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posted by kiwi12
sorry this took so long

part 23

When Seth and I got to the Cullen's house, Esme invited him to sit and visit. We both sat on a sofa. Carlisle, Esme, Jasper and Emmett were there while Rosalie came in and out of the garage. Esme, ever the hostess, soon brought out a bowl of tortilla chips already topped with a festive salsa. Seth ate while he watched TV with Jasper. Not wanting to be offensive, I decided to eat five chips, hoping that would be enough. After my first, I started talking with Esme. I was exhausted and couldn't really focus. As I reached into the bowl again, my brain was completely checked out. I took a bite and found myself drinking.

Whatever the drink was, it was warm and soothing and wonderful. I felt like I could drink for an eternity. "Juliet" Carlisle's voice rang out "Juliet, u must stop right now." His voice was urgent and firm. He didn't sound angry, but his voice was very concerned and stern. Something deep inside me wanted to hide from his reproachful tone, but I didn't stop drinking. The bron of the drink was pulling away, but I held tight.

It all happened in a matter of seconds. I felt strong hands on me. Then, an instant later, there was another set. I was being pulled and thrown onto the floor. I screamed in pain as my head hit the ground. A load growl sounded. Looming over me were Jasper and Emmett. I caught a quick peek of Seth's bleeding hand before he phased. I was happy that I didn't phase as well, but then realized that would at least give me some defense. I felt Jasper spread calm while Carlisle talked to Seth. "Stop. Now. Do u want to hurt her?" Yep. I was fairly certain the wolf did want to hurt me. I'd bit him. I didn't know why. I felt repulsed thinking I'd sipped his blood. Now he was going to attack me.

To my surprise, Seth backed up at Carlisle's words and whined quietly. "There are some clothes for u in the bathroom. Tee cabinet under the sink. We thought it would be a good idea to keep well stocked" Alice told the werewolf. He retreated. One danger temporarily gone. I glanced at Emmett and Jasper. I hurt so bad.

Jasper looked to be in full soldier mode. Not good. Emmett looked confused. To my dismay, tears streamed down my face as I wondered which one would end my life. Seth was back very quickly with a pair of sweatpants. His terrifying muscles made me shudder. His eyes were the angry. "What the hell were u two thinking?" He yelled. Two? He seemed to be walking meer toward Emmett and Jasper than me. Alice and Rosalie were at their husbands' side in an instant. "Watch it dog" Rosalie hissed, but Seth had already started moving toward me. I couldn't even run... not that running would help. I closed my eyes and curled into a ball.

"Juliet? Are u alright? Juliet? Juliet?" He asked urgently. I felt myself being scooped into warmth and held close. Seth raised his hand to strike me and I flinched, but I didn't feel pain. He was simply stroking my tears. His hand was mostly healed where my teeth had somehow managed to break his skin. "Guess you're not venomous" he smiled. "I'm sorry" I offered. It sounded so lame. Oh yeah, I'm so sorry I tried to deprive u of your life's essence. Won't happen again. He stroked my hair gently. His cell phone rang, but I ignored it.

Carlisle was worried about Seth's loss of blood, but Seth seemed unwilling to move. The doctor didn't push the matter. Instead he turned his attention on me. "Are u sure that u are in control of yourself?" he asked me, looking at Seth. I nodded weakly. "I didn't know it was blood. I wouldn't have kept doing it if I knew. At first I thought it was a chip and even when I realized it wasn't, I would never have guessed I'd grabbed Seth's hand." Seth was still holding me. "It's fine. Don't cry. My hand just happened to be grabbing a chip. u probably liked the blood because of the vampire's in the room." His voice was so soothing. "They don't like werewolves though." He laughed. Emmett laughed too. Unbelievable.

Carlisle pulled me out of Seth's arms. The doctor wasn't sure how badly I'd been hurt when the vampires grabbed me off of Seth. I had no broken bones, but massive bruises. My ribs, not entirely healed yet, hurt from being jostled. This angered Seth again and he glared at Emmett and Jasper. I'd just attacked him and he was angry with his saviors? "Look at what u did to her! u could have killed her!" Carlisle stepped in "Seth u know they were only trying to do what was right." To my surprise, Emmett and Jasper both apologized, saying they'd tried to be gentle, but had been too goal-oriented. I zei there was nothing to apologize for. It was true.

Before too long, Jacob came by. He opened the door without knocking and looked Seth up and down. "Is your cell phone dead of do u think it's funny to phase with those thoughts and then ignore my call?" He sounded furious. "Oh! Sorry Jake. I forgot I'd ignored it. Won't happen again." Jacob rolled his eyed "It had better not." He growled. Emmett. Now, Jacob seemed meer annoyed than angry. I realized it was concern for Seth that made Jacob react the way he had. Then, he saw me. His eyes flew from Seth to me and back.

"What happened?" Jacob asked, kneeling door me. I hung my head. How could I explain? Seth rescued me "Nothing Jake" The two boys looked at each other "Call your sister." Jacob ordered. Seth complied as Jacob started playing with his object of imprintation. "Hey Leah... sorry about that... I'm fine... yep... meer of less: bruises, but nothing permanent... later OK?... Bye" He hung up. "I really am sorry Jake." Seth offered. "Overprotective much?" Rosalie asked the Alpha. Renesmee spoke up. She zei that because Jacob was the Alpha of the pack, he was like the daddy of the family. He had to make sure everyone was OK. Seth sat volgende to me "Leah says two catastrophes is enough for the night" he informed me. "Is she mad at me?" I asked. He shook his head.

Renesmee came and grabbed my hand, leading me to a spot door a big wall. She sat me down beside her on the floor and showed me a drawing of the two of us. It was hard to imagine such a small girl being such a skilled artist. I jumped as she placed a hand on my face to get an opinion. I placed my hand on her to tell her it was wonderful. We talked peacefully and she started a new drawing. Before long, we were both nodding off, leaning against the wall. I finally gave up fighting and decided to lay on my arm. As I lowered my hand, I felt something warm and soft. I hadn't realized there was a hoofdkussen, kussen there. It felt good. Safe.

When I woke up I kept my eyes closed and enjoyed the pillow. It was warm and so very soft, but it felt odd somehow. I felt a bit of something hard. I opened my eyes. A wolf. Not good. I'd even been nuzzling the "pillow". I sat up, not sure what to expect. I recognized the wolf as Seth. He looked happy. "Sorry" I offered. He shook his head and touched my hand with his nose. I wasn't sure what that meant. volgende to me, Renesmee was asleep on Jacob, nuzzled deep into his fur. I didn't even know Seth had been near me when I'd fallen asleep.

Edward helped me understand "Seth moved just before your head would have touched the floor. He just asked me to tell u he'd heard that werewolves make good pillows." He smiled "Thank you". I told both the wolf and the translator. I couldn't believe Seth had phased and moved just to be my pillow. "He's spent past uur talking with Jacob" I remembered that the wolves could hear each others thoughts. "It's an odd feeling hearing the conversation without being able to contribute." Edward continued. Emmett scowled. "Or u just spout random phrases. It's irritating to say the least."
*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 17 - THE GAME

"All right," Esme called in a clear voice, which I knew even Edward would hear, as far out as he was. "Batter up."
Alice stood straight, deceptively motionless. Her style seemed to be stealth rather than an intimidating windup. She held the ball in both hands at her waist, and then, like the strike of a cobra, her right hand flicked out and the ball smacked into Jasper's hand.
"Was that a strike?" I whispered to Esme.
"If they don't hit it, it's a strike," she told me.
Jasper hurled the ball back to Alice's wating hand. She permitted herself...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


And then the klok, bell rang for lunch. As I jumped out of my seat, shoving my boeken roughly in my bag, my uplifted expression must have tipped Jessica off.
"You're not sitting with us today, are you?" she guessed.
"I don't think so." I couldn't be sure that he wouldn't disappear inconveniently again.
But outside the door to our Spanish class, leaning against the uithangbord - looking meer like a Greek god than anyone had a right to - Edward was waiting forr me. Jessica took one look, rolled her eyes, and departed.
"See u later, Bella." Her voice...
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posted by twilight-7
Kayla’s POV

I sat, my legs pulled up in front of my chest with my arms wrapped around them, volgende to Edward waiting for him to wake up. I still had the bloody dagger in my hand, a sign of my deed. I felt numb inside. I still couldn’t come to terms with what I had done. Mitchell was still lying on the floor volgende to Jacob. Not too close to him, Jacob wasn’t covered in Mitchell’s blood like I was. I felt a nudge from my baby. I killed Mitchell so the baby would live. Was that bad of me? I just wanted to protect my baby. I would be committing murder anyway if I let Mitchell kill me.
I heard...
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posted by MadisonAmpt
Having trouble. but this is a long one

I woke up on a hard freezing cold floor with a killer head ache. i slowly got up and stood there waiting for the dizziness to go away. Its pitch black i cant see a thing, am i dead? what the hell happened? where am i? i have a thousand vragen running through my head and i dont have an answer for any of them. I decided i had been standing here for long enough and started to walk around, until i ran straight into a uithangbord and fell right on my bum. "Shit" i whispered under my breath. i got up and felt the uithangbord with my hands. i kept walking wile tracing my...
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At first ther was only the pain of her razor-sharp teeth. It was very painful, but I could handle it without screaming. Then I felt the venom start creeping into my system, and I fell back on the bed, screaming in agony. I tried to push her off me, not in my right mind enough to know it was usless. A moment later she released me, but it didn't matter much. It was already in my system, and I continued to scream at top, boven volume. It did no good. It brought not even the tiniest bit of relief. I tried to squirm and writhe, but Alice's hands held me down. I didn't even know what I was seeing. I couldn't...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


The volgende morning, when i pulled into the parking lot, I deliberately parked as far as possible from the silver Volvo. I didn't want to put myself in the path of too much temtation and end up owing him a new car. Getting out of the cab, I fumbled with my key and it fell into a puddle at my feet. As I bent to get it, a white hand flashed out and grabbed it before I could. I jerked upright. Edward Cullen was right volgende to me, leaning casually against my truck.
"How do u do that?" I asked in amazed irritation.
"Do what?" He held my key out...
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capter 2

i woke with the sun lieing on my legs, and alone,
i rolled to see jacobs side empty, but what could i expect, this was the morning routine, the way it was was since our marriage five months ago.
he had his werewolf duties along side sam.I dont know why this morning felt different to every other.i had a feeling today was different, like for some reason today is a dag i was going to remember and jacob wasnt there to see what it was.
It was early 9.00, and i was shocked to see the sun, out , instead of the gloomy clouds as always.
I had hoped to raise Tanna in Pheonix, in the sun and the heat,...
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capter one!!!

i flicked off the light, and prayed that when i shut the door that it wouldnt wake her up. i steped out of the room, taking one meer glance at my addition to my complete life.
she was soo little, so young and yet so innocent to the world around her, so unaware to the creaters that surivive just outside her room, and i tend to keep it like that until the time is of her father.
of only 5 weeks of age. and already made her perfect smile, and wow she looked like her dad.
the brown soft, russet colour tone, and the brown eyes,. the spitting image.
i smiled once meer and closed...
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posted by _madz_
hallo guys, thanks for the support, i'm glad u like it :P

part one
I stopped breathing. I was so nervous. I’d met other vampires and covens before, but never this many.
I shifted my weight to my right foot, listening to the slight rustle the gras made beneath my foot.
Then I heard a voice. It sounded like golden wind chimes.
“Alice! What on earth is he doing?”
“Shush Rose! This is important!” another female voice answered. Alice I suppose.
Well they sounded nice enough.
From what I could here they had slowed down, just below the ridge of the hill. What were they waiting for?
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posted by anna0789
its the vietnam war...
carilisle is 23
emmet is 20
edward is 19
jasper is 20

edward's pov

it's been 5 weeks since i arrived to vietnam to the alpha company. I have to accept that my mother was right i wasn't ready for war well none of us really were. The war consisted of days of bieng bore to death and hours of pure horror ; i hadn't been hurt but i had watch many died i feel bad for saying that i am really lucky that i didn't knew well the guys that had died. but that was how it was u tried to maintain what is yours as selfish as it sounds...
i had form a really closed relationship with all the...
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posted by twilight-7
Same as before ..... ster then italics - Loretta
Italics - Kayla

I burst into the Cullen household to see Emmett and Jasper fighting to hold onto Edward. Esme was trying to calm Edward, her hands touching Edward’s face, hair, arms. She was speaking in gentle tones, telling him to be calm and think things through. They didn’t see me. Their concentration was all on Edward.
“She doesn’t want me, Esme,” he cried to her. “I saw her, draped all over him. I saw the love in her eyes for him and when she looked at me and spoke to me she was cold and hard. She doesn’t love me.”
I stood,...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
I was on my way to home pagina when I saw Cullen's house road. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I would die there when I see their rooms empty. with no COLD ONES!

I turned around and decided to go home. I wanted to be strong. But... who was there for me to make me be strong for him?! As I went in my room I recognized something under the carpet of my room. I went closer and got the papers out from there. The titel was:

"Last part of me"

It was Edward's gorgeous handwriting. Tears ran on my cheecks before I could even read any of it.

"Edward, Edward...Come back"

With my screams, Charlie was at...
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posted by anna0789
alice was helping me prepare to my "double date" with edward ,james and mystery girl
i don't know but every time anyone mention that girl my stomach twisted i didn't get it i wasn't jelouse becuase i had seen edward make out with tons of girls but...
but he hadn't been with nobody since we became friends... but i wasn't jelouse no NO

"look bella" alice zei proud of herself since we sere only going to the films alice agree that i chose my outfit under her supervision while she did my make up and hair

"wow alice u really do magic# i whisper
she laugh giddly
"thanks well good luck with your...
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posted by AliceHaleCullen
Further to yesterday’s opening of the ballot for the New Moon UK fan Party, we have additional information for fans, and antwoorden to some vragen which have been geplaatst on the fan pages.


Throughout the week we will be announcing the band line up for the event. We are very pleased to say the 1st band to be announces is BAND OF SKULLS


Each ballot entry on is for 2 tickets. All entries will be put into a random draw and successful entrants will be notified. Please note, in order to pick up your tickets u will be required to provide ID. If u see any...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
end of chap3
The klok, bell rang then I saw Edward waiting for me in front of the office
-there u are I thought u were going to ditch me
-whenever I make a promise I will always keep it!
Specially the one that includes: killing Damien and his mother
-so who was he?
He asked a little angry
-no one
I sighed
-I won’t push it if u don’t want to talk about it
-that's a good idea
We reached the biology class I sat beside the window again and edward sat beside me like jasper
The teacher came in the class and told everyone to welcome edward and blah blah blah
In the biology class I wasn’t as tired as before so...
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hello, i'm kathleen. everyday i am goin to bring u up todate with everthing that is happening with new moon and eclispe.....



Sweden – tickets are now available for a Twilight and New Moon theatre experience! On November 19th they’ll be able to watch Twilight, and directly after (at midnight) they’ll have the midnight New Moon showing!

Belgium – New Moon tickets are now on sale in Belgium! And they get New Moon even earlier! On the 18th of November! u can purchase tickets here!

Germany – New Moon was to be released in January in Germany, however...
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 i started to think of peaceful places.
i started to think of peaceful places.

''Edward.'' Esme rushed to me,as soon as she saw me. My neck treeking with blood. I had patted my neck with a papertowel to stop the bleeding. ''Emmett.'' she turned to him. Her body still angled toward me. Dissaproval in her eyes as she glared at him. ''You and I are going to have a talk.'' Carsisle came out then. He took his hand and motioned for the others to come with him. Alice and Rosalie both still staring at me. Both of there eyes looked as if they wanted to tear. Rosalie's suprised me. She had never seemed to care about me till now. I knew she didn't approve of...
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posted by bella01

I woke up this morning struggling to keep my scream inside.I don't want them checking me again.I got off the bed and went to the bathroom.After taking a bath,i got dressed.I wore my black skinny jeans,a tight grey sleeveless top, boven and a black leather jacket.I wore my favoriete grey converse and my black leather gloves to prevent the vision to register quickly.Fabric and leather does not stop the vision it just delay it for a few seconden giving me time to escape.When i finished preparing i head downstairs.When i'm already at the living room i was shocked of what i seen.It;s my car but i am...
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posted by teamalice_0
I'm sorry again that I didn't write earlier, I was sick, again. So I'll make it up this one will be long and full of info. If u cry easily, u might want to bring a tissue box.

Alice wouldn't let me go, so we had to 'walk/hug' our way back to the house, Seth followed.

Alice sniffed the air, then turned to me, "You smell."

I had to laugh. The way she zei it and her expression made me laugh.

"Don't look at me, Seth's is the one who got his drool on me."

Alice didn't say anything but she made a disgusted look and insisted I 'cleaned up'...
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posted by bella01
What is wrong with her?Why is acting like she know that we are vampires?'oh,edwards here'.I need to act normal.I decided to hide what am i thinking door singing dancing queen of abba in my head,'dancing queen feel the beat of the tamborine oh yeah'.I noticed the happy expression on edward's face .I can't help but to smile.
"what"he asked
"nothing"i zei grinning

Then i had a vision ,2 visions in particular the 1st vision is bella dead,She died because of torture and the seconde vision is Bella a vampire.But bshe is not with us she is with agroup of vampires.I became confused...
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