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posted by twilight-7
Thirsty. So thirsty. I clawed at my neck, wishing I could rip out my throat and stop the burning. If I wasn’t careful, if I let my thoughts stray for even a second, the burn would control me. I’d turn into the monster I was trying to prove I wasn’t. I wouldn’t be that again. I couldn’t. Not since I had seen another life. Another way.
I looked around me, taking in the tranquillity of the trees. I was veilig here. People would be veilig from me. I couldn’t harm anything here but animals that dared to come too close. No one should be in here. Not at this time anyway. Far too late. No moonlight could penetrate the clouds that hung over this town.
What was that?
That scent.
That smell.
That taste.

“This is ridiculous.” I muttered, rubbing at my sore eyes. “They make absolutely no sense.”
“Don’t rub your eyes,” Edward pulled my hands away from my eyes. “You’ll make them worse.”
Edward lay volgende to me. Sun shone into my room through the window. His bare chest sparkled in the sun that touched his skin. I touched his sparkling skin lightly with my fingers, amazed his skin could produce such an amazing effect. I knew he wasn’t covered in glitter. It was the excruciating process that had made him a vampire that did this to him. The strengthening of his skin had turned every little cell in his skin into a facet that reflected the light, very much like diamond. And diamond is a very strong and hard substance, just like him. Amazing in my opinion.
“Everything about me is amazing to you,” he murmured, caressing my cheek with a pale finger.
“I hope u feel the same about me,” I said, clasping his hand in mine.
“Every day.”
I grinned and kissed his cold hand.
“Enough about how amazing I am,” I said, sitting up. “We need to do something about Charlie.”
He was up and pacing my bedroom floor before I could blink. His forehead creased in concentration as thoughts flitted in and out of his head. He threw rainbows around my room at intervals as he walked in and out of the sunlight.
I had no clue what was going on. These visions were jumbled up. I was seeing Charlie being killed but I was also having flashes of some vampire and his troubles with who he is. It made no sense.
“We’ll have to tell Charlie,” Edward said, coming to a stop at the end of my bed. “You are not able to deduce who it is that will kill him so therefore we have to tell him in order for him to be prepared and protect himself.”
“What annoys me is that it’s obviously someone he knows and yet no vampire he knows would kill him.”
“Unless he knows another vampire.”
I laughed at Edward and he stared back at me, clearly annoyed I had laughed at his theory.
“Please, how many vampires other than u live in Forks?”
“He could meet them outside of Forks,” he pouted like an upset child, folding his arms and turning away from me. I smiled and crawled down to the end of my bed. I kneeled behind him, waiting for him to turn back around.
“Come on,” I said, trailing my fingers lightly down his back. “You’re not really upset with me.”
“How do u know?” he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.
“I can read your mind,” I said. “And you’re really mean to do this to me. Make me think I’ve upset you.”
He chuckled and turned around, scooping me up in his arms.
“That was a very good theory,” I said, kissing his lips. “But, honestly, how many vampires in this world are vegetarian?”
Edward remained silent.
He rolled his eyes and placed me very gently on the bed.
“How about we go see the family today?” I said, smiling. “I haven’t lost to Emmett on the games console in a while.”
Edward’s eyes widened.
“You are suggesting leaving the house?” He feigned shock and fainted.
“Very funny,” I said, not bothering to go to him.
“It was,” he zei from the floor.
“I can’t breathe for laughing.”
“What about Charlie?” he said, standing up. “His life is in danger.”
“Not right now,” I said. “I would know about that. Anyway, I thought u wanted to get me out?”
“Okay, but don’t complain if Alice wants to give u a makeover.”

Charlie’s POV

The trees around me swayed gently in a light breeze. The sun blazed down from a brilliant blue sky that was rare in forks. I tugged at the kraag on my shirt, feeling the heat creeping up on me. I glanced at my watch again and sighed. I told the guys at the station I would only be gone for an uur and already a quarter of that had passed. Where was she?
It was only to be expected. Her father didn’t know about time-keeping either. The sun was out today. Maybe that was why she was late. Walking down the straat with him might not be as inconspicuous as usual.
“So sorry!”
I heard the loud, southern accent before I saw the owner. My niece stumbled towards me, tripping over a root. That was unusual for her. Her hair fell around her face in dark brown curls and her chocolate brown eyes looked tired. She stopped in front of me and smiled up at me apologetically. I frowned at her, wondering why she was like this.
“I couldn’t leave him,” she explained, worry clouding her eyes. “He’s struggling. It’s hurting him so much and I don’t know what to do.”
I understood now and immediately my hart-, hart wrenched for her. I didn’t know what to do either. If she wasn’t so in love with him I would have killed him to spare him pain and his potential victims if he couldn’t handle it. He was a danger. But I couldn’t do that.
“We have an over population of deer,” I suggested.
“It’s what they’re all eating now.”
She laughed and I saw the worry disappearing for a moment. Perking up, she smiled cheerfully.
“So, what’s up?”
Remembering one of the reasons why I was meeting her today, I turned serious.
“You aren’t doing your job, Lex.”
She frowned up at me, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“Is Kayla alive?” she asked.
“Well, yes,” I replied, confused myself.
“Then I have done my job,” she said, happily.
“No,” I shook my head. “You haven’t.”
She shook her head.
“You said,” she pointed at me with one elegant finger. “That I had to protect Kayla from harm. I’ve done that.”
“You,” I pointed at her. “failed that. Mitchell got to her.”
“He’s dead now, isn’t he? She killed him, right? I didn’t fail in anything.”
She folded her arms across her chest, satisfied she had explained enough to get out of trouble. Well she hadn’t.
“She wasn’t supposed to. That was your job. Did u not understand that part?”
Her eyes narrowed, suddenly filling with anger. She drew herself up to her full height and stared at me hard.
“I understood everything very clearly but as I zei before, I cannot keep stalking my cousin.”
I raised my eyebrows.
“Stalking?” I repeated. “I asked u to watch over her.”
“You might have zei watch over but u really meant stalk her.”
“No, Uncle Charlie, no,” she said, stepping back, the anger dying as fast as it had appeared. She held out her hands in a sign of defeat. “I can’t keep doing this for you. I love Kayla, but I can’t be a guardian angel for her. I’m struggling as it is to juggle my working life with my Azdi life. I need the money and it’s get increasingly harder to explain why I’m missing days of leaving half way through a shift of refusing night shifts.”
“I didn’t know it was this troubling for you,” I said, concerned. “You should have said.”
“Do u think I’ve not tried?” she laughed, humourlessly. “Every time I meet u I try, but u only go on about Kayla.”
“I don’t,” I argued. “It’s not always about Kayla.”
“Give me a time when we spoke, after that thing with Dad, and it wasn’t about Kayla.”
I thought for a moment, trying to remember the times I’d seen Lexi last.
“Do u remember when I called u to tell u about the Felinatas that were spotted running through the Olympic Forest?”
“You were worried they would come too close to Forks and Kayla would stumble upon one and be killed.”
“The newborn?”
“Kayla would go after it, u told me.”
“Jenzis in Port Angeles.”
“You thought Loren would be a part of them and u wanted me to keep an eye on them.”
“See!” I said, triumphantly. “Nothing about Kayla!”
“You feared they might attack Kayla,” she finished, with a sad look in her eyes. “It seems to me, dear uncle, that u feel nothing for me. u keep all your love for Kayla.”
I stared at her in shock. Surely she must be joking? She couldn’t think that. But I saw only sincere hurt staring back at me. Her chocolate brown eyes, my eyes, filled with pain.
“That’s not true, Alexandra,” I said, quietly.
“Spare me the lies, Charlie,” she turned away and I heard contempt in her voice. “You blame for what Dad did 17 years ago.”
“I don’t!”
“Then why haven’t u told Kayla about me?”
“She knows who u are,” I said.
“Of course she does, her mother would have told her all about me, but that’s not what I meant.” she turned back around to face me. “Why haven’t u told her that u meet up with me? Why doesn’t she know that I’m looking out for her?”
I looked away, feeling awkward. I knew why. I wasn’t going to tell her though, her feelings would only be hurt more. I couldn’t do that to her.
“Exactly,” she pushed past me and walked away. “I’ll see u around.”
“Lexi!” I called to her. “Don’t go!”
She didn’t stop. She just kept on walking. As I watched her retreating back, memories flooded back.

“WHAT ARE YOU?” Sarah screamed at me. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?”
I stared at her in confusion. What was going on? I had only just walked in the front door and here she is, screaming her head off.
“Honey, calm down,” I spoke in a slow and soothing voice. “What’s going on?”
I reached out to touch her arm but she jerked away from me.
“Don’t touch me!” she hissed, teeth bared and eyes blazing.
“I don’t understand. Why are u like this?” I felt hurt. Why wouldn’t she let me touch her? Everything was fine when I left this morning. She was happily feeding Kayla in the keuken-, keuken when I kissed them both goodbye. What had happened?
“Ted came around to see me,” she said. “Had something to tell me. Something about your heritage.
She turned her back on me for a seconde to look at Kayla, who was sitting in a high chair playing with building blocks, to see she was okay. Satisfied, she turned back and smacked me across the face.
“You stupid ass!” she brought her hand across the other side of my face. “Why didn’t u tell me? Why did I have to find out from your brother?”
“Sarah, please,” I said, rubbing my stinging cheeks. “Stop this.”
She laughed coldly. “I most certainly will not. u deserve it. How could u lie to me? I’m your wife.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you.”
She shook her head and I saw the anger fade quickly.
“I can’t look at u the same anymore, knowing what u are and how you’ve kept it from me. I can’t even look at our daughter without fearing she’ll start levitating and doing calculus.”
“Sarah, no, u can’t do this to me.”
“You don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“Yes I do and u can’t. You’re my wife, she’s my child, u can’t.”
She dropped her gaze from me, her hands twisting in front of her.
“I can’t trust u anymore,” she zei quietly.
I could see it all in her mind. It was killing me. Every word she spoke was like a dagger piercing my heart. She couldn’t leave me. She couldn’t. What would I do without her? How could I live without her?
“It was one lie, everything else about me is true.” I knew whatever I zei wouldn’t convince her to stay but I had to try.
“It’s not that, it’s what u are. How can I trust u alone with her? Knowing what u do.”
“Ted is crazy, u know that. He hasn’t been right for years.”
She didn’t say anything. She lifted Kayla out of the high chair and walked to the front door.
“We’re getting the volgende plane out of here,” she said. “My mother knows we’re coming. I’ll call u when I get there, just so u know Kayla is okay.”
Her hand rested on the doorknob. She was hesitating, maybe she wouldn’t leave me. Maybe I still had a chance.
“Sarah, please, I love you.”
She shook her head and twisted the doorknob, pulling the door open just a crack.
She shook her head again and opened the door fully.
“Just let me go, Charlie.”

I shook my head, trying to get rid of one of the worst moments in my life. Lexi was gone now. I didn’t know if she wanted to speak to me again. I didn’t get to tell her the other reason why I wanted to see her. The one that involved me.
posted by menedward4eva
This is an oath to Twilight that I found on a website...

Twilight Oath

I promise to remember Bella
Each time I carelessly fall down
And I promise to remember Edward
Whenever I'm out of town
I promise to obey traffic laws
For Charlies sake of course
And I promise to remember Jacob
When my hart-, hart fills with remorse
I promise to remember Carlisle
When ever I am in the Emergency Room
And I promise to remember Emmett
Every time there's a huge boom
I promise to to remember Rosalie
Whenever I see something that holds pure beauty
And I promise to remember Alice
When I'm at a mall and a cute outfit spots me
I promise...
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Sorry for the delay I have had some sever mental block and I couldnt think of anything to write LOL! Enjoy chapter 12 and remember to feedback and keep looking for chapter 13! Amber/Twilightsauce.

I smiled as my eyelids fluttered open. The sun was streaming in through the window making my skin glitter in a mysterious way but not sparkling like the rest of my vampire family. I knew that Jacob was awake because everything was silent- Jake was the LOUDEST snorer ever. I propped myself up on two of the fluffy pillows to get a better view of his face. Jacobs’s eyes were closed but he had...
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I have recently read a fanfiction story about bella getting sick with something and then she has to stay over at the cullens and all this weird stuff happens to her. Then she can't feel pain. Its not after breaking dawn is before when she is still human. I don't know what it is called. That is why i need your help inding the name of it of find out who wrote it. I like the story and i want to finish it. Please if anyone has seen of hear about this story please send me a message...My name is Brittany. My screen name is EBRCBrit. u can add me as a friend if u want!!!
It was hard to keep myself composed, to act happy and normal. Having Alice there, sitting on the divan, bank volgende to me, rubbing my hand and whispering reassurances when Charlie wasn't paying attention, helped considerably. It was hard, but thinking about the life I had ahead of me helped...and it didn't. On the one hand, I would be able to catch the most preacious thing in the world. I would be beautiful, strong, graceful, and I would at least have Alice if nothing else. On the other hand, I wouldn't have Jacob, who knew what I would be like for a while. Would I want to kill Charlie? How could I...
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At that moment, I realized that I had a shread of hope. I hadn't mean to let myself have it, yet there it was, betraying me and causing me unimaginable pain in the long run. Hope that what I dreamed of could happen. Hope that if I were fast and strong he couldn't run from me. And if I were beautiful and graceful...he wouldn't want to run. That I could find Alice. I missed her so much.
Those thoughts made it feel like I was puring acid on my wounds. My chest thrubbed. There shouldn't be any hope that I was holding onto. Because there was no hope. But I was about to die, I reminded my self. My...
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posted by teamedward_2010
I do not own twilight so please don't sue!

Lena talent is going to be that she can can know when people are lying of telling the truth.

End of Chap. 5
A piece of folded paper caught my eye. LENA was written in that perfect script. I felt my hart-, hart drop into my stomach. All I could think is not again.

Chapter 6
I don't know how long I stood there till I picked up the paper. I opened slowing hoping that it would disappear before I got it open.
My Lena,
I hope that my friend got this to you, I miss u dearly. It has been many years since your family and u left. I will know soon if u have...
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posted by teamedward_2010
I don't own twilight so please don't sue!

End of Chapter 4
" I love you." was all he zei and it was enough for me. "I love u too!" I was sure everyone in the volgende room heard us. He patted the bed volgende to him. I climbed in and laid my head on his chest, and dozed off. I knew as long as I had my Seth I would be OK.

Chapter 5

I woke up the volgende morning in Seth's arms, I could die a happy right now. "I didn't wake u did I?" the most perfect voice in the world asked me.
"No u didn't." I looked over to the clock 10:30, damn I was late for school. I sat up and was trying to remember what had...
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posted by JandMsMommy
La Bella Vita--This is a one-shot that I am entering in the 'Mentalward' Contest on I would post the story here, but the content is much too graphic.:-D
The story follows one dag in the life of a very disturbed Edward Cullen as he goes about his dag job. What is his dag job? You'll fine out!
It's rated M for creepiness, language, and disturbing imagery.
Hope u give it a chance, AND let me know what u think! Thanks! :-)

LINK----> link
This is a lijst - almost everything about him... Sorry I misused some letters, I just couldn't find anything!!!

A - like ABBA. Rob likes singing their songs. "Only person who sings their songs better than me is my friend Hugh Jackman" says Rob

B - like Bible. Rob would like to act in filming of Bible!!!

C - like Cola Light. Edward's favourite drink is blood, but Rob likes low fat Cola!!!

D - like Dali, Rob was acting this artist in "Little Ashes". "Playing Dali has been a complete turning point for me. I became completely obsessed with Dali during the filming, and I read every biography I could...
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posted by JandMsMommy
Hello Twilight Fans! This is the auteur of When Worlds Collide, bringing u another fan Fiction of mine to read. This time it's a One-Shot that was written for a quote challenge. It's called Vanished Love, and it's a short Romance/Mystery, rated M for some Smut and heavy drama.

Summary: Edward reminisces about his 'lost' first love.

I really hope some will give it a read, and please leave me a review if you're on FF. of u can leave a commentaar here and tell me what u think! :-)

Link---> link
Chapter Nineteen: Suspicions

I held Edward's hand as we were walking down the long isle of people. There eyes burning holes into us like the sun burning an ant through a magnifying glass. We were walking towards a door, that was shimmering goud in the light. We were almost there, but with every step, people were enclosing behind us. Following us. Following us to the door. Following us either in somewhere, of out of here. We were three feet from the door now, and I felt a tug at my arm as I tried to proceed and Edward stopped. I turned to face him.
"Time to go!" I zei and he shook his head.
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Stephenie Meyer Vindicated: Lawsuit Dismissed!

By Twilight_News | 3 December 2009

A few months back we covered the story of Jordan Scott (aspiring singer,songwriter, screen writer, model, novelist, actress) who claimed that Stephenie Meyer plagiarized Breaking Dawn from Jordan Scott’s novel The Nocturne. We geplaatst a case door case analysis as to how (aside from the obvious fact that the texts bore little resemblance to each other) that this was impossible based on copyright dates and other factors.

This was the seconde story regarding plagiarism in 2009. The first story about Stephenie plagiarizing...
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Chapter Eighteen: Waiting

Later that night, everything was bad. The conversation on what to pick, even though we had many meer hours on end to talk about this, I still had a feeling we'd have to just rebuild and re live. Which I didn't mind, I just wanted to go back to normal. The normal where I live happily ever after with Edward and his family, with Renesmee too, and no obsticles of disagreements in our way. But then again, no life, supernatural of not, was perfect.
"Well," I said, first words after Edward had finally stopped repeating NO every five minutes. It was like the time he went into...
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posted by Isabellaashley
New Moon Movie Review

On the 27 November 2009, I’d gone to Sunway Pyramid to catch the first tonen of the dag of the twilight saga: NEW MOON. It had been released the vorige dag in Malaysia but unfortunately I’d changed my plans to watch it on the first dag due to the massive crowd that were as excited as I was to watch the most anticipated movie of the year. The adrenaline was pumping in my whole body that I’d found it difficult to concentrate on my life until my desire was fulfilled and I was not disappointed after watching it. The tonen started at 10.45 am and I managed to enter...
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Hello!!!Tell me What u think!!Hope u like it!!-courtney!!

Renesmee POV....35 years later

"Mom"I yelled from the bath room,In my Lake house in Michigan

"What Honey?"She asked from the door and came in

"Mom im Pregnant again"I zei and lifted up the pee stick thet read postive

"Oh thats Great"She zei all Happy and cheery

"I know so will u help me tell every one when they get back?"

"Yep"Mom zei and ran down stairs

Jake and Me have 3 kids already and are now going to have 4,The oldest Jamie,she's 16 and a wolf like her dad,0% vampire.
Then Ricky,he's 15 and 25% Vampire and 0% wolf.
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These are the thoughts of Bella after her depression when Edward leaves her in New Moon...

Time passes
In so many ways
Minutes turn into hours
And hours turn into days

And when u left me
Early last fall
Just to see your beautiful face
I would have gegeven it all

Time passes
I say it'a a crime
But all anyone says is
It'll get better in time

"It'll be like I never existed"
From a promise to a lie
Just wondering how u could say that
That alone would make me cry

When something reminded me of you
I felt a hole in my chest
You leaving was for the worst
When u thought it was for the best

If only I knew then
That we...
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posted by Gabstaaa
Yeee! i finally wrote something.. i think im going to write regularly now :D hope u like it !!

‘In green. Yes.’
‘Enough to last the day?’
‘Yes. Yes. Yes! Anymore vragen Alice?’ I snapped. I know I shouldn’t. She’s only trying to help.
‘No. I think you’ve got everything. Were taking my Porsche so go get in. Jasper’s already there waiting.’ Instructed Alice while dancing over to Esme to say goodbye. When I say dance, I mean literally dance. Alice doesn’t just walk, she glides of dances of prances.

I had the walking, the talking...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
Gas up that space shuttle because u can travel back and forth to the moon four times in the time it will take for New Moon to release. If u aren't into flying, u could always drive kruis country seven times making frequent Starbucks stops. If u are less energetic, u could always just sit home pagina and watch Twilight (2008) 348 times while the hours to November 20th tick down. The agony of waiting is torturing Twilight fans around the globe, but today, we have some ideas to help u stay busy during this treacherous time.

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and the rest of...
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Chapter 12- A New Life                    

I eagerly finished eating and stood up. “I’m ready to leave now,” I sighed. “When do we start?”

“Es... are u sure you’re up to traveling right now? u still don’t look very good,” Tom replied. “I don’t want u to strain yourself,” he looked straight into my eyes again.

“Tom. You’re overreacting... Like usual,” I grinned. “I’ll be much better as soon as we can get out of here,”

“Well...” he was hesitating to answer....
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posted by twilight_james
hallo guys,
I havent been writing much but I dont think that I can finish this fanfic, so if anyone wants 2 take over send me a message.
I knwo that u guys porbably want to see this finshed so i'd thought Id give u the option!
Thank you!

Damm these lonegr artikel things!!! How long doe sit have to be!!!!!!

THe rest will be pam so that I can asctully post this\
