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posted by LexisFaith
"Momma. I want to go back down stairs." Sarah was sitting on her bed, her back against the wall.
"I know." I sighed. "But Daddy is talking to Seth right now so we are going to stay up here untill they are done."
She sighed and leaned her head against the wall.
I listened to Jacob and Seth down stairs.
"So that's how it works?" Seth asked.
"Yea." Jacob sighed.
"Cool." I could hear the smile in Seth's voice.
"Look, I'm really sorry if you're mad at me but u know, I couldn't controll it. I didn't even know what was going on."
"Yea, I know. I'm not mad at you, though." I heard Jacob settle back down on the couch.
"Can I see her now?" Seth's voice was anxious.
"Sure, sure." I heard Jacob's footsteps untill they stopped at the door. "We're done." He opened the door and walked over to Sarah.
"You can go down and see Seth now."
She got up and ran down stairs. I put my head back and closed my eyes. "He imprinted." It wasn't a question.
"Yea." Jacob's voice was closer now. I opened my eyes to see him standing behind me. He bent down to kiss me and I stood up.
"It's not so bad. At least Seth's a good kid."
"You found me!" Seth's voice carried up the stairs along with Sarah's giggle.
I couldn't help but smile at her giggle. "And at least she's in good hands. He's got a good head on his shoulders. And he doesn't want to kill her." I smirked and walked out of the room.
"That's not fair." Jacob chuckled.
Seth had Sarah on his shoulders spining her around. "Woah." Sarah giggled. "Now I'm dizzy."
Seth laughed and sat down on the couch, sitting Sarah on his knee.
"Would u like to stay for dinner?" I asked Seth as I walked into the kitchen.
"Yea, sure. Thanks."

After we put Sarah in her nightgown, she wouldn't let us put her in the bed untill she went downstairs to tell Seth good night.
"Will u be here tomorrow?" Sarah was sitting on his knee again.
"As soon as I get off work." He promised.
"Kay." She hopped down and Jake picked her up. "Night."
"Night Sarah." As Jacob and Sarah dissapered into her room Seth stood up and walked over to me.
"I'm gonna' head home. See u tomorrow." He hugged me and walked over to the door.
"Bye. Be careful." I told him. He waved and closed the door behind him.

The rest of the week Seth was over everynight. We were running low on food now and I had already been to the store three times. And I couldn't blame it all on the guys, because I was eating for four.
Sarah was with Seth at Sue's and Grandpa Charlie's. Jacob had gotten a job at the car koop and I was stuck at home pagina door myself. Mom stopped door everyother dag to give me some company and today was one of those days.
"How have u been feeling?" She was sitting beside me on the divan, bank while I munched on some chips.
"Tired." I sighed. "I just wish they would come out already." I smiled.
"Be careful what u wish for." Bella smiled with me.
"I just can't wait to see them. I'm excited."
"Good. u should be." Bella laughed, only it sounded meer like bells than a laugh. "Well, I best get back to Edward. I love you."
She kissed my head and walked to the door. "Love u too, Mom."
She smiled and was gone before I could blink.
"Looks like it's just us again." I sighed and pushed myself up off the couch. I went to the keuken-, keuken and grabbed the ice cream out of the freezer. With in seconden the ice cream tub was on the floor and the phone was in my hand.
"Quil! Get Jake on the phone!" I gasped.
"Sorry, Nessi. He's busy."
"NOW!" I gasped again and held door breath waiting for the pain to pass.
"Okay, jeez. Jake!" Jake's name was muffled as he yelled away from the phone.
"Jake." I finally had space were I could talk. "You have to come home." I gasped again as another pain ripped through me.
"Nessi, I'm kind of busy."
I spoke through clenched teeth. "Unless u want me to give birth to these kids on the floor, u best get home."
It took him a moment to register what was happeneing and Quil was the one who answered back.
"Well, he just dropped the phone and sprinted out the door."
"Okay. Thanks." I sighed and hung up.
The door flung open and Seth walked in with Sarah. "She told me." He zei and put her down.
"Sarah." I looked at her. "Go back your bag okay? Get two outfits and two pairs of pajamas." She nodded and took off up the stairs. "Could go go help her? Her bags are on the top, boven shelf. I don't think she can reach them."
"Sure." Seth followed after her.
"Renesmee!" Mom flew over to me. "Are u okay?"
I nodded. "Yea I'm fine. Did u tell Carlisle."
"No not yet. I wanted to make sure first. I will go now." She picked me up and laid me down on the couch. "I'll be right back." She kissed my head and walked out as soon as Jacob walked in.
"Hey." She came and sat door my head. "Need something?"
He knew from experince not to say of do to much.
"Water." I gasped. He nodded and went into the kitchen.
I heard Sarah coming down the stairs. "I want to carry it."
"Sarah, it's heavy." Seth told her.
I heard her sigh. "Fine." She gave up.
She walked over to me and sat down on the coffee table. "Are u okay?"
"I'm fine." I smiled reasuringly. "You're going to stay at Gradma Sue's and Grandpa Charlie's for a couple days."
"Okay. Do I get to come home pagina when the babies get here?"
"Of course." I nodded.
She walked over to me and kissed my cheek. Something I always did to her. "Bye, Momma. I love you."
"I love u too." I told her.
"See ya', Nessi." Seth picked up Sarah.
"Bye. Watch her!" I smiled.
He snorted and rolled his eyes. "I got this."
I laughed and waved goodbye to Sarah as the door closed. Jacob came back with my water in his hands. He gave it to me and sat down, pulling my feet onto his lap.
It was quiet for a moment then the door flew open and Carlisle, Edward, and Bella were running up and down the stairs with medical equipment. As soon as I saw the two incubaters my hart-, hart flew into a nervous frenzy.
One baby will be completely healthy, but the other two wil not. The smallest germ here could possibly kill them. My breathing turned into quick gasps. Dad was beside me within seconds. "Bella!" Edward called and she blured into view. "Clean everything. Sanitize everything!" He caught my thoughts before my gasps turned into a full blown pancice attack.
It clamed my breathing, but not my heart. They would still be in utter complete danger being three months premature.
"It's going to be alright." Dad's cool hand ran across my clamy fourhead. "Carlisle know's what he is doing."
I nodded, not trusting my voice.
He had me upstairs and on the medical bed before Jacob even knew what had happened.
We were in a room I didn't even know we had. It was plain, just like the babies room's were before. Only this room was bigger. It was a hospital room. Everything the babies and I needed was in the room.
"Kaelem is to big. I'm going to have to do a C-Section." Carlisle's spoke in a sure voice.
I looked at Jake's face, knowing it was a relfection of my own; fear, anxiety.
Carlisle placed a breathing tube in my nose and stuck a few needles in my arm. Jacob winced with me as he had felt them too.
"Where is Alice?" I asked.
"I'm right here." She called and fluttered to my side. "I'm here." She kissed my fourhead and dissapeard behind the sheet that was sepreating my chest from my stomach.
"You are going to feel pressure, but no pain." Carlisle's voice came from behind the curtin.
The pressure was slight, barley noticeable.
There was a wailing cry and Alice spoke. "Kaelem."
"Here." Edward's voice.
"Kaela." Alice again.
"I will take her." Bella's voice.
"Kaeleb." Alice. "I will take him. u stitch Nessi up."
There was only one cry. Kaeleb's. I could feel the silent tears stream down either side of my face and dissapear into my hair.
Jacob squeezed my hand and looked down at me.
I closed my eyes and hoped that there would be two meer cries. There was nothing but quietness. Edward had Kaelem swaddled in a blanket and in Jacob's arms. But my arms were empty. My hart-, hart sank and I waited once more, not breathing.
Twenty-six seconden later two ear peircing crys broke the silence and I let out a sigh in relief.
Writting part 30 on my spot! ^_^

[i]Jacob's POV [i]

I still can't believe this... Bella? Why would for any reason she would do that? I know that she like "mind controlled" but still!!!

Then we saw a small red house. The Volturi can't fit in there! It's too small. Edward knocked on the door and the door opened. I looked around, the place was old, but fully decorated with picture frames, red flags, and some maps of the world. This place is larger than what it looked like outside.

In the end of the hall there were three chairs, thrones I guess. I couldn't reconize who was in the center or...
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posted by Isabellaashley

The woods were filled with silence and I looked around for any signs of the slayer. As I heard the leaves on the ground rustling, I turned around and there he appeared from the treetops of a nearby boom and he gave me a sly smile which sent shivers down my spine before slowly approaching me and my hart-, hart was pounding inside my chest. I was vulnerable as there wasn’t anyone to protect me and I knew that I was going to die here, alone. Please let this be over fast, I thought to myself.
Every step that he took towards me was another step closer to death. His long, black hair was flowing...
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posted by Isabellaashley

The woods were filled with silence and I looked around for any signs of the slayer. As I heard the leaves on the ground rustling, I turned around and there he appeared from the treetops of a nearby boom and he gave me a sly smile which sent shivers down my spine before slowly approaching me and my hart-, hart was pounding inside my chest. I was vulnerable as there wasn’t anyone to protect me and I knew that I was going to die here, alone. Please let this be over fast, I thought to myself.
Every step that he took towards me was another step closer to death. His long, black hair was flowing...
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Chapter three

I took a step back automatically. My eyes still wide taking in the view. Four males walked out into the clearing. I knew for sure that they were vampires because there skin sparkled like mine. They didnt look like they were going to kill me but i couldnt take the chance.
I knew i wouldnt win this fight so i started to back away. I was preparing to run when the blonde one spoke.
"We are not here to harm you, we are here to explain this way of life meer clearly to you!" He gave me a friendly smile and held out his hand. But...
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posted by Isabellaashley

''Everybody wants to know where his erwt jas came from!'' exclaims the costumer. Unfortunately, it is a one-of-a-kind piece (er, sort of: three to four were made for filming purposes) which Chuck herself crafted after not being able to find the perfect one. ''We needed the right fit, [and] I couldn't find anything in the right shade of gray,'' she recalls. ''Catherine [Hardwicke, the director] is really big on back story for her characters and anything that can help that, even if it's in a texture of color of clothes.'' After considering ''probably 20 swatches,'' Chuck went with one from Mood Fabrics and based her final design on a combination of other styles of erwt coats. In the end, his turned out as ''a classic shape with a modern twist.''
I promoted my stories and my confessions door making a new spot. It's name is my gebruikersnaam patrisha727. I will post up meer artikels there than here. So if u would want to read more, cheack out my spot and check news in the forum for rules and rewards if u participate ( it'll explain what I'm talking about ) and for additional news in the future. I'll post announcements from there and if there are any delays. PLEASE kom bij MY SPOT!!!!! YOU'LL BE REWARDED IF u DO!!!!!!

Bella's POV

After that call with Rosalie, I announced to everyone, the Cullens and the pack on where Alice and Rosalie werre...
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Edwards pov

"Bella family meeting " I zei while eating my elk.
"okay i am ready are you?"
"yes "
So we so we started to run of race i would say to the family meeting . When we all got there and got seated the meeting started .

Carlise Pov
"thank u guys for coming to the meeting , and sorry for interrupted your hunting time . But we have some important news " i said
" what is it Carlise " edward zei very serious
"Well esmee and i have decied to leave are coven and come back in a jaar of so okay and u guys can leave if u want to . But I am Going to start door asking rose and emmett . so what is your desion ."isaid "well rose and i have decideed to go away for a little while and come back when u come back ,and we will not be enrolling in forks this year.." emment said
"okay alice ,jasper are u leaving of staying" i zei " well we are staying " alice chimed in.
posted by Doopey
hallo hope u like this... If u have any ideas of how to make my writing better.. please commentaar :D

Chapter three

My body froze. I couldnt breathe. I couldnt verplaats any muscle in my body. I just thought. What have i done to deserve this. What has my family done to deserve me. Then my fear broke through. I was on the floor sobbing my tearless sobs. When Edward pulled me into his arms.
"Bella love it will all be ok. Alice saw what they are planning to do. We can surprise them. Please dont worry. I wont let anyone hurt you."
Edward zei this with so much love in his voice. I knew he meant it. But...
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posted by jamiesue00
Nessie POV
I’m not sure what dag it is. I know I’ve been here for almost three days now. My capture has been doing some experiments on me. I have marks all over my body. Some days the experiments are not too painful, other days I scream in pain and beg him to stop of kill me. Yesterday was not a good day. He had decided to try and see what insect poison would do to me; schorpioen, scorpion bites, snake bites and others. Some days it would take a lot out of me others I would be up at a normal time. After all the bites I endured yesterday I was in no hurry to get out and see what he had in store for me...
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posted by bet-on-alice
When she walked into the dull room i did not notice at first. But suddenly a gush of wind blew her sweet and beutiful scent tingling down my throat. Never had i felt such pain and anguish yet the thrill of a new adventure. She clumsily walked over to the zitplaats, stoel opposite me and offered a big smile. This was when i could have killed her, this innocent girl looking at me through the locks of her deep brown hair. Her eyes looked deeply and yet shallowly into mine. This was the moment when i knew i could not ravish her. This was the moment i started to fall in love. The mystery of Love.

Please commentaar and rate!!!! :)
posted by angiehomas
im in the devils playground
dont know anyone round here
i will try to stand my ground
and not let anyone sense my fear
cant confisgate a reality that is based on lies
i will not negociate with my pride
foolish as i was i am no longer that person
yes try to hold my gaze
my will wont lesson
and i am in the devils playground
i have my own toys
i try to not look around
to the erie noise
scrapping nails apon the pavement
and dried blood up on the walls
a smell that so nauseating
i feel i might fall
light headed i cant be
not in this place anyways
i walk further trying to find a way out of this place.
how did i get here where did i go wrong my morbid curisoty
of a unrealistic song.driven to a brink thats almost sickning
i cant find myself.a way out of the devils playground. my own personal hell
Robert Pattinson Reaches Final Deal to ster on 'Breaking Dawn'
Tue, 19 May 2009 23:21:11 ET

© Eliot Press/Bauer-Griffin

23-year-old hottie Robert Pattinson told The Hollywood Reporter in Cannes on Tuesday, May 19 that he will ster on "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn", the fourth and final installment of the vampire drama movies, which are based on the novels of Stephenie Meyer.

However, Summit Entertainment hasn't set the production datum of the flick because the British actor has a "jam-packed shooting schedule". He will fly to Vancouver, Canada in October to finish the filming of "Eclipse",...
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posted by angiehomas
consider me warned i have been scorn to breach a life i envisioned for us
i will not mourn anymore. my hart-, hart conflicting a war a rage inside i cant deny what u have taken from me im in a blissful state of insanity i will not wake on my own i have lost all my rights to humanity i am so torn.walking away as u did i wasnt your equal i felt like a kid i wanted to die right there lay down my tears no longer did i care how could u leave did u not feel the pull.another of my delusions i am such a fool.why couldnt i be enough.i will always love you
posted by CharmedVamp101
I awoke, chilled to the bone. Part of the reason being that the love of my life was right here beside me. He was a vampire, so of course I would be cold. But the other part was the dream I just awoke from.
Edward and I were at the wedding ceremony, we were reciting our vows. I was wearing a beautiful white gown, of my own design, that Alice created for me. Edward was wearing a black, traditional tux. My bridesmaids were wearing lila colored floor length dresses, that I also designed. I was holding a bouquet of white roses, freesia, perzik blossoms, and little white flowers. Those flowers also...
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posted by renesmeblack
My favoriete scene in new moon is the breakup. Now, before u say I'm not a TRUE twilight fan, think about it. If Edward didn't leave, Jacob would cease to exist(metaphorically speaking, of course). Then, Bella would be staying human. No Renesmee, no wedding, and no Jacob Black. u might be thinking,well, Edward would change her sooner of later, right? Wrong. I hope I'm not spoiling anything, but remember in eclipse when Edward zei he got over his taste for her blood? Do u remember why? If he didn't leave, he would be too afraid to try. New moon is all about the breakup, and Jacob edging his way into Bella's life. Yep, I'm talking to you, Team Jacob. If u really like Jacob, u see things like me.
posted by sh0rtiinedward
i didn't know what to do when i saw Jacob in front of my house, so as soon the car stop i got out but as soon he saw me he took off running to the woods, i follow him for 2 minuten until he stop.

"I came to fix everything, Bella call me to come and talk to you, but now u have things meer important" he zei very angry and with tears in his eyes, i never saw him like this.
"Jacob I'm sorry, mom never told me anything, and nothing is meer important than get all thing straight up with you" i zei to him as i try to hug him but he verplaats right away.
"You know what Rennesme, i have to go, go and have...
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posted by TotallyMe105
Ok this is my first artikel ever on here so go easy on me.
For my first artikel I dacided to review Breaking Dawn since I have strong opinions on the book andso do most of u guys.sooo without further of do....

"Breaking Dawn Review"

Good Things:
1.)Personally I thought the wedding was beautifully portrayed and the way I imagined it and Bella finally stopped whining about Jacob long enough tosay "I Do" to Edward.
2.)I like how Stephenie Meyer gave a surprise withthe whole Renesmee thing.I also like how she made it lead up to think that Ness was going to be a boy.
3.)The book was well written and...
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I can’t believe this is Monday already, time to go to school and act human, with all those people “Humans”
“Nessi are u ready honey” my aunt Alice yelled.
“Yes I’m on my way” I graph my backpack and I started walking to the door.
“Rennesme sweetheart can we talk for a minute” my mom asked me
“Sure mom”
“Well honey tell me what’s going on? I see u that u are very sad”
“Mom I feel so bad, I can’t understand what’s going on, I fell so badly with JACOB, I told very horrible stuff and now I need him, he was my best friend and my big brother. He was there for...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I'm having problems posting this...if anyoneis paying attention read this one!!!

Hey guys, I went a dag without writing!! I know it doesn't sound like much but it was REALLY hard not to I might put up a few tonight. Here's the volgende chapter, enjoy and commentaar please?


"She left me in my room, telling me that someone would let me know when avondeten, diner was before closing the door. I heard a lock slide into place. I didn't understand and had so many vragen that I just flung myself on the bed and cried until I heard the lock sliding again.

It is time for lights out, I must...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Somebody turn the lights on, Somebody tell me what’s wrong I’d be lying if I told u losing u was something I could handle…” I had been driving for about two and a half hours the highways were clear I had the windows all the way done singing along with my I-pod.
In a matter of seconden I could see cars slowing down on the highway in Kansas and as the cars started to stop I could see a long line of cars in front of me. I can’t believe this I was finally going to make it to the volgende state before the traffic started happening.
“Whoa” I jumped at the vibrating in my right pants...
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