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hey! It's me again! Here is chapter 2 of Bella becomes a vampire! I hope u like it!

2. Friends

I didn't know what to say. Edward just asked me to marry him. I stared at the sparkling red dimond, not knowing what to say.
"Edward, I just became a vampire, this is something that will have a huge impact on my life. I need to think about this first." I zei with shock on my face.
"Bella, I love you, and u love me. u want to be with me forever right?" Edward zei smiling.
"Yes of course but, I can't comprehend all of this at one time. Becoming a vampire already is a big thing to take in. Just give me some time ok?" I zei trying to sound convincing.
"Ok. But door volgende week I want an answer, ok?" Edward zei shutting the little box.
"Ok, Edward I know your probally going to say no to this but, can I go see Jacob?" I zei with hope in my voice.
"Bella. u are a vampire, Jacob is a werewolf! And a young one at that!" Edward zei with frustration and anger in his voice.
"Do u want to die?!" He zei sounding meer sinister.
"Edward, I need to see Jacob. I haven't seen him in a while and I would like to see him just one last time!" I zei trying to sound as angry as he was.
"Fine, I'll take u but this will be the last time." He zei surenduring to me.
"Thanks." I zei apreciative.
"Come on. I'll be hiding in the woods close door in case u need me." He zei sounding defeted.
He started walking towards the window.
"Why can't we use the door?" I asked.
"Because I don't think the others will approve of this." He zei climbing out the window.
I didn't reply I just climbed out the window behind him.
We ran through the woods, then we finnally reach the strand where I saw Jacob sitting on a piece of wood.
"I'll be right here." Edward zei leaning against a tree.
I sped towards jacob appearing at his side in a flash.
"Hi Jacob." I zei playfully.
"Bella, why do u smell so bad, when was the last time u showered?" He zei as he turned around. He froze, shock on his face.
"Bella? Is that you? Why are your eyes-" he zei stopping short of what he was about to say. Then it all sunk into his brain, of what I'd become.
"Yes Jacob it's true. I'm a vampire." I zei trying to calm him down.
"WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!?!?! WAS IT THAT BLOODSUCKER EDWARD????? I'LL KILL HIM!!!" He zei anger in his voice, he started to shiver. Automaticly I knew what was about to happen. I backed up before he could transform. Edward appeared in front of me ready to protect me.
"Jacob! Calm down I wanted him to do this. This was my choice." I zei not knowing what was about to happen.
Jacob raced vooruit, voorwaarts towards Edward and threw him on the ground.
"JACOB NO!" I screamed but it was to late the battle had begun.
"Bella go get the others! Hurry!" Edward zei holding off Jacob.
Quickly I raced back to the house I told Carlisle and the others and we ran back to La push beach.
Edward was on the ground his overhemd, shirt torn and cresant shapes all over his body. Emmet and the rest went to restrain Jacob. I was at Edward's side in less than a second.
"Edward, Edward! Edward are u ok?" I zei franticly.
"Bella, Jacob isn't good for you." He zei slowly pulling himself into an upright sitting position.
I looked over my shoulder, Alice and Jasper were making a fire.
"NO!" I screamed. I ran over to Alice.
"You can't! u can't do this to him!" I zei anger in my voice.
"Bella, He tried to kill Edward. u need to choose. Edward of Jacob? I suggest u choose Edward, because Jacob is too dangerous." She zei helpless.
"I'll never come to see him again just don't destroy him okay? Let me talk to him first." I zei sadness in my voice.
"Jasper, stop theres no need for a brand now." she said, I took that as my answer.
I walked slowly over to Jacob. Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett were holding him to the ground so he couldnt move, he was still in wolf form.
"Jacob, I love Edward, I chose for him to change me. He didn't want to do it, but I wanted to be one of them. So I could live with Edward forever." I zei solemly.
"Bella, how could u do this to me? I loved you! Now everytime I get near u my throught burns." Jacob zei tears forming in his big brown eyes.
"But Jacob u don't understand! I love Edward in a different way. I love him meer than I love the air in my lungs. Now if I tell them to let go do u promise to let us go in peace? I don't want to fight u Jacob." I zei staring into his big brown eyes.
"Yes." He zei quickly.
"Let go." I zei nodding towards Carlisle and the rest of them that were holding Jacob to the ground.
He let go and I ran back to Edward's side. Edward got up.
"You have to promise me to never come up here again. He will only bring u trouble." Edward zei looking down into my eyes.
"Okay, I promise." I zei staring back.

When we got back to the house, I thought about Jacob, the look in his eyes when I told him about Edward and me. It took all of the strength in me to run back to Edward, and ignore him. I wanted to just run back over to him and tell him that everthing was going to be alright, that everything was going to go back to normal soon. But I couldn't, because everything wasn't going to go back to normal, because it wasn't going to be alright. Nothing would ever be right. Not now, not ever. Edward was right, Jacob wasn't good for me. We are two totally different species now. My love for Edward is stronger than my love for Jacob.

Later that night, we went hunting. I went with Rosalie and the others spleet, split up into groups of two. Rosalie and me were about to snag a deer when we heard something.
"What was that?" I asked suddenly frightened that it might be a zoek team sent out to look for me.
"Shhhhh." Rosalie hissed.
"It sounds like people talking. What if it's a zoek team sent out to look for me?" I zei ignoring Rosalie.
"C'mon let's go check it out." Rosalie zei walking towards the voices.
We climbed up a boom trying to hear where the voices were comming from. I looked down towards a pine tree, and there were several police officers with zoek dogs looking for something of someone.
"Look over there." I zei pointing towards the police officers.
"I think they're looking for me." I zei looking back at Rosalie.
"Just don't let them see u and we should be okay." Rosalie zei watching the men walk towards a big oak tree.
"Okay." I zei climbing down the tree.
"Let's head back to the house." Rosalie zei guesturing towards the house.
We sped off into the woods arriving back at Carlisle's house seconden later.
Alice and Jasper were on the steps talking. I thought about Charlie, what is he going to think, me disappearing all of a sudden. The last time I saw him was when he was mad at Edward, yelling at him. I cringed at the thought of that.
"Alice, what is gonna happen to Charlie?" I asked staring into her golden eyes.
"I don't know what we are going to do about that, u need to ask Carlisle about it. I'll try later to see if I can see anything new about him." Alice zei standing up.
"Okay." I zei looking back at Edward as he appeared beside me.
"What is it Alice?" he asked looking at her. He heard her thoughts and looked down.
"I don't know whats going to happen to Charlie." He zei looking down at me.
"Edward, the vision that I had, I'm still worrying about that, could that still be a possibility?" I asked looking him in the eye.
"Are u saying u want Charlie to become one of us?" He asked me a low growl rumbling in his chest.
I opened my mouth to speak, but he interupted.
"Charlie hates me right now! If he found out about what u are now, and that I did it to u he would try to kill me!" He zei furious.
"Edward, he's worrying, I know it, and I don't want him to go through the pain of worrying about where I am, that pain is worse than the pain I went through yesterday!" I zei trying to match the anger in his voice.
"Bella, Charlie needs to remain human." Edward zei through gritted teeth.
"Edward thats my dad, I love him, and I don't want him to suffer the pain, the pain I went through when u left and went to Italy, I worried everyday about you, hoping that u would come back and stay here in Forks." I zei watching his as he cringed at what I'd said.
"Bella, I won't ever leave you, u are my life now. Charlie is different, I know he is your dad, but u both are two different species now, u are a vampire, and he is a human. The pain of becoming a vampire isn't worse than worrying about someone u love, I would know that feeling because I worried about u too. One dag I came back to check on u and snuck into your bedroom and sat on u bed, wondering how much longer I could go without you. Then your alarm clock went off and I had to go because I knew a seconde separation from me would be even harder than the first. I know that feeling, of wondering, what's going to happen next." Edward zei looking deep into my eyes.
"Edward, I need to talk to u in your room." I zei trying to sound serious.
"Okay." He zei starting towards the stairs.
When we arrived in his room he shut the door behind us, he slowly leaned in towards me our lips met, this kiss was meer rough than the others, I reached my hands into his hair as he did mine, he threw me on the couch, then we heard a knock. He went to get the door as I fixed my hair.
"Bella, Charlie is here." Carlisle zei a serious look on his face.
"What??!! What do I do?? What's he gonna say when he sees me??" I zei sounding frantic.
"Don't worry Bella, maybe he won't react like u think he will." Carlisle zei trying to sound calm.
We walked down stairs Charlie was standing in the doorway, when he saw me his mouth dropped open.
"ISABELLA SWAN!! WHY ARE u HERE?!? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU?? WHAT HAS EDWARD DONE TO YOU??? YOU'RE COMMING home pagina WITH ME!!" He zei his face turning purple, anger building into his voice.
"No dad, I'm staying here with Edward!" I zei as Edward put his arm around me.
"BELLA, YOU'RE NOT STAYING HERE WITH THIS BOY, YOU'RE COMMING HOME!!" Charlie said, his voice full of anger and frustration.
"Charlie I can assure u she's fine. u shouldn't be mad at her." Edward zei trying to calm him down.
"DON'T TELL ME WHO I CAN BE MAD AT!!" Charlie zei drawing back his fist, I knew if he hit Edward, it would shatter his fist and then he would know something was wrong with Edward.
"Dad no!!!" I zei grabbing his fist, stopping it in mid-hit. I could feel the bones in his hand smash. One bone jutted out the side of his hand. His mouth twisted in pain as he crumpled to the floor grabbing his fist.
"CARLISLE!" I yelled staring in horror at what I done to my father. The smell of blood lurched into my throught, burning, like some one had set my throught on fire. The burning was excruciating. I must fight, I can't let this get the best of me.
Carlisle appeared seconden later, door the sound of my voice he knew something was terribly wrong so he brought along his black medicine bag.
"Bella what happened?" He zei getting down on both knees beside Charlie examining his hand.
"He was going to hit Edward and I grabbed his fist before it could hit him." I zei franticly, still staring at the blood that oozed out of his hand where the bone had broke through Charlie's skin.
"His hand is broken in a couple of places, and the bone has broke through his skin. Edward, go get something to stablize it and I need something to stop the blood. I need to stablize it, hurry." Carlisle zei looking at Charlie's hand.
"What can I do?" I zei looking into Charlie's eyes.
Edward came back carrying three boards small eneough in length to fit Charlie's hand and an old gray T-shirt.
"Go find some masking tape to hold the boards in place." Carlisle zei as he tied the gray overhemd, shirt around Cahrlie's hand.
I went into Carlisle's study and searched through the top, boven drawer until I found some masking tape. I ran back to Carlisle.
"Here, will he be okay?" I asked staring at the boards, in which Carlisle had made a brace out of.
"I'm not sure yet, he's still loosing alot of blood, he has broke a couple of bones in the top, boven of his hand as well, we need to get him to the ER, Alice go get the car." He zei just loud enough for Alice-who was in the other room-to hear.
A couple of seconden later, Carlisle was carrying Charlie to his car.
"What's happened? Where are we going?" Charlie asked, still in pain.
"We are going to the ER, u have broken your hand in three places, and theres a bone thats broke through your skin." Edward zei as he got into the front with Alice. Carlisle and me were sitting in the back, Carlisle was holding Charlie's hand so he couldn't verplaats it.
"Dad I'm so sorry." I zei with sympathy in my voice.
"Your hand, it was" Charlie zei staring into my eyes.
"Dad alot of things have happened in these two days-" I started to say, but Edward glanced at me from his zitplaats, stoel and I knew I shouldn't say anything about me becoming a vampire, because if I did, Charlie would have to become one so he wouldn't let our secret out, because then it would be his secret too. My throught was still burning, being in a closed up space with a human, and a bleeding one at that, was not a good idea for a newborn vampire.
"And your eyes they're so different they look like melted gold, and your skin is so pale. What has that boy done to you?" He zei tears forming in his eyes. I saw Edward squeeze his eyes shut, then open them again.
"Dad, Edward hasn't done anything to me that I didn't want." I zei and that was the truth, and the truth I've learned, is dangerous. I wanted to just tell him about everything, about me being a vampire now, about how Edward proposed to me, and about how I wanted to say yes, yes a million times yes, when he proposed. I wanted to be a normal teenage girl again, but that would never happen again I'll never be normal, nothing will ever be normal.
"What did he do to u that u did want?" Charlie asked his face frozen in horror. I didn't know what to say I knew what he was thinking but I wasn't ready to take the leap of that action yet.
"He has loved me, the way no one else could love me." I zei looking at Edward.
We arrived at the hospital, Carlisle told the nurse at the nurse's bureau that Charlie had come over to our house to apoligize to Edward but he fell in the drive-way, falling on the gravel, and when he fell he landed on a big rock that may have smashed a couple of bones, and tore through his skin.
They took Charlie back to the ER and they told Edward, Alice, and me that we couldn't come back with him. the ER was full of the smell of fresh blood, but I saw no one in the halls.
"But he's my Dad I need to be back-" Edward put his hand on my shoulder. He bent down to my ear,
"He'll be okay, he's in good hands." He whispered in my ear, only a vampire could understand what he said. Alice took my arm, leading me to the waiting room. When we got back to the waiting room I had a look of sorrow and fear on my face. There was no one in the waiting room except us. Alice sat over volgende to me reading an issue of Fashion Magazine. Edward took my hand and I heard his thoughts.
"Your father will be okay. u didn't mean to hurt him, I know u didn't. If he had hit my face, it would have been worse. An older vampires skin is harder than a stone wall. u did the right thing. I'm proud of u for resisting him Bella, u being a newborn vampire and everything. Not alot of newborns have the strength to do that." He bent down to kiss my forehead.
"I know but I can't take the thought that I hurt him, that I caused him pain." I zei pulling him closer to me, I felt like I never wanted to let him go, I layed my head against his chest. Alice was sitting volgende to me she put the magazine down and leaned her head back and shut her eyes, probally trying to see what was going to happen to Charlie. I layed there very still, my head on his chest, worrying about Charlie.
"I can't see anything about Charlie Bella, I don't know whats going to happen." Alice said, a look of sadness and sympathy on her face.

Leter that night, Carlisle came back into the waiting room and talked to us, bad news.
"Bella, when one of the bones broke, a chip of it flew towards a critical vein and busted it. I can't repair a vein, he's still loosing alot of blood, he might not have very long to live. But there's another option, I can change him if he gets too bad, if he looses too much blood. Would u want me to do that?" He said, I just stared back at him, a blank, hurt expression on my face, if I could cry,if that were possible, I would be sobbing uncontrolably right now.
"Do what u must, just don't let him go." I said, my voice full of sorrow and despair.
"Are your sure Bella?" He asked me, looking deep into my eyes, if I had a soul, he would be staring right through it.
"Yes." I zei leaning my head onto Edward's shoulder.

We waited and waited and still no reply from Carlisle, I never knew that a couple of broken bones and torn skin could cause so much damage.

When your imortal, time is slow, and where I am right now, it's slow and painful.

2:34 AM

3:15 AM

Carlisle walked into the room.
"Bella he's not going to make it, unless I change him, he's loosing to much blood and we can't stop the vein from bleeding, I'm going to take him back to our house. I have no other choice, besides just letting him......die." Carlisle said, with sympathy in his voice.
"We are going to head on back to the house then, and wait for you." I zei sadly.
"I'll meet u there." he zei walking back through the double doors into the ER.
"Let's go bella." Edward zei as he stood up. Alice stood up as he did.
"He's gonna be okay, don't worry, Bella." Alice zei rubbing my shoulder.
"I hope so." I zei staring at the ground.
Alice slid into the driver's zitplaats, stoel of Carlisle's car and Edward and I slid into the back, I layed down and put my head in Edward lap. He stoked my hair with gentle strokes.

When we got back to the house, Alice went into the living room and sat down, Carlisle came in the door with Charlie in his arms seconden later.
"Okay Bella, I need to do this now of we might loose him. Do u want to come with me?" He zei checking looking at Charlie.
"No, I don't think I could take that." I zei squeezing my eyes shut, and then opening them.
"Okay." Carlisle zei as he started to walk down the hall.
After a couple of minuten we heard Charlie moan, followed door some kind of inhuman sound that sounded like it came from a horror movie, I cringed, burying my face into Edward's crumpled black T-shirt.
I heard his thoughts.
"It's okay Bella, we had no choice besides to just let him die. I don't want u to go through Charlie dieing."
"I love u Edward." I zei staring up into his eyes. That was true, I loved him I loved the way he protected me, even though I was stronger than him. I loved the way he traced my face with his finger tips. I loved the way he kissed the top, boven of my head when I was worried. I loved him, no matter what will try to rip us apart, I. Love. Him. He hugged me tighter to him, I was grateful for that.

About an uur after Carlisle had taken Charlie Back to his room, they both walked out. Charlie was..... he was... beautiful. His eyes were a lovley ruby red color, and his hair was still that same old golden brown.
"Bella," Charlie zei as he ran towards me and put his arms around me.
"Bella, I told him about us, about what we are, I explained everything to him. What we eat, about our strength, about our immortality, and that he is one now. I told him he couldn't tell anyone and he promised that he wouldn't tell anyone." Carlisle zei looking at Charlie
"Dad, I'm so sorry that I ran away, I just.........I just need to be with Edward, I love him, and then he was refusing to turn me and I wanted to be a vampire so I could live with him forever so, I put my mortality to a vote and now, I'm a vampire." I zei looking into his ruby red eyes.
"It's okay Bella, what matters now is that we are together and we always will be, you're the best daughter ever Bella, vampire of human." Charlie zei looking deep into my eyes.
I looked down at his wrist, there was no bone jagging out of his skin.
"Carlisle, what happened to his wrist." I asked staring at his healed wrist.
"When someone has a wound and then they are turned, the venom heals all wounds and bones." Carlisle zei looking at Charlie still.
"Where are the others?" I asked Carlisle.
"They're hunting, they all zei earlier today about hunting early this morning." He answered, smiling a curious smile.
"Can get something to eat? I'm running on empty." Charlie asked rubbing his belly.
Carlisle let out a chuckle.
"Yes Charlie, come on I'll go with you, I'll teach u the proper way to hunt. We'll try to find the others as well." Carlisle zei guesturing towards the door.
"Be back in a little while Bells." Charlie zei heading out the door.
"I'm going up to my room if anyone needs me." Alice called as she headed up the stairs.
"So what should we do now?" Edward asked, looking at me playfully.
"Let's go up to your room." I zei pulling him towards the stairs.
Edward then put his arms around me and whispered in my ear.
"Let's Be Safe." Edward said.

That was true I was going to be veilig forever, and so was Edward, we had alot of people who loved us and who protected us.
As long as I was with Edward, I would be safer than ever, because he was my uithangbord of protection, he was one of the best things that had ever happened to me, but yet still I wonder about Renee and Jacob. About what lies ahead in my new, immortal life, I will never know until tomorrow. Another dag means new surprises, and new adventures.
posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
I had a horrible dream. Which is stupid, vampires don't sleep, but then again, it could've been a dream. Why is this happening to me? I know, (kind of), the reasons, but must it tease me like this? Every where I go, whatever I do, a few ghosts are in my imagination. They are: my mum, dad, and the little boy that I grew up from, me! Ever since, a week ago, they were in my head; taunting me. I feel like I can't do anything, without me thinking about it. I try to put it off; but it comes back like a boomerang. I love my past, with me and my family till the accident, but it just feels...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Okay, since I know it would be awhile until I can post the volgende chapter (maybe another week) I decided to put up a teaser for u guys.
Hope u enjoy it. And tell me if u want me to send a compliment to u when the volgende chapter is up.
Again thank u for all the lovely comments, and thank u for sticking around with me for so long :)

Bella's POV

We were outside, and I had to admit it wasn't like what I thought it was going to look like. I mean they had dirt roads and everything, but it was actually quite nice, there wern't big buildings and the village seemed peaceful. Tash's place was hidden, you...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 16:
“I believe you…..” I was about to say I believe u but I was cut off door a blood curling scream through my head that just clicked something in my mind that felt like it switched something on. Then all of sudden I knew who’s scream that was it was my daughters and just door her scream I could jump out of whatever state I was in and I was able to feel and see again and ready to take whatever I needed to keep my kid safe.

Chapter 17th:

The first thing I saw when I awoke from whatever it was Alec, Jane’s brother who can disable u from sound, seeing, and that moment he...
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posted by harrypotterbest
Okay, this is my first-ever Twilight fanfiction, so please dismiss it if it isn't so good.

I stared at her. ‘Bella, be quiet! I’m trying to put Nessie to sleep!’ I snapped, putting Renesme in her cot.
‘I wanna do that!’ zei Bella.
‘Do u always have to whine? And can’t u see Nessie likes me?
Bella stood up, glaring at me. I glared right back.
‘Rosalie,’ zei Edward. I turned to face him. ‘Give Ness-Renesme to Bella.’ I stared at him. ‘Rosalie!’ He zei in a warning tone. As if he could take me. ‘I can, u know!’ zei Edward, smirking. I threw Renesme over...
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Many outlets are circulating a rumor that Robert Pattinson has signed on for his volgende movie.

According to reports on sites like Glamour UK, the Twilight ster and Emma Watson “are to get steamy in a lusty new art-house flick” called Dark Arc, the remake of a 2004 release.

Casey Affleck is supposedly in discussions to complete the film’s “love triangle” connecting an artist, a graphic designer and their muse.

However, the growing speculation online is not correct.

Pattinson is not involved.

A representative for Pattinson tells Gossip Cop the meld is “untrue.”

Follow @GossipCop on Twitter for accurate celebrity news!
posted by whatupiloveyou
Just a warning this is a short chapter. I have no meer ideas. Thank u for all the people who stayed with this story!
Disclaimer: I don’t own twilight. Go to my profiel ad take a kwis and help me decided my volgende story. Please and thank you.

Alice POV: (Before she picks up Edward from the airport)

I’m so glad Edward was coming back. He should be landing in about 7 hours, if my visions are correct. Who am I kidding, when am I ever wrong. It took Edward forever to come back to Bella. I have to go tell the rest of the family. I can’t wait to see Bella again. I miss her so much.

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posted by KatiiCullen94
The voice of an offical worker brought me back to live from feels like an awaking.
My leg was grinnign inn ache and wrist was thrubbing. Looking up with drugged vision, i managed to define and remember the flawless features of Charisle Cullen.
"Bella, your ok, u just had a little accident yesterday. broke your wrist and ancle, i will let u out tomorrow, but i will have u on crunches, rekon u survive on those ? of those weapons for you?" He zei smile, shaking off his serious tone that spoke the bad news. i was releived as i was shocked.
i dont even remember an accident, nor do i even...
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 madapanda's favourite character: Edward
madapanda's favourite character: Edward
1. Who is your favourite male character and why?

Edward's my favoriete male character. I've always been interested in characters that have lived for a certain amount of time, and they carry something with them all those years. They aren't able to let it go so to speak. For Edward, it's guilt. Everything that he's done, he thinks he's a monster and that he's damned to live an eternity of emptiness. But Bella comes into the picture and appeases that guilt. She fills that emptiness. And u see Edward change. She works in Edward and he eventually realizes that he is capable and worthy of love....
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Will Twilight Saga fans see a Bree Tanner spin-off? As fans of The Twilight Saga already know, Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Breaking Dawn Part 2 will be the last two films of the Twilight franchise. However, Breaking Dawn doesn't mean that Summit Entertainment will let The Twilight Saga fade from the big screen? Now word comes down the Twilight snoek, pike that there may be a Bree Tanner spin-off in the works.
According to What’s Playing, Summit Entertainment may be looking to continue The Twilight Saga after Breaking Dawn with a spin-off focused on the Twilight character, Bree Tanner. In an e-mail received...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
Why am I in love with him? He doesn't really know me! Edward Cullen has been my neighbour for the whole of my exsistence. And up until now; I've been falling for him. It's like spiderman.
I just wish, he feels the same way because he is the most beautiful creature I have seen. He is a caring neighbour , to me , my mum and my dad. We are really lucky to have him and his family, because we are all really close, (they are my seconde family.)
Even my mum is getting really curious, because it was breakfast time she was asking, "Why don't u ask Edward out because u always behave differently...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
i diddnt know how to take Edward patience and becoming obession when i saw him waiting at my home.
I dont know what was growing inside me, but i just made me mad, and angry and wanted to lash out. Was i jealous? OMG YES I WAS! that leah girl stal my boyfriend!!
i'd never been a bitchy girl that seeked revenge only because i never had any reason too, but this is jacob! and i could see that there were parts of him that still wanted me, and i wasnt going to give up, i still have my chance.
Maybe she forces him... i always knew i was a very lucky girl when jacob was the one that showed interest...
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The rest of the nights were as plain and ordinary as the rest. I have never really been a fan of the night, even though that's when we were forced to hunt when it was hunting season. All the humans got to hunt when they could just go to the supermarket, and we had to wait. I couldn't blame them though. Fresh meats tastes better than store bought. Charlie taught me that.

The drizzle didn't stop for the whole night, that I didn't even notice that it was 8:37. It didn't leave that much time to get to school, only 3 minutes. "Guys!" I called out, rushing to Nathan's room. "Nathan. Wake up!" He woke...
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posted by NeeNee14
I was as big as a house.I had to stop going to school because my doctor put me in bed rest. I hated staying in one was so boring,I needed something to do.I picked up my phone and went through the contacts.I saw a name that I haven't called in a while so I pressed the green button and the phone began the ring.
"Hello?"She said.
"Hey Carly."I said.Carly was my best friend from boarding school, but she was a jaar ahead of me.
"Hey Kam...How are ya?"She zei in her southern accent.
"I'm good I was wondering if u wanted to hang out at my house?"I asked her.
"Umm."I bit my lip at her hesitation."Sure,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    The volgende time I woke up, it was eight in the morning. I was wondering what Haus meant door Jerek would kill me, and I didn't know if it was just a stupid dream my mind made up of not. I didn't know if I should trust his words, seeing how he is an evil maniac that ticked us off alot, of if he was really telling me to watch out for him. Should I tell someone about it? of should I just keep this to myself?
    Jerek...wait, JEREK!"
    I sat up in bed,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "JEREK!" I yelled, jumping to my feet and running out of the room, I ran to the front door, and I watched his car speed out of the driveway as he made his way to wherever he was going. "UGH!" I ran downstairs, going for Tabra and Shropee.
    "TABRA!" I called. "SHROPEE!" I ran down the secret basement's stairs, and ran into Tabra. Literally.
    "What's wrong?" Shropee's voice asked from behind Tabra.
    "It's Jerek. He pulled this...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "I don't know." Tabra zei after five minuten of silence.
    "Did I poke a nerve I shouldn't have?" I asked him.
    "No. I just haven't thought of her lately, and when u zei Olivia as if u knew her, just made me think of something."
    "Can I ask what that something is?"
    "Unless u can carry the burden of a long story before someone interrupts, then yes. But, I need to douche so...I'll see ya'."...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    The volgende thing I knew, I was awake. A kiss on my lips brought me to the now, and as my eyes opened, I saw Jerek's familiar face looking down into mine. Like a person in awe, he smiled.
    "What?" I asked, and I felt a line being traced over my arm.
    "Nothing." He kissed me again, and sat up. "It's time to get up."
    "Yesterday went door fast." I sat up to, holding the covers to my chest.
    "It sure did." Jerek...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    I looked up at Jerek, my head on his chest, my index finger tracing patterns over his skin.
    "What?" He asked, his arm around me.
    "Nothing." I said, and he laughed.
    "Okay. Well, are u wantning to take a douche of something? It's four." He said.
    "No. I want to stay right here." I moved my head back to where it was, watching my finger run along his skin, making patterns I didn't know what of.
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posted by moolah
Chapter Six:
Lexy’s P.O.V:
“Why are u giving me a bell?” I asked as Dad handed me a small klok, bell to jingle whenever I needed something. “Because I’m babysitting and need to fill some paperwork out.” He kissed my head. “Isn’t Seth here?” Dad shook his head. “No, sweetie pie. Jacob had a best man meeting.” I nodded, “Including Seth?” He nodded and turned upstairs.

‘I like to spit…a lot…and if I could spit anywhere in the world I would spit on you’re heart!’

Renesmee and Lexy’s Song….haha…something must be going on.
I fished my cell out of my pocket. Up on...
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A Youtube Script:
*episode twenty-one*
*Worms with Water*
Emmett: *nods* fine…now I’m positive I heard Jazz scream…maybe we should check on him.
Bella: Me too…*snickers* Sorry Al, but his scream kinda sounded like a girl.
Alice: I noticed that…I wonder why?
Edward: *rolls eyes* Sure.
Alice: Oh, Edward! Get over it…you’re going to be a dad!
Bella: *not very happy* Uh, yeah…lighten up, Edward.
Edward: *mumbling* Sure.
Alice: *rolls eyes* Ignore him, Bells, he’s just a boy.
Bella: Sure.
~With Jasper~
Emmett: *runs in* *sees him in the hot tub* Dude, what the crap?
Jasper: *stuttering* W-w-w-worms!...
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