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Thankies for all of u who've been following this story so intently. I appreciate all the kindhearted support u give! This is the last chapter...and I hope u like it! I was thinking to do a short follow up, but idk. What do u think I should do? Hope u enjoy! Much love to each of you, from me!! (:
Eternally Faithless, Forever Hopeful
“Are there any other reasons as to why they’re here, Edward?” Carlisle inquired hastily. “No,” Edward replied, slightly taken aback, “They don’t even care to see whether Bella’s an immortal yet of not. Actually, they want us to come to them.” Carlisle’s mouth tightened into a hard line, “That’s odd. I’ll go see what they want.” Summer pulled him back door the arm, “No, Carlisle. This obviously involves me. I’m coming with you.” Jake and Edward looked at each other and then to Carlisle, “We’ll come, too.” Jake insisted. Summer wanted to oppose, but it was too late. They walked over to a thick hedge of trees, hoping a “surprise” wasn’t waiting to attack them. Carlisle slowly rounded a large boom trunk, and there stood Caius and Marcus. “Hello, Carlisle,” Caius began, deceivingly friendly, “Wonderful. Edward picked up our mental notes.” Everyone retained their silence, simply glowering at the Volturi elders. “We want no meer trouble, Caius,” Carlisle warned, “and, at the moment, you’re interrupting a very important day.” Caius nodded, “We know. Congratulations, Summer and Jacob. We’ll keep this short and to the point.” There was a heavy silence until Caius started his explanation, “As u all know, Aro is gone, and his death has left our clan in distraught. We knew u would have punished him, but we had no idea u were going to take such drastic measures. Summer, as fulfillment of Aro’s desires, we ask u for your newborn. We’ll raise the child the way Aro intended, and it will eventually claim Aro’s place as head elder.” Summer clenched her teeth. The Volturi wasn’t about to ruin the rest of her life, “What?! Caius…do u realize how idiotic u sound? Make yourself of Marcus head elder! Aro is dead, and Jake is now the father of my children. Anakin isn’t coming with you. Head back to Volterra and whine about it if u want, but you’ll never lay a hand on my kids!”

Caius laughed, “You think I was making a plea? No, no, no.” His disposition became hostile, “It was a demand. We’ll see to it that Anakin lives up to the meaning of his name.” Carlisle lifted his hand to silence the ensuing chaos, “Caius, u have no right to come to our home pagina and treat my family in this manner. We will not hand over Anakin. We’ll strike a compromise instead.” Caius grunted, “Very well. What do u propose, old friend?” Summer used her shield to convey her thoughts to Carlisle, “Any alternative is going to take my baby away from me, Carlisle. I can’t do that.” “I know, dearest,” He replied, “but we must think of something that will make the Volturi believe they have a say in Anakin’s future.” “How?” Carlisle paused for a moment, “When Anakin is eighteen years of age, we explain the Volturi clan to him, take him to spend a week with them, and allow him to decided if he’d like to stay in Volterra and rule over the Volturi.”

Summer’s hart-, hart broke in two. It was the most agreeable way to mold Anakin’s future, but she was risking the chance of growing up her son without Volturi influence. She didn’t reply orally nor mentally to Carlisle. She merely nodded inertly. Carlisle explained the idea to Caius, “So, do u agree to this?” Caius glanced at Marcus, “Yes, we do. Just be certain u do not fill the boy’s head with horrible thoughts of us. “Yes, master.” Summer muttered through her teeth. Caius and Marcus bowed their heads. “See u in a few years, if u keep out of trouble.” Marcus warned. The elders left, sure not to disturb the Cullens’ peace for a while. “Come,” Edward beckoned to Jake and Summer, trying to replace the happiness, “We need to hurry if we’re going to make it on time to the airport. Alice won’t be pleased to hear you’ve missed the flight.” Summer walked alongside Jacob mutely. The car ride was peaceful and quiet, despite the upsetting emotions infusing the air. Summer hugged Edward and Bella, “Take care, sweeties.”

The airport was unusually empty, so baggage and security check was a breeze. The couple only talked about the good times of the day, steering clear of any distressing conversations. Summer fell asleep in Jake’s arms on the plane. His warmth was soothing, temporarily easing her thoughts. Landing and riding over to the hotel flew door all too soon. This was not how she envisioned her honeymoon. They checked in and followed the bellman up to the twenty-first floor. Jake pulled out a few singles from his wallet and handed it to the young man, “Thanks.” Summer unlocked the door and flipped on the light switch, “Wow…this room is huge. There’s a living room and a full-sized kitchen. Who needs that much space on a vacation, though?” Jake chuckled lowly, “That’s the most emotion you’ve shown in hours, love.” She set her bag down in the bedroom and stepped out onto the spacious patio overlooking the beach. It was a childish thought, but the strong night wind dancing through her hair made her wish she could fly away from it all. Jake walked up to her slowly and embraced her from behind, “Why are u so sad, honey?” He whispered softly, “We’re still Anakin’s parents, and we’re still going to raise him. It’s already evident his young love for u is unbreakable. He’ll never leave his family to control a gang of ruthless vampires. Have faith, sweetheart.”

Faith…faith was always the thing lacking most from Summer’s heart. She had little faith in everything, including herself. The vraag “what could faith do?” lurked through her mind her whole life, beginning with the death of her parents. She’d admit she was blessed in some cases, but all her life, the bad outweighed the good. That was something Jake and the Cullens could not change; something that could lead to her ultimate downfall…because she was a faithless person. She leaned back her head and gazed into Jake’s worried eyes, “I have faith, sweets,” she lied, “and I’m not about to let the Volturi ruin our life together.” Jake’s fingers played with Summer’ bouncy curls, “We’re a team now, love. u don’t have to face anything alone, counting the Volturi.” She was faithless, but thank God Jake restored a small straal, ray of hope in her darkened heart. Summer smoothed her husband’s cheek with her thumb, wrapping her arms around his neck. She faintly smiled and intertwined her soft lips with his. She locked the doors and gently pushed him onto the bed. It was her wedding night, and she was going to make the most of it with Jake. Worry was going to stay out of her head for the remainder of her honeymoon. Although the newlywed couple refused to take note of them, many lethal dangers still lurked along the horizon. As Caius once pointed out so very sternly, The Volturi was not the forgiving type. The wise Edmund Burke put it so well; the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
I hope u loved it! :D I'm going to miss writing this story ): Thankies for reading, sweets. Please leave a commentaar <3
added by emruking
Source: Me
added by Zeisha
posted by zeimed8
NAME: Edward Anthony Masen Cullen
DATE OF BIRTH: June 20, 1901
PLACE OF ORIGIN: Chicago, Illinois
EYE COLOR: Green (human); gold/black (vampire)
HEIGHT: 6‘2"
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Edward is thin and lanky but muscular. He has untidy
bronze hair and boyish looks.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: He can read the thoughts of anyone in close proximity to him,
with the exception of Bella Cullen.
EDUCATION/OCCUPATION: He has two medical degrees but has never worked as a
doctor. His other graduate degrees are in literature,...
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In July 2008,the cast of Twilight made their Comic Con debut.Also at the panel were the creator/author of Twilight,Stephenie Meyer,making her first appearance at Comic Con,and Catherine Hardwicke,the director.This was the beginning of the Twilight phenomenon,where fans could see the first glimpse of Twilight brought to life door the cast.In 2009,Kristen,Robert and Taylor came back to Comic Con for New Moon,with a new director,Chris Weitz,who appeared at the panel,along with Ashley Greene,who plays Alice Cullen,who made her first Comic Con appearance.
Sadly,there was no Comic Con appearance in...
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posted by LexisFaith
Good news of bad news first? Good news? Great choice. The good news is, I'm back :) The bad news is, Bella's still missing. . .sorry.
Edward POV Flashback

I ran up to my father's suit and pounded my fist on the door loudly and until the door finally swung open. "Son? What's wrong?" My mother saw the panic etched on my face.
"Bella." I walked in the suit. "She's gone."
"Where did she go?"
"I don't know!" I ran my hand thorugh my hair. "The gil at the front bureau zei a man with blond hair took her. I think Jame's has her!"
"Wait just a minute." My...
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posted by cheerathlete08
       Hi guys can u believe I started writing about seven weeks ago? I can't!! Well anyways here's the volgende part! So guess what! I am almost finished writing the rest of midnight sun. I wanted to post it all today but I was afraid I would get to far behind:( anyways I am almost done with the ballet scene just a heads up and then I am finished:(  well anyways I am deciding to write meer of the twilight saga (no big shocker there) and two very different characters I know that I feel like I could look into. That is Diego from the Bree Tanner novel and Jacob Black in new moon. I picked...
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This is a small book i am writing about the life of Renesmee cullen after (Breaking Dawn) It is in her point of view for almost the whole time (with a few exceptions). She is now a teenager, trying to figure out what her lifestyle really is. Packed with Action, romance and Adventure i assure u this will be worth your time! But I suggest starting from chapter 1 to get the full impact and information (:

Chapter 27: To hell and Back

I lay still in the darkness, hearing a steady beat of a loud thud echoing throughout me.


Ugh, even now under the worst circumstances it was annoying....
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Chapter 15: Jacobs point of view: My gravity.
I will be switching back to renesmee's after this one (:

I lay there in wreathing pain, But not the fast healing broken bones nor the cuts hurt as much of the thought that Renesmee, my Nessie wasn't safe.

"Calm done, bro" I heard seth say after my ranting, through short breaths, on where Renesmee is.

"Calm..?" My hands balled up in fists, Seth imeditly recoiled," Your asking me to calm down seth?" I said, the acid in the words burned on my tounge.

"I promise she is safe, i drove her home pagina myself." He said, hands raised. although the confiedence in his...
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Hi, all! Thank u SO very much for reading! I hope the story isn't becoming boring. All your commentaren are so inspiring. I'm so thankful for y'all. I do hope u enjoy this chapter. Take care and I'd love to know u what u think about this update ;)

The morning reached all too soon for the Blacks. Summer forced whatever last minuut items she could into her suitcase, and Jake was discussing extra responsibilities with Chloe downstairs. “Chloe,” Jake gave her solemn, fatherly look, “handling sixteen jaar old twin boys is not an easy task,...
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Chapter 10: And then there was one

My world seemed to be falling apart at the seams. All we knew is that there were at least 23 wolfes, and 19 of us. If only they'd let me fight... But Billy says he may be able to reason with them; a favour for a favour. I doubted that though. At this point i was never alone. I felt like how i was when i was little, always being supervised no freedom. But i guess this was better then facing death. There really was going to be a fight.. there really might be lifes lost.

"..And no funny buisnuess this time, alright?" I heard my mothers voice chime.

"Of course mother.."...
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posted by LexisFaith
So this chapter came to me when I was trying to sleep last night and I just have to get it out here. A new character is introduced and it just might surprise you...maybe.

While the girls were getting dressed in our room, the guys and Mason took the liberty of dressing everywhere else in the house. Emmett wore a dark gray suit with a red tie, Japser a white tux with a yellow tie, and Mason and I wore dark black suits with dark blue ties.

"When are they going to be ready?" Mason flung his head back on the couch.

"Never." Emmett groaned. "When everything...
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posted by LexisFaith
I finally got my legs to verplaats down the stairs and into the laundry room where I grabbed Mason's pajamas out of the clean basket.

"Edward!" Bella's voice was in my ears, her hands on either side of my face. "I have been calling your name. Are u okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I assured her.

"Have u been thinking about Sara?" She asked.

"No." Why would she be asking me that.

"Babe, why are u crying?" Her thumbs traced over my unknown shed tears.

"I don't know. I didn't know I was." I told her honestly. "I guess it was Mason."

"Why? What happened?" She was starting to worry and panic.

"Nothing is wrong."...
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posted by LexisFaith
So as of right now I'm haulting all of my fanfictions besides Unpredictable and Undeniable because I have writer's block. I have a new story swimming around in my head but I'm not so sure I should write it because my stories aren't getting as many commentaren as All for the Love of Sin. I understand u liked that one best but that doesn't mean u should give up on my other stories. If u are reading them, PLEASE commentaar so I will know.

So this volgende thing is a discription of the one that is swimming around. commentaar and let me know if u would like to read it!!!

Edward Cullen is a Junior at Dartmouth...
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One jaar Later….

“Kayla! Sit down before u hurt yourself!”
“Well u grab her then before she hurts herself!”
Edward’s quick hands shot out and picked up the running toddler that was wreaking havoc in our living room. He then gently guided me back to the leather sofa where I eased myself onto the zitplaats, stoel slowly.
“You should know better,” he chastised me.
I rolled my eyes and folded my arms, letting them rest on the bump in front of me. He sat volgende to me, holding our squirming daughter in his strong arms.
“Where are the others?” I asked him. “They should be...
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posted by kaulitztwinsfan
hallo guyzz...!!!! 3 months of Winter Vacations!! So..u're gonna get alot on Seth and Norah...Here's the 5th Chapter..Hope U like it!!

Chapter 5
Norah's POV

I was gazing intently at his face. I tried to read his face..A lovely face..seemed like he was worried..For me?? I slipped my hand around his waist, holding on tightly to his body. He was sooo hot...Temperature I mean..Made me feel good. Other things didn't matter, as long as I could be with him. I stared at him waiting for him to look down at me. But he didn't..Why??
Just as I was having a feeling of my hart-, hart being ripped out of my chest and...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
It's the centuary with corsets, dresses and the old -fashion way to marry. I just wish my mother Renne and my father Charlse (short, and easy to call him Charlie), would stop forcing me to marry. I just turned 18 and now, they want me to have responsibility of being married. The worse thing is, everyday a kind and suitable bachalor arrives in our mansion. They are all sweet to care, but I don't really love them. The person I marry, I have to fall for in a 'love at first sight' thing.
It's now 10 o clock and my mother, is helping me with my lacy corset. "Hold still Isabella." She...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
Sitting at the grave of my best friend ad my daughter in the town of la push makes me think of two species that changed everything.
The stone read "Jacob Black" and "Renesmee Cullen" side door side, together in unity.
i visit every year, to see how time has not aged them, of will fright of heartache will offend them, They are forzen and in peace.
However zei that love doesnt not sacrifice was mad. From what i have seen of love in my 80 years of non-living
Love doesnt not judge but it accused.
It does deserve justice nor is it punished.
Love is neither earned of found, nor created, its just there....
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posted by MaddieQuack
The men surround me and I am getting ready to scream with all I've got when I see the headlights approaching. I'm thankful that whoever it is may help me. The car spins around its a rather new Volvo. It's Edward Cullen's. The door swings open and he orders me to get inside. But he had turned the vehicle so fast that it was still moving. Moving towards my frail body. The open door hit my head and the crack of my scull breaking fills the air. Blood pours into my eyes and mouth. I fall over and slam onto the cement. The Volvo continues its movement, crushing my legs beyond repair and the smell...
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posted by LexisFaith
Edward pov.

I was standing down stairs when Alicen came bounding down the stairs chanting. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

"What, what, what?" I laughed.

"Mommy looks so pretty." She smiled wide. "Just wait and see."

I could hear Bella's heels click on the stairs and I looked up, my breath catching in my throat.
Her dress...don't even get me started. It showed just enought skin for me but I wasn't so sure I wanted any other man seeing her like this.

Alicen tugged on my hand, breaking my train of thought. "Can we go now?" She asked.

"Let's go." I smiled.

Alicen was wiggling in her zitplaats, stoel and wouldn't be still....
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posted by LexisFaith
I opened my eyes and forgot where I was for a moment. I was home. I smiled and sat up, listening to the rain hit my window with little plinks, and looking around my room. My bag and boots were sitting infront of my closet door.

I chuckled as I pictured Bella and Alicen bringing them up. Bella would be carrying my beg and a boot and Alicen would have the other boot, giggled. Bella would be giggling at her and sushing her so, Alicen would place her little hand over her mouth. Oh how I missed being home.

I climbed out of bed and ran my hands through my hair. I brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs....
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