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*by Stephenie Meyer*


And then the klok, bell rang for lunch. As I jumped out of my seat, shoving my boeken roughly in my bag, my uplifted expression must have tipped Jessica off.
"You're not sitting with us today, are you?" she guessed.
"I don't think so." I couldn't be sure that he wouldn't disappear inconveniently again.
But outside the door to our Spanish class, leaning against the uithangbord - looking meer like a Greek god than anyone had a right to - Edward was waiting forr me. Jessica took one look, rolled her eyes, and departed.
"See u later, Bella." Her voice was thick with implications. I might have to turn off the ringer on the phone.
"Hello." His voice was amused and irritated at the same time. He had been listening, it was obvious.
I couldn't think of anything else to say, and he didn't speak - biding his time, I presumed - so it was a quiet walk to the cafeteria. Walking with Edward through the crowded lunchtime rush was a lot like my first dag here; everyone stared.
He led the way into the line, still not speaking, though his eyes returned to my face every few seconds, their expression speculative. It seemed to me that irritation was winning out over amusement as the dominant emotion in his face. I fidgeted nervously with the zipper on my jacket.
He stepped up to the counter and filled a try with food.
"What are u doing?" I objected. "You're not getting all that for me?"
He shook his head, stepping vooruit, voorwaarts to buy the food.
"Half is for me, of course."
I raised one eyebrow.
He led the way to the same place we'd sat at that one time before. From the other end of the long table, a group of seniors gazed at us in amazement as we sat across from each other. Edward seemed oblivious.
"Take whatever u want," he said, pushing the tray toward me.
"I'm curious," I zei as I picked up an apple, turning it around in my hands, "what would u do if someone dared u to eat food?"
"You're always curious." He grimanced, shaking his head. He glared at me, holding my eyes as he lifted the slice of pizza off the tray, and deliberately bit off a mouthful, chewed quickly, and then swallowed. I watched, eyes wide.
"If someone dared u to eat dirt, u could, couldn't you?" he asked condescendingly.
I wrinkled my nose. "I did once... on a dare," I admitted. "It wasn't so bad."
He laughed. "I suppose I'm not surprised." Something over my shoulder seemed to catch his attention.
"Jessica's analyzing everything I do - she'll break it down for u later." He pushed the rest of the pizza toward me. The mention of Jessica brought a hint of his former irritation back to his features.
I put down the appel, apple and took a bite of the pizza, looking away, knowing he was about to start.
"So the waitress was pretty, was she?" he asked casually.
"You really didn't notice?"
"No. I wasn't paying attention. I had a lot on my mind."
"Poor girl." I could afford to be generous now.
"Something u zei to Jessica... well, it bothers me." He refused to be distracted. His voice was husky, and he glanced up from under his lashes with troubled eyes.
"I'm not surprised u heard something u didn't like. u know what they say about eavesdroppers," I reminded him.
"I warned u I would be listening."
"And I warned u that u didn't want to know everything I was thinking."
"You did," he agreed, but his voice was still rough. "You aren't precisely right, though. I do want to know what you're thinking - everything. I just wish... that u wouldn't be thinking some things."
I scowled. "That's quite a distinction."
"But that's not really the point at the moment."
"Then what is?" We were inclined toward each other across the tafel, tabel now. He had his large white hands folded under his chin; I leaned forward, my right hand cupped around my neck. I had to remind myself that we were in a crowded lunchroom, with probably many curious eyes on us. it was too easy to get wrapped up in our own private, tense little bubble.
"Do u truly believe that u care meer for me than I do for you?" he murmured, leaning closer to me as he spoke, his dark golden eyes piercing.
I tried to remember how to exhale. I had to look away before it came back to me.
"You're doing it again." I muttered.
His eyes opened wide with surprise. "What?"
"Dazzling me," I admitted, trying to concentrate as I looked back at him.
"Oh." He frowned.
"It's not your fault," I sighed. "You can't help it."
"Are u going to answer the question?"
I looked down. "Yes."
"Yes, u are going to answer, of yes, u really think that?" He was irritated again.
"Yes, I really think that." I kept my eyes down on the table, my eyes tracing the pattern of the faux wood grains printed on the laminate. The silence dragged on. I stubbornly refused to be the first to break it this time, fighting hrad against the temptation to peek at his expression.
Finally he spoke, voice velvet soft. "You're wrong."
I glanced up to see that hsi eyes were gentle.
"You can't know that," I disagreed in a whisper. I shook my head in doubt, though my hart-, hart throbbed at his words and I wanted so badly to believe them.
"What makes u think so?" His liquid topaz eyes were penetrating - trying futilely, I assumed, to lift the truth straight from my mind.
I stared back, struggling to think clearly in spite of his face, to find some way to explain. As I searched for the words, I could see him getting impatient; frustrated door my silence, he started to scowl. I lifted my hand from my nack, and held up one finger.
"Let me think," I insisted. His expression cleared, now that we was satisfied that I was planning to answer. I dropped my hand to the table, moving my left hand sp that my palms were pressed together. I stared at my hands, twisting and untwisting my fingers, as I finally spoke.
"Well, aside from the obvious, sometimes..." I hesitated. "I can't be sure - I don't know how to read minds - but sometimes it seems like you're trying to say goodbye when you're saying something else." That was the best I could sum up the sensation of anguish that his words triggered in me at times.
"Perceptive," he whispered. And there was the anguish again, surfacing as he confirmed my fear. "That's exactly why you're wrong, though," he began to explain, but then his eyes narrowed. "What do u mean, 'the obvious'?"
"Well, look at me," I said, unnecessarily as he was already staring. "I"m absolutely ordinary - well, except for bad things like all the near-death experiences and being so clumsy that I'm almost disabled. And look at you." I waved my hand toward him and all his bewildering perfection.
His brow creased angrily for a moment, then smoothed as his eyes took on a knowing look. "You don't see yourself very clearly, u know. I'll admit your dead-on about the bad things," he chuckled blackly, "but u didn't hear what every human male in this school was thinking on your first day."
I blinked, astonished. "I don't believe it...," I mumbled to myself.
"Trust me just this once - u are the opposite of ordinary."
My embarrassment was much stronger than my pleasure at the look that came into his eyes when he zei this. I quickly reminded him of my original argument.
"But I'm not saying goodbye," I pointed out.
"Don't u see? That's what proves me right. I care the most, because if I can do it" - he shook his head, seeming to struggle with the thought - "if leaving is the right thing to do, then I'll hurt myself to keep from hurting you, to keep u safe."
I glared. "And u don't think I would do the same?"
"You'd never have to make the choice."
Abruptly, his unpredictable mood shifted again; a mischievous, devastating smile rearranged his features. "Of course, keeping u veilig is beginning to feel like a full-time occupation that requires my constant presence."
"No one has tried to do away with me today," I reminded him, grateful for the lighter subject. I didn't want him to talk about goodbyes anymore. If I had to, I supposed I could purposefully put myself in danger to keep him close.... I banished that thought before his quick eyes read it on my face. That idea would definitely get me in trouble.
"Yet," he added.
"Yet," I agreed; I would have argued, but now I wanted him to be expecting disasters.
"I have another vraag for you." His face was still casual.
"Do u really need to go to Seattle this Saturday, of was that just an excuse to get out of saying no to all your admirers?"
I made a face at the memory. "You know, I haven't forgiven u for the Tyler thing yet," I warned him. "It's your fault that he's deluded himself into thinking I'm going to prom with him."
"Oh, he would have found a chance to ask u without me - I really wanted to watch your face," he chuckled. I would have been angrier if his laughter wasn't so fascinating. "If I'd asked you, u would have turned me down?" he asked, still laughing to himself.
"Probably not," I admitted. "But I would have canceled later - faked an illness of a sprained ankel."
He was puzzled. "Why would u do that?"
I shook my head sadly. "You've never seen me in Gym, I guess, but I would have thought u would understand."
"Are u referring to the fact that u can't walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over?"
"That wouldn't be a problem." He was very confident. "It's all in the leading." He could see that I was about to protest, and he cut me off. "But u never told me - are u resolved on going to Seattle, of do u mind if we do something different?"
As long as the "we" part was in, I didn't care about anything else.
"I'm open to alternatives," I allowed. "But I do have a favor to ask."
He looked wary, as he always did when I asked an open-ended question. "What?"
"Can I drive?"
He frowned. "Why?"
"Well, mostly because when I told Charlie I was going to Seattle, he specifically asked if I was going alone and, at the time, I was. If he asked again, I probably wouldn't lie, but I don't think he will ask again, and leaving my truck at home pagina would just bring up the subject unnecessarily. And also, because your driving frightens me."
He rolled his eyes. "Of all the things about me that could frighten you, u worry about my driving." He shook his head in disgust, but then his eyes were serious again. "Won't u want to tell your father that you're spending the dag with me?" There was an undercurrent to his vraag that I didn't understand.
"With Charlie, less is always more." I wsa definite about that. "Where are we going, anyway?"
"The weather will be nice, so I'll be staying out of the public eye... and u can stay with me, if you'd like to." Again, he was leaving the choice up to me.
"And you'll toon me what u meant, about the sun?" I asked, excited door the idea of unraveling another of the unknowns.
"Yes." He smiled, and then paused. "But if u don't want to be... alone with me, I'd rather u didn't go to Seattle door yourself. I shudder to think of the trouble u could find in a city that size."
I was miffed. "Phoenix is three times bigger than Seattle - just in population. In physical size - "
"But apparently," he interrupted me, "your number wasn't up in Phoenix. So I'd rather u stayed near me." His eyes did that unfair smoldering thing again.
I couldn't argue, with the eyes of the motivation, and it was a moot point anyway. "As it happens, I don't mind being alone with you."
"I know," he sighed, brooding. "You should tell Charlie, though."
"Why in the world would I do that?"
His eyes were suddenly fierce. "To give me some small incentive to bring u back."
I gulped. But, after a moment of thought, I was sure. "I think I'll take my chances."
He exhaled angrily, and looked away.
"Let's talk about something else," I suggested.
"What do u want to talk about?" he asked. He was still annoyed.
I glanced around us, making sure we were well out of anyone's hearing. As I cast m eyes around the room, I caught the eyes of his sister, Alice, staring at me. The others were looking at Edward. I looked away swiftly, back to him, and I asked the first thing that came to mind.
"Why did u go to that Goat Rocks place last weekend... to hunt? Charlie zei it wasn't a good place to hike, because of bears."
He stared at me as if I was missing something very obvious.
"Bears?" I gasped, and he smirked. "You know, bears are not in season," I added sternly, to hide my shock.
"If u read carefully, the laws only cover hunting with weapons," he informed me.
He watched my face with enjoyment as that slowly sank in.
"Bears?" I repeated with difficulty.
"Grizzly is Emmett's favorite." His voice was still off-hand, but his eyes were scrutinizing my reaction. I tried to pull myself together.
"Hmmm," I said, taking another bite of pizza as an axcuse to look down. I chewed slowly, and then took a long drink of Coke without looking up.
"So," I zei after a moment, finally meeting his now-anxious gaze. "What's your favorite?"
He raised an eyebrow and the corners of his mouth turned down in disapproval. "Mountain lion."
"Ah," I zei in a politely disinterested tone, looking for my soda again.
"Of course," he said, and his tone mirrored mine, "we have to be careful not to impact the environment with injudicious hunting. We try to focus on areas with an overpopulation of predators - ranging as far away as we need. There's always plenty of deer and elk here, and they'll do, but where's the fun in that?" He smiled teasingly.
"Where indeed," I murmured around another bit of pizza.
"Early spring is Emmett's favoriete beer season - they're just coming out of hibernation, so they're meer irritable." He smiled at some remembered joke.
"Nothing meer fun than an irritated grizzly bear," I agreed, nodding.
He snickered, shaking his head. "Tell me what you're really thinking, please."
"I'm trying to picture it - but I can't," I admitted. "How do u hunt a beer without weapons?"
"Oh, we have weapons." He flashed his bright teeth in a brief, threatening smile. I fought back a shiver before it could expose me. "Just not the kind they consider when writing hunting laws. If you've ever seen a beer attack on television, u should be able to visualize Emmett hunting."
I couldn't stop the volgende shiver that flashed down my spine. I peeked across the cafeteria toward Emmett, grateful that he wasn't looking my way. The thick bands of muscle that wrapped his arms and torso were somehow even meer menacing now.
Edward followed my gaze and chuckled. I stared at him, unnerved.
"Are u like a bear, too?" I asked in a low voice.
"More like the lion, of so they tell me," he zei lightly. "Perhaps our preferences are indicative."
I tried to smile. "Perhaps," I repeated. But my mind was filled with opposing afbeeldingen that I couldn't merge together. "Is that something I might get to see?"
"Absolutely not!" His face turned even whiter than usual, and his eyes were suddenly furious. I leaned back, stunned and - though I'd never admit it to him - frightened door his reaction. He leaned back as well, folding his arms across his chest.
"Too scary for me?" I asked when I could control my voice again.
"If that were it, I would take u out tonight," he said, his voice cutting. "You need a healthy dose of fear. Nothing could be meer beneficial for you."
"Then why?" I pressed, trying to ignore his angry expression.
He glared at me for a long minute.
"Later," he finally said. He was on his feet in one lithe movement. "We're going to be late."
I glanced around, startled to see that he was right and the cafeteria was nearly vacant. When I was with him, the time and the place were such a muddle blur that I completely lost track of both. I jumped up, grabbing my bag from the back of my chair.
"Later, then," I agreed. I wouldn't forget.
posted by ananya1

Though Edward and Jacob have totally different existence in the TWILIGHT SAGA, but still they can be well compared. I am personally meer addicted towards Edward than Jacob. Here I have noted down few reasons why I like Edward over Jacob:

1.    Edward has a better physical appearance than that of Jacob. He looks very cool and his paleness suits the character of a vampire but as for Jacob he looks cool but lacks a personal appearance which doesn’t make him suitable for the character of a werewolf.

2.    Ed is a dashing fellow and an agile...
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posted by EnchantdEquinox
Chapter 10: Imprint.
There was no sound around her, except for quiet breathing. Renesmee felt groggy and disoriented, and she wasn’t sure where she was. Her arm seared with pain.
“She’s awake,” Someone murmured. Renesmee recognized the voice of her father. So she was home. Slowly Renesmee opened her eyes, letting them adjust quickly to the bright white light. The first face she saw was her mother’s, her golden eyes filled with concern.
“Renesmee, baby, are u ok?” she whispered, her beautiful voice breaking the tense silence in the room. Renesmee was laying on one of the white...
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Chapter 5: A Favour

People always dream about monsters like the boogeyman, of maybe that mysterious werewolf, of a creepy bloodsucking vampire. But myself, I live in that dream, and those dreams live amongst you. So is it really just a dream, of is it your self counsious speaking to u in a twisted, creative way? I started to wonder if all ledgends about monsters and demons are true.

I drove into La push, although there isnt a treaty line anymore, there are still limits for my family, but of course for some reason i'm untouchable. I began to wonder the point of trying to make sense of it. If...
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posted by DestinyGirl
Okay, so my other fanfic Starlight will be on hold because sadly, (and quite embarrasingly) I LOST my notebook that had ALL of my chapters in it!:'( So until I can find it, I've begun to write this little idea out. For those who don't know me, I'm waaay into fantasy andf supernatural. My favoriete beings are angels, and this is where this story was born so please... read and review!:)

A once glorious race once walked the Earth, the angels. Bella is the last remaining pure angel there is -- the rest have been turned into fallen angels, monsters that are drawn to pure angels. Raised within...
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posted by Angelcatz11
Jacob Black's POV

When I awoke the volgende morning Renesme was snuggled up agianst my chest, I smiled down at her, Remembering what happened the night before. I gently moved the ruby red curls out of her eyes and kissed her forehead. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. She smiled and kissed me back. After a few moments her face changed into a serious worry face. "Crap, I've gotta go! I-if my parents find out I'm gone they'll kill me!" She cried. She got up pulled and blanket over her and gathered up her clothes. I layed sideways starring at her. "What?" She asked. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. She shook...
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posted by EmmettOk
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight of the characters - unfortunately. I don't own the songs either.


TooHuman signing in
vampboi signing in
grizzlybears sgning in
TooHuman:Hiiiiiiii Peeps!
vampboi:hi love,are u alright?
TooHuman:oh i'm fiiiiiiiine
vampboi:Emmett did u give her sugar?
TooHuman:who wants to play a game?
grizzlybears:me too!
TooHuman:ok which song i'm a i singing- We’re soarin’, flyin’There’s not a ster in...
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posted by Angelcatz11
The Cullens house

Nessie's POV

It was a few minuten later that dad had walked, I gave him a weak smile, "Dad... can I ask u something?" I whisperd. "Sure! whatcha wanna ask?"
"Well, Jacob he umm asked me out on friday, do u think I can go?" I watched him, His smile dropped and his amber eyes turned to coal black. "No...It's..." But he didnt finished he just shook his head and walked away. "Dad!" I shouted and ran forward, I caught him door the sleve and spun him around. "Why???????" I asked. "No Ness! Vampires and Werwolfs are forbidded to love!!!! u may never see that boy agian! Okay?!" He shouted, I have never seen him get so angry before... My face turned into a pout then a sad face, Tears poured out my eyes, I pushed past him and ran up to my room
posted by runlikeawolf
No.It couldn't be true.A wave of black engulfed my vision.He was a hard,cold,selfish monster!How could this be? I'd always had a sliver of hope inside of me.Now,nothing was worth living for.Nothing was worth fighting for!
I was falling.Falling in despair.Why were the leaches even created?How could they strip u of everything that u loved?!?
I took a shocked step back.Why had I even hoped for things to be different?Suddenly,the anguish was replaced with a never-ending wave of fire.Shudders ripped through me.Bella's words stung meer than anything I could have ever imagined.
Everything exploded.The...
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posted by LexisFaith
"So, Bella. Tell me a little bit about yourself." Emse siped on her coffee from the paper cup while I dipped my teabag in and out of the steaming water infront of me.

We had wondered down to the cafateria while Carlisle and Edward has Mason, letting him see all the "cool doctor stuff". I guess it paid to be a doctor.

"Well, I guess I could start with saying I'm 22 years old. I graduated from Forks High School at 16 and went into school right after that Christmas. I was raising a son with the help of my older brother Emmett and my father Chairle who passed away when Mason was only 2. My mother...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 5:
    We walked down stairs to see who was here, though we stopped in our tracks at the voices we heard. Emmett’s booming voice came from the keuken-, keuken and it didn’t sound like the happy person we were used to. I finished walking downstairs and walked to the keuken-, keuken door, to see what was going on. The voice I heard stopped me in my tracks, the way it sounded, so broken and just not normally the bubbly and excited, Alice, we hear. It scared me because she was suppose to be this excited person always happy about everything and the one to look...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
I know it's kinda short sorry.

Bella’s POV

I woke up that morning still worrying that I would make meer enemies. I was also still thinking about what I did in the first place to make him hate me. I thought all I did was have to sit volgende to him. Maybe he just wasn’t a people person. I could live with that I just wouldn’t talk to him of anything. It took me even less time to get to school today because I already knew where all my classes were and...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 21
“who invited him?” I asked in a rude voice.
“Carlisle incsited the whole family came over” Emmett told me and I rolled my eyes. I got out of the car and wondered what was waiting on me.
“lets get Ivan out and in the house” I told uncle Emmett. He nodded. Uncle Emmett took Ivan and dragged him to my room. I was still in the car and was getting my stuff. I locked the car and put the keys in my portemonnee and hrld my left hand close so it wont verplaats an inch. I was walcking towards the house hiding my left arm so my father wouldn’t see it. But it was impossible. I walked to the...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 14
`”jake!” I cried and ran up to him.
“I know everything nessie, and we’re going to try to save ur family” jake told me.
“its too late to ssave it they’re divorced” I told him
“there’ alwaay still a chance” jake told me. And I nodded..
“but first wheres ur mother?” sam asked me.
“she’s near carlisles” I told him.
“she’s not there”he told me.
“what do u mean shes not there? I just saw her there aa couple minuten ago” I told them.
“when I went to carlisle’s house, he zei that she stepped ouside and didn’t come back” jake told me.....
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 13

I introduce them.
“nice to meet you” my father said.
“niced to meet u too” ivan replied.i wondered if he knew that ivan was a vampire. But there would be no guessing.. my father didn’t know that I lovve ivan.. so its going to be a shock to him .eric went to the cafeteria and then s couple secconds later the klok, bell rang.ivan hurried to class, while I stood there with my father and aunt.
“dad ivAN IS COMING TODAY TO MEET MY FAMILY”I TOLD HIM AND BEFORE HE COULD SAY anything aunt alice grabbed to to class. After school aunt alice rode in her car and me ivan and eric rode...
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posted by karpach_14
sorry guys this is my old story i couldnt log on my old account karpach_13 so i had to make this one and im moving all my stories here. thanks plz dont forget to commentaar

When I was entering my school. In every single conversation my name was repeated. Some of the people zei ‘I don’t mind going out with her’ with a evil smile and the others were usual. Like ‘ who is she’ and ‘I can’t believe she is going to be at this school’ and ‘you don’t even know her’. I kept on walking without talking to someone of not paying anymore attention to what people were saying. I got to...
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posted by teamalice_0
My last post was shorter than I would have liked so I made this one better. PS commentaar please and Have a good thanksgiving!(stuf your faces without feeling guilty ;)
Tuesday morning, joy. Everyone hated Mondays and Tuesday was usualy dreary but better than Mondays. On the way to school I told Angela about my dream and zei some of them were the Cullens but she never saw Dr.Cullen of his wife. She thought it was odd because Im blind and I had a dream about them.

School has whispers going aroud, meer than normal might I add, either...
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posted by LexisFaith
The Ending. Ages of all characters are at the bottom.

Edward POV

"The kids will be here any second. u did get hot dogs for the little ones right?" Bella was finishing up the potato salad.

"Yes." I assured her. "And I even got some diced peaches so they could have something sweet."

She turned to me and smiled. "You were a great father. Still are." She walked over to me and kissed me.

"And you, were a wonderful mother. Still are." I kissed her fourhead and pulled her to the living room to sit on the couch. We looked around at the pictures that were...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Brazil Filming: The Sunday Update, Lapa Streets Blocked Off and Stephenie Visits With Fans
By Twilight_News | 7 November 2010
According to FoForks a series of streets in the LAPA section of Rio are closed today for Breaking Dawn filming. Preparations included changing the names on the straat signs and adding in some graffiti. Rumor has it that it’s a scene involving a taxi driving through the streets of Rio. There is also some speculation about a scene involving Jacob and Nessie on the run in Rio (Bella’s vision/plan in Breaking Dawn II). However, in that neither Taylor Lautner nor MacKenzie...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
Closer and closer, the thing was lurking around. I started to panick, so I quickly jumped on the branch; of the tree. But as I turned around, the she devil, (with oranje hair,) suddenly appeared. "You are playing games with me Edward, where is the human?" Victoria asked mysteriously. "I don't know." I yelled. "Well, give me what I want, of it's Bellas life that would pay." She warned. I felt so mad when she zei it. "Harm her and I will kill you." I warned back. The thing she wants, is a family herloom, what she can do with it, could be lethal. She vanished finally. What could I...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 4
Once we get to the house, I looked around everywhere. Making sure Charlie of anyone is not around hiding on the outskirts of my home. After I made sure it was safe, I unbuckled and gathered my stuff ready to blot inside my veilig home. Edward got out of the car, I noticed. He was opening my door for me. I gathered all of my rommel, ongewenste and was ready.
    “Are u alright to walk?” he asked. While he asked the questionable question, He grabbed all of my things out of my arms. I didn’t answer. “Are u okay to walk, Bella?” He asked again, after a few minutes. I just...
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