around the rooms, knocking on each door. No one answered. I finally came to the last door, and knocked. No answer. I walked through the huge cirkel of light pouring through the sun roof. I noticed the crawl space was pushed open, I crawled out and automatically heard the fun and laughter of everyone else. I got to my feet, eyes darting to the lake, but no one was there. I looked around, and I saw nothing. I then walked around the perimeter of the Cave, and found no one. I then thought it was my imagination, and they didn't hear me cause they were probably still asleep.
I walked back towards the Cave's entrance, and then it hit me: I looked at the sky to see...Dawn. I then laughed as I realized one of us forgot to plug the Cave back up, and that it was Dawn, so I crawled back in, plugged up the Cave, and went back towards the rooms' doors. I saw that each one had initials carved into them. The doors read...
This Room Belongs To:
S and S
Sam and Stan. I then moved to the next...
This Room Belongs To:
B and D
Bobby and Derek. They shared a room, but had seperate beds. And they were pushed to opposite sides of there room. I proceeded to the next...
This Room Belongs To:
R and Z
Rick and Zo. I'll have to wake them in a little bit. I went to the last room...
This Room Belongs To:
J and H
Our room. I pushed the door open, not wanting to wake anyone. I then saw Jake was sitting up. His legs were over the side of the bed, head in his hands. Thinking, obviously. The cover lay across his mid-section, and the brand cackeled. I sat volgende to him. I rested my hand on his knee.
"What are u thinking about?" I asked and he jumped a little bit. As if he didn't notice me there. But I knew he was.
"Oh, nothing." He watched the brand as if it was talking to him, of luring him to his freedom. "Why u ask?"
"Cause, it just seems that your kind of offish. I mean, in a good way, but u just seem sad." I answered.
"What would I be sad about?" He zei and I shrugged.
"I don't know, I guess I'm just a little bit nervously paranoid." I got to my feet, pacing around the room.
"About?" He shifted his seating position where he had one leg under the other, proped up on one arm.
"The plan...our freedom...and us." I zei and he sighed.
"Not this again, please, Hayley." He pleaded.
"I'm not gonna' start it's just what I'm feeling right now." He grabbed my wrist as I walked another line in front of him. He pulled me onto his lap and just held me for a minuut of two.
"You seriously need to just forget about that till we figure out when we use the plan. Live your life here...for now. As long as were together we'll be fi-"
"Aw," A voice peirced the air like an arrow thumping a target in the dead of night. "Isn't that sweet!?"
We both shot a look towards the door and Jake dropped me on the floor. I hit my back a little bit too hard. Jake got to his feet, swiping up his clothes and dashing behind the bed, cover still wrapped around his mid-section.
"Zo," I said. "You scared us."
"Oh, I know. Sorry. But I think u need to see something," She motioned her finger, beckoning me towards the door. I slowly got to my feet, and Jake stopped putting his clothes on. I held up my finger behind my back, telling him to wait, which he did. I followed Zo slowly into the kitchen, and I gasped.
Six neatly rowed chairs were placed into the middle of the room. Four were filled, two were empty. Everyone tied to them. Sam volgende to Stan, volgende to Bobby, volgende to Derek. I then looked at Zo, and she punched me, catching me off guard. I rubbed my cheek, and saw Rick entering the other room. I looked back at Zo who just let out a shrill cry of evil laughter. I growled and threw her into the rocky wall.
I ran into our room, "JAKE," I said. "GET DRESSED!" And he did without hesitation. He slipped on his boxers and pants just as Rick picked me up and threw me into the bedroom. I landed face first into the bed, bumping my head slightly on the rock wall.
"Rick?" Jake zei and Rick laughed.
"It's me." He then charged Jake but then stopped as hands clapped back from the kitchen.
"ENOUGH!" A loud voice boomed, and I recognized it right when he spoke. It was the ramen who talked to Jake about the room doors. The dag I wondered what they were talking about! He walked passed our room, and looked at the others and laughed. "Wonderful." He then sauntered into our room, saw Rick, then Jake, who was slipping into his shirt, and saw me on the bed. He helped Zo up from the ground, coming back to her senses. "Rick, step aside and let the real people get a piece!" He grabbed me door the arms, and I let out a scream.
"Get your hands off her!" Jake grabbed at the Ramens arms, and the ramen just headbutted Jake, and threw him to the ground.
"Take her, tie her up to the other chair!" He threw me to Rick and Zo who took me out of the room and into the kitchen. The last glimpse of Jake I saw, was a terrified face that was clearly tonen upon his face. I was then thrown into the fifth chair on the right side of Sam, and they bound me to it in no time! All I could do was wait for the gagging, and hope that Jake will be okay.
(This part is in Jake's P.O.V.-Point Of View-Enjoy!)
I watched as Hayley was dragged out of the room, and heard the Ramen's footsteps taking a few steps closer. I rose to my feet.
"So this is it, isn't it?" I zei and the ramen laughed.
"Looks like it!" He held out his hand but I looked away. "Call me Dean."
"Alright, Dean! What do u want?" I asked and he pointed at me.
"You!" He then took a step, but I rolled over the bed, and landed on the other side of the room. "Quick," Then he pushed me against the uithangbord in a flash. "But I'm quicker!"
He let me go sighing heavily. "Don't worry, I wont kill u of your friends...yet! I just wanna' know some things first!" He was at the other end of the room now, and I inched towards the door every time his back was turned towards me.
"Which are?" I said, and he turned to face me.
"I wanna' know some things about u and your pals!" He took a few steps towards me and pulled the door closed. "Don't want anyone to hear us, that'd be rude!" He then pushed me towards the bed and I sat down, trying to cooperate with him. "Cooperating I see? Well, that's good!" He then threw a log on the fire, then dusted his hands off.
"What do u want?" I asked.
"I want to know some things about you!" He zei and I laughed.
"Seriously?" I zei and he nodded.
"Your very attractive, Jake, and I need you! Ever since that kiss..."
"Which u stole! I never lead u on of anything, u just sprung it upon me!" I said, and he smiled.
"Ever since that kiss," He went on. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. So I pleasured myself one night with the thought of you," I made a disgusted face. "And ever since then, also, I just knew that I need u to live!"
"Then I guess your gonna die! Cause u aren't getting me!" I argued and he grabbed my arms in a blink of the eye.
"Do u think so!? I think that I can make you! I can turn you, and make u my partner! Do u want that? of do u want to be a good boy and shut up while the big person's talking?" I didn't say anything and he let me go. "That's what I thought."
"Just no promises!" I added and he chuckeled.
"Sassy," He then patted my head and I shook him off. "I like it. But back to the point, what's your name?"
"Jake." I zei and he nodded.
"What would u do to me in bed?" Dean quickly asked.
"Excuse me!? I wouldn't even touch you, breath on you, let alone think about u in that way. And if I did, it would never happen cause we'd be forbidden!" He spat on the floor.
" ! Love is forever no matter what the age!" He boomed, and it echoed a little in the room.
"That's sick!" I snapped.
"That's life!" He snapped back.
"Not my life!" I said, and I got to my feet.
"Look at you, all in big brother's clothes!" Dean said.
"Just be ready for the punches and kicks, cause u got alot coming your way!" I threatened and he laughed.
"Is that so?"
"Hell yeah it is!" I zei and he clapped his hands, removed his jaket, threw it on the brand and it lit at once. Then he looked at me.
"Alright then," He took three strides vooruit, voorwaarts and was in front of me at once. "Give us a kiss."
I looked at him, and spun around with a back hand stempel, punch to his face. He laughed, then punched me in the jaw. I fell back a bit, wiping blood from my freshly cut lip. Then I ducked his volgende stempel, punch and kicked him in the stomach. He staggered back some, pressing against the door. He then used that as his offspring, and leaped towards me, tackeling me onto the bed. I was trying to squirm out of his grasp as he was holding me against my will ontop of me.
"Oh, keep squirming Jake, this is starting to feel good!" He zei and I headbutted him, and pushed him off me. He tried to grab my foot as I jumped off the bed, but he missed door an inch. I landed volgende to the fire, and had an idea. I pushed five logs onto the fire, watching them go up in flames as Dean ran towards me. The brand grew bigger, and he was trying to push me into it, but I ducked out of his hold and he walked past the brand and into the wall. "I just want to love you!"
He then tackeled me again to the bed, this time holding my hands above my head, and keeping my feet from kicking. He then crushed his lips against mine, and I could feel that before one of us died he was gonna try to force me. I kept squirming, and he just let me, enjoying every movement I made underneath him.
"Like I said, starting to feel good." He pulled a pair of cuffs out of his back pocket and placed them to the side. He then punched me as hard as he could in the face, making me get a little bit blurry in the eyes. I was trying to picture everything, but then Dean got off me and came back with a pole that he drilled straight into the wall. He then bent the end up, making it into a chain holder. He sat back ontop of me as I tried to sit up, and he threw my arms behind my head again. Still wanting to force me. I looked at the door and saw it was closed. Darn! I thought. No chance of luck now!
Dean then grabbed the cuffs and cuffed my wrists together. He then placed the cuffs on the pole, and they started sliding forward...then they caught on the bent part. I was cuffed, a little woozy, and Dean was gonna' get lucky door force! Dean then got off me and walked through the door and into the kitchen, and I heard him say something, but all I could make out was: No interuptions, important business, and Jake needs a beating! I then realized that Dean's beating was sex, and started to squirm again as Dean entered, pulling the door shut as tight as he could.
He then got back ontop of me, and kissed me. He then took his lips away from mine and frowned. "Not enjoying this? Oh well," He then removed his overhemd, shirt and ripped mine off. "Nice! Let's get this party going..." He then pulled down my pants, and the only think keeping me from nakedness were my boxers. Dean then pulled his down too, and he was already naked. No underwear underneath his pants. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see his naked body, and he pulled the cover from underneath me, wrapping himself up in it. "It's okay," He said. "I'm covered up...for now!" I opened my eyes to see my doom. He kissed me again, and I hoped that something would happen right then to interupt him from raping me. But I then noticed my luck was running out. "Brace youself," He said, flipping me over. "Cause here I come!"
"Oh no!" I said, and then he gagged me with a clean hanker-cheif from his pants pocket.
HELP! I cried, both in my mind and out loud. Please, help!
But nothing happened, and Dean kept on riding me, then put his hands on my boxers, getting ready to enter me. I realized that my fate was to be raped, and no one to save me.
(This part is in Hayley's P.O.V.-Point Of View-Enjoy!)
I realized that through all the betrayal, the fighting, the gagging and the paranoia, I then realized that Rick and Zo forgot bind my feet together. And then, as I sat there and thought, I had a plan! Right door my right leg of the chair, there was a rock with a sharp edge that could break me free, distract the others after freeing Sam, then saving Jake from whatever was happening. I waited for Rick and Zo to walk out in front of us, backs turned, then I moved my foot over the rock, pressed on it hard, and dragged it towards me. It was now in front of me, and just as my feet covered it, Rick and Zo turned around to face us all.
"What?" Rick asked and they turned back around, whispering about something.
I knew that this was the only shot of freeing my hands, freeing Sam, and saving Jake from whatever. I only had one chance...and I had to be perfect on grabbing it! I then grabbed the rock with my feet, and raised it up behind me to my hands. I felt the sharp edge scrape my palm as I grabbed it wrong, and I clutched it in my hand. And just as my feet touched the ground, again, Rick and Zo turned around.
"What!?" Zo asked, then they turned back around, continuing on and on about there whispering arguement of agreement.
I didn't even think to think about what Rick and Zo were thinking about...all I was thinking about was the fact of not being seen, the betrayal they put on us, and the nervous risks between Jake and I. I put the sharp edge of the rock at the flat side of the rope, and began to verplaats it up and down. The rope was wet, cause they lost all there "stolen" supplies in a river, so it was easier to cut with the rock. I was already through the first rope line. I then began on the second, just as I heard something bump into my room door. My head, and everyone elses-including Rick and Zo's-, flashed towards the door. Then I went back to cutting, and everyone went back to either whispering, of staring at the floor in tears.
I cut through the first three of five lines of rope, and I was almost done with the fourth just as I heard the door open. I held my breath, cutting still, but slowly. I watched as the ramen walked out of the room and started clarifying what was happening.
"It's okay, Jake and I are perfectly fine. Please, no interuptions! I have some very important business to attend to." The ramen said.
"You sure everything's fine?" Zo asked.
"Everything is just fine! It's just that Jake needs a beating!" The ramen nodded, and walked back into the room, closing the door with a little bit too loud bump!
Rick and Zo went back to whispering, and this made me carve faster then ever. I was surprised no one heard it. I then cut through the last line of rope, and started on Sam who seated right behind me. I noticed her rope was soaked, so soaked it was dripping wet. Good for me, bad for them! I cut through her rope faster then mind, and I then realized everyone's feet were untied.
"Go, Sam, go!" I hissed and she threw the gag off of her and onto the ground.
She then charged Rick and Zo, and tackeled Zo to the ground, clawing at her face. Rick was occupied with Sam, which gave me the green light to save Sam. I ran to my door, and kicked it open. It went to the side with a bam, and I saw the ramen ontop of Jake. Jake was in handcuffs, his arms above his head. They were on a pole, the tip of it bent that way his hands didn't slide off. I noticed that the ramen was naked and wrapped up in our bed. I then saw a half naked Jake, and got the wiggins* and fury at the same time. I then saw the ramen pulling down Jake's boxers, and that's when he turned and saw me.
"It's okay," The ramen said. "It'll be quick and painless." The ramen then pulled Jake to him, and I heard Jake cry out in pain. I did what any stupid girl would do: I charged the Ramen. Full of anger, disgust, and hatred. Along the line of betrayal and sadness that I didn't make it in her in time. The ramen then looked at me, and I leaped towards him.
WIGGINS=disgust, disgusting, grossed out!
added by neeki
posted by teamjane99
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WARNING: coarse language and a few innuendos cuz i know i forgot to pas aan those out.


“Hi, u must be Maya,” zei a girl with wild bronze-colored hair. Her eyes were chocolate brown and sparkling, her skin made her look deathly sick – yes, she was that pale – and her smile was friendly yet shy. She was pretty, I had to admit.
And I...
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"Aurora, check it out..." Maria whispered to me as we...
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i kept hold of Bella's hand staring into her eyes as she stared back, i was debating, hoping it would work and i could tell she was doing the same thing. but for the wrong reasons.
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Was it worth all the hype and attention? Of course, all Twilight related promotion, whether trailers of exclusive clips, are usually exploded into a huge deal, but, was this trailer...
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Voices were far and fuzzy, but I could hear the bickering and yelling. I could also hear laughing, but the mistakeable slaan, smack on the face I could feel easily.
"Hey." Smack, smack, smack. "Wakey wakey." It was a girls voice. Not my mothers. Grams? Oh, god I was dead. Dad is going to be pissed! Crap!
"Edward? Hey, Buddy!" Smack, smack, smack.
I groaned and opened my eyes, squinting through the painful light.
"There he is."
I came face to face with the biggest, most freaking beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. "What the hell?" I asked.
Not surprisingly, a bellous, tinkering laugh filtered through...
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I copied the washed away letters into my phone, All i would need is to get outside, just for a minute. Just long enough to hit send, long enough for them to get it. I thought about Jacob again. No, i thought once more. He couldn't be gone!
Once again i sobbed, staining my pants with my tears as they flowed down. I wiped my eyes,

"I need to get out" I Whispered to myself. I eyed the crowbar that laid in the farthest corner of the room. If i could just pry it open..

I slowly made my way to the corner and carefully picked up the heavy metal bar. My arms felt like noodles as i held the object. I...
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"Ok, the tour is almost over." The lady guided us in a direction I didn't know. "Just one meer stop. This last place has much history."

I had no idea where we were going-by the looks of it, neither did the other people, they just kept taking pictures-and it was starting to get chilly out. I better get used to the cold. I started to notice the amount of twists and turns that were made. I looked at my surroundings. It didn't feel like we were touring the streets anymore, it felt like we entered apassagewayor some sort of alley. There was stone uithangbord on either side of us and thepathsuddenly narrowed....
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Chapter Five: Succubi

The room was perfectly silent for one long moment and then erupted as everyone began talking at once. “Carlisle, wouldn’t we have known that before now?” Esme asked worriedly, a note of concern and panic in her voice.

“I didn’t understand what I was seeing, but it all makes sense now!” Alice exclaimed.

“That would explain the emotions I’ve felt around them all day,” Jasper mused quietly.

“Edward, why do u get all the luck?” Emmett grumbled, “Why couldn’t I get a hungry sex demon as a wife?”

“You are such a pig sometimes,” Rosalie snapped at...
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**NOTE this is a mini book i am writing, based off of breaking done. This is placed in the time that renesmee is now 14. This book is not only filled with the relattionship between renesmee and jacob, but the action will volturi, and possibly another boy. It focuses on all aspects of her life
Chapter 1: Getting to know you.

"If u reveal your secrets to the wind u should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.”
-Kahlil Gibran

Here i was in my grade 9 english class , stuck in the solitude that is school.I looked around the room, Trying to find somthing that...
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posted by LexisFaith
Bella looked great in her dress. The way it fit the curve of her bust and flared around her calves. But it wasn't her.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I pulled out of the driveway.

"To let u change. u aren't comfortable in that dress. I can tell. I'm going to change too. This isn't really my thing either." I chuckled.

"Fair enough." She smiled.

"Where do u live?"

"On Fellow."

"Near the high school?" I turned.

"Yeah. I teach there." She nodded.

"What do u teach?"

"Advanced English Lit."

I wasn't surprised. "Do u enjoy it?"

"More than anything. I love hearing their theories. A girl Friday...
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posted by LexisFaith
Mason had started school a few weeks geleden and was basking in the moment. The dag he came home pagina from his first dag he proceeded to tell Edward and I exactly how his dag went, which lasted all through dinner.

Bella and I had been home pagina for half an uur when Mason walked in the house and ran straight up stairs. Something was wrong. His normal routin consisted of comming in, slamming the door, dropping his backpack off at the foot of the stairs, and greeting us for his afternoon snack.

"I'll go check on him." I kissed Edward's cheek and bounded up the stairs to Mason's room. I gave his door a few light...
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posted by LexisFaith
Edward POV

I walked into the house, everyone wearing a grin.

"Daddy!" Alicen whisper yelled. She had done an amazing job keepnig this a secret. she ran to me and I picked her up in my arms. "I missed you, Daddy."

"I missed u too, Little Soldier."

I could hear Bella's voice telling Jasper to get out of the kitchen. I kissed Alicen's head with a chuckle and set her back down on the floor.

One door one, the women left the kitchen, giving me a hug as they passed. I walked inot the kitchen, instently being hit with the smell. I knew Mom's turkey was in the oven, Rose's pies were sitting on the island,...
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Now has learned that little 9-year old Mackenzie Foy is inches away from signing on to play Renesmee, Edward and Bella’s vampire/human love child that’s a central role in the final installment of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.It’s not yet clear how the diminutive actress, who’s appeared in one episode each of televisie shows FlashForward and ‘Til Death, will portray the character who ages a full 17 years in only seven. Sources have suggested that director Bill Condon will employ similar digital effects to those used door David Fincher in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, where Foy’s face would be digitally transferred onto the face of a younger child. It’s also probable that the studio will hire a younger child in some capacity, too.

Tell me what do u think?
posted by LexisFaith
I was sitting in a iron chair outside my new 2 story house, complete with white siding, and a porch swing.

Jacob, my twin brother, and I had been living with Cheif zwaan-, zwaan in Tennessee for the past 5 months. We were only here untill we turned 18, which, since Monday, wouldn't be for another year.

We both loved Charlie gegeven he was our "uncle". He was one of Mom and Dad's good vrienden who found out that they had "died" in may and he was the only thing close we had to family here on Earth. Yes, here on Earth.

But what he doesn't know, is that Dad is very much alive, and so is Mom. One is still in...
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posted by twilight-7
I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to really see what was in front of me. I could picture the destruction that would be around me. Alice had crashed the car. She promised me she wouldn’t but she had.
But wait a minute. Was that a breeze? Could I feel a breeze on my face? That wasn’t right. I was in a car that was probably the shape of a zoute krakeling, krakeling now.
I was in the middle of a road. Literally. I was sat in the middle of a road. Ahead of me I could see a car crash. Wait.
That was the car crash I was in two seconden ago. Well, I was supposed to be in. I definitely remember sitting in the passenger...
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posted by LexisFaith
This is continues after vrienden Forever 6. I hope u all like it. :)


"Saber!" I called to her through the tall chainlink fence. "Saber!" She came out of her hol, den and walked over to where I was standing. Saber was a female white tiger. Her mother Mika died when she was a cub. She was the only one of the littler.

"Hey girl." I ran my hand between her eyes and she nudged my palm with her nose. I laughed and threw the chunk of meat over the fence.

I graduated from college two years ago. Ten years geleden I parted from Edward. Thinking about his name alomst...
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posted by LexisFaith
I kissed Edward and pulled myself out of his arms to answer the door."Officer Mark." Why was he here? "Is there a problem?" I hadn't done anything to get arrested in a couple months.

"Afternoon, Bella." He nodded. "Is Charlie here?"

"Um, no, he's in Seattle for the night. Maybe I could be of some help?" I opened the door further and stepped aside. "Come on in."

Charlie and Mark worked together before Charlie published his first book. I had known Mark since I was a kid. He nodded in thanks and stepped over the threshold.

"Mr. Cullen. Fancy meeting u here."

"Please call me Edward. Mr. Cullen is...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 8


7 weeks later.
I really didn’t want to see anyone of anyone to see me for that fact. She left 7 weeks ago, since then I attempted suicide 3 times, but every time someone found me. The first time my Mum Esme, The seconde time my Father Carlisle and the last time my big brother Emmet when he came home pagina from college for a break.
I tried to remember her as the darkness took over me, I wouldn’t feel this pain anymore. I heard noises someone crying. Who is it I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt pressure on my wrists, the voices then became clearer. It was my mum, she was...
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's an update! Thankies so so much for reading and commenting, everyone! So far as I know, from your comments, u don't mind drama. Tell me what u think about this one! Thanks and love u guys! <3
“Would u like some tea, Summer?” Esme sweetly called to her, “No thank you, Esme.” Summer chimed politely, “I can drink and eat what humans do, but I don’t really prefer it.” Esme glanced back at Summer with a dazzling smile, “I understand, dear.” Everyone had gathered in the living room, all whispering a conversation...
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